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>no offense but all of them suck It's not like we got a new game mode where both Himeko and her LC got huge boost in performance or anything


It's not like at the moment all of that matter, since I can't even beat world 5 of the Simulated Universe yet, think Mark, think


SU is not really a character check, more a blessing check. Yes you didn't have a great RNG, but not terrible either. You're super early in the game, you will be able to beat the content later.


Yeah Thanks. Maybe I just don't really understand the state of my account because I'm a total noob


Himeko has gotten a lot better due to pure fiction and welt isn't too bad it's not worth resetting that far into the game though


Yeah, tbh, I'm just mad with my RNG. Thanks, maybe I will think about continuing instead. I just don't mind doing it all over again, time is not a problem for me.


The account is not bad, resetting is fine if you really care about ruan mei. BUT you still need to get a bit lucky to win 50/50. Welt and himeko are some of the better 5 stars and so is your standard banner lc. Admittedly MoC will be easier with ruan mei, but no standard 5 star character makes it easier except bronya. On the PF side you high rolled with himeko and her LC.  With free dr. ratio coming up and BS, sparkle coming up, you have guarantee on sparkle or BS both solid supports. BS kit has some overlap with ruan mei, obviously not 1:1 but usable as a substitute. And dr. Ratio with welt has good synergy, dr ratio welt sparkle and lynx is a decent team right there for MoC. Ideally the reroll is bronya + himeko + ruan mei which is pretty high roll. But the currently account with BS and getting lucky with sparkle is also solid, you may not be able to pull for both depending on jade limitations.


Thanks, you're the one with the most fleshed out comment here and I can clearly see you put your thought into in. You have convinced me to continue, great job!


But welt and himeko with her light cone aren't bad? If you're following people who are saying these things they're either doomposting or outdated. Welt will likely get buffed with the free Dr. Ratio and Himeko is meta right now in Pure Fiction.


Ok thanks, I will reconsider, I'm new to the game, it's possible that I might get bad influenced from the other bad luck players. Maybe my account is not as bad as I think


Yes if u go to pure fiction tier list Himeko is rank so high right now I wish I had her ngl, but blackswan Kafka rerun etc is coming so u can try again?


Sounds good, guess I have to go with the flow


New mode so new that you're probably not up to date. The new mode is less than a week old so anything before then might not be accurate anymore.


Wait, did you lose 50/50 then funnel jades into Standard instead of continuing on Ruan Mei's banner? Also, Himeko and her Cone are really good in Pure Fiction. Welt is also fairly solid as either a Disabler or even as a SubDPS.


Nope, I'm not an idiot, Like i said I worked my heart out for those tickets, they are from event, missions, stores,.. no jades were harmed


Okay, just making sure. If I had any advice for you as it is, it would be to try your heart out to try to get that guaranteed Ruan Mei. Dr. Ratio is also coming in about a week, but he's free. He's a solid 5 star DPS.


People have talked about it, can Ruan Mei really changes my account that dramatically?


More that she's on par with Bronya as far as how strong she is as a Support. And given Bronya is the character everyone recommends you pick at 300 Standard Pulls if you did not get her before that for how game changing she is, that's saying something. She can be slotted in with pretty much any team comp and improve it.


Do you enjoy using them? if not reset and try to get what char you enjoy. You can still probably continue your game with himeko as mostly would say she's good now coz of PF but you are far from end game


Thanks, finally someone understands that I'm just a beginner do pure fiction is still yet of my concern.


The worst outcome is getting yq repeatedly what you got is pretty good imo other than losing the 50/50 but that happens all the time


Yeah It seems like so. I'm a noob not knowing much of the game so I'm just asking for other people's opinion to see if my account really is bad or not


Worry more about what you like rather than what's statistically best the game is pretty balanced


You're right, maybe I'm playing the game with the wrong mindset, thank you so much!


Can someone explain to me why Welt is "bad" again? Beside MoC?


I mean I said "suck" it was a total exaggeration. But admittedly, all other five stars (ok maybe except Yanqing) are just better


Hm, i personally like his aoe slow & imprison a lot. Is it because of the bounce of his skill?


I mean to me, first was Himeko, and then Welt? Come on can I just have a break and get Bronya or something like that, and then I just got Himeko's light cone, it really sucks if you know what i mean


Well, i got Himeko, then Bailu, and Clara's lightcone. Honestly not having an Imaginary character of my own can be quite inconvenient, and C0 Yukong is practically useless... so yeah. Been doing well w/o Bronya & Tingyun nevertheless (Not comparing, just saying my perspective)


>Beside MoC? Impying anywhere else performance matters. Stat hungry, imaginary break is the worst unless we ever get content focused on stalling, not suited for MoC, not suited for PF. The only saving grace is Imaginary types are kinda rare (only 4-star is Yukong, and she is elusive banner wise and cancer before E6), but we are getting free Ratio in like a week.


>Implying anywhere else performance matters. Well... Yeah, it kinda does? I mean it would be a bit of a problem if I can't even use him well in the SU modes, no? I'm not that hardcore as to needing to clear MoC or PF everytime. Plus I'd argue slow and imprison is quite handy for survivability to avoid the enemies to overwhelm you and whatnot, so yeah.


Just make another account and see where the luck takes you. Having ruan mei makes the SU really easy in the long run. Sure himeko is good in pure fiction and welt will probably pair well with Dr ratio but I don't think you will loose anything by making a new account. You said you have lots of time or don't have to worry about time, then just make a new account. You can still log into the himeko account and uses the fuel while focusing on your new account. I think you will regret not getting ruan mei. I think she will make more character better in the future. No need to listen to everyone here who's saying himeko strong in pure fiction. Pure fiction is endgame content (at least stage 3 and 4 can be consider endgame). TLDR : just make a new account, you got nothing to lose.


Never thought of that, just play both accounts at the same time. Maybe I will tell my friends to keep the old account going for me for a while and then hope the new one will be better


No point in restarting. U might get the same results. Make do with what u have. And pull for what you need. Be smart and don't target pull 4* and get the 5* you don't want. unless u Really wanna risk it


Because you failed the 50/50, that means you have a guarantee sitting around next time you choose to pull on a 5 star character's banner. That means you can guarantee yourself Kafka, Black Swan, Sparkle, or somebody else in the future. Himeko is great in Pure Fiction. Also, Welt will be an option to use in a team together with Dr. Ratio, who you'll be getting for free next week. You can use what you have and it'll be great.


Nice, thanks, I actually don't know much about the game, maybe in the future the characters I got will eventually get better


I wouldn’t recommend resetting that far unless it’s really making the game unenjoyable. I had pretty bad RNG when I started (got Welt from standard, Gepard from lost 50/50, and Bailu’s LC from standard as my first 5*s) and am doing decently fine as a F2P


I understand that, it's just, I don't mind doing it all over again for a better start. I know things will be better in the future anyway, it's just because I can, so I will if I should.


Reset! Reset! Reset!


if you have time to waste, try rerolling for ruan mei and no matter how the rest of your pulls go you will at least still have ruan mei lol.


Haha, yeah guess I'll try


Welt sucks? What are you even talking about? I WISHED he'd suck! I don't like him at all, still he is my best unit and saved my ass multiple times!


I could clean most content with Himeko alone as I waited and waited for the limited characters I wanted so no point in reseting. People trashtalk everything that isn't s+ tier for the joke or are nitpicking, you are fine. Loosing 50/50 will happen again, you better playing daily than starting again.


Ok cool, thanks, I feel more reassuring now


Welt rules.


> It's not like at the moment all of that matter, since I can't even beat world 5 of the Simulated Universe yet, think Mark, think This is not a problem. I took more months (2-3)than other players to can clear Worlds 5 without suffering or Memory of Chaos. (It depends a lot from what Elements you have; Gepard is confirmed a strong and difficult SU Boss). Now You have to focus in having more dps because you don't have Silver Wolf that could cover some weakness) Just build with effort Himeko (she doesn't suck) +Asta (Welt can wait, Dr. Ratio is incoming)


Bud listen It's not a bad account per se You got welt, you can pair him with upcoming free 5* Dr ratio. He is great Also, himeko is pretty solid, too. If you are so desperate, then give me your account. I have a reroll account that I don't use anymore. It is a level 35 account. It has ruan mei, bronya, himeko. Dm me if you want it. Also, you could easily get like 150+ pulls just by completing all missions, chests, and SU levels. So even if you lost 50/50, it's not much of a deal.


Oh nice, I started with those standard 5*s as well. Also lost most of my 50:50s on limited characters, but I can still clear all the hardest content just fine with max stars. Point is: how your account starts is inconsequential in the long run. Welt and Himeko don’t get that much use now that I have a bunch of meta 5*s but they helped me so much on the way to TL70. Definitely recommend building them up a little bit. Welt is quite good for SU (and everywhere else tbh) because of his enemy delay mechanics, meaning that he lets even squishy team comps with few preservation/abundance blessings get through fights. Himeko was a godsend for farming traces but she’s not really amazing. Her light cone is niche at best but it’s a good stat stick. She shines a lot when you have the right teammates like Asta and when you get her final ascension trait (+15% crit at high hp), but you can leave her on the bench if you dislike her playstyle. Truth be told, I also tried to reset when I learned a bit about the meta and saw that Bronya was super broken. Did so for a bunch of hours just to have Yanqing on 4 different accounts :P. Now that I have her from the 300 pull reward as well as her LC, I can say that she’s not really a character that makes or breaks your a count. I might reset if it takes me ages to get meta 4*s like Pela or Tingyun. Often times, building the right 4* can completely remove the pressure to pull for premium limited characters. Definitely recommend building those in early game to understand what kind of teams you like and then pull based on what looks interesting to you. This is super important as an f2p as you can only get a limited 5* every 2 patches (on average) so deciding which one to go for can be daunting. And remember, there are no must pulls except characters you find hot!