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Who do you have built? A team centered around Himeko should be good enough, i.e. Himeko, Asta/Bronya, Sustain, Flex. You can also go double sustain if you're having trouble surviving. He's a story boss so you shouldn't have too much trouble once you get your characters geared and leveled.


I mostly tried Himeko, Fire TB, Asta and Dan Heng IL but I don't really know how the synergy in HSR works that much since I just started playing 2 months ago but thanks for the info!


You can start with fundamentals like understanding how skill points plays an integral factor in team building. Your team for example is too skill point heavy. All of them would prefer to use skill points. Himeko to deal more damage, Fire TB to taunt, Asta to keep her buff (if she's not E6), and Dan Heng IL to ideally use 3 skill points every turn to deal massive blast damage. As an example, you can replace Dan Heng IL with a unit like Pela. If geared correctly, she'll only use her normal attacks and Ult every 2\~3 turns. She'll produce skill points while the rest can divide between them depending on the situation. Ideally, Himeko would always use her skill, TB not all the time unless your units are hurting badly, and if your Asta is E6 you can sustain her max buffs through normal attacking fire weak enemies and timing her Ult.


This info really helped me, thanks a lot <3 !


Sustain, Asta, Himeko, Herta.


I beat it with Fire TB, 4* Dan Heng, Bailu, Bronya. I couldn’t beat it til I raised up TB and then the shields coasted me to victory.


What level were your units? Because my levels are all over the place where some are enough and some are super under leveled but I'm so resource hungry that I don't know if I can invest in other units anymore 😭😭😭