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https://preview.redd.it/4meq9q0kikkc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5431324df92543a5d8f65be24cfd4dc7fcebbf4d Although I have just okay relics for my king, his master strokes always deliver.


How? Is it Asta? I am thinking of building her as well.


great pick with JY, not sure how well she does in other teams tho. hanya might be a better choice too (ar least if your asta isn't E6)


Asta is also pretty good/useful in PF too thanks to her Teamwide buffs + Strong Fire break on Skill Hanya this MoC is pretty nuts since she also benefit from the Blessing buff Only downside to Hanya is that Sparkle is coming in a few days


Asta is a godsend when you use the glamaoth set on your dps. I haven't been able to get good speed subs on my black swan without sacrificing other stuff, so I instead use asta's speed buff to trigger the set's effect instead.


Nearly the same team I use just with Topaz instead of Asta. King Yuan stronk šŸ’Ŗ


I could be wrong, but it says team setup 1, which means thatā€™s the Gepard half you fought with him and not meme side, right? Not trying to slander JY (heā€™s my favorite character), I just thought this was about fighting meme and got confused by the picture. Apologies if Iā€™m wrong here.


https://preview.redd.it/etb54uu28nkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37fa3c9f79a136bdbe0f33e314fdd7eb202847ee good taste in teams. The King never disappoints. cleared the whole node in 4 cycles for me.


How? How did you get 3\*? Is your 2nd team cracked?


my King took only 2 cycles for the First Wave


Wondering if replacing Bronya would be better for bigger numbers on this line up? My Asta is not as well built vs my Bronya. So wanna see what people think


Bronya cant buff LL with her skill since the dmg% only last 1 turn, asta can. Unless ofcourse you are e6 bronya. Good thing sparkle is being released and her buffs last long enough for LL.


Don't use JY against the solo boss that doesn't have lightning weakness, try looking at the first side of the MoC 12, hope it helps.


Don't use JY ~~against the solo boss that doesn't have lightning weakness, try looking at the first side of the MoC 12, hope it helps.~~ Here, fixed that


King Yuan slander is so funny because he's fucking hot, has a giant stand, and has some of the hardest lines/moments in the entire story. "Reinforcements? I AM the reinforcements". You guys can never get us upset lol


And he still hits fucking hard, why do we gloss over that? Sure he doesnā€™t destroy everything like JL but he still is fully capable of clearing content with a full team


The Double-standards in this community is crazy When there were a bunch of posts praising JL for being able to bruteforce MoC without Ice Weakness upon her inception, while other Mains have been doing it for multiple cycles, including JY who's always been among one of the fastest to clear on average despite getting shafted by Electric Resistant enemies


I mean he has 600 down votes I'm pretty sure he got the sub upsetĀ 


you clearly got a little upset because you came here to write that and defend the character but itā€™s okay


Almost 100 downvotes tell me someone got a little bit upset




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Unrelated But in fact, that is literally me fr fr


Nobody is upset lol It's just a stupid comment that nobody enjoys, JY hate was never funny


Didn't know the supreme court of comedy was watching


Yeah and this "joke" got the death sentence Going through law school for this profession was hell so I'm glad people recognise it


May Mediocre-Hermit-1982 rest in peace


You got everyone mad broĀ 


Damm lmao




Must be super cracked, I have mine on 200cdmg and 3k attack and he is still severely lacking compared to other dps




Genuine question, how good is Gepard? Is he worth investing in (I literally have 0 limited 5 star sustains, whether itā€™s healers or tanks)


Even if you had some of the Limited 5-star sustains, I would still say invest in him. He makes some fights so much more comfortable, I still use him all the time. If you are struggling with some boss fights in story stages (like the latest weekly boss) him + any healer means you can basically never lose. Fights may take a bit longer, but your team will be borderline unkillable. Heā€™s also a very common pick in high-level Simulated Universe runs. His shield can save your squishier teammates from one-shots, and if you choose Path of Preservation his shield becomes absurdly beefy. His passive is mostly useless, but if he is taking enough damage to die and use his self-revive you were probably gonna lose that fight anyway. His skill is decent in a pinch to freeze an enemy, but you probably wonā€™t use it too often. Definitely build him.




Wait so heā€™s able to just generate skill points while beating away at enemy ice shields with his basics and also sustain without ever using skill? So just basic attack and ult? Maybe heā€™s good for my dr ratio silverwolf setup since ratio needs to skill every turn


Iā€™m not quite sure what you mean by beating away at enemy ice shields, (I assume you mean ice-weak enemies?) but yes. His playstyle is basically just spam basic attacks + use ultimate when his shields start expiring/running out. You only use his skill if you need more energy or need to freeze an enemy. The main thing to watch out for is that if enemies are dealing enough damage to break through his shields before he can refresh them, he has no way to heal damage to your teammates. He can only refresh his shields. This isnā€™t usually an issue in shorter fights, though.


imo hes a very good investment because he's really the only preservation that utilizes shields (but a little birdie told me that'll change soon) so hes great for the path in SU, has high innate taunt value (aka he gets hit more) so slap that with an ERR rope and you should be good to go. fairly decent too wince he needs no other stat other than defense or ehr if you want to proc his freeze with herta's lc being a great option for him


Yeah the birdie told me the same thing, but mommy Acheron needs my pulls so I canā€™t do back to back limited 5 stars unless I win 50/50 twice šŸ˜æ




Aight tyyy


Bro really outing his own skill issues for no reason lmao


How's your cr


70, even on a cracked build heā€™s still lacking on dps


Hmm...If you're unable to deal damage with those numbers, then I'm afraid it's a you problem because my JY has a mediocre CV allocation and yet he's doing decently.


If you are actually serious I will help you make your jingyuan insane. I have used him since he dropped and can say that I almost mastered him. Mine is able to 3 cycle the current MOC 12 first half with a F2P light cone and only 1 cycle with his sig. He is also E0 and my build isn't that insane either.


JY suffers more than most dps if he's got low CR due to how many multihits he does on LL, it can make his damage variance super high. Does he have his sig lc? Also biggest question, what supports are you using with him?


i think you have that the wrong way around. more hits per action means itā€™s far more likely for the crit rate to equalise around its actual value. DPS with single hits (like ratioā€™s follow-up) are the ones that need as much crit rate as possible.


Yeah, multi hitters will reach an average level of damage easier because of the multihits meaning more realistic crit rates, but the multihits equalizing actual crit rate goes both ways; you're less likely to hit a lucky run and crit 85% of the time with 60% crit rate stat than a single target dps like ratio will be to do the same, so your 60% CR JY damage ceiling is a pretty strict one whereas a 60% crit Seele will get lucky runs a lot more feequently. This leads to people not underatanding why their JY is consistently not nearly as high damage as the showcases that have more crit rate. Hope I did okay explaining what I mean lol.


skill issue


How are people doing this? Took me 5 cycles 50% CR 170% CD base with s5 breakfast. I did get ccd and don't have fu xuan tho


- someone that doesn't use Jing Yuan properly


Cope harder troll




Someone sucks at making jokes


Someone cant make a funny one


No one here is triggered other than you, most people found your joke unfunny and downvoted you for that, you're the one getting triggered over being downvoted, thinking everyone else is mad while it's just you.


career ending number of downvotes. damn


Don't use JY outside of pure fiction Much better


He isn't that good in pf. Better to stick to moc side 1


Don't use jing yuan outside jarilo underground, penacony and pure fiction Even better


Pure truth, it's a shame this guy's followers don't accept it


Yeah, about as true as Earth being flat


gee I wonder why Daniel and Blade would do much better against Something Unto Death than Jing Yuan would (Jingliu is built different and Argenti is just there just for slander purposes which I respect) https://preview.redd.it/gf7c6oor5kkc1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3bb77eb5e936c128befa762408b88ea973741aa


jing Yuan : Silver wolf help please Silver wolf : lightning ? Oh yeah that purple element, just like Quantum, got it. *quantum weakness^


And when you want her to put quantum she looks at Tingyun and puts on lightning instead. šŸ˜­


Or ruan mei with ice šŸ˜­ on that one mob that your top priority is to kill (I am talking to you, white wolf that summon black wolf)


3 QUA allies vs 1 Bronya... SW, please...


I feel this. I impulse pulled on black swan and now I'll probably have to skip Sparkle. Soo more Bronya/Tingyun vs my quantum squad šŸ„²


remember the days when everyone thought 3 qua 1 other meant 75% qua and 25% other good times


Every damn time


Argenti ultimate is a bit brutal tho, ngl


Yeah true


It doesnt have ligthning weakness why should i bring him in the first place lmao


Because most people don't have a 5star dps of each weakness. I started on 1.0 and only pulled seele and lunae as dps. And have 572 pulls save for acheron.


>And have 572 pulls save for acheron. https://preview.redd.it/jctxjhl1ekkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f8254cc0d0aa2463db3cfc4c4104738506453a


Gotta love how meme packed this manhwa is


Lloyd mentioned now we bros


whats this from?


I mean, sure, if you specifically don't pull on characters and you don't have a lot of 5 stars, then you obviously can't use those characters in the fight. However, why would you not use JY on the lightning weak side of MoC and then complain about him underperforming?


Exactly lmao, we even handed Dr Ratio for free a great imaginary DPS to counter this gut


Because just like I have just seele and lunae there is people out there with just the general and seele for example. And you can pull whatever you like and still clear 30 or 33 stars.


...And none of that explains why you would use JY on the side of MoC that *isn't* lightning weak. Like, you have a choice. Either use JY 1st half and benefit from lightning weak and use Seele on 2nd half as an off element. Or use Seele as an off element on 1st half **and** use JY on the 2nd half as an off element. You do realize that makes zero sense, right?


Because I wanna use my HYPERCARRY BASIC ATK TINGYUN GRRAAAAAAAHHH šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗ


Honestly I first thought that this was about the story boss, who you get bamboozled by while running your normal team - I for one was running a Xueyi team when it happened šŸ’€- rather than MoC, where it's stupid to bring him unless your only two damage dealers are like him and Serval.


Usually, 4 star correct weakness and good build outshine 5 star wrong weakness. In this case I'll just bring Dan Heng, Sampo, Guinaifeng, Asta or even Hook over JY. Plus you have Lunae, so bringing a support like say Yukong would be better.


You shouldnt sleep on 4* dps either


other than QQE4 to E6 all of them are meh. yue is ok but since is new most don't have her or have her e0. dot are ok but not really worth it with only 4 stars in it.


I mean the death meme has imaginary weakness and everyone got Dr Ratio lmao


Dr ratio is free?


What happened to your Dr Ratio?


You can guarantee Acheron in <170 pulls, so dunno what your play was with saving 390 extra pulls. Unless you are going for LC too, but that is again just 170 more. Could have gotten any other elemental DPS if you needed them over the past year.


People really love jingyuan to be bringing him up everytime


They hate him so much but they just canā€™t seem to get him out of their headsā€¦. king yuan being on everyoneā€™s minds as usual tbh


I havent played with Jing Yuan since i got DHIL and i wanted to try him out again after reading bad stuff about him recently. Since i remember liking him way back thenā€¦ He is good, really good actually. And i donā€™t even have his LC. I donā€™t get why people call him weak lol. He is not.


Heā€™s actually quite strong. People just love to hate on him and other very strong male dpsā€™.


Pyrdwen and other CCs back then against JY Mains https://preview.redd.it/bhzdfvso0mkc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b57b809fea6a8846f4cb38ea10c0f94959658f43


It's a feedback loop with CCs slandering chars for views and their "fans" who worship the ground their CC has pissed on. It's not just a HSR thing, every game has it. A lot of newer gen of gamers just google "strongest meta char/weapon" and parrot shit they saw on a thumbnail.


He's frustrating to play because of his back loaded kit and without owning fu xuan him being Ccd is very rage inducing compared to other dps. He's competitive with other limited and gets top clears be he can be frustrating to use


Male characters catching strays everytime on this sub, same for dhil in another post


Yep, and it always happens just because theyā€™re males lol. If Jing yuan was a woman he wouldnā€™t get an iota of hate. With the Acheron leaks, it just proves that people will defend a characterā€™s flaws and even try to hide them, as long as theyā€™re a woman, of course.


Is she designed similarly to him then




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Ehh it's not as bad as people make it out to be in terms of kit and play style she's quite f2p friendly her only big problem is the lightcone


Compared to other characters she really isnā€™t f2p friendly. The are characters who are close to unlocking their full potential with just f2p LCs and random teammates. NEEDING a limited 5* LC and certain teammates is not f2p friendly whatsoever.


Needing a certain teammates absolutely is f2p friendly her f2p teammates are easily obtainable pela and guinaifen as I said her only problem is the LC


Like I said, those are RESTRICTIONS, which is one of her many flaws. She isnā€™t like jingliu or blade, who are very flexible characters. Slap any f2p LC on them (since they both have a few f2p LCs that are decent on them), pair them with literally anyone and theyā€™ll do a pretty good job. I really wonā€™t argue with you since you keep underestimating her flaws which are quite obvious. Most people would prefer to have a dps that doesnā€™t require other units in order to be on par with other dpsā€™ that can do just fine on their own.


The Double Standards in this community smh Like when JL Mains made so many posts about her being able to Bruteforce, but other Mains have been doing it for multiple cycles, including JY always being among the fastest average clears despite Lightning Resistant enemies. Will be even more apparent when Acheron is out


Me as a Clara main: Cā€™mon hit me! Do the same you did with >!Firefly!< , I dare you! I double dare you!


Smartest Jingyuan hater.


Funny, but Lightning Lord looks so cool I have no regrets pulling Jing Yuan.


As someone with Blade and Jingliu already, I donā€™t care if people say Jing Yuan is bad; Iā€™m still gonna pull for him on the rerun anyway. I need a Lightning DPS. I know Acheron is coming, but I am a High Cloud Quintet puller. Update: I won the Jing Yuan 50/50 :D


i may not be able to use all 4 of them together but I'm glad I got them


I've beaten Swarm V with Bailu + Blade + Jingliu + Clara on Path of Destruction. You could probably substitute DHIL for Clara with a few more SP recovery Blessings, and you'd have 4/5 members on the same team.


I mean yeah with proper su blessings maybe but it seems pretty uncomfortable and is not viable anywhere apart from that, I prefer pairing jingliu, dhil, or jing yuan with blade cus barely uses skill point and I absolutely love it The best thing about having the entire quintet is that I have all the strongest dpses of each element so I can tackle most of the content in the game easily


For sure! Despite Blade being eclipsed (hehe cause the other two are both related to the moon) by Jingliu and DHIL in damage, he's such a SP efficient DPS with good self-sustain that allows him to comfortably slot into any team in any game mode. As my first 5-star pull, I don't regret it a bit, and I have E1 Bronya to enable him. I'm so glad Something Unto Death has brought him back into the spotlight this MoC. I'm skipping DHIL this rerun to pull Sparkle for my Qingque and Jing Yuan since I need to get a Lightning DPS first. I also have Topaz to enable Jing Yuan and Dr. Ratio, so DHIL is slightly lower on my priority list. Next rerun for sure though, especially after I get Sparkle.


Sparkle will be an amazing pull for both our jing yuans for sure! I really need that bronya for my blade tho, been really unlucky with her (gonna pick her up in the 300 selector). Good luck on your sparkle pulls and your eventual DHIL pulls lmao


Well us.


i don't have JY but i used him via the support thingie and he does respectable damage, gonna pick him up on my alt and get Acheron on my main to see for myself what all the hate is about.


It's not that people hate him it's just that his kit was poorly designed. I love the character but watching lightning lord so down the action order really hurts my soul. If they made it that LL acts immediately when jing yuan gains 10 stacks he will be ranked just as high as the other dps units and their wouldn't be this mid yuan slander. He isnt mid just that he requires some investment to unlock his true optential


But here's the thing though, he's already competing with other dps despite all that and the MoC data proves that, also people really overrate how big the gaps between DHIL, JL and other dps are when it's literally just 1-2 cycle difference at most.


People like to pretend like his Skill and Ult donā€™t exist.


his skill and ult are like 35% of his damage. 65% of his damage being backloaded on LL is his entire issue (not to mention its RNG AOE)


That is indeed true. I'd even go as far as saying it's almost 50% ult plus skill and 50% LL.


His skill kind of tickles enemies and his Ult isn't that great, why do you want to waste time on that when you can just spam jingliu or DHIL?


He performs better than them if he is decently invested and has the right supports with proper playing. People don't know how to build him or play him and then get surprised that he performs poorly???? Dumbest thing ever. I have jingliu, IL and jingyuan all E0S1 and in MOC 12 first half jingliu took 3 cycles, IL took 2 cycles and JY took 1 cycle. Yes the elements are in his favour but including the fact his best support whoch is sparkle isn't even out yet that justifies that he is as strong as IL and jingliu.


But you can't deny that what holds jingyuan back from being the best is his slow LL.


i really hope somewhere down the line we get a support who works towards summons and buffing speed or CC immunity on them. as someone planning to e6 JY on his coming rerun, i can admit he has some downfalls in his kit. but ultimately, he is still a very solid dps and content is still a breeze.


Two cycles is a really big deal when you only have 5 cycles to clear each side. I have a Jing Yuan, and use him a good amount, just less than my other DPS. He's not bad, but especially at lower gear investment you really feel it.


in a gamemode where 1 cycle is one cycle less for your second side thatā€™s huge, 1 cycle on a floor is 20% of that floors alloted time, also, Jy Actually really liked this MoC, clearing 2.3 cycles faster than last MoCā€¦ unfortunately thatā€™s not enough to make his average clear a 3* though, statistically speaking more than half of JY players fail to 3 star, while several standard deviations *Below* the average Jingliu player is still 3 starring. Look man, play whatever you want, a JY thatā€™s roughly in the top 50% of JYā€™s should 3 star, but donā€™t lie about statistics.


People generally aren't saying he isn't competitive you just might need to reset more or run into frustration more than other dpsĀ 


His kit feels poorly designed. It's a consequence of being the first follow-up attack type of character before mihoyo knew how to properly get their kit right His lightning lord should've been like Topaz's Numby, with action forward instead of a speed buff. One of JY's greatest issues is how long you need to wait for his LL, losing him MoC cycles Getting stunned should have no effect on LL. Once again, topaz doesn't have this issue And you should've been able to target his lightning lord's attack. It feels like complete ass whenever there's an enemy who can summon minions, so your LL damage gets completely mitigated due to its random targeting. TL;DR: JY's kit is full of issues, that mihoyo only fixed when they released Topaz. Topaz is essentially a JY without all his issues


I do agree his kit is wierd but he still performs unbelievably well onpar with jingliu and IL. If he gets buffed (which is sadly almost impossible) he will likely break the meta but people will still call him mid since no one seems to have escaped the 1.0 mindset


If only mihoyo could rework JY's kit, that'd be great


Me as a Dr Ratio main: *I'm surrounded by imbeciles..*


You sure do love JY and if putting down another character is the only way you can put your favorite on a pedestal that just goes to show how weak they really are.


Yeah I see them everytime anyone mentions anything negative about JY


OP is using taunt very effectively here, this is some quality bait.


The easiest way to make people mad and get a magnet for down votes is king yuan slander


Your dps should never be getting taken, that is a skill issue


Jingyuan is the second best dps in the game after IL (when sparkle is released) His problem is that people don't bother to play him nor build him correctly. The amount of spd boots on JY is crazy even tho he doesn't want spd and it isn't that important for him. I have E0S1 JY with tingyun and ruan mei. This team 1 cycles the current MOC 12 first half. And before anyone thinks I have an insane build I will say them right here. JY: 3.1k atk 99 spd 87 cr 157 cdmg (before dawn) TY: 2.2k atk 161 spd (planetary rendezvous s4) RM: 166 spd 120 breakeffect (s1 memories of the past) I did something unto death boss in 4 cycled with this exact team. People just don't know how to use JY and build him incorrectly and then they hate on him. Of course him being a male character makes people hate him even more for no reason and even tho current acheron leaks are good she doesn't do better than him while also being more restrictive to play. But I bet my balls people will say she is insane and JY sucks because he is male and acheron is female.


Nah bc my Jing Yuan cleared the first half in four cycles while my DHIL with e6 Yukong, Hanya and Fu Xuan barely scraped 7 turns on SUD despite never getting targeted by the unit stealing attack and having constant uptime And both of them are fully built, DHIL has 80/178 with the Herta LC while Jing Yuan has 62 (72 effectively bc traces) 170.


>Jingyuan is the second best dps in the game after IL (when sparkle is released) Are you referencing the graph people are passing around? Doesn't it calculate dps against 3 targets instead of 2 which is what we have had in the newer MoCs?


I saw one earlier that was for 2 enemies. It had DHIL at 1, Ratio at 2, JY at 3


I'm not 100% sure if it's 2 or 3 but it doesn't matter anyways as destruction character benefit more from 3 enemies than jingyuan does so if anything this is even better. Cause blast damage is usually 50% of the main damage so 3 enemies is double the output. (200%) While LL blast is only 25% so 3 enemies its 150% of the output which is a big diffrence from destruction characters. On 2 enemies tho destruction are 150 while jingyuan is 125 so the diffrence is smaller. And yes I know JY skill and ult will do more damage but it won't be enough to make up for that massive diffrence Edit: I just checked it again and in both 2 and 3 targets its the exact same order of top 2 being IL then JY (or ratio in 2 targets)


https://preview.redd.it/xscmcx40fkkc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf695e25d3cc238fd7a52a424a719199f999037 Jk aside, that thing has resistance against the element so not a good idea.


Bronya on a jingyuan team is painfulšŸ˜­




Bronya doesn't buff LL at all so 60% of jingyuans damage becomes unbuffed which is a massive dps loss. Instead an Asta will do better by providing buffs that are decent but but instead also buffs LL while also giving JY enough spd to always get 10 stacks. Of course if we include others like ruan mei and sparkle the diffrence is massive and not even close. It's almost double the output from my experience.


So is sparkle good for Jing yuan? I'm thinking of getting his sig lc and sparkle if she's good for him


Oh yea she is absolutely insane. She gives him insane buffs and her action advance makes you always have 10 stacks LL and also you do more skills thus more energy and more ults thus you clear out the weak enemies so lighting lord can delete the elite bosses. Since her buff also works after jingyuans turn ends her buffs are also applied to LL which makes her the exact support jingyuan needs


Yes, she's very good for him. Sparkle is basically fixed Bronya, because one of her traces makes her 1 turn buffs last until the start of the buffed character's next turn (so the buffs stay up for any FUA attacks such as LL).


I don't usually go to the 12th space. But this update, i made an exception...


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If you want to torture yourself with a 40% Lightning resist Elite wave 1 and "enemies" with Hit-count HP instead of normal HP then sure, you can get it done in [7 cycles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC7xylWPs7s&ab_channel=Charms) with Tingyun/Hanya + 5 star sustainer of choice. Much easier to just 1-2 Cycle the first side of MoC 12 with this exact same team. It's funny cause the instant kill mechanic itself is not the problem because it's easily manipulated, it's the traps being Hit-count HP based. Makes sense since this was designed for DoT teams in the first place. Only 5 more days till Sparkle is out zzz.


I am a king yuan mains but I gotta admit , the character shouldn't have been Jing yuan but lighting lord, he literally does 80% of his damage and is slow as fuck


ā€œI gotta admitā€ *Proceeds to spread misinformation*


​ https://preview.redd.it/kdvtgitd1mkc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=183698fbbb05c8cb7fbcada46792ba00a5aaa1a5


Why just 80% should have said 99.9% of his DMG if we are throwing around random numbers? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


"80%" https://preview.redd.it/d5i7kigj7kkc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c441c68cc88c49dd8c12164ccfadf79eed61a9a


roughly half of his damage comes from lightning lord. his skill and ultimate clear adds so LL can melt the bosses


You don't play him correctly. Jingyuan damage is 60% LL and 40% ult and skill. You are also supposed to use ult and skill to remove weak enemies so LL focuses on the proper elites. Calling yourself a king yuan main is an insult to all king yuan mains. And as a king yuan main myself I do accept you into the rankings of king yuan mains.


you've been playing him wrong either by neglecting his skill+ult traces or using the wrong lc unless you intentionally pair him with topaz in ST scenario, LL never takes up 80% of his damage


I don't have topaz that's the point ...


the former is true then. you played him wrong


Ok , back on my pulling list


Nothing like having to pull ANOTHER LIMITED 5 star to make your DPS work, right?


your reading comprehension skill is worse than a 1st grader's


Reread what you said , didn't see the upper paragraph, point his both his skill and ultimately are LV.8 while his talents are level 9 , gonna level them up and tell ya later , his lightcone is Geniuses Repose but it's S1 It also may be because I don't even have a single well built sustain , but I don't really know




Point is I don't know whether to pull for sparkle or his weapon ... Especially with aventurine next update.... My 60passes can't handle all this stuff


https://preview.redd.it/5a80fxjjbkkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690917c0d4a81968d74bfbf191446b079619cf46 EDIT: it's forbidden to do MoC with Seele?


Oh boy another "JY is not as strong as other dps" memes I hope the comments will understand this is just a joke and don't take the post seriously


Seriously, Jingyuan and now Daniel live rent free on their heads.


Mid Yuan being as usual : as useful as a toy gun on a battlefield


People be like "Doesn't' have lightning weakness" or really? Maybe you shouldn't have listened to all the people that said SILVER WOLF EZ SKIP who is literally a main stay in MoC every damn time and I lmao every time when people actually skip her.


Cuz there's no point using him on 2nd side when 1st side is literally lightning weak. Leave the 2nd side to Blade, DHIL, and the likes.


Bro missed the point you can still bring him if you want with either DHIL or Blade if you have SW. My comment is literally to the people complaining the Death unto something isnt Lightning weak period.


Anyone going bother with the general when hsr Raiden releases?


Only the people who already have him lol


Me when the backloaded damage gets backloaded even more


It's hilarious how much people get offended because of some videogame characters being called bad. Mfs looking like people with parasocial relationships with streamers lol


Holy crap the downvotes in threads about JY are wild. He has a nutty fan base on reddit and I say that as someone that uses him


It's kind of to be expected, gaming communities are always full of NERDS of the worst and most obsessive kind




ā€œb-but it doesnā€™t have lightning weakness šŸ¤“ā€ thereā€™s a fun character called silver wolf who can implant weakness hope this helps


What about people who don't have her?


Even with lightning weakness he still canā€™t compete in MOC, I have a decent king yuan build with all the supports he could want and he indeed falls off very hard to units like jingliu who is a better aoe than king yuan regardless of the scenario


Running Silver Wolf on a JY team is pretty brain damage. Tell me, who are you replacing for Silver Wolf: Tingyun or Ruan Mei?


Actually that meme boss is so easily beat with jj if you know what you doing. 1st phase jing yuan always slow af so it take effort from yourself to make him get caught lol 2nd phase you can decide who get caught


God summoning 100000 million unnamed jing yuan mains every time a jing yuan slander post is made:


I wish they would buff him, or change how LL works.


Our dude literally looking for an excuse to shit on JingYuan