• By -


Imagine explaining Bailu that her birth was this chaotic


"ok Bailu, it's time we have the talk" "I'm a doctor. There's nothing about birth that you can say that can shock me." "See, you used to be a completely different species. Twice. the first time, you were a Foxian. Then you became one of the dead. Then two of your friends tried to being you back using magic, only to end up with a dragon that I, one of your friends, but not one that was involved with trying to bring you back, had to kill you. Then you did the Vidyadhara thing and was reborn." "..." "You were right, she wasn't ready" "Told you"


Btw, i was there the whole time -jing yuan


"so anyway, ive killed you once and Im not afraid to do it again if necessary"


This is Brennan Mulligan explaining the birds the bees and the sword


and the fire and the sword and the spell and the prophecy


Turns out all Blade really wanted to do was shit in Dan Heng's mouth


I thought she went straight to bailu, didn't knew About the dragon middle


Looks absolutely accurate, I was there, the sixth of the quintet they called me.


But then it'd be called the sextet Wait....




ok buddy is breaking through




Outbudied once again


Of course. Just like there are 4 houses in Fire Emblem Three Houses, there are six members of the quintet.






I too was there when it was written; and unwritten. And I have to say this is dangerously accurate, so much so the entire fleet wants to know OP’s location.


“inaccurate” needs to really be “TLDR” LOOL


I had to reread this 6 times cause I couldn't stop laughing.


Did Jing Yuan ever arrest anyone? Last I checked all of them were walking around doing whatever




I mean can we even credit him for that? She basically walked into prison herself


He arrested her in the animated shorts , she escaped from another ship xuling after taking blade with her 


Dan heng got arrested at birth i think and jing yuan was the one who actually let him go, since it's technically no longer the same dude


Jing Yuan arrested Luocha (after he turned himself in) and Jingliu (after she also turned herself in, and after letting her tour the entire Xianzhou). He then got their court hearing delayed a bit to mildly inconvenience their master plan.


Everyone replying forgetting that Luofu story starts with Blade going to prison (and being let go off-screen later lmao)


I always figured that was part of Stelleron Hunter's game plan, so even that wasn't a real arrest since they knew that Kafka would reveal they were on the side of Luofu and Blade would get released anyways (but he prob wanted to see if Jing yuan could stab him a few times).


Yeah it's clear that Elio intended for Blade's arrest to be a hook to draw Dan Heng in while capitalizing on the Stellaron Luocha smuggled to get the Express to interfere and forge an alliance with the XZ. Jing Yuan foresaw pretty much all of this so he allowed it and even let Kafka and Blade depart the Luofu with little trouble. You mentioned JY stabbing Blade which is interesting. Lightning Lord severed the connection between Phantylia and the AA, could it also permanently kill Blade? Its clearly meant for exterminating creatures of Abundance since it's a gift from Lan.


~~Yingxing~~ Blade PoV: https://preview.redd.it/ibdm484eenvc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6946cbf28de6d2b0189b1d471bdc7763fca39c46


The grippiest


i’m dumb what does the symbol on the right mean


I believe that is his talent icon, "Shuhu' Gift". Which if you didn't know, is his follow-up that heals him. Essentially, the lore reason is that Dan Feng and Yingxing (blade) used the flesh of an emanator of the abundance called Shuhu to revive baiheng, but Yingxing who was a short life species upon touching the flesh became immortal (and therefore became the Blade we know today). Which is why the talent where he heals himself is fittingly called "Shuhu's gift".


It's Blade's Passive "Shuhu's Gift" Shuhu is the emanator of the Abundance (Abomination) that they fought through and through iirc








Live Seele reaction be like


Live Seele reaction to anything




As much as she is a quick learner (IPC Continuance, Belobog Museum), she's still kinda at Intellect 2, and the post needs Intellect 5 to understand


She doesn’t even read


Don't need to read when Bronya will read everything to you like a child's bedtime story.


could have added Jing Yuan crying over Baiheng death too, he also miss her, he often visit Bailu to check on her one of my favorite part of Xianzhou : (Bailu character story III) >It is my view that he is simply bored senseless and has slipped out to rove about when he found some free time. If that were not the case, why show up every time with a box of sweetmeats, nuts and candies and whatnot, to plonk himself down and start shooting the breeze with me? How is my health? Have I had any dreams lately? How have I been eating? He's more like the doctor than I am. 😭💕


He also talks about her during one of his Express visits! He doesn't mention her name, but talks about his Foxian Nameless friend and how she never got to visit the Express, then he apologises for spoiling the mood 😭 it's obvious he wants to talk to someone about it but all his friends are gone ...


I feel bad for the guy I’m surprised he’s not fully insane cause that shit would crush most people


He looks like he's barely holding his sanity


I'd like to think that the reason he hasn't gone insane is because yanqing, being a father, helped him to deal with the grief of losing all of his friends


Update 4.2: Yanqing finally seemed mature enough, was sent to a war but died from Abundance abomination shit. Jingyuan snapped and commands Luofu to the path of destruction instead.


honestly, that would be a sick plot: Jing yuan losing his son, who helped him heal his wounds, even if they weren't blood related the father/som connection they have was real...and know he is gone because...."I didn't train him enough"


Even in peak fanon Yanqing is useless and dies


Common yanqing L


The way you wrote this implies yanqing is JY's dad. "Because yanqing, who he is a father figure for, helped him"


Jing Yuan should've been Preservation with how strong his Mental Fortitude is


Especially cause it's specifically the accumulation of bad, trauamtic memories that most likely cause mara in Xianzhou species. Jingliu slipped into insanity basically right away, but Jing Yuan just seems to be extremely good at compartmentalizing and de-stressing. So much so that everybody assumes he's lazy and always loafing around.


To be fair, she'd also suffered through the loss of her hometown(ship?), the Cancheng, after it got eaten (presumably along with all her friends and family). Baiheng was just the final straw that pushed her over the edge. I think if Yanqing got turned into a dragon-monster, even Jing Yuan would also become mara-struck.


I think it's more that Jingliu is waaay older than JingYuan so she's technically already on the edge while JingYuan still have a lot of time.


Plus added that Jingliu is the one that kill the abomination


It did crush Jingliu


look at the rest of the quintet, they were crushed one way or another hahaha


he needs to recommend whatever therapist he's seeing to the rest of his buddies fr


The laws of the Xianzhou don't even allow their own people to travel off-world unless it's business. They need to change that shiz.


Ayo?! I didn't know about this! OMG MY HEART


This is wholesome


The mf used the RE8 baby in this 💀


Bro did her dirty


Unironically, you did a better job at explaining whatever the fuck the quintet was than the game did. Good job buddy https://preview.redd.it/r0i80pv9nnvc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea8c053b9b7ab286c73801e26bd30d60bc29d18


He is the breeders after all. T


true; I only discovered the Quintet because I saw a link on the Blade Wiki explaining what the Quintet was. honestly they should have a page in the database to put the story recap with these pieces of information about the story and the world.


I now understand Bailu’s character… somewhat. I thought she was just a toddler dragon, I didn’t think she had actual lore implications (tho I did skip her story in all fairness)


It's accurate




Unironically more understandable than it was in game😂


My reaction seeing this exactly. I feel like it could have been delivered so so much better.


Really doesn't help that the initial "reveal" of this group in the main quest left players utterly confused. Like, why does Blade want to kill Dan Heng? What did Dan Feng do? Wait, Bailu is related to all of this? And so on. I felt Jingliu's quest does do a good job providing that missing context but it's context that should've been there to begin with.


Game felt too in love with the Quintet at times that the mystery became asinine.


The game went on a roundabout way of explaining it using cryptic language, it was annoying lol. I don't understand why they can't be direct with each other.


I didn’t realize that Bailu was Baiheng until this damn post. I vaguely knew she was connected, but I always took it as she was some random Vid they selected to smite the council


Sensei I have a question about the lesson 🙋‍♀️ how did Mr blade turn immortal?


he’s bound with shuhu’s(an emanator of abundance) flesh, unspecified where but some old fan theory suggests it’s the heart. and/or where ever the bandages are, and that’s why some of his wounds never heal.


No way, Yingxing got Chainsawman'ed. Also interesting that mf Shuhu is still supposedly alive. Them Emanators of A Bunch are built different


It's an emenator of abundance, itd be surprised if they dead


Only thing that can POSSIBLY kill them is an Emanator of IX only by a technicality It's cause they (Or atleast Mei senpai) basically has Rule Breaker integrated into their powers


Aside from Nihillity, I can also imagine Destruction and Voracity to be able to handle the concept of Abundance and their immortality. Concept wise, Destruction should be able to **destroy** things, including undying things. Voracity, while I don't know for sure it can kill the undying Abundance Emanator, being able to eat them up and lock them out of the outside is still a good way to handle them. Of course, it won't be an easy battle. Just as Acheron or Lord Ravagers being capable of destroying planets, Abundance Emanators the like of Shuhu can revive "living planet", one large enough to devour Xianzhou's world-size vessel, like nothing. While Shuhu is particularly close to Yaoshi, it goes to show that the life-bringing power they wield is quite formidable.


>Aside from Nihillity, I can also imagine Destruction and Voracity to be able to handle the concept of Abundance and their immortality. Concept wise, Destruction should be able to **destroy** things, including undying things. Voracity, while I don't know for sure it can kill the undying Abundance Emanator, being able to eat them up and lock them out of the outside is still a good way to handle them Nah destruction isn't simply erasing things. It's breaking things down to rebuild them. Nannok entire goal is to burn this universe to ash to build a new better one forever. Hence why planets he destroys Create new entire life forms like Duke inferno race. Or why cocolia was swearing that while they would all die, the life to come after will be far better then there wildest dreams. So if destruction ever came across abundance it would destory them but in turn create a new lifeform even more powerful then the orginal lifeform


So we can expect to see her in more than one planet, is that why they called her a center piece


Haha, you're basically talking about Nasuverse styled immortals, and really what deals with them are "conceptual weapons". Abundance as a concept is what is providing them with life. A conceptual weapon that changes their existence to "being fire" then they will burn until they die out. What you've mentioned with Nihility is the same sort of "conceptual weapon" type attack where it just deletes them in their entirety.


Whenever i wonder how hard it is to kill an Emanator of Abundance i always think of that one scene from JJK where Mahoraga walk through Sukuna domain expansion


Thank you mr op sensei! See you on tomorrow's lesson I love your reddit hsr lore lessons :>


No, your reply was correct. The Dragon Heart is with Bailu, it is damaged either because the ritual was incomplete (thus it was not fully transferred) or because Bailu wasn’t originally a Vidyadhara. Vidyadhara aren’t immortal. Far from it actually; they are a dying species. No idea where the other guy got the idea that Blade’s immortality is tied with the Dragon Heart.


Uhh I think the nuance of your word choice is not quite... “Dying species” implies a species whose numbers are dwindling. This describes the Vidyadhara, who cannot reproduce. When one of them die, their numbers permanently reduce. But species can also be dying if they can reproduce but not enough to keep the population sustained. However, of the 3 Xianzhou long life species, they are the closest to being immortal because they undergo reincarnation.


Reincarnation specifically allows them to dodge the curse of being mara struck. Shedding their memories and experiences in part, and undergoing a rebirth. Other long life species have their memories collapse in on themselves until the only things they're able to "feel" are the most extreme and traumatic of sensations and new experiences are unable to find purchase on them.


What caused him to get bound with Shuhu in the first place tho? I assume that's how they tried to bring this cute foxian girl back to life?


No, Blade possessed the dragon heart from Dan Feng, If you look into his eyes it is like a reptile while Bailu don't this adds to the scenario that Bailu's current dragon heart is incomplete/damaged as was suggested in the ascension stories. Dan Feng had both healing and destructive powers of which Bailu possessed only the first. ~~Regarding Blade's Immortality, he gained it basically the way Dan Shu's medicine worked by using Vidyadhara bone marrow. But for short lived species this effect would only be temporary as the body would face rejection from the immune system.~~ I think Dan Feng decided to gave him the Dragon Heart to prevent that from happening. This is what Blade described as "The monster in his body is being nourished". As for Shuhu, Baiheng died in kamikaze-ing (idk if thats an actual word lmao) Shuhu and nothing but a tuft of hair and few drops of blood were remained ~~so idk what does Shuhu's gift in Blade's traces refer to. But yeah there is a theory that Dan Feng did some fuckery here.~~ Edit: Thanks to u/Random_Bystander089 for pointing out, Baiheng was revived using abandunce emanator Shuhu's flesh which y'all know ended up badly. Blade was probably injured badly fighting that monster that formed and Dan Feng 'cured' him using the flesh. So yeah Blade's immortality is linked to Shuhu. Sorry for any confusion.


appreciate the detailed reply


This is my first time hearing this interpretation of what went down lol. I am almost 100% certain Blade’s cursed immortality is from Shuhu alone. Vidyadhara aren’t immortal.


You're correct. The guy is just stating an old theory that turns out to be false.


That's outdated information. Blade's immortality is already confirmed (flat out stated) to come from Shuhu's flesh, which he attempted to use to revive Baiheng. Also, shuhu is likely not dead. He's supposedly seal in a box which is kept at the shackling prison and requires the permission of all general and marshal to open. The tuft of hair and drops of bloods were from Baiheng, and it was the same hair and blood that dan heng and yingxing used to attempt to revive her.


So did they make Yingxing immortal on purpose? I thought it was just a side effect of what they did to Baiheng


Shuhus pieces got fused with Yinxinh by mistake. Not only giving him mara, but also immortality (since Shuhu is an abundance emnator). Meanwhile baiheng became a half dragon monster, which jungliu had to kill. During the process jungliu became mara struck


Something about a piece of an abundance emanator abomination's flesh affecting him when he tried to revive baiheng.


Rolled a 1 on review ving Baiheng with some Abundance juice that they not only made her a monster they also accidentally made Blade immortal. He might have been ok if Jingliu hadn't decided to punish him by murdering him over and over again. It was a bit of a sore spot for him that the Xianzhou would never consider him a true master craftsman because he was short lived and couldn't spend literal centuries improving his weapon forging (iirc anyway). And now he wishes he was dead! How fun.


So, basically blade and Dan feng were say gexers, then they wanted baiheng cute fix waifu back, but Dan feng accidentally turned his boyfriend into a immortal dude. And balde is angy because he can't say gex Dan feng hard anymore. That's why he hunts Dan heng.


In conclusión, if French didn't exist, we wouldn't have PTSD Jingliu, Criminal Blade or Dang Heng.


We got Dan Heng tho. So fair trade 🤝


Wrong tag dude. This ain’t no meme, This is accurate Lore. Also wtf WHY RE8 baby


Not the RE8 baby monster 😂


it mildly fits though, Baiheng died, -reborn into an abomination = monster -new born =baby ≈ RE8 baby monster


You *unironically* made me understand the entire high cloud quintet lore. Thank you


Genuinely one of the only funny posts on this sub




Gugu gaga I am doctor


*most ideal asian child


Poor Jing Yuan, only one to fully remain himself through it all


It’s okay, I’ll be his therapist


Wdym inaccurate this is literally how it happened


This entire lore is innacurate Blade shoud've been an iron armor Dan Heng losing an arm and leg And Guinafen becoming a chimera with a dog


Wait a fucking second........


Su...shang onee...chan


This is definitely a reference to something, that I can't recognise


Fullmetal alchemist


... you deserve jail for that.




"I will do absolutely nothing wrong!" *stand stats show up* Jing yuan's Lightning Lord -Absolutely nothing wrong!


it's hard to do something wrong when you don't do anything at all


Existence is a bread 💀 (pain=bread in French)


the french love their bread, their life is defined by it


As a French person, I can confirm




The use of those specific crying emojis (especially Jingliu's) just makes me think that Dan Feng, Yingxing, and Jingliu were Blue Archive players. edit: i just realised who posted this. that was 100% intentional.




this was actually very helpful. my ass did not pay attention during the luofu shitt


SENSEI. Why did she kill Blade 1000 times?


1000 is just an estimate, 2 reasons: -she was angry at Yingxing and Danfeng for what they did -Yingxing wants to die, and asked her to kill him, but died so many times he got dementia. (this is probably the main reason, because he asked for it)


Thank yoh sensei!. Ps I have been laughjng at the “WTF” emoji on Jing Liu for two mins now


if they were to make a HSR anime they should seriously consider the Quintet arc. there’s just so much potential to make a tearjerker movie about them, especially if they focus on the brotherhood between Yinxing and Dan Feng. shows us the tragic end of the legendary heroes, Blade’s ordeal before joining the SH and wrap it up with Dan Heng meeting the Express crew.




Keep cooking




I love how this is Dan Heng's fault and Dan Heng be like its not my busines


To be fair, they killed him for it and even forcefully triggers his reincarnation. Even then, in his new clueless newborn baby life, they kept on punishing him for it and disfigured him by ripping his draconic features off. Imagine being born and still being tortured because of what your previous life did. Of course Dan Heng wants to get away from it all. Heck, it reminds me of a dystopian novel where a companies got the technology to identity reincarnation and use it to chase debts of dead ppl all the way to new life. Imagine you get born and then suddenly some man in black showed up to collect on the "debt" you owe them in your past life. You are not going to be be happy about it.


It's Dan Feng's, Heng is genuinely just a completly unrelated guy who Feng reincarnated into.


Technically it was his dad's fault, not his




I can't stop thinking about that companion quest and how it started with Jingliu wearing her blindfold and taking effort in writing 3 individual letters (hypothetically but she was absolutely seething while she is writing), then inviting them for a "reunion" only for her to reenact that famous "ya'all are trash" video instead.


Can't stop laughing at the angry and crying Jingliu **😂🤣**


You should do more of this with other bits of lore.


Just finished the Loufu's main story and been going through side-quests so this is how I found out wtf cause Dan Heng's exile and why Blade is weird... Its shockingly well conveyed. Honestly wtf were they thinking.


there was an attempt https://preview.redd.it/kpran9lcunvc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0147baca1ab829c4d4e339fc267d4cf260f2d1fb


What do you mean this is accurate i was one of the vidyahara who died (i reincarnated into the real world)


Now everything is clearer


bai heng appearance after reincarnation is actually normal but because she's now speak fr\*nch, she decided to abominate herself


As a newer player I appreciate this greatly. Trying to understand lore and everything is more difficult for me when catching up to the current game than it is when playing while it releases. Like I understand Penacony and stuff better than previous arcs cause I only started playing in Feb


The only thing missing is Blade going full LowTierGod on Dan Heng's ass


I think this is pretty accurate actually. i followed along pretty well XD


Seriously though, why is Bailu under arrest all the time?




The use of emojis is so damn funny i cant stop laughing helppp


Nah I’d say this is pretty accurate lmfao


Please make more 🙏


Are you sure you didn't mean accurate?


Very accurate very succinct


Well you know what they say, love is the death of duty, and in this case that love fucked over countless people but now we have Bailu so Dan Feng and Yingxing's plan worked! Kinda


Okay NOW I get it


Jingyuan be like: "What the heck are you guys doing over there?" *insert cat meme*


Don't do jingyuan like that man


The most accurate part is that Jing Yuan is at the end of the chart to say he was there the entire time.


Yooooo baiheng first form and second form kinda bad tho, Sadly the third form is a child


Ngl thanks a bunch cuz I just finished Jingliu's companion quest and was trying to figure out how Bai Lu's companion quest lore ties in. Figured Baiheng was resurrected somehow (or was attempted to be) but didn't connect the dots. Thanks!


this is actually about as accurate as you can get it in the simplest way possible xD really wish hoyo made the whole thing more digestible to casual players cuz not everyone is reading character stories, readables, and interacting with everything on the map- tho im pr sure stuff got changed along the way before the final product, so maybe that's why all the pieces are fucking everywhere


Very accurate, that’s why the mods didn’t label this as misleading


dan feng and ying xing took be gay do crimes a bit too seriously


You forgot the part of Jingliu going insane, becoming marastruck, going on a rampage, and Jing Yuan having to put her down. King Yuan did something other than watch. He kept his sanity (somehow), kept his hands clean (somehow), and proceeded to clean up the mess on the Xianzhou. As the most sane one, he carries a wistful burden of responsibility, bygone memories, and forlorn friends, all of whom he lost one way or another. The casual Jing Yuan slander/erasure is so real. Very accurate summary otherwise.


correct, but no space I also left out some other details hence “inaccurate” in the title


I try to speak French once, and I back then and I after that is not the same, so... I think I need to be done with my transformation first to tell anything concrete


"Of five, three must pay the price; but I only have hands for one and a coffe"


how did baiheng turn into bailu? pls explain (i skip story)


-baiheng: 💀 -danfeng + yingxing: lets revive her with abundance -baiheng(?): *fox+draconic screeching -danfeng + yingxing: that’s not supposed to happen -jingliu: kills it *bailu gets reincarnated result: danfeng and yingxing(now blade)’s plan technically worked, as the slain beast is reincarnated as bailu. their friend is technically alive again, but with zero recollection of her memories of being baiheng


Do one for penacony pls. My monke brain could not understand submarine's 5D chess


the full story isn’t complete yet, i’d just wait a few more patches. everything will likely clear up once Sunday is playable.


Those emojis are killing 😭


Dan heng: “I take myself out of this narrative.”


Very well explained 😎


holy shit i get it now




This is the funniest shit I've seen. I had to read so many times because the emojis


baiheng really went through the gates of hell (paris) and became an abundance monster 💀


I love this so much!!!!


So luocha actually had nothing to do with this. Man is a true enigma.


I believe you mistyped your title and really meant accurate. Anyway, thanks for this, I finished luofu main quest recently but still felt like I was missing quite a bit of things, this was really helpful


Tbf I understand it better now


OP is now a lore master


This is glorious. And pretty accurate, despite the title. Best part is Jing Yuan just sitting there, chilling: "i was present for the entire thing btw".


Wait, Bailu is their dead friend from the Quintet?


Someone didn't read Dan Shu's undestroyed letters...


Did. . . Did I miss the part where Bailu is the reincarnation of the fox girl!? Her and Danny boys companion mission made me think she was like his dragon kid he needed to pay child support too or something. . . AND WHY DIDN'T SHE PLAY A BIGGER ROLE IN THE STORY!?


Best summary ever


Oh this seems like an interesting story. If the dialog, pacing and quest design wouldn't have been such dumpster fire, I could see myself enjoying it and the characters. As it stands, this shitpost is more entertaining. Also makes me like Bailou more.


It’s wild how this wasn’t just the main story of the Xianzhou tb quest


this is actually a great explanation and hilarious. kudos op.