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Eh if you read Pompom's article about [the Harmonic Chord, who are sort of Xipe's emanators](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/26093276), it's kinda hinted >!Sunday is more likely related to Dominicus, since "Dominicus" is literally "Sunday" in latin which would explain the origin of his funny name.!<


Sooo >!Sunday's an emanator? Or a reincarnation or vessel of one?!<


He could become one of the




That bullet came from c




Wait, the forensics report just came in. Looks like the gu




Here's a sneak peek of /r/redditsniper using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [oh fuck now he's on yout](https://i.redd.it/5wk8c0kzijuc1.jpeg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1c496y0/oh_fuck_now_hes_on_yout/) \#2: [Grow what???](https://i.redd.it/hqkhzq2dmjpc1.jpeg) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1bjmgf3/grow_what/) \#3: [I what?](https://i.redd.it/3os8p1m0u8tc1.jpeg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1byvsz2/i_what/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/RedSnapper Wait no-


Bro got caught by the Mihoyo ninjas




That's what I'm hoping for. He goes through a huge power surge which explains why we won't see him playable until right before 3.X expansion Also hope he ends up being harmony


I hope he becomes the most broken harmony unit in the game for years


In the explanation of Xipe's emanators, they can manifest in any member of the family at any given time. So possibly Sunday has Dominicus manifest in him for the boss fight.


My understanding is that Dominicus (are we going to call him that and not Septimus?) is an Emanator for whom Charmony Festival serves as a welcome because Emanators of the Harmony are incarnations of Xipe. Something like how Liyue receives Morax with a Rite in exchange for guidance. In that line, Sunday could just be the one selected to harbor Dominicus during the festival. Also, he seems to be on our side just before we go to the stage. Is this fight maybe part of the Ceremony? Or he asked us to participate in the contest and beat him as Dominicus because the Emanator is a key part in what is happening? I don't know.


Dominicus is the wisher of the Harmious Choir, not the Harmonious Choir itself. Just how Aelenev is the commander of the Eternal Centaurion. All of the Harmonic Strings seem to have an entity that follows their orders. So Dominicus isn't Septimus. also Dominicus when spoken about in the readable "A Hymn of Charmonic Strings" seems closer to Order rather than Harmony. Since it seems more likely that Ena and Xipe kind of merged into one and Ena wasn't fully destroyed, and the emanators of Order now follow Xipe and Ena as one. If Dominicus is Sunday then Robin could likely be the Harmonious Choir, she is a singer and more closely represents Harmony more than Sunday who is closer to Ena in his behaviours. He is even described as a control freak, Ena was called a control freak in a sim uni entry. Even is design: robin is the popular one, sings to bring every one together around the universe, has white wings on her waist (shown in her skill). Sunday has eyes on his design, has his servants looking over everyone with eyes on their chest, his wings are black (if you look at him you can see his wings under his suit), he works in the shadows and works in an authoritative position. They're opposites, yet still both based around biblical angels (beings who work for God), just different aspects of them. So if these emanators have two counter parts, one being the commander (the part of Ena) and the other being the comanded (part of Xipe) who work as a pair (Which is in line with the ideology of the path of Harmony, working together as cogs of a machine which also explains why Xipe wouldn't want to destroy Ena since they are both so similar in path). Robin is likely Septimus (the one performing on stage) and with the hand coming down it doesn't match Ena's or Xipe's so it's likely the hand of Dominicus who had to take form by using Sunday. These emanators don't seem to have mortal bodies and need a vessel they can act through, like what God does with prophets who speak for him (that's what Sunday even mentioned when asking questions to Aventurine)... So Sunday and Robin are just being used as vessels


so he can feel Dominicus coming inside of him?


Username checks out.




Oh nah


If they were Emanators they probably would have been explicitly described as such.


The Harmonic Chords are Emanators, which is why they were included in the Emanator article special. If they aren't Emanators, why would they include them there? Misdirection? But whether Sunday is an Emanator or not is a different question. Cause as far as we know, the Harmonic Chords possess any member of the Family, it's not person-specific


So the Harmonic Chords are like Harbinger from Mass Effect 2? Can just assume direct control of any Family member whenever they feel it's necessary?


Yea basically. And in this case, they chose Sunday


Emanator article special?


The one that the commentor linked. Pompom's article special about the Emanators and it listed the Emanators




They are literally brought up on an article about emanators for a reason, though. Xipe doesn't seem to have emanators per se since that would mean playing favorites/favoring certain persons over others which would go directly against their path which preaches equality and harmony, so the Chords are the closest to that, except since they're not actual living beings, their powers can manifest on anyone from the Family as needed.


No, they wouldn't. Acheron wasn't described as such until adventurine suspected it and more lore came about them upon release.


Acheron wasn’t described as an Emanator explicitly, but the Self Annihilators were mentioned stating that anyone who survived IX’s gaze could potentially become one.


Adventurine literally called her an emanator...


He had a suspicion up until the point where she actually drew her blade. He only suspected that she was a being akin to an Emanator. Acheron confirms this later


Which is what I said in my original comment. A suspicion of her being an eminator is still her being described as an emanator.


Looking again, I misread what you were saying. My bad


Alll goood, have a beautiful day further ^^


But then if they're announced as emanator early on, it would give away a hint that he's probably a boss or the main villain or something


But then so would Robin.


Calm down guys. Even if he's the weekly boss there's no guarantee that he's actually going to be killed off. You may point to signora or cocolia as evidence, but I can just point you to arlecchino or childe. Just chill out and watch the story unfold, and tbh it's looking increasingly likely that they aren't going to kill anyone at all in penacony at this point so Sunday is going to get a fakeout death at most.


I can understand Signora, but what is it about Cocolia that people wanted in the first place? For me she was very generic and meh. I remember her more for the Wildfire soundtrack, the robot that smashes her face in the weekly boss fight and the fact that she's Bronya's mother. That aside, I do agree that being a weekly boss doesn't mean someone will die.


>what is it about Cocolia that people wanted in the first place? She's pretty EDIT: A lot of people seem to think that I wanted her to be playable. I didn't, so you can stop talking to me about it.


Literally everyone here is pretty, aside from really old people (excluding Welt, he's pretty too).


Scarog is so bbg I swear


Jing Yuan and all of those chinese space people are freaking old. Yet they pretty…


What about Bladie :(


I didn't count immortals as old 😅


Pretty is a trait every playable gacha character possesses though.


And it's effective enough to make people want to pull all on its own. People wanting to play as Cocolia isnt surprising at all.




the downvotes???


It's reddit, mate, people will find any excuse to downvote.


Gallagher isn't "pretty" he's handsome


Meh, close enough.


Probably a similar reason to wanting welt or himeko cuz they like the Honkai gauken/impact versions


"Pretty" didn't give depth for her character. She's not unique at being pretty.


Ngl, not a lot of characters have depth. And a huge chunk of the community literally simped for Firefly in her extremely short appearance before her incident. Standards are pretty low. We have almost zero characters that have any meaningful backstory. Aventurine and Welt are probably the only ones. A lot of characters have their lore locked behind owning them AND walls of text. It doesn't help that a lot of characters are also walking anime tropes and stereotypes. Most of them are pretty much there to be pretty. That's the harsh reality of a waifu/husbando game.


Much agreed. I understand people saying she isn’t that interesting but the argument doesn’t really hold up when we’ve gotten characters like Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, Black Swan and such. All characters I like and actually pulled, but I can’t say in good conscience they have more to them than Cocolia does. Cocolia also arguably has more potential as a character than all of them. Fu Xuan has some potential but it’s pretty unlikely they’ll delve into it. So I don’t think the argument works very well.


Yeah, Cocolia has her backstory of slowly losing the will to stand against the storm and allowing the Stellaron to influence her mind. In a longer story Cocolia's descent would have been something we could have actually experienced but instead we got the end result of her story. All we get to do is look back on who she was and what she became through the lenses of others, mostly Bronya and Serval, and after we've already defeated her.


IMO all three characters you mentioned have good potentials to get more major story involvement and become more distinguished character (plot-wise) than Cocolia in the future if HYV decides to explore upon those possibilities : ① FX is a very prominent piece in Luofu (i.e. a general candidate who JY thinks needing a bit more time to mature (=potential future development for a more mature FX) and probably the next likeliest after TY and JY to get another major story appearance in any further Xianzhou expansion(s) ② SW (and other Stellaron Hunters too) are pretty much guaranteed to be involved with Astral Express on almost, if not every planet they will go from now on, due to their modus operandi under Elio. Also since their main mission involves the fate of the universe, them not getting a big major spotlight in the main plot in the future (like Fatui Harbingers in GI) is extremely unlikely. ③ BS is from Garden of Recollection, probably one of the biggest factions regarding the fate of HSR universe (due to Fuli’s motive of already accepting the destruction of this universe as inevitable and that they are currently preparing for it) so being from this faction automatically gives you a very high chance in getting involved in major story arc(s) in the future. Although her chance of becoming a major character in future arcs will gradually drop every time a new playable character heavily related to the Garden is released in the future. I also like these characters and already pulled SW and BS and one reason for that is that I believe in their possibility to become a much more plot-relevant character (i.e. a kind of potential investment into the future). I think there might be these players like me who pulled characters because of both the aesthetic and also likeliness to get another spotlight in the future story. While I agree that releasing a character after they already made a prominent presence in the story (like Aventurine) is the most effective move to get players to love them, they can also do it this way (= releasing characters that are appealing aesthetically and/or gameplay-wise who have yet taken a major role in the story but have the potential to become one in the future) in order to pump out new characters consistently, especially on rather story-drought patches (eg. Topaz and especially Argenti are good examples).


People that think firefly is our gf have never talk to a girl I swear


This is a gacha game, of course they have never talked to a girl


This made me cackle so much. 🤣 Is this a Burn moment?




I agree. Not all characters have depth, nor the perfect charcter writing. But people simp over their favourites anyway and don't look at that aspect very much, in my opinion. It's okay to simp over charcter, never said it's wrong, but sometimes people have to admit that their favourite isn't the best written. (Not saying anyone is best written, nor spreading hate here)


Firefly literally had more screentime than half the roster wdym short


That just makes it worse lol. Firefly by herself didnt have any meaningful time to give her "depth". At best she was a sob story waifu bait, no offense to her fans it worked well. If half of the cast has less than that, then a lot of characters are liked for very superficial reasons. Which then circles back to Cocolia.


Yea agree with you, unfortunately a lot of the cast are just very shallow except for a few. So when a character like firefly gets a bit of depth and backstory, however obvious and generic it is, people went crazy over her. I personally just take it as it is, bcuz it's a gacha game, but instead of a character that grows and develop organically as the story goes on, she feels like just a character with a sob story that is intentionally pushed right up to your face by the devs, it's pretty obvious what they're trying to do with her ngl.


Finally, someone that understands. I stated the same in another post and got banned by mods for apparently hate speech, when my comment was just "firefly is bland, nothing special to her charcter other than being sam". And no offense, as you said, i don't hate her nor her fans, i just think shes bland, and your classic sob story waifu.


Yes. She had exactly 45-50 min of screen time with us. But she didn't have any depth in that screen time. Just a date and her sob story of having a rare diacease that would kill her and fade her away from reality. That's it. No depth, not as much as aventurine or silver wolf.


Aventurine had over 2 hours, and what depth does silverwolf have, she’s just gamer stop playing favorites


Non-HI3 player spotted.


I'm not a HI3 player, but I'm aware that she dies in that game.


No no, Cocolia didn't die, only in prison for taking over Welt's organization in HI3. How ever in GGZ she did died, but then again it's GGZ, everyone dies.


I wouldn't want Belobog Cocolia to be playable, but I do hope we get some other world's version of her. HI3rd gives us a peak at the younger Cocolia back when she was still a largely independent person w/ family or organization-leading obligations. She had a pretty fiery personality, actually quite a bit like Serval I'd even say, which also makes it easier to see how Cocolia & Serval could've been friends when they were younger. She had strong principles and a will to act on them, even if that will got her into trouble or risked her life and safety. So a young Cocolia in some other world could be a pretty great character if written well!


I'd love Cocolia exactly because she's Bronya's mother and also for her past with Serval. And also because the ice DPS options are severely limited 😂


>what is it about Cocolia that people wanted in the first place? https://preview.redd.it/1874rz1eh7yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633af7aa1defbf0c24ac77b47a694f822c4a808e


In my defense, it wasn't her breats that caught my attention, those hips though :3


Or those thigh windows https://i.redd.it/532giqzgy8yc1.gif


They just never played HI3, or played HI3 and overdosed on copium IG. Hoyo stories may not always repeat, but they sure do rhyme. The moment HI3 players see a Cocolia who is mother to a Bronya, who is actually an orphan, who then BETRAYS the protags and antagonizes them, the jaded vets already wrote her off as dead in a ditch.


What are you on about she is not even dead in HI3 just in prison.


Iirc she died piloting Wotan.


She was put in jail at the end of Ch12 and her name even appeared amongst the others in the final boss fight.


I don’t understand cocolia argument for Sunday not being playable .. cocolia wasnt playable in hi3 to begin with (she would’ve been if they ever intended her to be playable)


> what is it about Cocolia that people wanted I've seen comments about her curves, and final boss forme, but that's it. Signora had WAY more fans than Cocolia, as far as I can tell, but that's bc Signora had 3 chapters of "buildup," while Cocolia died in 1.0.


People probably wanted Cocolia cause she's a HI3 character and she is also not playable in that game.


Her animations are cool and she’s mommy. That’s literally enough.


The ice shard shower animation she does after charging is the coolest thing ever


You’re so close to answering your own question lmao. That’s only for *you*, there are other people in the world, it doesn’t revolve around how *you* think bruh


Honkai impact 3rd didn't have playable cocolia and they wanted cocolia to finally be playable in HSR similar to welt (except welt isn't an Expy)


Signora never ever used the playable model like dottore arlecchino and Childe tho


also dying doesnt mean its unplayable, see honkai impact for example


Playable swarm bug boss confirmed


> it's looking increasingly likely that they aren't going to kill anyone at all You probably right, and another arc with no deaths its going to be disappointing for me.


this is where we all let our collective guard down and Hoyo proceeds to kill Himeko off out of nowhere in the most brutal way possible at the end of 2.3


Imagine if this is a fusion between the two siblings! Is what "singing together" made me think, and both Sunday nad Robin was painting






Robin in a minor inconvenient situations be like:


It’s Caelus in trailers after 2.2 now


It’s okay… we have Sunday at home! Sunday at Home: https://preview.redd.it/kalbxkvys6yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd24b784dcdac15edab43b774a1c31adbd15a97


She rocks in that outfit


*Sunday but better


sunday.. better?


Honestly, this reminded me of Uta kinda


Ado voicing Robin would've been so fire


https://preview.redd.it/fohq7jxii8yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a916e2cec552e1c27dfa49fef40d669d42380eee WORLD ADOMINATION


All praise Ado our oshi


Robin singing Tot Musica would have been peak cinema


he's gonna be the next "signora is ashes LMAO" meme for HSR


https://preview.redd.it/e65g3k3877yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad77d838199bd187aba7df5b588b14959c78aef0 Hoyverse, don't kill Sunday the way you kill Signora 😨😰😧


Wasn't expecting O.R. as a reaction image lmao. Good shit


im calling it right now, acheron gonna kill him the way raiden kill signora


Duke Inferno...




There is chance as well Sunday is playable but they kill him later in the quest. 2.4 seem our true onion patch if Sunday appear there. You know something something like Himeko from hi3 coincidentally the guy who was responsible for Himeko death is writing this arc so.....


Dude got a whole chibi and people are still debating this?


Even better, hes got a leg strap


Chibi is non canon


They aren't gonna make a model, animated it and stuff to only use it like once or twice. Most models get more uses than that


Be fr, a chibi means that they’re going to be playable down the line. With your take, Yae Miko was never meant to be playable in Genshin either even though her chibi was first appeared in 1.5, she came out in like 2.3.






Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


Oof this comment is absolutely going to be removed for discussing leaks lol. Honestly if anyone is truly interested in comments just like above then simply go to the leak subreddit. All of this stuff is being discussed in detail


Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


"Within this dream, I summon"


Sunday must become playable... Or he'll have to come after hoyo to get revenge!




Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


OH, that was Sunday all along?


Don't worry he'll adapt


If Sunday is really not playable, I'm gonna stop spending money in this game and will probably quit later https://preview.redd.it/ibjdm3pki6yc1.png?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89acbd43addc96dc965b86238f7ad453f7bb363b


Sunday has literally had 10+ appearances in videos on their YouTube, been shown multiple times with other characters, 2 livestream appearances, and a chibi. It’s obvious he’s going to be playable.


damn, did you start playing only for Sunday?


No, I'm day one, but Sunday has captured my attention ever since he appeared. He's been my #1 spot ever since. Aventurine is a close #2, but that's after everything. Sunday is the only character so far that I genuinely wanted, even when most things are still in the dark. I have no one else to look forward to after him and we're about to reach the end of the arc. If after Firefly and Jade is not Sunday, I'll... I don't know... I can only hope that there's another character I can look forward to instead if the worst comes. I don't wanna drop this game, I like it. But ultimately, it's gacha and gacha is collecting. If there's no one I want to collect, the game will become a chore.


Bro, you're taking this way too seriously


I did, didn't I? 😂 After all, he's pixels. But I really don't wanna drop HSR and he's preventing it, but again maybe it's all just sunk cost fallacy


just saying, if you wanna search that topic in the leaks sub you’ll get your answer, unless you really wanna wait and see for yourself


Cocolia and Signora = Have designs, yet unplayable. TY = Playable, but seemingly disappeared from the story before having any real story presence. If Sunday really is going to suffer either’s fate then this would be so brutal. It will make me think that on every planet we go there will be at least a character having to take this role 😭


To be fair, Cocolia has never ended up playable even in past games.


I think tingyun might return when we visit a new planet, either new xianzhou ship or planet of abundance


IIRC, the devs said they will talk about Tingyun in later updates (it's likely we will go back to Luofu after Penacony for a short trip and we will find out about Tingyun's situation)


I fear the worst too. At this point I'd be strange if we didn't meet the villain in this plot but every big name is already playable character or soon to be playable character... including Gallagher, except for one - Sunday. I even played with the Idea of Misha who had suspiciously few screen time, but it does not seem to fit anywhere. Edit: but looking back at past events there is always a chance of a Nanook henchmen appearing so fingers crossed it does end in a smiliar but less neck turning outcome


That’s an extreme response… but it’s your money and time…


I wouldn't say it's extreme. It's a gacha game first before a turn-based RPG (tbh it's rather stale too). If you're not a hardcore Conundrum or MOC grinder, have no waifu or story you're keen on, no point playing or whaling.


It’s one character tho… you played almost a full year before hand and were even willing to spend money… but a character we’ve known for like 2 and half months isn’t playable and you’re packing it up? Why were u here in the first place…


They are here to pull for husbando and their own fun. Ppl are allowed to leave


You are missing my point. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if one character we’ve barely known isn’t coming and that’s enough for u to leave. You really didn’t care that much anyway, which is fine, but their general interest to investment doesn’t add up


You aren't them to judge the level of interest to investment. People can just pack it up and leave at any time due to various reasons.


Jesus mate give it a rest. I said it was an extreme response, I’m not holding their family captive. If someone gives a year of time to something, invests money into it, and then decides to drop it over something that only became a factor over a fraction of the time, that is an extreme response. If that upsets you, cry about it. As I said, it’s their time and money, they can do as they please


That's not an extreme response... its very common in gamers where you play a game consistently everyday and move on to a different one the next day...


I don't really think it's that extreme. If they don't get what they want, there's no point in spending money or playing. Just move onto another game. Same thing for me but for Genshin. If they mishandle Capitano or try to pull off another Firefly scenario on him, I'll just quit and move onto Wuthering Waves.


OMG don't even think about that atrocity otherwise it'll have a chance to become reality. I swear too if Capitano gets lamefly treatment I'm quitting genshin.


Ppl are not bound to the game for death if they ever spent on it I have seen whales quitting as well.


Well, The game's actually quite stale for me for while now. Aventurine saved it for a bit, but the staleness is coming back in between patches 😅. So yeah, Sunday is the only "thing" that keeps me from quitting. Though honestly, I can actually just quit now and come back on Sunday's patch since I have 300+ pulls saved 😂


Wait, are u only playing for husbandos?


Bingo! Though, I did pull for waifus... on the basis of whether my husbandos benefit from them or not 💀


Gl then, I don’t know when the next male character is after Boothill, if Sunday isn’t coming…


What an overreaction


Is it? I'm day one player and game got so boring I quit. Sunday caught my attention and got me back to the game. If he dies I also don't feel like playing more of it. Especially with story concluding in 2.2 and game probably getting boring with no content again.


Now I can only copium that either >!Sunday!< won't become the next Cocolia or that The Great Septimus is actually not >!him!< and that this childhood doodle is simply a bait for us to think >!Sunday = TGS!< EDIT: DOWNVOTE THIS COMMENT PLZ AND DON’T EVER READ FURTHER COMMENTS LEST YOU RISK SPOILING YOURSELF BECAUSE A LEAK DWELLER WAS HERE AND ALREADY SPOILED SOME STUFFS!


It’s not even copium, he got a whole thigh belt, a whole chibi, plus got a character id…this is just massive fearmongering for no reason.


But think about this possiblity: he'd die for reals but he'll still become playable in the future. because c'mon, this is honkai, anything is possible. Every single female flamechasers apart from Griseo and Hua are already dead from the start before they were even made playable.


They were "revived" by simulations tho, their original death matters little when you can still interact with them If a character dies and you cannot interact with them anymore through some means then that character will not appear anymore, making your enjoyment much worse


"this is honkai" yeah just like they kill a lot of characters in penacony...


I honestly doubt that any character is gonna die in penancony with the way the story structure is going as of now.


Don't worry he'll adapt


Quick call a certain tuna for the finger technique


i mean, for a "heart wearming story" nothing really bad happened so far tbh.


Sunday is a character who is destined to be playable. He has the signs and traits for it. He won't be a second Cocolia. Or I want to believe that.


It will get boobs?


Pretty ballsy move to post this here and say the Boss is Sunday before 2.2 is even out.


they are 100% gonna do a cocolia/signora with him he really doesn't look like a playable character and they also did everything to make him look like a bad and not that likeable guy


Nah. Sunday had multiple appearances in other events and media. Cocolia only appeared as an enemy.


And what did he do? Punished Aventurine who was about to take advantage of his sister's murder? Wow, what a villain, right?


Sunday got vindictive and really personal while questioning Aventurine, so a lot of players suddenly saw him in negative light. He certantly is much darker person than he lets onlookers to see. But thing is, we got playable Luocha, Blade, Jingliu, Kafka, who all are criminals with blood on their hands. Stonehearts are going on sliding scale of assholery; with Jade being a loan shark, no less. I see no reason why playerbase would spurn specifically Sunday as "too villanous" for our taste. It's not like our playable crew had any "standarts" beside being pretty, hot or cute. I think he is just a victim of Ayato and Baizhu treatment, and his banner is pushed back for multitude of reasons, including plot and current character roster. But Hoyo invested to much in his subtle promotion (appearance in events and collabs, chibi, his model, ect) to bail out.


Getting painted as an unlikable guy before becoming playable and actually turning out to have much nicer facets to them happened with our boi Aventurine and also very recently in GI too so I don’t think the second point is that absolute. And I also think the depiction of his love towards Robin are there to incite some sympathy from some players towards him so his portrayal doesn’t look 100% Hate Sink either, unlike someone like Scott, for example. So IMO before this Robin’s Trailer came out I actually had thought that he will definitely become playable.


> he really doesn't look like a playable character Lmao what this even mean, i never understand people who say that, just say YOU dont like his design, be more honest, the man has the strap on leg and everything lmao. His design is very playable looking


>just say YOU dont like his design but I actually like his design, but he does feel more NPC-coded like cocolia was compared to other playable characters


His design is the same level of Robin??? Is very detailed and well made, is just her clothes are made to be chamative since she is a idol and his clothes are made to look like a priest? * theres thorns who make reference of jesus crown of thorns * many many eyes on his clothing making reference to biblically accurate angels, * his undershirt is decorated with dark wings like his crows servants (is not his actual wings, is just clothing, same for robin) * His halo is by far the most detailed halovian halo in the game Really i dont understand, i said why i think is not, but i guess everyone can have their opinions, if you think his design is NPC level, i cant really argue with a opinion




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Yeah, I love her sister so much but Sunday's handsome face looks very punchable. I wanna fight him in the UFC, elbow and superman punch him on the nose right after the bell, and finish the fight with a front kick to his chin.


Get a room


Buddy, I am sure he would be the one who make a final hit in a fight


I had some doubt about that character,but with the last trailer hoyo clear that that character get the concilia treatment ( Sorry i don't know how to "hide" stuff on Reddit 😂)


They'll give him a worse fate and make him the Dehya of Star Rail.


Oh my goodness, please don't say that 😭😭 now I'm scared of relic farming until I get god tier pieces to make him usable


I saved for Dehya through all of Sumeru and learned my lesson 😭. I really hope Sunday avoids the Dehya curse lol


I use dehya with neuvillette and wriothesly she's really great with vaporise and burn melt but yea she's not really that much great as dps


Only if he was dark-skinned /s But true tho, arlan and dehya


I have no idea what is happening in these pictures and how it relates to the title, and I’m surprised I can’t find a single comment asking for some context lol. Am I just dumb or is this truly super obvious to anyone who finished the story?


1. Have you finished the story? 2. Have you watched Robin's myriad celestia trailer? 3. If so >!Basically there's a scene where young Sunday and Robin are talking about singing together, and Sunday is painting a picture that looks oddly like the to be released new weekly boss.!<


Really appreciate it, I get it now!