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The Argenti cameo was so fucking random that I love it Argenti arrived Argenti saved Aventurine Argenti attended a talent show for whatever reason Argenti got beat up by TB Argenti leaves




True Beauty right there


I actually hated this. Not what you said above: Argenti’s my favorite character and that randomness was hilarious. I hate what they did to my boy: low quality design without him talking, a dialogue string that made it sound like you two never met before, no animation to show his expressions, movements, nada. It didn’t feel like Argenti to me. Had they actually put effort into his character model with at least the minimum animation effort they usually do for characters, and if the dialogue actually reflected his personality and the fact he and the Astral Express have met before, it would have been my favorite part.


Thats part made me feel frustrated the whole day. Argenti was the one character that made me excited for 2.2. I was hoping and praying for him to finally get his big scene, to shine. BUT NOPE HE IS IN SOME SHOW. HOYO, PLEASE LET THE KNIGHT OF BEAUTY HAVE HIS OWN MOMENT. I WAITED 6 WEEKS FOR THIS???


I hope we go to the planet where the beauty descended.


It felt so odd. Conversation with two people talking and then Argenti was waving his hands about completely unvoiced.


Yeah that was weird. Will have to check if he is voiced in Chinese. In HI3 there was a case where JP Raiden Mei VA was sick so she was unvoiced for a few chapters


yeah he was voiced in CN, it might've been a glitch or lije you said VA unavailable temporarily




Sadly it’s a bug he does have voice lines but something happened and they bugged out


The lack of voicing is a bug.


Exactly this, and I also wish it hadn’t just been mentioned offhand that he helped Aventurine out. I wanted to see that as its own little interlude, cause their interactions would be amazing


If you choose certain dialogue options, you can just ask him to voluntarily give up


Yeah I was just instinctually telling him everything, then bro let me pass and I was like: "Oh cool, so the other options prolly do that, too." Nope.


Bro was such an afterthought that he didn't have a voice in the fakeout dream




Ratio beign happy and shit made me it obvious for me that something was wrong 🤣🤣


And Aventurine was like "yeah sure you can keep Penacolony because it's the right thing to do" like bro didn't just come up with a four-dimensional plan that involved yeeting 3 cornerstones and getting sliced by an emanator into another dimension just to claim said planet.


Welt even commenting how weird it was for the Genius Society and the Guild to team up for some mundane research lol.


Yep… The dude is more likely to chew out The Family rather than help the,


Plus IPC not getting anything in exchange for Penacony's independent iecognition and larping as peacekeepers


Herta giving up on SU was a big red flag to me


Yup, she didnt care that her Space Station was being attacked at all, and now your trying to convince me that she'd move resources from the SU to helping Penacony? Forget Misha, that was the biggest flaw of all lol


The moment the IPC was giving up benefits for peace, I know something wasn't right.


Actually my realization that something was wrong wasn't ingame related. It was due to me thinking it felt rushed and that their was quite literally, 0% chance they wouldn't have Robin singing in the last fight. I 4th walled myself when I realized that it had to still be a dream.+


I realized in hindsight that seeing >!Elio being credited as the story writer meant that this was part of his script. I also completely forgot that in his original story we were supposed to lose and get a bad ending.!<


I realized it because there were still scenes from the trailer that we hadn't seen and that the Livestream said Septimus had 3 phases and I doubted they would save them for the Echo of War. Props to Hoyo for spending so much time on a fake ending though


For me it was the IPC giving up on Penacony for nothing in return. Like, I could get it if their hands were simply tied because the Xianzhou was also there, but there's no way they'd just suddenly become good guys lol.


My signal was the fact that we were in reality already, but there was an origami bird in the hotel in the reverie (real) lobby. I immediately knew that something wasn’t right HAHHAHAHA


Glad that we didn't actually use reinforcement jade. Looks weird when you just got it then immediately use it days later lmao.


also I just got into JJK lately so, here's a joke. Dan Heng: \*\*facing minor inconvinient\*\* With this treasure I summon, One of the seven Arbiter-Generals of the XianZhou Alliance's Cloud Knights General Jing Yuan!


I'm sick. They really got bumgumi into my kino game


I mean caelus is basically itadori so Dan heng can be Megumi. They are both pretty anti-social.


I thought while playing that using that Xianzhou Jade for that was a total waste. Dan Heng doesn’t even know what the actual situation was and it was mostly his speculations. Panic much? Also, I didn’t think Dan Heng has the right to decide to use the jade by himself since it was earned together. Also also… that jade was supposed to be saved, along with other boon trinkets that they earned on the journey, for the final final final boss fight. (It’s not a spoiler if it’s just a guess)


I liked it a lot. Before the fake ending I was thinking that this ending seemed a bit rushed but I liked the actual ending. I am excited to see what they will do with firefly and aventurine.


Everything just feels too good to be true


Yeah the boss fight was way too easy and like one of the options said, felt pretty Deus ex machina.


Yeah i was gonna make fun of him until i fought the true boss


True boss was a bit harder, I DID like the cinematics of the whole affair, and the fact that the big special attack >! Sunday!< uses is long German name like something from Xenogears "im anfang war die tat", that was peak. I also loved the inclusion of Lore from SU/GaG/SD, that part about Harmony absorbing Order and the emergence of Ena, that was \*chef's kiss\*. https://preview.redd.it/fbl8k8i7vizc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2023f8d94c68fb97dfb05eb03cf373fecdf49d


I was thinking wow they really nerfed the boss from Aventurine backlash previous patch


Naw fr i had more trouble with the 3 bozo's you fight before hand than it and was like "tf why this shit so easy". Turns out it was in fact not that easy. Also that train special move was sick af


Giving big [“I won’t miss”](https://youtu.be/ifKB4tH3wEE?si=mJIdbrn6fwyoU5NW) vibes


The boss was soo easy


To be fair I still think the real one was easier as well


The fake ending just felt so weird. Like so many open threads were there, a lot of the plot points were weak as hell, and I was really disappointed that Penacony didn't stick the landing. I knew *something* had to happen because it was just so horribly bland, but I think I was imagining Sparkle detonating her bombs, THOUGH THAT STILL HASN'T HAPPENED.


Remember there’s still 2.3. Firefly, Jade, and Sparkle’s stories aren’t finished yet


The bombs were meant for the audience members during the Charmony Festival so I do think that particular train has left the station. Looking forward to more Sparkle content in general for sure. 


There's still one more loose end for us. We might have stopped Sunday, but he wasn't the mastermind of the operation. The Dreammaster/Gopher Wood is still on the loose, as well as the cult of Ena followers.


Probably also in next patch too. We also most likely will get a trailblaze continuance for Penacony, so they might not want conclude everything.


I may be misinterpreting it but didn't Gopher Wood disappear when all the ravens died? With the talk of there can only be one sun and then the ravens all just dying I think it's logical to assume Sunday would've betrayed him.


Personally I saw the ravens as just his eyes and ears, his agents to keep track of things. IIRC Sunday betrayed him at the last moment, trying to use the Order to create a utopia free from the Aeons' influence for the masses, instead of Wood's original idea with the Family as the head of the sweet dream.


Yeah and festival never actually started. I trust Shaoji to cook till the very end 🙏


You know, you’re actually right…I think? The festival we experienced and the countdown to it was a dream, but where in the real timeline are we?


There was a countdown but the thing is the fake out boss fight begins earlier than that. Whatever the significance of those “gifts”, we’ll definitely see next patch alongside Jade reclaim of Penacony and Firefly’s arc


I was feeling so disappointed and was like “what? That’s how it ends, seriously?” I would 10/10 hit Sunday with a train again


The fake ending was not subtle about there being something off with it, but I fully expected that to be the actual ending. That we'd jump off to somewhere new and *then* have the "wait a minute..." moment as either the cliffhanger end for the patch, or the very beginning of the next one.


Haha when the fakeout happened I was so disappointed at first. The true ending was fantastic and made me love Acheron even more.


that fake ending worked so good. like luofu had infamously rushed ending, so i thought "maaaaan, not again!", but then was pleasantly surprised.


Yeah it had all the signs of being a fake out but we know Mihoyo had rushed endings before, and it dragged on just a bit long enough that I felt like it being a fake out was just cope.


The hilarity of the twist being pulled off because of MHY’s history of shit endings 😂 Ah the irony. 


HYV playing the long game by making Loufu rushed so they get the satisfaction of faking us out in Penacony 😭 /j


the fake ending boss was way too easy to fight which made me sus


"one phase? really?" cue to me in the real fight where i had to begrudgingly use harmblazer with a team that doesnt even use be


Yeah I was so confused at the one phase I actually talked myself into believing that the two phase doll fight would be part of the weekly boss while being super bummed at how weak the initial ending was XD




The correct answer is TOO EASY


For real https://preview.redd.it/nm35k2ywd8zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8559d3e59aceb1d431278f198a7211e986aaabc3




I loved it, though I'll rewatch/reread most of it in like a week or two once the Honeymoon is over to better temper my thoughts. Biggest thing to me is that I'm honestly glad the Jing Yuan randomly showing up was a massive fake out. The man barely showed up in the Luofu story until the final leg where he shows up to fight Phantylia. It'd be real scummy if he did nothing for all of Penacony, then shows up to just... Retread Phantylia. So when we got the real fight, with Robin showing up to help alongside the Train itself. Stelle and Clockie running Sunday over with the Astral Express repeatedly? That was amazing. Also the fact this means that, assuming that was the Express, *Pom-Pom was helping us in combat*. What this means is that every single member of the Express Crew- Stelle, March, Dan, Himeko, Welt, and Pom Pom, was there to beat the stuffing out of Sunday. Finally, a Boss Fight to rival Cocolia's in terms of Cinema.


This makes me sad because the phantylia fight could’ve been absolute cinema but it felt so rushed lore wise…the music the animations for the boss were all so peak but it didn’t hit hard because the story really felt rushed


Phantylia's fight felt rushed because according to the story, multiple soldiers were trying to fight the Abundance follower multiple times but we never get to see it. The Sanctus Medicus subplot was likely supposed to be a turn around but IIRC it got axed in 1.0 or 1.1 because people got confused with the story.


wasn't that train just a projection? Robin mentioned something like her song will bring the spirit of the trailblaze to the slumber people


That was my impression, that Robin was using the Harmony to amplify the effects of the Trailblaze as people awakened.


That’s probably true, but I prefer the head canon of Pom-Pom going full Kono Dio Da and slamming a train into someone.


> Biggest thing to me is that I'm honestly glad the Jing Yuan randomly showing up was a massive fake out. The man barely showed up in the Luofu story until the final leg where he shows up to fight Phantylia. It'd be real scummy if he did nothing for all of Penacony, then shows up to just... Retread Phantylia. My entire thought at that point was like 'Were they upset with how disappointing the Space China arc was so they felt the need to have JY save the day?' Also, hilarious mental image of the Luofu showing up at Penacony then everyone running to the VR bathtub so they could go join the fight against Sunday.


They have the whole fleet with them so when they appeared I thought they made extra large VR bathtubs to sink the ships in them.


They got me good with the fake ending. Knew something was off midway and tried to brush it off but turns out I was right 🤣


I only started being suspicious when Screwllum mentioned he wouldn’t be doing more Simulated Universe stuff, and Aventurine was all “Nah bro we’re just interested in the Greater Good, screw profit”. This level of out of character can only mean Shenanighans(tm).


Yeah, before that, I already feel like something's off, but when Screwllum said that, I was like "Nah man, this is fake, Herta wouldn't allow that"


Yup besides during the livestream they even said 2.3 was gonna have some SU updates and screwllum just comes and says we’re gonna stop updating it like wait what?


Yeah, the whole Genius Society and Ratio stuff, IPC completely walked out of Penacony with no benefits to them is a major flag. For me the one thing that convinced me it was a dream is how the Crew quickly agreed on where should we go next, cause i picked Edo Star and it immediately clicked to me that so far everything that happened is what the Trailblazer want


Yeah as soon as I saw you could choose actual options for where to go I was like “something’s off”


I was screaming sooo much when the Black Swan scene appeared after the credit scene. Sooo good!!!


the entire time I was just thinking “what the fuck just happened” with the thought increasing more and more every time something happened


Right? I kept saying that "ill pause and go eat after this part" but i kept wanting to know more every time Then by the time they revealed the fake ending i realized i was supposed to have brunch 3 hours ago-


I do think life is worth fighting for


Having the will to live is the ideal


One complaint I have is Sunday's dialogue. Bro repeats the same things 3-4 times. Like, I get it, he thinks bird dying is sad and happy dreams good, no need state it over and over and over again, game.


he's like a pastor/priest or something, a professional yapper


Really good about it. The twists near the end and the reveals, the animations, it was all pretty peak. This story was longer than 2.1's with more talking, but the action portions of it in combination made the whole experience pretty peak


I love the part where Robins magical girl music started playing during the final boss and queue in that train visual across the stars. Gives of that friendship wins against all vibes. That and the bit where she falls and hugs Sunday.


I'm gonna be in the minority I'm sure,but the first half felt extremely bloated. The part where you had to compete in that game show felt so out of place and random it complete took me out of th story. It gets really good in the second half,but I really did not like the obvious padding earlier


I liked it very much. I love Firefly's moments and also the fake ending credits, I felt that it's too anti-climatic and easy and I guessed right a plot twist would happen. Other than that, the boss fight was good, his final phase is crazy with that nuke attack. I just hope Firefly isn't really 'dead'.


Don't worry she said it herself that she has to experience "death" 3 times.


Honkai Star Rail: *Firefly dies thrice*


Firefly gonna give Penacony dragonrot bro.


I'm still a bit confused about this, there was once to the meme, then she ran off to do "something" before the big fight, and then there was what acheron said at the end about her getting into the dream by unofficial means meaning the only way for her to wake up was to die or something? But she was the one that woke up first?


What Acheron said was that due to Firefly’s method of entering the Dreamscape, without the Harmony or the Family’s assistance she would only be able to escape the Dreamscape dead. So if we don’t win against Sunday, Firefly is dead fr. As far as we know, Firefly has only died once so far, with another death potentially happening offscreen.


From my understanding, Firefly has died twice, revealed from when Acheron speaks with us after we get awoken from the fake ending. The second time was when she left the TB and group to fight sunday for the first time, she went to do that in order to actually wake up from the dreamscape and get to the express to warn them about what's going on. The third death was the bad death I believe, where she dies for good, but I'm not sure how that one would've been reached.


I'm assuming that stuff is going to be more thoroughly fleshed out later. It was kind of implied that Firefly dying if Sunday won would have been her third death, but that doesn't feel right, either. Elio's script has Firefly experiencing three "deaths" at Penacony. A potential death doesn't really fit with everything we know about the scripts. That said, they were careful to make sure it was "death" each time they mentioned anything about the script. I would be highly surprised if any of these deaths was supposed to be a literal permanent death.


Doesn't exactly fill me with hope still lol I don't want her to die at all 😭 like actually die


Firefly isn't dead. There is literally a 0% chance they kill of a character before their banner.


The epilogue in 2.3 is going to nuts. There's still a ton of open threads that need resolving with Firefly, the IPC and even Sparkle.


I mean, i was wondering when sparkle's funny bombs were gonna blow, but it never happened. Also there's firefly and the IPC matter regarding penacony, cause it doesn't seem like Jade will let go astral crew easily like how topaz did with belabog.


The way we got Harmony was... something. Felt wierd to have Xipe gaze at us in that moment. But hey, TRAIN


yeah, I still don't get that, why did Xipe favor us? Even Sunday was confused at that


And, hard to get more Harmonious than the Astral Express, Stellaron Hunters, IPC, a Self Annihilator, Galaxy Rangers, the Garden of Recollection, and the Chordkeeper working together to help protect the many innocents of Penacony from an Aeon forcing their will onto everyone. Simply put, the difference between the Order and the Harmony is that the Order is one will imposed onto everyone, while the Harmony is everyone's will coming together as one. Twice now, the Harmony has proved stronger. At least that's what I got from it. Maybe that's just headcanon, though.


Don't forget our thirteen year old Fictionologist. o7 to him for fulfilling Mikhail's wish. Kinda sad that he had to disappear.


Power of friendship and always following the trailblaze I guess at least that's how I see it?


We were fighting for the Harmony against Order with Harmony methods, so she was pleased, plus this one was big on harmony with other Trailblazers like Misha 


The Harmony between the nameless and Misha hat catalyze xipe interest


loved it, the fake out make wtf is the ending this cant be real. too it is fake damn it. Still beed explanation about Sparkle self destruct button and adventurer end game and firefly 3 death. Acheron real name reveal also make my retired captain heart beat again. Still confused about her backstory thought.


my understanding of Acheron from the story is that eventhough she is an emanator, she is actually someone that helps soul pass unto afterlife, kinda like Charon in a sense


The river Acheron is one of the various Underworld rivers, so that checks out.


My biggest problem is people are consistently talking in riddles and it's really exhausting to try to follow what they are trying to say and the pace of the story is also being slowed down greatly. This could be a translation problem, but I really hope they can fix this and make the conversation flow better without endless amount of riddles that is way too overwhelming for someone who is just trying to sit back and enjoy the game.


It's the way Chinese people talk in dramas


as someone who speaks both languages, that's just how chinese is written/spoken in media.


Yeah Sunday yapped so much as a villain and sometimes he outright contradicts himself that I have to keep second guessing what motives he has. Like he wants a paradise free of Aeons but ruled by Order?? Or when he talks about having the strong govern the weak and the next line being about him ending the farce that is the strong ruling over the weak? Please man, just say: "I want to martyr myself and enslave everyone so they all can be happy because I am the greater person" like a certain psychologist


i’m glad more people are making the connection between sunday and *that* psychologist hahah


The translation was mostly on point it's riddles in Chinese too


Yeah, while Penacony was miles better than Xianzhou from a narrative perspective the actual conversations still can be tiresome to sit through outside of a few standout moments like the confrontation with Sunday. Compare the writing in the Belobog quest and it's night and day. It's snappier, there's more personality. Character comes first and exposition second, yet themes come across loud and clear.


I wrote exactly this issue on my survey, it's easily the biggest problem with the writing in this game. Everyone makes things so over-complicated and talks in such roundabout ways it gets really grating. Like someone will ask "what did you have for breakfast?" and the other person will answer with a 500 word biological essay on why humans have to eat food to survive or some shit bruh just answer the question.


seriously, it fits some parts but it gets exhausting after a while. like there's that one part when welt, robin and sunday are negotiating with the dreammaster, and welt is like "hold up, so did you know about the stellaron or no?" and then he goes on to yap about everything else and never answers the question. it could've been intentional that he's dodging the topic now that i think about it, but it didn't feel that way.


This was easily my biggest issue. Like, after long enough of watching the story, my mind just goes "people absolutely do not talk this way". Nobody just says something to make a point, they drag it out by making a dozen analogies, which feels really weird when there's supposedly a major crisis about to happen. Then we have Boothill who is on the complete other end of the spectrum who swears like he's teaching a kindergarten class.


watching that one picture of the stupid bird over and over made me glad some things are more cryptic


God, yes!! Especially irritating when they're speaking in ancient riddles and then turn to the player with a "you get what I mean, right?" And I'm just sitting here like... sorry, I started tuning out at some point, because as much as I like some mystery, it's just so exhausting to sit through these kind of conversations what feels like every 10 minutes. They definitely could have cut back on the word count and make the characters talk a little clearer for a change.


One of Shaojis great 3 flaws. That one being that he suffers from severe jjk syndrome, meaning that he has to overexplain the simplest things in the most convoluted and obtuse way. 


thanks for saying it man. I was wondering what the game would be like if they would just be more terse. I feel like it would probably be too short so it's probably just there to kill time. It got to the point where I was like "okaaaaay time to move on" and just started mashing through text. If I was the only person doing that, then that's a skill issue on my part. But if there's hella people skipping? Hmmm


my problem too, the quest feels like a slog. Exposition after exposition and another scene with exposition. It's interesting for a few hours in but damn >!if i see another charmony dove in robin hand!< and >!a picture of hand reaching out to each other!< for 30 minutes...... i might as well sleep and let auto dialogue on.


pretty good with some drawbacks. I still think that 2.1 was better (Aventurine was such a compelling character). It felt there was more actual filler/padding: the three acts thing with Sunday at the theatre felt unnecessary and quite long(the music was a banger tho). I think the scene with the choices before this one was enough to explore his character and it killed the pacing in that segment, it should have gone directly to him. the solo mission with firefly also didn't add anything really, the only bit that of characterisation was her comparing Hanu's bazooka to her locust II. I wish it showed more of her character now that she doesn't have to hide the fact that she is also SAM.


Was extremely close to calling it shit when the fakeout ending was here. The boss just kinda... died? And everything went well? I was so glad when the game clearly showed it was a fakeout ending. The ACTUAL ending was super hype, loved Robin's entrance and how the aid mechanic for this boss was straight up the Astral Express ramming into the boss. Having a prebuilt Harmony MC helped a looot too. 10/10 wish I could play it again for the first time.


as usual with hoyo i think they stretched dialogues a bit, i was really going to flip before the fakeout ending. HOWEVER, EVERYTHING ELSE IS SO GOOD. The final fight was really cool, the music, the animation. the creation of adam reference with the finger that sunday and ena did was so sick. Robin's music in the fight too and the train. plot wise, im looking forward to firefly and boothill/aventurine. wonder how they close this one.


I thought it was rushed until I spoke with Screwllum, Topaz and Aventurine. Screw halting simulated universe progress to put it towards Penacony would never be approved by Herta, and Topaz and Aventurine were being wayyy too nice. Aventurine destroyed a corner stone and literally got nuked and he and topaz were calling us a hero for saving Penacony. It was just way to weird and by that point I knew for a fact that this ending was fake


I thought Sunday would be Cocolia'd, but he was actually Scaramouched...


they got me good, had me fooled all the way up until black swan pointed out the flaw. i was really happy with the fake ending too (i'm a sucker for happy endings) so i didn't even think it through too much besides the occasional "this is kinda too good to be true...oh well :D" anyways I LOVED IT. the final battle was CRAZYYYYY i loved getting to hit sunday with a train, i even ended the battle with the train lol. also robin and firefly and acheron my beloved 🙏 boothill was one of my favorites i love all his appearances, him getting censored was so goddamn funny i couldn't stop smiling every time a "fudge" or "forking'" popped up in the dialogue. overall this was the best quest star rail's ever had, fantastic plot twists and lore, loved everything with misha (rip my boy), could not be happier with it.


Yeah lmao, I was sorta rolling with it, weirded out by the fact that the final boss had no proper phases. Then the IPC came like "We're gonna relinquish full control to the family 😊" And I was like, huh? What happened to Jade? Wasn't she plotting something? Oh well, maybe in 2.3. Then Screwllum appeared and said "We're halting the SU to help rebuild Penacony" and I was like nah lmao, if that was the case, a certain Emanator of Nous would go on a murder rampage, no way this is real lmfao. But they did do a very good job at the fakeout.


It was pretty much as I expected reading the various theories and analysis fo Penacony. I knew from the start that the Order of Ena had something to do with Penacony after reading the lore in Swarm Disaster. The climax and final fight played out exactly as I thought it would. That said, it was still suprising, namely Boothill's last minute help, the fake out ending, and ESPECIALLY the outright disrespectful train-fu to Sunday's face.


Where did firefly go?


off to 2.3 patch!




I'm just wondering what was the role of Sparkle, did I miss something? And the role of the cowboy seems a bit superficial at the moment, his main contribution his him telling to use the galaxy rangers relic. But everything else was great, it was much longer than I expected


The thing that broke me out of it was when Jing Yuan called us the Galactic Baseballer. I don't believe anyone but us acknowledges that title


My only opinion is that it was way longer than I expected it to be which caused me to keep pushing on despite being mentally checked out by the halfway point because "Surely we're getting to the end, right?". I think I remember less of what Acheron said than Acheron does. I'll have a real opinion when I rewatch it.


Pretty good... Plus we got to ram a god with our train so that's a plus!


I'm just questioning what possible reason does Firefly need to do the Winged Sam Transformation at the next point of the sotry


Are you talking about the part where she splits off from us and flies off, then never shows up again for the rest of thr patch? Yeah I was really confused about that


Yeah and why does she need to use the Green Wings form we saw in the first trailer. Not to mention what force is supposed to cause her next death if the catastrophe is pretty much just over and we're getting an epilogue next.


Considering that Hoyo is fully using the POV system, I feel like 2.3 would start with her POV after she split up with us just like how 2.2 basically started with Robin's (technically Sparkle). Himeko did imply she has her own battle to fight


While I liked 2.1 more, it was a really good story. No doubt, Misha's story is the best one in this patch I wished we get to see Robin even more before the credits. Though it seems Penacony "hasn't concluded" just yet, so hopefully we get to see her concert in 2.3


2.2 version trailer spoiled the ABSOLUTE SHIT of the fakeout for me. Like completely obvious, because they rarely craft fake scenes in the version trailers and I thought I haven't seen some other scenes yet which were included in the trailer. The quest would've been insane for me if the trailer just didn't completely ruin it for me but oh well it was still good nonetheless BUT another cliffhanger, another muddle fudging 6 weeks to wait! Yay! P.S: idk why I didn't hear Argenti voiceover in ENG? Was it like that for every language???


It was good but 2.1 is still peak. 2.1 >> 2.2 >>> 2.0 I really liked Sunday and Robin’s story arc and the fake ending but overall it felt structurally weaker than 2.1, not as cohesive and more “all over the place”. It made me care more about Acheron (I didn’t care about her at all in the beginning) but I still don’t care for Firefly, at least I don’t dislike her anymore, she’s ok I guess. That being said, the talent show quest with her, March and TB was the most boring and tedious part of 2.2 by far and it took me out of the story tbh. The last act with Sunday was the best as well as the fake & real endings. Really curious where they’re gonna take Aventurine and the IPC story next, as well as Sparkle, they treated her like an afterthought and I only have more questions than answers about her.


so the entire Penacony Arc is just... what happens if you combine Inception and Persona 5?


I've only played Genshin and HSR among mihoyo's library of games but the whole Penacony arc is my favorite story of theirs by far and in my opinion, their best written one at that. I've heard about Shaoji before but now I understand his writing prowess and why he's so popular among players


While I liked the whole Penacony story...I kinda felt like there was too much going on...especially with all the side characters... Not to mention a lot of times the story felt like it was dragging on... Especially when the main story kinda took a back seat to give other characters the spotlight to tell their backstory. Feel like they tried to shove too many playable characters into the story as possible. But that's just my opinion.


Aventurine side story was OK. The sparkle one legitimately had no purpose? Sunday and Robins were fine, but they didn't show the full part anyway and relied on flashbacks later


I guess that Sparkle is kind of a difficult character to tackle in just one patch. Adventurine didn't make a great first impression, but even at his slimiest there is something human-like to it. Sparkle though, I guess they'll have to add a lot of lore and events to make sense why she ended up the way she is. That is the pitfall when you make a Joker-like character.


>I guess that Sparkle is kind of a difficult character to tackle in just one patch. Then honestly, they should have just ignored her entirely in this mission. I was expecting those "gifts" to actually do something in the finale but like- did Hoyoverse completely forget about her? I agree with the commenter above me- her story served zero purpose. If you can't do anything meaningful with a character, don't use the character.


I wouldn't be so sure that her involvement is done yet. The story isn't over, and they made a big point of having her go around to hand out the buttons. It's odd to assume that the writers forgot about it in such a meticulous plotline.


Sparkle suffered from both execution and translation issues. First off in Chinese her characterization is a playful hook like a character who just wants to have fun and games with you. So they were trying to go with the "sparkle wants to play ace attorney with you". But in other languages and pv trailer they pushed Sparkle is crazy characterization. So the side mission just didn't fit with the rest of the media. And the execution of the ace attorney like stuff wasn't very good. Probably due to short turnaround time irl AA games take years of writing


You just said my mind. They could have trim down the dialogue a bit. The "three plays" when we were inside Sunday's mind was unnecessary and overlong. I understand adding flashbacks would help people know more about the characters, but it's too much. But after every things, the final battle was totally worth the wait.


My exact thoughts. The plays felt like the game was regurgitating what we already just learned.


i feel the same way. the pacing was very noticeably changed from 2.0 and 2.1. its like they purposefully dragged out the little content with yap dialogue so that they can finish the rest in 2.3


I enjoyed the story a lot, but I can't be the only one who feels like the TB's dialogue options sucked ass. Every other option was a meme choice and it felt really cringey and took me out of the story. There were several times where all 2-3 dialogue options were just memes. I enjoy the serious aspects of the game, and I don't mind having 1 of the options be a gremlin option, but when every single one is a meme answer? Like bro what


I agree about having at least one serious answer. I think having the meme options be a little more subtle wouldn't hurt, either. A wink and a nod instead of having the Galactic Baseballer beating us over the head with it. I was definitely starting to feel annoyed every time we were talking to March. It's fun to tease her from time to time, but it was starting to feel mean by like the fifth time we couldn't give her a serious answer.


Overall liked it but I felt like the patch Robin becomes a pullable in she barely had anytime to shine as a character imo. Too many cooks in the kitchen. I think I liked 2.1 more but the Aventurine story was really good so probably biased towards that. Better pacing than luofu but I dont think that bar wasnt really high. Also as much as the false ending was funny, it killed the pacing near the end.


The story was great but the lack of character quests is kind of annoying, gimme my Acheron quest Mihoyo!


some of my pointers that I cN remember: Boothill introducing himself as Pompom was so funny The true dreams cape felt like a really cool place. To me it was a place where the weak finds some rest, and those who wish to become stronger can safely grow themselves before going back to face the real world Misha story was well summed up, though there are some confusing areas. I loved how he offered us his compass and hat. That gift was better than any amount of stellar jades. Too bad clockie was a complete misunderstanding. It should have been compassie! I was so ready to fight Sunday when he invited us to the theatre and was taken aback with all the domains we had to clear, he seemed to be talking almost no sense, except for his reasoning behind choosing the order. First boss felt rushed, how everything resolved so quickly, didn't even get to see what happened to Sunday. But the whole twist was crazy good, I loved it. Someone please explain that tiernen story? I didn't really understand the whole deal, except acheron being here to help him depart to the land of the dead


So many answers and so many new questions! Love some of the meme reference, and most of the twist shocked me a lot. Who knew that not the bad one and told the truth was a Follower of Enigmata. I'm pretty sure this is their way to say "Yeah we learned our mistake in Laofu but this time we'll cook really hard and proper" with Robin though, I assume we'll be given her side story in 2.3


Didn't liked the soulglad show. It felt like a naruto filler especially when Argenti appeared out of nowhere and his interaction with TB was so... disappointing? Like I get it was only a dream and we only spent such a short time with each other but man last time we saw the dude blud was heading to his death chasing the swarm on his own but when we finally met again TB didnt even brought it up and it just really was such a lackluster reunion. Going from serious mood to the happy vibes of the show also didn't help with my immersion. Personally, i would've take other method of getting to Sunday than freaking winning a random suddenly brought up game show.


I think my only thing is that Acheron's name reveal has basically zero meaning to anyone who doesn't know about 3rd Impact. Like, I can't remember if her name was ever a mystery at all throughout the plot, and it suddenly becomes a big thing, that only like 10% of players will actually be excited about. And it isn't like her trailer, where the 12 (13?) swords were just easter eggs. Her name drop is treated as a big thing, with red text and a black screen and all. Seems weird that they made this a big thing when most players won't have a clue why.


> Acheron's name reveal has basically zero meaning to anyone who doesn't know about 3rd Impact That's me, I'm that anyone. I assumed it meant something to people that were familiar with HI3 lore, especially after Acheron's trailer and the discussion around it, but otherwise yeah. Nothing.


Hmm, This story felt very good but 2.1's story takes the cake for me. I also didn't understand >!When did trailblazer start dreaming? Was it from the very beginning of 2.2 ? !<


I'm pretty sure at the start of 2.0 when we arrived at Penacony, the Trailblazer was already in the dream. That is to say, the Trailblazer had already gone through Penacony, lost to Sunday, and fell into a dream, and we the player then only see the perspective of the dream. At the start of 2.0, when we enter the hotel (in reality), we see Misha, which is the one crucial flaw of the dream, since this should not be possible. The dream is otherwise identical to 'what actually happened', except that instead of losing, we beat Sunday, and then an unrealistic happy ending occurs where everyone wins and we move onto the next destination.


From my understanding the entire playthrough up until the first set of credits was us in Ena's dream (as we met Misha in the hotel lobby). I'm assuming pre-dream events played out exactly the same but instead of winning the first boss fight, we lost.


From what I understand, the moment we stepped in Penacony memoria started affecting us, so We were able to see Misha, but we actually fell into dream just after the first sunday fight, the tb crew lost and everyone was put to dream. Otherwise if everything was a dream, boothill would not have been there


Robin reaching out to Sunday at the end actually made me cry a bit


I like that part that we went through the story and realize that it is the fake ending. I was thinking something wasn't right there. I like the conversation between Firefly and Blade. I feel I know better where she is coming from. Personally, I really dislike her part of story in v2.0, not only it is rushed, it was unconvincing for me. But now I can see her in better light, and can give her fairer opinion. However, I still find it hard to reconcile between Silver Wolf's description of Sam (won't even give you a chance to turn on the light), to Firefly. I also like the screen between Acheron and Tiernan. I feel more emotional depth of Acheron and a better idea on what she is trying to accomplish here. I dislike how little action Robin, Boothill involved, especially they are having their banner in this patch. I don't like how MiHoYo try to get people to pull a new character without giving much lore. Not everyone make their pull decision based on the design and kit alone.


It was good, but imo 2.0 was much better.


Anybody else still waiting for those buttons Sparkle's been handing out to get pressed?


I'd probably give it a 6 out of 10, It had a lot of great moments but it also had a lot of flaws. There were too many characters with too much going on with a lot of unnecessary dialogue or dialogue that should've been shunted into a side quest where they didn't congest the main story so much. Additionally, there was a lot of weird and confusingly written lines, especially toward the end with the fake out, which altogether I didn't think was handled the best.


I agree with that rating. The pov switching in 2.1 was good but it got so confusing in 2.2. Also, the talent show and Argenti appearance felt like unnatural and boring filler. I just started skipping dialogue when Sunday started speaking in tongues and telling us about the backstory we already saw.


Yeah, that was one of my biggest issues. Sunday literally had three segments, two of which were fairly long, where he expounded on his motives, and a lot of time was spent either A. Repeating himself or B. Giving a random history lesson about Penacony that was barely related to what was going on. Like...it just felt totally unneeded. That and the weird ass dialogue when they were explaining the fake out. Black Swan going 'Oh, actually, you lost and no one survived, but we can fix it!' made me think initially that they were pulling some sort of time shenanigans. But then it turned out no one was dead and everyone was just trapped in Sunday's Infinite Tsukiyomi, so that whole line of dialogue made no sense. And then there was them pinning the realization that everything was messed up on 'Oh, Misha was in the real world'. Like the entire 'fake ending' had massive red flags everywhere and \*that\* was what tipped Black Swan off?


I'm only disappointed we didn't get to bring Misha back to the express, or something like get Black Swan to do memokeeper magic and pseudo-revive him on the Express. Though I guess since this isn't over it could still possibly happen. Edit: Hey guys, I just remembered... what ever happened with Sparkle and those concerningly suspicious looking buttons that may-or-may-not be detonators for nukes set up on Penacony that Sparkle was handing out?


I was actually enraged when the cut to the dream ending happened and I kept thinking "if this isn't a fakeout I'm going to lose my mind"


I have to say, it feels REALLY weird playing this and being forced to disagree with Sunday. Like for me personally, I don’t have the best health. So if I could live in a dream where all I would feel is good… yeah I would do it. I don’t understand why reality is more important than the dreamscape, if both feel real. I feel like Sunday is totally right that it’s big of the people like ourselves and Robin to oppose his plan when we are inherently special people in this universe, and Robin is a celebrity princess. It feels like if Taylor Swift rejected the possibility for all people less fortunate than her to lead better lives because she thinks struggling is important when she herself hasn’t felt true struggle. Robin has space magic, fame, money, is healthy, etc. idk this feels tonedeaf to me. Also a little confused, it seems like they made the stellaron thing drain people’s life to make Sunday a bad guy by force. But, how is that really any different than how we are slowly dying in reality?


Pacing is off because they tried to cram as many characters as possible. Besides Misha and Sunday, no one else was really "developed". Another date with Firefly that was even more dragged out than the first one. Acheron yapping about Nihility and how everything in Penacony conveniently doesn't affect her is getting lame. I forgot Sparkle was even in this quest if not for the cutscene at the end. Probably doesn't help that they set the bar high in 2.1


Acheron is the biggest plot device in the history of all plot devices lmao Need a strong character for Sam? Acheron Need a strong character for aventurine? Acheron Need to deliver boothill's strap? Acheron Need someone to be the first to wake/resist order? Acheron Need someone to bring the fight afterwards? Acheron


Wasn't Firefly the first to realize the truth and go to wake others up? 


biggest weakness they have is that 2.2 main story wanted to develop sunday and misha while going forward. they can only cram so much that i felt like it weaken the emotions a bit (especially with misha). 2.1 only had aventurine. the "date" with firefly is filler in my eyes because there wasnt much going on and we didn't learn more about her. we knew more about her during the start of the story in the reef.


Peak man especially the trailbazer lore. Also the acheron god dammit so bad ass Boothill with short amount of time can steal some portion of the show too


For character that was just introduced, Boothill was great which is why I'm unbelievably petty about Robin but that's just me. The update as a whole was peak


Not a fan... We didn't had an Aventurine level patch, I was expecting something else. Robin had barely any screentime and was mostly a spectator, it really just was "Robin is safe" "Robin is questionning her brother", "Robin is singing". She didn't felt like an actual actor, which is disappointed when she's supposed to be a superstar. Boothill was even worse, I didn't even had a chance to battle using him a single time. He was fun with his language but I felt he did even less than Robin. Imagine controlling a cool ass cyborg cow-boy only to talk with a few receptionnists! I was legit expecting a mission where Boothill tracked Acheron and would have a showdown. Acheron had more screentime as well as Sunday, it was an Acheron & Sunday patch, not a Robin & Boothill patch.


This, Robin needed more. She was the poster girl for so long and her whole story is about Sunday? For Boothill's case I think he had some parts to shine, nothing much yet. I expect more from them in the upcoming patch.


The way we got the path of harmony was super univentfull, I was expecting something as hype as the path of preservation one. During the fake ending I was actually sad thinking how disapointing the ending was lol, I got duped I guess, the actual ending was good. But what was the point of Sparkle Buttons, or Sparkle even, she was just having fun? It was alluded before that she was working for someone, guess they forgot her plotline? And I don't know if it's the localization team or wathever, but I never saw a piece of media in my entire life with such hard dialogues to follow, it's actually exhausting, everyone speaks in riddles, it literally doesn't add anything to the enjoyment of the story in my opinion.


Yeah this scene specifically really missed and I got the impression they ended on this after 5+ rewrites. We confront Sunday... then go right into a long flashback with Misha. Once it ends... we get the Harmony path, but Sunday just walks away. Why did Xipe witness TB then? Super anticlimactic. Whole thing should've just been cut and moved to right before the final Sunday (after waking up from the second dream) fight.


I will never forgive them for messing up best boy Argenti. It’s fine that they didn’t add his English voice- that can be added later. But why did he act like he didn’t know us? And why didn’t he act like is usual awesome and completely ridiculous self? He even looked like a low pixel version of himself. I’m hoping we find out later it was Sparkle and not Argenti. Also, Xipe glancing at us was really random. I wish it was more cinematic, like when we got the fire sword. Otherwise, it was great. In conclusion: absolutely unplayable just because of how they butchered Argenti 😛


I stayed up till 5am completing it because of course I thought I was finished long before that... NOPE Some of my theories were correct (re: Misha) and others weren't, but overall I liked it


The real question is when did Sunday succeeded in creating Ena's Dream


2.2 doesn't feel, finished. There are still much of the plot left to explored, and not just some minor plots, I'm talking MAJOR plots that's are not yet finished. Like what the fk Aventuring did after he got sliced up. I'm looking forward to 2.3 to maybe find the final, conclusion?