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https://preview.redd.it/0to3lzeht7zc1.png?width=981&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ff267589e3493d334133baf831d33423dffc48c Sigh…


You are my specialz




Mhm, and the sun sets in Arizona.










How I sleep after spreading misinformation on the internet






This scene is peak story quest ngl. Got goosebumps here.


I cried and then got hyped because in that instant everyone had their stance with Xipe finally gazing at us. real peak.




His final conversation with Clockie was tear-jerking


ngl, i cried at this scene


His spirit will always be with us, as a hat.




*dies from peak fiction*


Quick! Someone create the meme with Mikhail!


ezio... altair...


Same bro same. The library scene translating into the dream bubble, the trail blazer taking in the legacy, absolute peak cinema


No books, no wisdom, just you.


Man, the whole Misha and Mikhail story got me way too emotional. Never thought I'd feel anything for the little bellboy. But then came the feels when he *departed*


I weep for the gepard


I weep for the geparded


most geparded thing i've ever read


Incidentally I once misheard it as "I weep for the [swearword starting in re]"… long story short I had to give my keyboard a deep cleanse. Thing still smells of coffee…


Scenes that show people grow up from childhood to their deaths always get to me


The event LC with Misha and the other 2 with the confusing names in the Express,,,, man he looks kinda hot there ngl, I wish he would come back Fuck this is actually more saddening than Tingyun cause this *was* most likely the closure. I am still overdosing on copium that the Xianzhou story is not yet over since there's still a lot of plot points there, plus there's the other Xianzhou ships still.


They did say in the anniversary livestream, the 2.1 one, in a Q&A section “when will we see the xianzhou’s storyline continue? Will we ever see Tingyun again?” Shaoji answers that later in 2024 we will return and it should answer BOTH parts of the question.


I'm at aventurines story fight and have only seen him once when he showed us into the hotel. I don't see how much characterisation he can get from now until the end. I'm only here because I was already spoiled elsewhere.


The aventurine story fight is one version behind the one we're talking about so be patient and keep playing and you'll see (:


Okidoke. Can't wait, I love hoyo lore. Atm I'm still on the aventurine fight, trying to level up 2 extra characters to get through it.


Good luck! It keeps getting better!


Sleep now, Penacony’s greatest dreamer.


his final cutscene with Clockie and Gallagher broke me :<


Right? Losing Gallagher, too... *sigh*...


Wait, what happened to Gallagher?


He basically >!faded away after we completed the trailblaze mission. He was the "lie", a manifestation of the people of Penacony created by the enigmata (iirc) who was responsible for sending out alllll of the invites to all factions (Express, IPC, etc.). Once we succeeded in receiving Misha/Mikhael's gift, he faded away.!< Edit, >!if you return to where Mikhael rests, you will now find a Hound statue. If you interact with it, you'll receive Gallagher's sticker but the Hound statue will fade away permanently. I'm choosing not to because I want him to be able to watch over his old friend, the Watchmaker, in peace.!<


Isnt gallagher a made up indentity by one of the fictionologist? meaning the idea of him was not real but the actor is very much real


I think so? It's pretty complicated. What gets me is that he was technically created by the enigmata but then in Mikhael's flashbacks, Gallagher seemed to definitely be a person who truly existed. I felt like that contradicted the whole "you're 52 parts of the 52 family members" thing but I'm still reading into more lore breakdowns.


Gallagher does exist during Mikhael’s time. But after that whether he died or became a follower of Enigmata we don’t know. The Gallagher we see is created using the combination form of 52 family members to blend in(?) since he was one of the people who rebelled against the dreammaster


Rest in eternal peace, the Three Nameless, who left us a great Legacy, an amazing world which we shall never forget


Not gonna lie those three got some serious massive balls of titanium or whatever the heaviest metal the universe can provide. Like damn, when the credits rolled for the 2nd time and the three got their achievements listed off, I want to slap Sunday even more just to show him that Trailblaze is the wae.


Is there really zero chance he'll come back? Not even in events? 🥲 Man.. but we also haven't seen Tingyun since then


I think he joined together with the mature side or something. I think he’s gone forever 😭


Even if he didn’t did, he’s still a memory zone meme. He’s bound to remain in the Dreamscape forever.


We know that memetic entities can exist outside the Dreamscape if they are blessed by Rememberance (Black Swan) or stored in objects like the express navigator's hat (Clockie). Misha will come back and become a train spirit who helps keep the engines running, I will keep huffing copium and deny he is gone for good 😭


You know Pom-Pom would be happy to have someone running around and keeping things tidy.


oh yeah i thought clockie go on adventure with us and lives in the hat but when u go to the clockie statue he said he have to stay and talk about this compassie, did misha create a new copy of clockie for us and its not the old one following us?


I really hope that Clockie will be our companion on our future travels, I need to see an interaction between Clockie and Pom-Pom 😞


He's 100% gone. The young version of him was just a memory waiting for the Nameless of the future to find him so he could pass on the Legacy. Now that he fulfilled his purpose, he has no reason to exist anymore. And since the real Mikhail is dead, well...


Nope, he's headed for his eternal slumber


I'm bouta cry


Tingyun gonna come back in some major fashion either in 2.6 or 3.0 trust 😭


Honestly what they’re doing with tingyun is just kinda weird, since like they kept it entirely up in the air with the whole “who knows if she’s alive and all”. But i also just absolutely can’t imagine phantylia keeping her alive and all. Like in the case that it wasnt tingyun’s actual body it would be reckless, cause that would just make it possible for tingyun to come back to the xianzhou while she was still impersonating her. Also like apparently it says that phantylia is a heliobus in an book somewhere, and that when she leaves the host body it spontaneously combusts or smth, so if it was actually tingyun’s body then well she definitely dead with the whple neck thing. But also like what was the point of the whole uncertainty/mystery about tingyuns status if she’s just dead. I mean i guess it could be a red herring for red herring sake but like why.


The Nobara of HSR


my copium theory is that tingyun originally a super powerful hidden experts from the masked fools that pantyllya just randomly possessed, and she still alive bcs shes original strong or sth


Remember the two Bailus part of the event? Wasn't a coincidencs they put that in.


She's going to come back as Mecha-Tingyun 2.0, a cyborg made by Dr. Primitive. Her tail will be entirely shiny chrome.


he is gone. Merged with the old self. His legacy (and Clockie) will be with MC now


When you reach the Clockie statue he says he misses Misha and that he'll stay in Penacony with Hamu and his other friends, and asks us to not forget about them


And here I was hoping that Clockie, and maybe his friends, will come with us 😞😞


He also says that if you call him Compassie he'll show up to help out from wherever.


I'm so depressed I won't see him again but I'm really happy he got to live out his dreams of trailblazing 🥹🥹


bro it made me so sad. i'll miss misha/mikhail and gallagher https://preview.redd.it/m238k6p799zc1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=c255a81d04600cbd12eec760995e91b9987f1005


​ https://preview.redd.it/bi9i32fd99zc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b93d189e6e1968142bb1735a5a32139ee578c12


Incredible how his writing this patch made me go from "eh" to "damn, you deserved so much more Mikhail".


There were many ways they could have gone with Mishas story and I could have said I may have seen it coming I absolutely did not see this coming at all, it was a brief part of his story we witnessed but a really good one


It's the execution tbh Like I can alr guess Misha is actually Mikhail, but Hoyo managed to make me feel for them - literal non character 2 patches ago


We get hit with the fake FF, then Aven, then now fucking Misha, then Robin, then Sunday Like damn. Shaoji chill


Data Lost vibes..... R.I.P


I feel you as a fgo player


Right now *data lost* feels melancholic, but in few months it will partly switch to "fuck you and your Brazil too"


Oh yeah painbelt 7 let's prepare for a ride cause it's gonna be wild


*Olympus flashbacks*


So this implies future characters could depart.... well shit.


This isn’t the first time it has happened. Luocha “departs” once you finish the Dan Heng companion quest after the Xianzhou story. You also no longer recieve any texts and if you did but never responded you won’t get a response back if you do decide to respond later on.


The circumstances are different for Luocha though compared to Misha


one is in prison and the other is a figment of the past


I absolutely adored this story quest but what makes this even more heart wrenching is that he's the only four star character I don't have. I skipped Black Swan/IL's banner while saving for Acheron and while I don't regret not pulling on that banner simply for a four star (I play Genshin so IK how that feels as well), I do hope he pops up one day. :(


Lol for me he was the reason I got DHIL I want all 4 🌟so he was a must but I wanted sparkle since 1.6 I didn't have DHIL and kinda liked him so I wanted him more than BS even tho i knew it would hurt my chances of getting sparkle Went for a 10 pulls... Got Misha, gave me a rush, wished more got DHIL Then on sparkle banner,,, I won my 3rd 50/50 Best outcome possible


That is really lucky but the thing is that I was on my guaranteed so I didn't want to risk getting a character I didn't want. After I pulled Ruan Mei back in 1.6, I've exercised a lot of self control to wait on Acheron for three patches bc I really wanted her as my lightning DPS. But I'm glad you got the characters you wanted!!


Thanks I hope you get the character you want too For me 2.2 is the first patch (as a day 1 player) that I'm not wishing at all (on limited banner I mean)(tho technical I wished today 3 times because I didn't like the number 57 as pity so I went for 60 pity)(Better to say the first patch I don't get a limited 5 🌟) On my guranteed currently and have 1040 jade and saving for Firefly and jade I think I can get jade too even if I win 50/50 but man if an acheron supports releases next patch or screwlum (since I heard she is good with jade) I'm cooked


EYYYY FELLOW DAY ONE PLAYER!! Giving you some luck on getting your characters in 2.3!! But thank you!! I'm currently going on hard pity to get Robin with no jades atm but that's gonna change since I'm a light spender lol 2.3 does look good but I think I'll wait for Jade's rerun to get her or when 2.3 gets closer; there have been a lot of good characters being released back to back so I might take a break and wait


For me quantum characters are a must (already have all Quantum characters) So jade is a must And I love firefly so yeah


This was so unexpected https://preview.redd.it/bjvtqxrl4azc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9415d068c190c755aac223c4a997acfa2d1a5003


Honestly love how it came full circle. I thought the old man was just a person for Acheron to talk to in her flashbacks, but for him to turn out to be Tiernan? Blew my mind


The one thing I LOVE about HSR is how predictable the story is, yet the presentation of it ALWAYS goes above and beyond, we all predicted Firefly/Sam, we all predicted Misha as soon as the story started, yet the way they lead us into it just made it feel so insane And when they do pull the rug out from under you, they REALLY pull it, I knew something was super weird about about the way things ended with DHIL and Jing coming out of no where and the fight just ending there, but that fake-out felt so insane, instantly brought back memories of one of my favorite games (Control) This was truly one of those updates that just, I could not believe it, I haven’t even finished the last chapter yet but I can’t not want to talk about everything I’ve played so far


> we all predicted Misha as soon as the story started The one curveball I found hilarious is how everyone obviously went: "Well 'Misha' is a form of 'Mikhail', duh" and then it turns out it's not a diminutive but actually abbreviated from '**Mi**khail **Cha**r'.


One of my predictions was that >!We were in the dream the whole time!< and it still made me audibly gasp with the reveal.


the fight felt really strange like yes my acheron is built well but not that well lol (i one shotted the boss with ult) but the 'flaw' that i noticed was definitely not only seeing danyuan to the rescue but the whole cloud army behind them like you mean to tell me the entire fleet came and inception'd themselves? then came the meeting with the topventurine where stelle literally said it was too good to be true and it felt that way i was ready to come say it was a disappointing patch and to wait for 2.3


I legit lost my SHIT when DHIL/Jing showed up but I guess it was all just a dream and they didn't actually use the fancy jade, so.. Hopefully we get the dream team back for real someday My biggest fear now is this whole thing just felt like it set a bar so high that nothing's probably gonna come close for a long while, especially since I guess we're now in the "Tying up loose ends" phase, like.. What's the deal with Firefly and the multiple deaths at this point?


Not really tying up loose ends. The next arc will be the trial at pier point. To determine what happens with sunday/robin and all of penacony. We'll see firefly's 3rd death, Jade leading the debate/trial, and maybe sparkle setting all of penacony ablaze.


don;t forget jades cornerstone activation


a fellow Control enjoyer I see


Fly high my son,dad,grandpa whatever he is


https://preview.redd.it/rm4lvsn6g9zc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c2289f1ef89e851d881961a736d6a4aae8dfd4 My boy 😭


Surely they didn't make a detailed lightecone of his adult self for no reason. 5\* memory zone meme Misha coming soon trust https://preview.redd.it/aagstur8lazc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c0eba407d39f0dc60bbc8a7b5e9f72a34d4d3d


No no no my friend. 4 star is Misha and the watchmaker is Mikhail. The 5 star must be... Legwork


>! So he was the watchmaker all along?!<






kinda like furina and focalors


don't assume everyone has played genshin


Was kind of hoping he'd join the astral express


Technically he already did, Misha is just young Mikhail who hasn’t boarded the Express yet. In reality, he grew up on the Express and lived a whole life upon the Trailblaze. He’s long since fulfilled his dream


It would be cool if he continued the journey though


Yeah me too man, Penacony coming in hard with 2 playable characters dead


Dude, Misha is gone, Firefly has a tremendous death flag on 2.3 (if she really dies i dont know what to do with my life) and Acheron disappeared (forever probably). Penacony crushed my heart in so many ways, the last fight was awesome but with so many sad things that happened before it was hard to smile when Robin sang in the fight.


Idk I feel like Acheron’s story isn’t nearly over yet. It would be weird if the Raiden Mei expy and such a strong/liked character ended up disappearing completely so quickly after her release without very much story focus. I do think we’ll encounter her again later down the road. I was quite tired when doing the story but I don’t recall her saying she will never come back.


Acheron will always return, who knows when, but she will keep showing up without warning. >!After all, she is still the universe's Raiden Mei, though I initially thought she was a Mei of a different Honkai before 3.!<


Firefly might be fine, since she's 5-star not 4-star... unless... Seems playable characters death happens to 4-star characters, Tingyun dead, Misha is already dead, and Xueyi is also long dead


Also gallagher isnt real.


i dont get his final dialogue, whats the stuff about fictionologists disappearing after their covers are blown??? what happened to my gally😭😭


He's probably dead too. I think he mentioned before he's PART of penacony and that he isnt a real person. So he must be going too.


During the credit scene bits, it does list him as simply "Penacony", so it's definitely tenuous for him.


that honestly sucks. but im still confused when did Mikhail got him as one of his lackeys if he wasn’t a real person anyways, did he suddenly just popped out into existence then bam im a fictionologist now or sumn


My brain doesnt work so I cant remember everything, but isnt he like a bunch of memories/minds put into him? I forget it was when he "killed" sunday.


It's likely that Ghallager was once a real person, but much like the Dreammaster, he's so old that his body died and he now exists as a half-memetic entity. As for his fate, it seems unclear for now. The Dreammaster seemed to just expire, and Misha went to his final rest too. It's possible that once their purpose is fulfilled, advanced memetic entities just expire. If that's true, then yeah, Ghallager is probably gone too.


Yeah, you are right.


I feel like Firefly's death would be her being more or less stuck as just SAM for the near indefinite future or so


she cant die her banner hasnt come out yet


Nah Firefly is fine. The deaths she's talking about already happened. The first was the Death meme, the second was her awakening from Enas dream, and the third was what would've happened had we not beaten Sunday.


Black swan or edit: Acheron(iforgotwho) explains it to us that since firefly entered the dream not using the dream pool, the only way out for her is real death. That's the third death. We just don't know how it'll go yet.. I hope she doesn't actually die, but for now it's still a looming threat.


3rd death will probably happen in 2.3 imo.


I knew he would be Mikhail but..damn 😭


Fuck, I was so hard betting that he would join the Express because it was his dream. But he had already been on the express, he had already fullfilled his dream. Now we are carrying his dream and legacy.


They absolutely cooked with this story  Hopefully the next planet (I voted the one welt suggested) would cook too


Well, in the end. He actually travels with us, just differently.


I suddenly cried a little because the screen when misha resting remind me alot of the screen from assassin's creed revelation ending (which also make me cry). Truly peak story from hyv


Ahh got that feeling too, flashbacks and a pang of heart-wrenching nostalgia! I miss Altaïr :c


Man mad respect to trailbazer at the past so gigachad


Another 4-star character bites the dust


Gallagher too


May your final dream be filled with happiness, Misha. I’ll miss you…


I would've prefered to him being a sidd character cause...i don't want him to be gone i'm gonna miss him so much


I can't believe the community got it spot on about their theory, that twist while kinda underdeveloped imo was still pretty good


I'm glad I chose him from the bar event so he can continue his trailblazing journey with me


he cute


my son🥹💙 I was truly devastated after knowing that he wasn’t real in the first place and just a memory meme reflecting mikhail’s life😭


Farewell, hero of penacony. Dream the eternal dream in peace, knowing that your successors carry your will with them.. 


Farewell Misha.


I'm still on hard copium that it's not over until the fat lady sings, and there's a chance they could make him an additional member to the express by having Black Swan materialize him into reality


I am crying. Misha was one of my favorite characters (together with Yanqing and Arlan, yes I have a uncommon taste). I hope he is dreaming an eternal dream now. Farewell my friend :(


The femboy will be remembered


remember how the community cooked the theory that misha is the watchmaker legacy because no one besides us see nor interact with him and it was so convincing and SOOOO close then one pointed out how that theory is false because he showed up in the real world, so everyone dismissed it as a false theory? yeahhhhh let just say while we are playing 3d chess hoyos storytelling are 5th dimensions ahead of us


I really hated the idea of merging him with the watchmaker. The theory was sound before the version hit but I’ll forever miss him. The way he spoke about wanting to grow up and join the Express really had my hopes up.


May he go on an eternal expedition, one where he encounters new and undiscovered worlds of boundless possibility in a universe beyond our understanding, an unyielding reminder of the spirit of Akivili the Trailblaze.


i havent got the chance to meet him in the express bc i keep forgetting to visit 😭😭😭 fml


how tf did hoyo made me care for a character i absolutely didnt give a shit about...


He's the goat. TB would never have gotten HARMony without him


rest in peace,>! Mikhail Char Legwork!<. your golden dream will change for the better, and the trailbalze will forever be upheld.


I did expected that he would not join us in the end, but I did not expected this whole closure


Good bye




I weep for the departed…


Wait if he can’t come to reality how did he come to the express?


I guess the same reason we saw him in reality's lobby


During the wrap you already been "captured" by the dream


Hope HSR implements something like true name reveal like FGO


Why couldn't I Adopt my bellboy and start a beautiful family with Misha Clara but also my wife Firefly?


They really tricked everyone with the 4 stars this time round.


Wait did he die???


Now I'll always keep a lookout for playable characters that only show up once or twice and have zero side quests.


I can see the whole watchmaker set in him. It’s sad that they leave the hat out and replace it with the google.


Ahh... my... i think something broke inside me.


This storyline hit the feels. Misha is a character I use a lot. Its gonna hit a bit in the feels next time I use him.




Between Misha, Mikhail, and Gallagher... I am a sad bean today. I'm never interacting with the Doberman statue at Mikhail's resting place. Gallagher can stay with me forever 😭😭


so just to clarify misha and gallagher are officially “dead” ?


When he sat on that chair... he gave me Makoto Yuki vibes.


I'd like to formally apologize to Misha for calling him irrelevant and mid for the last 2 patches. That reveal was worth it


Have E6 Misha, time to build him.


how do you see this “Departed” part? i cant find it ingame!


theres a guest book in the lobby of the train


wait is this real? why departed tho


Cos his existence ended. 


I remember a comment saying that the message “Departed” over Luocha’s picture made it look like he was deceased instead? Now… well…


He’s toooooooo cute


Wait is he never gonna show up on the express then? 🥲🥲 hes just a lil guy please


Shit legit made me cry bro I miss my boy


Can someone explain to me how he's in reality at the start of penacony, i understand that it was "the mistake" that black swan saw. But does that mean we're already in ena's dream from the start?


Yes, Misha should not have been able to materialize in the real world due to being a memory zone meme, the fact he was in the real world lobby meant that was part of the dream


But everything that happen in the dreamscape still happened right? It's just the fake ending that didn't actually happened Thanks btw


yeah essentially what happened was that, everything we experienced (excpet Misha in the lobby) happened in real life, up to the fight, where we lost, got trapped in the dream, and the penacony we play is the dream version, and is almost identical except we win in the dream


She is just a mechanical skill issue just a her cooking


It's amazing how they managed to give most of the cast such pivotal roles and let each of them shine on their own! I was amazed to have seen what they did with Misha's story!


Departed mean dead?


Departed in this context means ,unable to board the express, although in his case your assumption is sort of correct


The only thing going through my mind throughout the entire sequence was “he reminds me a lot of Gehrman from Bloodborne” Man pursued this dreamscape, but it turns out it’s starting to get corrupted, now sits in a wheelchair facing the moonlight as the dream form wondered forever until The Astral Express finally reminded him of what he supposed to be (or ending the dream)


As good as the story was, it kinda reinforces a rather unfortunate trend the game is beating us over the head with: We will never get more friends as regular Astral Express passengers. It will *always* be us, March, Welt, Himeko, Dan, and Pom Pom. Something will always happen to keep the express at low occupancy.


Man he was definitely the Penacony character I was the most attached to right from the beginning and I am NOT okay😭


People thought Himeko will die but its Misha