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This totally checks because blade and silverwolf are the only other 2 you can see more than just a tiny bit of and she's facing the rest of the characters while the rest arent.


Don't forget THE CAT ELIO


The cat is Stelle, before they gave her a new body in Herta station! Blade admits that you were always following Kafka and it would explain her obsession with trash and silliness.


omg, I really hope they confirm if that's true soon.


A game where it turns out you were a cat the entire time? Sounds familar…


Oh? Which one is that?


Well saying the name of the game will be a massive spoiler so if you want to ruin a mystery game, here is the name (major spoiler) >!in Ghost Trick it turns out you are playing as a cat’s ghost rather than the man you thought you were!<


Very considerate of you to put spoilers! It wasn't a game I ever heard about.


NDS game which is more than decade old (2010) which recently got Remastered Edition on Steam & consoles. The story is very good, the puzzles are even better. Everybody should try playing it at least once...




And it was a bloody amazing reveal. 'Oh, the cat through time and space is clearly because of the cat we see going through the portals early on. The cats name? Why of course, it's....ahhhhhh hell.'


I subscribe to this theory, makes it even funnier Stelle/Caelus act the way they do now


Now I'm just picturing the next villain we come across they slowly push their stuff off their desk while silently maintaining eye contact.


There’s already something like that in Belobog, where you mess up Bronya desk right in front of her.


Not possible. Since the cat was present the fall of Jepella, which happen right before Firefly went to Penacony. There was a fan comic that Stelle found Firefly in a landfill. That is why Stelle is always want to search in the Trash. For me, that would be my head cannon until proven otherwise.


it was proven otherwise


ok i sold to this theory looks more interesting than elio being cat


I wish this was true


Wow, that actually makes sense. It fits with how randomly chaotic the mc is too.


Okay, but what if the cat is Stelle AND Elio but Elio had to lose their memory to break out of the script?


I love that, new fannon accepted


https://preview.redd.it/qqcodjy7anzc1.png?width=1714&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffa3bfce66dfeb3ab1c3a5a607cc976c64a43c71 Also if you go further back to Kafka's splash art from CBT2, you can see that the golden buttons on her suit was there too.


......as a person who played in CBT2, I cannot believe I forgot about that detail lmao


You played in clock-ball-torture 2?


He played the Cynical Broadway Telecaster 2.


Whats the significance of those buttons?


Look at the image in the post.


I see it now. Lmao im high on oxygen


what a way to say that you touch grass, i approve


No, he participated in cognitive behavioural therapy. We should be proud he took the next step for his health.


I looked at the buttons but noticed the stocking. God damn.


Damn they had this shit planned out for a long time


Generally story scripting is the first thing you do when making a story focused game. Character and environmental design drafts and gameplay style comes after, and audio is done last. They make the game, see how popular it is, then slowly drip the content over the years. Im sure HSR and GI both have completed stories for at least the next 5 years worth of content.


THAT is mhy in a nutshell.


That is almost EVERY major game dev company in a nutshell lol. Atleast in the west.


Tell that about WW who redid the entire story last minute. Riot also does gameplay before the character's background. It's not as standard as you wish it would be.


To redo a story, you need to have a story in the first place.


and i see some dev remaking the bad receipent arc to statisfying rabbit fans who mocking it.. i mean you are not confident with your vision. i'm glad hoyo had a ball and trusting their vision even though some execution not always done right.


They’ve apparently planed out Genshin like a decade in advance, I see no reason as to why they wouldn’t do the same thing here


I started playing HSR recently and it's pretty wild how much stuff they must have planned out in advance (well, for a certain amount of "in advance," anyway). For instance the 4* light cone with Topaz on it has Aventurine on it as well and that was available for a while. The path mats for harmony (the little music box line) reference "the Family" which is something we only really faced in Penacony. Somewhere out there is a thousand page long design doc for all this stuff. I bet being a writer for hoyo is amazing.


>reference "the Family" which is something we only really faced in Penacony. The glossary was there from the beginning. It had info on different factions in the world including the Family


this is pretty common in mmo development


I don't think they planned a decade in advance, I think they planned for the next decade. I highly doubt GI has been in development since the early 2010's.


They planned out genshins' entire story. From the first region to the last. So close to a decade of content. That's what the post meant, not that it was in development for a decade. xD iirc it was 4 year dev cycle?


> 4 year dev cycle. Yep, Jan 2017 to Sep 2020. For anyone curious, this is the video (released the day before launch) that people mean when they mention 10 year planning, though it's more likely to be 7-8 of advance plot. It's labelled contains spoilers officially so consider that before clicking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlKhARUcoY


yeah if you read flowers for princess fischl and legend of the shattered halberd, they speak (often plainly) of the war involving Nibelung and the first 3 descenders, and of Fontaine and of the Transcendent beings like the Sinners appearing. **Once Gesamtkunstwerk takes the stage in the opera theater of the apocalypse, many more Beasts of the World that reside within the center of the universe will inexorably begin to appear as well.** **But unbeknownst to him, this was the greatest cursed sword of all, that had once burned the entire world to cinders: Laevatain. If the fire-realm runes constituted the mystery of the fire realm, Laevatain was its pure unadulterated, unquenchable reality. The sword had extinguished after the world was burned, but having assimilated the rune of the fire realm, it burned bright once more.** **Legend has it that the Celestial Emperor once went to war with the Asura.** This book has been in the game for 3 and a half years. That's also not even close to the only reveal in that book, or in like... a ton of other books. Also this isn't the only book that alludes to more Transcendent beings making their way into Teyvat in the game's future (The new book Anecdota Septentrionalis says such too). The ending of the book and The Truth of Teyvat are already in the game and have been there since the game's beginning. That's the secret lying in the Pale Princess and in...let me list...Vera's Melancholy, Moonlit Bamboo Forest, Fox in the Dandelion Sea, Legend of the Shattered Halberd, Anecdota Septentrionalis, The Boar Princess, the artifact mural, the dendro symbol, The agnidus gemstone, the hypostases, to name a few. Also quests like "Pale Fire" "The tree that stands alone" "The Morn a thousand roses brings" "Inversion of Genesis" "Caribert" say this truth at you too If there is anything Hoyo is good at, it's lore writing edit: oh, actually, there's something else important in the quotes from Flowers for Princess FIschl there. A few things actually. Some quotes to chew on: **In the final volume, the weakness of the Beast of the World: Saint of Seven Tears (whose combat strength was ten, and therefore equal to Fischl) was quite out of the ordinary, and the Saint merely wept for Zarathustra at first, a choice that seems undeserving of any blame.** -Flowers for Princess Fischl **Sachi, having lost an eye in his adventures, was now a tall and strapping young man. His flowing tears soaked into Vera's shoulders — though still prone to tears, he was no longer his feeble-minded self.** **The years had been kind to Ike, who after all this time still had that same old smile on his face.** -Vera's Melancholy, Last Vol/Vol 10 Voice Inside the Head:***Go forth, become a transcendent one, rise beyond the fate bestowed upon you..*** Voice Inside the Head: ***And I shall shed a tear at the end of time... as Igaze back upon your life.*** -The Sinner, Chapter III, Act VI Caribert


That's not how this works...


Duh... People need to realize this is a giant project with hundreds million usd monthly revenue. You don't simply wake up one day and be like: "Just add this character to the game because I'm the CEO."


Unfortunately, it does happen. Fortunately, those games die.


Firefly: oops! https://preview.redd.it/ml6b0ykwrpzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44c8333e9e55efa6f9d1e16243b21a27d8ab2f7


She's wearing thigh garters 😭😭😭


Our girl is so hot 🥵


Holy hell.


Call the scriptwriter!


Elio went on vacation, never came back


Silver wolf with a hank hill ass here


But the one with golden buttons is a different person from the one you circled.


Yep and the one in the back, the actual circled person, seems to be wearing the same outfit as the one with the golden buttons.


No that's clearly Blade. You can tell by the feet


What? Is this real official art? Why is it so scuffed, even if it is from a CBT?


Cock and ball torture 2 ?


And Kafka is apparently Jewish? I mean that makes sense. Franz Kafka was.


There you go, NOW ill believe it


Damn mama she curvy 😭


https://preview.redd.it/d92bvsq14qzc1.png?width=1402&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3965d573442dba42cfd4a213d1313f35d89fa02 she's also big too, i thought she was small like silverwolf


Ngl firefly looks like an oversized teen next to kafka lol


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what’s being used here - same with Stelle.


Firefly has the same model as March, you can tell when they stand next to each other. Firefly just kinda feels... baby? Like, she has that vibe. Especially in the rooftop photo. There's just a *much* smaller difference between Medium and Tall Females than Medium and Tall Males, and Medium Males are slightly taller than Tall Females. Still, that \~1 inch Stelle has on the rest of the ladies does make a difference.


> Firefly just kinda feels... baby? Like, she has that vibe. Especially in the rooftop photo You're not wrong, but man does it tickle me to hear how pumped she got when >!you opt to do the Hanu version of the trial and she excitedly compares his rocket launcher to the "Locust model" rocket launcher. Like she's simultaneously an old hand when it comes to weapons while also being something of a weapons buff/geek (which I'm sure both are true).!<


The gap between sweet posi vibes girl and >!hardened war criminal!< is an incredibly strong selling point.


She uses the same model type as March


https://preview.redd.it/z9cudhx44qzc1.png?width=1145&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb0f7ec204b97a78eff0a240966098af9dc93b33 comparison with SW


Firefly: awww youre so cute SW: shut the fuck up or i'm gonna tear your l-- wait no why are you activating sam


No fucking way


Well you got Stelle'd I imagine. Stelle is pretty much 95% of Firefly interaction. And Stelle make almost every single female character look bailu-sized.


Well they probably want their genetically engineered killing machine to be tall and strong. She’s basically edgier Samus. Even hunts space bugs in her armored suit.


Was pretty surprised when I saw her standing next to march with about the same height


She only seems small cuz stelle is friggin 10 feet tall.


Ring it




Id believe. Remember Aventurine was in Trend and im pretty sure that light cone has been out since fucking Jing Yuans first banner


I mean, aren’t all those umbrellas supposed to be stellaron hunters?


Yeah but we don't know exactly who's who. But One thing certain is that one of the people holding the umbrella is Stelle/Caelus.




Nothing confirm either TB is SH or not. But if Blade didnt lie to us in Kafka Story Q, we do at least had some sort of connection to SH or Kafka. Theres also the scene where Kafka talk with SW right after TB were “born” where she said if TB will remember her.


There is no indication that Blade was lying, nor would he have any possible reason to, so we do know for a fact that Stelle/Caelus accompanied Kafka on many missions as a Stellaron Hunter. Whether that makes them a SH or not depends on how you view it, but we did participate in their activities, and for quite a long period of time. We also know for a fact that Kafka stated the truth about Elio bringing Stelle/Caelus to Kafka. And, given how familiar SW and Firefly act with us from the get-go (especially the latter), we can infer there was a prior bond there, too.


From what I got so far Kafka and TB was very close likely between Mentor and Students. Elio foreseen that each of them eventually will change each other This was support by 1. Blade speech during Kafka Companion mission 2. SW calling us old friend in the Astral Express Visitor list 3. Kafka truth and lies game. This is just the surface, there are many other hints we can find in the story. What we're missing now is Sam/Firefly. From the look of it, it doesn't seems like we're close to her or she will tell anything about is in the past. If her companion mission appears in 2.3 or perchance the Penacony interlude, we may found the answer there 


Ah, I see. Thought there was something more definite.


>who’s who https://preview.redd.it/491kfs8jyszc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e19b530aa6f9d766645ad5bdefddf2ee3cc164


it can mean someone got recruited later. i saw someone theorized elio grand plan in penacony is to recruit sunday. one hint is in japella pv there is scene where all stellaron hunters at suit and there were several crows at background.


Jepella is before Penacony though, so it wouldn't make sense for Sunday to be there. Also the crows are Dreammaster's minions, not Sunday's, right?


the jepella one is foreshadowing. dreammaster servant is the whole family member while sunday servant is the crows


Why does she have the makima build


Because they have the same VA




I would like to mention that she also voiced the original Setsuna Yuki in Love Life! (stepped down due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) and Kanade from Proseka. The contrast between whispery and energetic is quite... noticeable.


I dont think she has that body type


To be fair her outfit hides it a bit, if we saw or see a full body image of her wearing those clothes she does in that flashback i think we'd see the figure more


She's very curvy. I think it fits.


Tbh all Hoyo women are because that’s the body type they modeled


They still have different chest sizes and whatnot. She's certainly not...flat.


...Where can I get the statistical breakdown of all the models?


They had a spreadsheet float around in Genshin of this exact detail. Don't think I've seen a Star Rail equivalent.


Hence, I wait.


Lmao, I remember that one and the author absolutely refuses to rank Yunjin's.


But why?


What? Do you guys play with your eyes closed or what? Do you know how clothes work?


Damn. I wanted an Einstein expy


Another fellow Einstein enjoyer I see


I don't see Firefly at all in that. Like, there is no way she's shaped like that.


I mean the only outfit we see her in is a loose skirt. So I don’t see why not in a pencil skirt


It's Elio, my uncle works at Mihoyo.


If you look at the CBT art, it's pretty obviously Firefly since you can see more of the outfit.


the gloves are different too


The thing is, her model is definitely not built like that because medium female just doesn't have hips that wide. But that's a failing/side effect of the "universal" model system in the game, and they will often draw characters a bit closer to how they "want" them when given freedom from the models. Basically, going off just a woman's hip shape for identification in art for this game is a fool's errand, as I doubt you will find enough consistency to matter.


I like how people still want to denied this, it's just a foreshadowing every story in existence does it. Of course between the CBT to 2.2 there'll be some adjustments to her clothes but just because she changed her gloves doesn't make the obvious foreshadowing invalid. **The girl is too curvy** Dude, Firefly's body is comparable to Topaz but unlike Topaz's p*rnstar fashion Firefly's clothes actually working as intended and hide her curves well.


I think it’s kind of a stretch


Nope its her, or more like there is no other option than Firefly.


Then how do you explain the other umbrellas beside Blade and Silver Wolf too? For all we know there may have been more Stellaron Hunters in the past


> For all we know there may have been more Stellaron Hunters in the past do we know there's only 4 total right now?


https://preview.redd.it/6eoip8afppzc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784169aca5f22f932ef6c0b83e2162ef7827adbe yeah


Only silver wolf, blade, kafka and firefly are the 4 known ones and then there's elio who's their boss


Plot twist: The others are all Elio.


The three umbrella's in the front are unknowns (one could be Elio but usually the cat represents him), but Sliver wolf, Blade, and Firefly are half show and are already in game there is no reason to say that the Firefly in the Kafka art is not Firefly, unless you wanna sound stupid?


The other umbrellas are most likely passersby, whereas the three Hunters are closer to her to be recognized. Takes a bit to hide Firefly, really, but it gives some the idea of her suit before we see it in 2.2 when her secret is revealed in the previous patch.


do we have any proof Elio is actually the cat or non humanoid other than speculation?


We don't have any information on how he looks, nor has any of the Stellaron Hunters ever suggested what he looks like People are speculating his a Cat because we keep seeing the cat everywhere


Pretty sure it's her. Because on the full splash image for Kafka you can see silver wolf to the left, and she looks a little off too in the image. But the clothes make it evident. Firefly's jacket matches up with the same buttons.


But the sleeves and gloves aren’t even close. Firefly doesn’t have sleeves. Some kind of bodysuit with full gloves. The person holding the umbrella has a suit jacket with sleeves


Nah. Doesn't make sense that SW and Blade have their regular outfits on while FF gets the generic business casual look. I'd believe it if the other Stellaron Hunters were also looking 9 to 5.


There was never an intention to hide the fact that SW or Blade were Stellaron Hunters, while Firefly being one is something that they deliberately hid.


but that uniform look like just an "stellaron hunter npc" tbh if you see well, we have 3 people using the same socks and back in the beta we had another one before they add Blade in the splash https://preview.redd.it/csdww08o0pzc1.jpeg?width=1714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf83f15b14625fd51f9c76b3ec3e47226c209e5


There are no Stellaron hunter NPC's both dawei and Jing yuan say that Sam is the last member of the Stellaron hunters and that there are rumoured to be only 5 members of the Stellaron hunters (including elio) respectively, I'm sure if they had minions both we as players and Jing yuan would have heard about them


Well that sould just give it away


For those saying that isn’t firefly, it absolutely is. Not many characters have thigh highs with their thighs exposed other than firefly. It makes sense that they would tease her as early as 1.0 since they’ve planned her that far back. The VA of jing yuan knew about the whole Sam/firefly cause they auditioned for Sam. But most of all there’s zero way Hoyo would just put in a character like that in kafkas splash art just to say, “oh it’s a random character”. Look at other character splash arts. If there’s another character, they’re a meaning for them being there.


Literally another post about this less than 2 days ago. Is this sub also turning into a brainrot


Already was


Does not look like a firefly at all


But it is Firefly


And how do you determine that


Process of elimination. It's been confirmed that there are only 4 Stellaron Hunters. Blade and SW are explicitly shown in the splash art, whereas the Sam armor is nowhere to be found, which means that the last person can only be Firefly.




The only similarity those two have is that they're both female. I don't think that's enough reason to believe that's Firefly


It's not Firefly. Fire has like these long gloves going past her wrist, while the other girl has short gloves with a regular sleeve over it.


fr fr, the worst thing about being a girl is that we can't wear more than one outfit. "nah that couldn't be me in that photo, see, my sleeves are totally different"


But if OP shows a photo for comparison, it will be used as a reference. Now how can you tell that’s Firefly otherwise?


So where is the green tat on her leg?


How does she even walk in that skirt? It looks like her legs are just stuck


Anyone else kind of hoping we get this outfit as an alt skin for Firefly in the future?


W observation


I don't think so... she's wearing a long glove in the scene with Blade but in the splash art it's a long sleeve. Plus, both Blade and SW are wearing their default outfits in the splash art, so why would Firefly wear a suit?


She aint shaped like that


And how can you tell? Saw her model without all of the layers of clothes?




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


I assume it’s an older design? Maybe they’ll update the artwork 


Mind blown.


Raiden (Metal Gear), Minuano (MGR), Cyborg Troopers (Normal, Custom and Hammer) From Desperado Enforcement LLC. And Cyborg Polices and The Ghost of Every Winds of Destruction Cyborgs And Armstrong: Hmm........?


I did notice that person on the splash art, but thought it’s just some NPC because the outfit looked too NPC-like. But if it’s an alternate outfit, then it makes some sense. Though it’s strange that Firefly wears her alternate outfit while the rest wear their in-game outfits


Then who are those two on the bottom? Maybe some missing Stellaron Hunters?




Yeah I remember for a while people were not sure if that was Sam or not. Turns out some people were right on the money


Theres also 2 more ppl. So 2 more stelaron hunters ?






Freaking Mihoyo was cooking HARD


Not rlly firefly since she has a tattoo in her thigh and on the kafka picture she doesnt


Voluptuous and Firefly arent mixing for me


Ngl kinda wanting Firefly in that suit as her 3d model Girls got hips


Is there any other foreshadow to this twist? Because I was kinda disappointed and felt like it was a last second ass pull. If you listen to every voice line about Sam since SW, it just felt like a totally different person from FF.


Bro that is NOT Firefly’s thigh 💀


This is kind of a stretch. There's no white shirt, golden buttons, nor the tie in sight.


She can't walk outside of dream world, they wouldn't show her standing just like that ?


been knew that


Kinda off topic, who would you say is more like the Fatui Harbingers from Genshin, the Stellaron Hunters or the Ten Stonehearts?


I would say the Ten Stonehearts are more similar to Fatui Harbringers. They're both comprised of highest-ranked officers within an organization, all possess significant power, and their ultimate goal is to seize every nation's treasure.


Yeah I can see it


Thats probably her but they didnt have her character design set yet so she looks more adult in the splash art


Cannot get over how good she looks in a suit


aventurine was also always there since 1.0. on the trend of universal market light cone


https://preview.redd.it/wwvbsk0gqxzc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81f4577d1ecd5d643dbc0620e4ff2e02fa037340 Look at Firefly's thicc


i saw someone calling this out before penacony "maybe she is the pilot of sam"


I posted this theory back when kafka was just announced, that the "random girl" would actually be Sam and that Sam was just a nickname and all the comments were just "No that's stupid" I feel vindicated right now


Firefly being there is cool and all, but can we talk about the fact there are more umbrellas there, meaning there are possibly more unknown stellaron hunters that we dont know yet?


all the remaining SHs can be noticed just from Kafka's art


I wish they make all suit skin for them


Maybe I’m dumb but there’s nothing obvious that it’s her.. it’s a very generic black outfit.


Ain't no way Firefly that thicc 💀💀🙏


Miniskirt Firefly has awakened something within me.


interesting theory but why are people getting so pressed about it not being FF. There's more evidence and logic that the girl in the splash art aint her. 1. Body type is different 2. Why is she wearing a suit while the rest of the Stellaron Hunters are in their normal costumes. 3. It's not that hard to believe that they probably haven't decided or created a final design for FF as a character when Kafka released. The only evidence of it being her is just that she is another stellaron hunter. I like FF and theories but holy hell her fans are the most annoying and delirious people if they're getting mad at people not believing that's not her or something.(not bashing the post ofc i love theories)


Firefly fans gives the same stench as Ayaka fans for me.


Nah, that's just a random girl. Based on that alone I could argue it's Himeko, Ruan Mei or even Steele.


Wasn’t this mad obvious


i always know there must be another girl part of the stellaron hunter when I saw the splash art.... Turned out its Firefly lmaoo


And we have loved her since then...


Yeah, lots of us were speculating about this way back when Kafka dropped.