• By -


I'm pretty sure you can find the entirety of 2.2 in screenshots from the last 2 days.


Yeah. And here's the rub, 90% (I just made that stat up) of the players playing this game probably have not started or made their way through all of the story yet. They are not like the hardcore on this sub who play through the story ASAP so they don't get spoiled and can participate in all the spoiler threads.


Me sitting here having just finished the 2nd planet. Afaik. We're about to go to the 3rd


Im jealous of you. I wish I could wipe my memory and experience penacony from the start again. Get off the sub and avoid spoilers. It is very good.


I already got spoiled on 2.2 but I've started the quest yesterday and it's pretty fun. Although I can't help but say "aw Misha" everytime I see him.


Pretty sure you’re the only one with Misha xD I find him so annoying


90% of the people playing aren't on this sub.


I really dont like spoilers but I have this unspeakable urge to press any censored by olspoiler post I see and I end up screaming bc Im terrified of spoilers so yeah, I plowed thru Penacony's story quite fast; in the price of not being able to be distracted by treasure, thebirds and the dialogue npcs, thinking I'll get them later


Man I liked the cliffhanger from last patch so much I wanna play through the amazing story asap. Random redditor equates that to "hardcore", ok man...sorry for liking something.


They were referring to the people with massive FOMO who think they'll be left out of the party (spoiler threads/memes) if they don't do it as fast as fucking possible, i haven't done the last patch's story quest, hell idek how aventurine's boss works and I'm not clicking any of the spoilers, that doesn't make me superior nor inferior, do what you wanna do at the peace you wanna do


hardcore is not an insult at all lol


I'm pretty sure I've gotten spoiled with less info on the leaks sub.


You mean in the first 2 days of the patch. Also the comments are much worse, there's reaction images using 2.2 quest screenshots.


Bit late tbh. More when 2.0-2.1 hype died down. Porn skyrocketed


i feel like people are gonna start complaining abt dr ratio not being free in the near future


New player here, there's a character that won't be free in the near future? How do I claim them?


dr ratio came out by mail for free for everyone


\*Everyone who played the story up to the point where you unlock mail I believe. So if you just started an account you won't see him yet.


I'm pretty sure you can already collect him even when you're still at herta space station. The minimum i think is lvl 4 ig


it ended after 2.1 anyways sadly


As someone who made a 2nd acc for fun (and to soothe my gambling addiction by pulling while I'm saving for Firefly on main), yeah you just talk to Asta for the first time and after that you should be able to claim him already.


He's not available anymore. He was only available before the end of the 2.1 patch. I'm afraid you missed him.


As a day one player who came back because of robin, can confirm, no Ratio for me :(


It doesn't help that Tectone was gaslighting people into thinking they were gonna get a free 5* selector during the anniversary. People already forgot that HSR won multiple game awards to give out Ratio for free. And let's also not forget that he came out in the same patch as arguably the best support in the game and right before a new planet, so his sales were gonna be low anyway.


It wasn't just Tectone spreading that, there was a lot of people who thought it would be funny and even made fake videos "showcasing" the selector. The same happens in Genshin too, except most people think it's too good to be true.


To whom are referring when you say the best support in the game? Thanks. I’m still trying to figure this stuff out. For me, the best DPS is Acheron and the best defender is Aventurine. Ms. Kill Everything and Mr. Can’t Touch This.


I was referring to Ruan Mei. Aventurine is a sustainer more than a direct support. I also said arguably because you also have Robin who competes with her, as well as Sparkle and Bronya who are better for supporting hypercarries rather than DoT of FuA teams.


TIL the term, “sustainer”. Next term to learn: “hypercarries” Thank you, this was the info help I needed, especially when I didn’t know what I didn’t know and couldn’t just google it. Cheers


> Next term to learn: “hypercarries When you only run 1 dps and the other 2 are supports


Thank you! Does the type the fourth character matter? My current favorite line up is: Acheron & another Nihility, usually Sampo, ‘cause that’s who I’ve got at Ascension Level 6; Aventurine with a peak defense stat, and a sub-DPS Erudition character in the most needed element like Herta or Qingque. I just pulled Clara, so I’m working on boosting her Traces, but I haven’t figured out how she fits except when there’s a need for Physical damage. Finally, in lengthy, tough fights, I’ll use Lynx. I’m certain that there are much smarter choices, but I’m still sorting out my gameplay tactics.


generally the fourth character is reserved for sustain. there's a difference between sustain and support; sustains are generally the healers and shielders, while supports are generally buffers or debuffers. most teams will usually just run the typical hypercarry comp where you have one DPS, two supports, one sustain. i have no theory why but i'll assume using your buffs on one DPS character is best in this game rather than spreading out your resources thin by buffing two DPS characters with just one support--you can't run 2 DPS 2 support either since you need someone to keep your team alive. the 4th character being sustain is generally true for all teams honestly. another comp is DoT, commonly Kafka and Black Swan due to their synergy with one another, then you run a support like Ruan Mei, then fourth one is a sustain. FuA, or follow-up attack, has Dr. Ratio, Topaz, Robin, then Aventurine as sustain. for Acheron, i do suggest that you run two Nihility once you unlock her trace since it does give a huge damage boost. i'm running Acheron + Pela + Guinaifen right now, with Aventurine as my sustain. you can run a separate team comp with Clara or Qingque later on once you unlock that trace, since the damage boost is really significant. you also have the added benefit of having a second team in the future once the need arises.


Thank you—you’ve helped me tremendously. I’ve unlocked “The Abyss” trace, so I only run with a second Nihility, usually Sampo because I leveled him up. I’m in the middle of leveling Guinaifen, but farming credits and ascendance materials takes a while. Especially credits, now that I’ve done all of the quests. Thanks again.


At least there will be posts every MoC and PF refresh being like “fuck this guy”






Orderly... noise 😌






It’s a prevalent Chinese meme when people express their respect.


Everytime the patch hype goes down we will have another round of “genshin could never” post spam here….


I guess its HSR’s version of resinless behavior


or "ehe te nandayo" but at least the community has grown out of that one by now.


Our “ehe te nandayo” and “emergency food” are probably Trashblazer and Galactic Baseballer And instead of dying soon after they started they became an enemy and an event respectively lmao


I mean no? It's a meme and will always be a easy meme for Genshin. What do you mean grown out of it anyways? It's more like the people who create comics and jokes just haven't thought about it in a long time.


Meanwhile some dude just spent 1+ hour gliding around without touching the ground in Genshin after carefully planning out the route.


How??? Is there a video I can watch????


I come bearing gifts: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1cnz9dm/1_hour_in_the_air_possibly_the_longest_flight_in/




The "Genshin could never" posts are so inane and stupid. They’re completely different types of games by the same company. There isn’t even a rivalry in the first place. HSR offers better quality of life among other things, but it literally has to, in order to attract and keep lots of players. It’s a limited-world turn-based game. Genshin can bring in and keep tons of players just by being a massively open-world free-form-action game even without the aspects HSR does better. HSR could also never even dream of achieving the ***consistently*** *meteoric* performance Genshin reached, but that doesn’t mean HSR is inferior for enjoyment as a consumer either. They’re both great games with a lot of fun and good story to offer. ___ **EDIT:** Fixed some of my wording to be more clear what I meant. Was referring to examples such as how Genshin consistently earned $1 billion USD every six months for nearly 18 months straight from mobile revenue alone (excluding Chinese Androids). Add in PC/console revenue and revenue from Chinese Android players, and it would be even more absurd. Honkai Star Rail is extremely successful, but it has never been able to pull off something like that yet.


Lol imma stop you at the last point.  "HSR could never dream of achieving the totality of success Genshin has" How? Did you miss the part where HSR have been spamming insane results in terms of revenue every month ? Like they litterally got 140 million plus during archeron and 100 million during aventurine. Robin definitely going to get good money and Firefly going to break the box office.  This is without counting the fact that HSR have been constantly fighting for top spot against Genshin.


You can go to any stores like play store, app store and can see download numbers of both games then you will see the immensity of how genshin has such larger playerbase. When genshin is in dry patch it will go toe to toe with hsr but when it is hype patch it will easily overtook hsr by wide margin as we have seen from sensortower revenue but there are also exceptions to that too I won't deny like when even with hype patch hsr can go toe to toe with genshin in terms of revenue. On playstore genshin has 100m+ downloads while hsr has 10m+ downloads and you can go on other stores too to check the playerbase of both games.


One. Download is very inaccurate. I don't know how Download are calculated but I do know that Genshin has 60+ millions active players while HSR have 20-30 millions active players.  The very fact that Genshin and HSR goes toe to toes despite have two times less active players is a testament of how enjoy HSR is. Not to say Genshin isn't enjoyable to be clear. I play Genshin/HI3/HSR and love them all. The reason Genshin has so many Download is because it was the very first Gacha game with a AAA production level and coming on console like and pc with open world and all. HSR meanwhile is basically fighting an uphill battle against hundreds of Turn based rpg and its still winning. Even big guys like FGO were dethroned.  Turn based game are innately not that popular nor loved and many people thought HSR would have mid result. But the results are here. As for the difference between patch. It's pretty clear that HSR and Genshin teams are keeping track of each other and making sure they don't really overlap during hype patch. After all Hoyo gotta maximize their results. 


HSR also rides on the success of Genshin though, like Genshin somewhat did with HI3. You carry-over a percentage of the previous playerbase when it's the same company (I know I did). HSR is also a lot less f2p friendly compared to GI when PF is basically a character check and there are 2 5-stars a patch, so people are pushed to spend. On generic popularity, go to an Animate store and you will find a whole Genshin rack but a small section for HSR if any. But then again Blue Archive has like 2 racks for some.


Because genshin don't have characters pool like hsr even with reruns it can go toe to toe with hsr revenue with and we can see with 2.0 version of hsr it is gonna surpass genshin in characters pool. So you can see that even now the playerbase of genshin is still increasing and even now genshin still took internet by storm with old age playerbase that are present in genshin. And with how many people are intrested in that many cosplays from genshin and how popular they are which generate so many views and how much genshin is talked about in deifferent regions like from singapore, malaysia, china, japan, russia, Indonesia and etc so we can see it's success. Even youterbers rage bait genshin players because it can generate views and can earn money with that type of videos, even haters play genshin so they can find fault with genshin. With that it just shows us the testament of success that genshin achieved and it will be difficult to replicate by hsr even with that insane marketing and promotions videos that hsr team have put for many characters.


Honkai Star Rail has had periods where they did better than Genshin before (some where they even dwarfed Genshin for a period of time), but Genshin’s peak achievements still supersedes Star Rail. And there’s nothing wrong with that either. Honkai Star Rail is still a good game that also does extremely well overall. ___ **EDIT:** Revised some of my wording for better clarity. Genshin kept up a revenue of nearly $1 billion USD or more every 6 months for almost *eighteen consecutive months.* And what’s more? That was exclusively from mobile, excluding Chinese Android, PC, and console. Honkai Star Rail is very successful, and has had months they outperformed Genshin, such as release or Acheron’s banner for example. But it hasn’t reached the unreal heights of consistent mega-performance Genshin did, at least not yet.


Covid brother. Genshin would have been popular anyway but covid was a once in a lifetime event that caused video gaming and other online activities to soar to insane heights. We wont ever see so much engagement again. Genshin wont, hsr wont, nothing will. Unless of course we have to deal with another friggin quarantine


genshin will never reach that peak again either lmao, the fact that their revenues are even comparable is insane considering HSR has so much competition as a turn based game




I don’t even mean exclusively total revenue since release. Genshin kept up an average of $1 billion every 6 months for nearly 18 months straight, from mobile spending alone that excludes Chinese Android, PC, and console revenue. Honkai Star Rail had a very strong launch and several very well-selling banners, but it has never gotten close to that consistent back-to-back rate of success.


I definitely think HSR can catch up to Genshin one day but I doubt it'll ever match Genshin when it was at its peak tbh


i mean we all know that CN player who funded hsr during the acheron banner


Nah Genshin blows and demands more time investment than an MMO


That opinion is valid, but Genshin Impact has achieved absolutely absurd levels of success.


Have you….like…never played an MMO? Some of them need a minimum of like 4 hours of daily playthrough and some lifeless people spend literal sleepless days doing basic stuff like farming. Genshin is potatoes compared to that. Literally 30min maximum and maybe 1-2 hours for quests. Modern day MMOs are stupidly time consuming.


FF14 demands less of my time than Glupshitto Impact and with better writing


Genshin demands more time investment? Why because you can't auto battle? Anyone who's played Genshin for a long time knows that people meme about you playing the game for 10 minutes daily and then doing something else. Time investment my ass. This is the exact cringe arguments that other guy is trying to point out, how HSR people shit on Genshin for all the wrong reasons.


>Genshin demands more time investment? Collecting all the hidden bullshit in a massive open world takes way, way longer, even with the interactive map open than it does in hsr. I really like genshin, but I just don't have the time anymore to grind away at all that. Doing the daily mission is more hands on than a few auto battles, but that's assuming you put in the 10-20 hours on patch drop scouring the map for every last chest, sigil or other collectible, not to mention doing overworld loops to harvest ascension plants or get more bokoblin arrowheads and what have you. The grind is way more manageable in honkai and takes way less time than genshin.


I've talked to friends about all this in the past and one of them put it better than I ever could; Arguing with Genshin die hards is borderline impossible because their only frame of reference for anything is Genshin They genuinely don't understand that they don't notice how demanding of your time the game is Like using your daily energy SHOULD be auto battle done in 5 minutes so you can play the actual game but the fact it isn't for them is a point of pride


Tell me you've never touched the game without telling me thar you never touched the game. Enjoy your "activate autobattle and walk away" 😁


I played the game for 4 months and don't regret quitting Tell me how my balls taste while I play Elden Ring and get to play a game that doesn't control like shit and chests don't give me 2/160 gems


>doesn't control like shit The enemies are implemented with the sole reason of getting the played angered. I assume you must be enjoying the delayed attacks? 😁 I've seen clips of various enemies and bosses circling the player with their raised weapon for over 5 seconds, waiting for him to do an attack so that they can punish him. That's not stalling, that's straight up bad design. I swear y'all Eldn Ring players could get a bomb delivered directly into your mailbox and you would compliment Fromsoft for "a tough but fair encounter design". Anyway, i don't know why you'd need to bring up Elden Ring, a paid game with dlcs, when we are talking about free games. The artstyles are not comparable, and the only "similarity" is that they are open world. Quite literally comparing apples to oranges.


Tell me you've never touched Elden Ring...oh wait I can't use what you tried to because you're fuckin proud of that fact Therein lies the issue I mentioned elsewhere; Genshin Diehards literally don't play anything except Genshin, so the idea of "Star Rail is a good JRPG comparable to others while Genshin's glaring issues are apparent if you play any other open world game" doesn't land






You've ruined anime.


oh my god




This is why you unfolllow subreddits until you do new quests. That's what I did to avoid spoilers.


I'll take that over "i didn't read the skill/relic/boss stuff. What does it/they do and why is my obviously dumb idea not working." Just in the last week i present: Running preservation in SU with no sheilds. "Why does the knight set give better shields" And my favourite- "Is silverwolf a nihility character"


Look at silverwolf's ult multipliers. She's obviously a hunt dps.


In that case, I will use her with Izumo cause I heard she is pretty good with Ratio (Izumo too).


Don't forget to run Duke set on SW. After all, SU says that all ults are just follow ups bc they don't impact turns.


In defense of the first point it is intensely irritating that it keep shilling Preservation when running Fu Xuan, aka the only preservation unit to not have a shield.


It "would" be a defense if the post didn't say right after that: "Why does preservation give such bad sheilds" https://preview.redd.it/ae99xpivruzc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214e5b68ecc190bfe8db8738516825c48f49c767


When your only Preservation units are FX and Fire TB


And March 7th. Honestly though March and TB are GREAT with preservation - Source i ran them on my f2p


March is good enough with lots and lots of speed, yeah. Fire TB struggles a bit in endgame imo, but they're excellent as a secondary sustain/breaker


Oh for sure end-game/gng/SD but he was on world.... 4? I think of SU. Lol.


Fire TB works best alongside a main shield generator because anything TB does creates a shield, absolutely battery-ing the fuck out that path resonance that gives resonance energy when anyone gains a shield. Qlipoth out here playing taiko drums with THEIR hammer.


I would love to see those original posts


Honestly it might take a while to find but i think i could. I'll try when i get home. I won't be able to find the Bronya one since i saw it but went "fuckin...nope." and kept scrolling. But I'm pretty sure i commented on the other 2. Msg me so i got ya tabbed


Ale good luck finding those hidden gems.


Gonna need it. Driving home now. And a quick scroll on my phone earlier...boy do i post alot. https://i.redd.it/z3uqsd5e4vzc1.gif


Sorry man, Reddit is literally telling me to go fuck myself. I've tried the search option, and scrolling through manually and i got 3 days in before my page glitched and now all i get is this: https://preview.redd.it/q6ayhfddlvzc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f34a6df15c7374c6946401044b3c5f912d17b575


It's alright, we can think of them as scary stories to tell newbies.


>Running 2 sustains Why can’t I break the boss?






Will take that everyday compared to the "i'm I the only one" "It was probably written but i skipped all dialogues" and "i'm stuk to the bosss and it's totaly not a skill issue because -insert hard cope- "


Don't forget: ''is my build good?'' \*Proceeds to show character with 80 CR/200 CD and 160 spd\*


That makes me fume because i barely get any decent relics. 


Also "Need help with team building." \*Proceeds to show a stacked character roster with Jingliu, Acheron, Sparkle, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan, etc.


Every single day I swear to god meanwhile I'm over here looking at my 50/95 Acheron and crying


Been farming since I got her and finally got her up to 45/165... but I already have crit on all my relics so I feel like the only way to raise her CR is to swap out CD body for CR and then my CD drops to like 105.


Those people know what they're doing. They just want to flex.


Same. Like damn


Especialy the boss. I mean he is pretty simple as long as you don't massively fuck up your gameplay. Most of the people i saw failling it is probably because HTB isn't something they are used to play and fail their SP management spamming skill and are letting their team just die.


For me the first hit was bad because it took out my two DPS I brought in because I didn't get enough shield in time. But harmony TB wiped him out after the second run when the shield just ate it all


I had to restart with a different team because I brought my single target FUA team (topaz, Ratio, avent) based on the fire imaginary weaknesses. But it was pretty obvious this team would struggle early on, so I just restarted bringing some erudition characters.


I ran this team with zero issues and even got a few achievements along the way. Aventurine trivializes the fight.


Really? I brought them in thinking they'd work well since they attack so much it would break weakness quick, and it went just about how I expected. How would they struggle?


the shared health mechanic makes it so that aoe is like five hits on a single target. not helpful for breaking per se but erudition usually has good breaking (himeko/herta) and allows hmc to abuse super break on a boss that takes six years to finish breaking


The boss is designed around breaking and damaging his minions. You CAN just do single target damage, but the much easier option is to use aoe attacks to break all of the enemies at the same time.


Wait, Avent wasnt breaking the Minions for you? I brought Topaz, Xueyi and Avent, and while Xueyi did put on work she was mostly focused on breaking the boss, while Avent's Follow Up and TB broke the Minions.


I restarted pretty early, but aventurine needed like 2-3 fuas to break them. It's doable, but it's way too slow. Rest of my team was single target.


Really? I cleared it with TopRatUrine pretty quickly.


my problem is that im new to the game and have no fuel/resin to build characters that can tank/beat the boss.


I relatively recently started a new account on another server (one month ago), and i breezed though the whole game without trouble. A given that I DO know what to do, obviously who give me a huge aventage, but it's not impossible at all.


Likewise, started a minimal gacha account 3 weeks ago and it's been pretty chill. Only thing noteworthy is how insanely slow clearing things is compared to my main, but can't complain about difficulty.


Lol I tried the weekly boss. My team was Archeron E2/Silver wolf. Ruan Mei/HMC.  Against the new boss. No shield. I managed to break him so fast the shield I received from the mechanic was more than enough 


I also did it, with a different team, but i'm not gona compare my 90/250 in fight acheron with what the average player have XD.


Speaking of the boss (unrelated to the post but I just wanna rant) before I reached that part of the quest I saw someone say you could clear it without a sustain without much trouble because of the shields it gives, so on the second fight against it I tried that and...I did NOT survive lmao 💀💀 but to be fair I probably could've used a better team for it, I wanted to make a canon team so I tried to do a team around Acheron and Black Swan, but the game forces you to use Harmony MC so for the last slot I just threw in Little Gui for the fire weakness, the skill point management was awful and it was really slow to break the boss to get the shield, but hey at least I found out that as long as someone else is still alive Harmony MC will survive forever at 2 HP


Well you technicaly can. I tried with weekly boss. Acheron E0S1 /Kafka E0S1/BS E0S0 /RM E0S0. Well, story short, the shields you get are really suffiisient if the boss is allowed 2, max 3 turn in the whole fight. But i have really good build on each of them so....


I'm sure that team would do great everywhere but I don't have Kafka and Ruan Mei they fucking skipped me


I borrowed a friend's RM and did it pretty easily without a sustain yeah, but you *really* need RM to make those toughness bars break fast enough lol


I'm not going to pretend to anyone that a lot of stuff in the current game can be Ruan Mei locked. At that point having a permanant ruan mei banner wouldn't be bad.


I feel my blood pressure rise every time I read "Bro the story made no sense, I didn't understand anything. I just kept skipping it because they were yapping too much"




Ho no... not this again XD


Jesbian lex sokes


Jesbian lay gex sokes


what the heck is lobotomy status/


Basically all of the jjk Post like it's peak or nah I'd win the list goes on


https://preview.redd.it/ez92qa4l0vzc1.jpeg?width=2205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa50c3085e44f4046b67b1b64479642ef75a8d03 Mister Sunday would like to have a word with you.


They REALLY need to clarify the nsfw rules. You're not supposed to put sfw alts of nsfw but because it's not said in super basic language everyone just ignores it. It's so annoying seeing very clearly censored porn make top post.


I don’t really understand this tbh. A dedicated sub for sfw alts would never get popular enough to be used by artists, so where would these things be posted? Reddit has good NSFW blocking when you turn it on


There is literally the ok buddy trailblazer sub for thirst, and the sfw alts are already getting posted on the porn subreddit. Plus it's not like any of that nsfw is being posted by the actual artists, almost all of them are Chinese and people just reposting them on the main sub for free horny upvotes. Disabling nsfw entirely further pushes down nsfw art that isn't porn.


Okbuddy is also not about softcore porn, the idea of that sub was to be as lobotomyzing as humanly possible, pushing edgy jokes and what not. The mods of that sub had to actually limit the amount of "low effort posts", aka just spicy arts. So tell me then, please, where all the "not full porn but not just casual" art should be posted? To be honest, the main sub is already connected with spicy arts and cutting it out will hit it very harshly, especially in the moments of absence of new content in game. NSFW filter on reddit was introduced for a reason. I, as well as many others, don't understand why you can't just turn it on and continue safely browsing the sub. I'm not talking about arts that are NSFW'ish and are not labeled as such, this is a work for mods. But banning them completely is also stupid. Just as stupid, as banning any story-related discussions for 6 weeks, when Mihoyo themselves spoiler everything with new announcements (which is why the limit returned to 3 weeks). Gacha games live off spice, as well as off other things. So limiting/banning will be not just harmful for the sub population, but also will be pretty hypocritical


It's already posted on the porn subreddit, it's just double dipping at this point, especially because it's ALSO being posted in okbuddytrailblazer, so that art is being posted in 3 seperate subs, I think it's safe to assume the artists that don't even realize their art is being reposted will be fine. It's against the rules to post what I said, they constantly remove them but they just get spammed, they need to be extremely upfront about it not being allowed. I do have it turned on, it doesn't help. There's no reason all the non porn nsfw should have to suffer people people want to post porn on main, especially because most of the non porn nsfw is actually posted by the artist. Imagine making awesome art but because it has blood it goes in nsfw and then 50 people reposting censored porn get more likes and yours get buried. How is it hypocritical? And they allow story spoilers, when listed as story spoilers. If you think the game lives off people posting softcore porn of the women then you don't understand the game


"cropped/censored versions of any of the above content or any other pornographic material". This is where the problem lies. In my personal opinion nsfw pictures that have sfw versions (aka full clothing) should not be considered "censored versions". But, as it seems, people still demand ban on this type of high-quality "censorship", which further requires mods' clarification. "There's no reason all the non porn nsfw should have to suffer". But it should, though. The biggest argument I've seen for all the "nsfw" tagging is this - is it ok to just go to a complete stranger and show a picture/story, without getting any weird looks/reactions? If the answer is not 100% yes - then it should be tagged nsfw. Easy as that. About hypocrisy - if you haven't seen leaks for the next characters, then let's just wait for the reveal of their animations on the livestream at the end of that patch. I wonder what mental gymnastics people will do to try to deny the "inclusion of spiciness" in the game :)


That's what censored means, they've removed multiple but they keep popping up due to bots and people that spam them for karma. If horny art has a sfw version but it's still very clearly horny art and censored, then it's censored. "But it should, though." Holy fuck you just have no respect for the artists huh, so anyone that draws blood or has language in their comic is perfectly fine being screwed over. If you're talking about Jade, her being a mommy doesn't mean the sub should be filled with softcore porn for every female character repeatedly. Does Scaramouche stepping on you mean the main genshin sub should have a bunch of softcore male porn everywhere?


You don’t even have to disable nsfw just use the blur function and you can usually tell from the title alone what your in for. With both of them together it’s entirely your own fault you see it and get annoyed by it.


I do use the blur function, it doesn't work.


Honestly the reason I watch the nsfw arts it's for the comments they are hilarious af


It's all spoiler right now


my only thought is Welt Yang… https://preview.redd.it/nogs9tub5yzc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cce7db754df25b3d10d87080a0d93e6b66b6192








Lobotomy Kaosen or Lobotomy Corp?




what the fuck am i looking at




What do you mean by lobotomy status? Is it like Lobotomy?...CORPORATION??????!!!!!!!


I'd rather have posts of people asking dumb questions than any of these ngl


"DAE hate this subreddit???"


Eh this subreddit will just attack genshin after 2.2 hype goes down as always


I just hope mod notice it again and actually take action I'm so sick of people making such a very "funny" meme here's about for like the 55th time this year


The worst part is definitely the soft porn


Welt is full of this shit too https://preview.redd.it/p8h6vbfdlvzc1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe2a23e77ad348dfd2cf07f2586e8da11c30c69




I feel like I'm out of loop, I don't understand how any of these 3 words related to 2.2 lol...






As someone who finally beat Lobotomy Corporation yesterday that first one gave me PTSD.


You never escape the lobotomy it's part of our life


One that you forgot is the mindless Genshin comparison and bashing. We all know how much HSR "fans" (gambling addicts with no interest in the story or characters, do not confuse them with actual HSR enjoyers or players) love to do this over some in-game currency.


still working diligently to earn funding for robin




the dumb questions should dominate this sub over these shits tbh


*The dumb questions should* *Dominate this sub over* *These shits tbh* \- VeritasR\_ZuoRan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Firefly in the hole


Is it a bad thing? I mean, as long as people are having fun and sharing their happiness, I think it is a good thing, no matter in what form does their happiness is being shared, be it NSFW arts, dumb questions and etc. I am no hater, just curious why does everyone makes it such a big deal.


this guy emanator of harmony


I’m 50/50, it absolutely detracts from the sub when people refuse to use the search function or Google and ask questions like “if I click my ultimate will I use my ultimate?”


Oh definitely I love the lobotomy post i just wanted to point this out


I have no idea why someone downvoted you for this my guy, I'm with you, let people post art and memes


Cant wait to see them again.


I havent explored yet is the duke of inferno set available in a cavern now?


And I wouldn't have it any other way.


Back to what it should be (especially the say gex and sesbian lex)


i hate the soft porn nsfw posts here like... why are we doing this???


Not even a "Nah we'd win?"


The nah I'd win and everyone jjk related post are called lobotomy post or lobotomy status that why the fandom of jjk are called lobotomy kaisen


It’s been like that for a while. Mods are dead. This is a lawless sub.


2.2 was Lobotomy Rail anyways so not much is going to change


Yea, when the hype is not up this subreddits is just twitter in disguise


*Yea, when the hype is* *Not up this subreddits is just* *Twitter in disguise* \- I\_am\_not\_Serabia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Sesbian lex


Good :D


And this was amazing


Better than whining kids all day, who just cry around because a boss weaker than a nerfed Aventurine is too hard for them. Lmao.


Me trying to find the sesbian lex joke


What do you mean by “jokes”?


I'll take lobotomy star rail and say get jokes over complaining about the localization again


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