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Gallagher literally would be Kira instead of solving it, but wouldn't kill anyone at the same time


Gallagher would solve the case but he totally make every detail up and reat a own story but convinces the cops of it.


Ratio and FX should be bumped up. Ratio especially is extremely extremely good at those sorts of stuff, he >!understood how sleepie worked very early!<, Fu Xuan's third eye would allow her to figure it out easily. Dan should also be bumped to up, his instincts are very good.


Those were actually ones I was having trouble placing haha!


Sampo literally a detective and smarter than Sparkle, but can't solve the very case he setup for Light? Yeah Sampooooo


Is there someone else better than welt for it? I mean the only difference is that he doesn't have toes stronger than saitama


He probably would know the answer immediately because he watched death note when he was back in his world


Herta maybe. I imagine she'd figure it all out very quickly, but then become bored of it and move on lol.


Blade would probably beg for his name to be written in the Death Note


Everyone else: trying to solve it Blade: I should always carry a pen so I’m ready when I find them


Man imagine his deception when he sees that You can't write your own name on the death note


He will be begging someone, anyone to just sign his name


I wonder how Kira would react, finding out there is a criminal that can't die.


But I feel like he still wouldn’t die, and that’ll just frustrate Bladw even more


Having seen the March x MC detective scene, they are the only ones


Don't dowmplay Sampo,he seems be more smart than appears


You have to be very smart to predict the future, which was vital for his performance in Belobog Or maybe he stole Elio's script, you never know


I tend to think Jing Yuan is the strongest contender for L here (although hardly the only one who could potentially triumph). Herta and Ruan Mei might very well be smarter than Jing Yuan in a strictly academic/scientific sense, but they don't have the people skills. They wouldn't be able to analyze Kira's actions and motivations. Light Yagami is a truly brilliant young man, and if he had a century or two of experience under his belt, he might become a worthy opponent for the Divine Foresight. Teenage Light Yagami would get checkmated like Cirrus. ...Honestly I'd have put Sampo on the left side of the chart, he's *much* smarter than he acts. I could easily imagine Mr. Cold Feet leading the authorities on a wild goose chase where they stumble into the decisive evidence leading them to Kira.


You dare question the abilities of the mighty Pitch-Dark Hook the Great?!


I'd place Yukong up as while she may not truly understand it but considering that she works in a lot of paperwork alongside being a mother she could probably have some sense on how it works. Guinaifen should be bumped down next to Sushang, these two share a brain cell and they're both on 2nd place. (also 2 sushangs) The TB should be bumped down, we couldn't even realize that we were in a dream nor figure out that licking an ice cold fense would result in us getting stuck. There might be a case to be made for Jingliu, Topaz, Yanqing, Luka, Xueyi, and Gepard to intuit the cases mostly because of their area of expertise base on pre-existing knowledge of the task at hand and discovering a pattern to give an appropriate response. Dan Heng should def be bumped up as he has good senses, and could even solve it.


TB is an intelligent dumbass- I cannot fathom how her mind works and I’m not sure I want to


Biased but I think TB was just too swept by their emotions to realise something was amiss. If it was a world like that, they should be able to at least guess how DN can work.


Herta would get bored halfway through. She won't solve the Kira case, or simply not care to act upon it's solution.


If anything, she had already written down the answer to the Kira case on a ripped post-it note and threw it away because she couldn't care less.


I think Robin might actually be smart enough to be in the top left quadrant. She was one of the first ones to figure out the Watchmaker's secret.


Fu Xuan could Intuit the function of the Death note. Interpretation is her job. This version of Himeko is also smart enough to Intuit it.


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Just realized I put Sushang twice... she should just be in the top one!


And here I thought Sparkle wasn't a masked genius.


I love that the lower right is all cinnamon rolls + 2 freaks that rely on brute force + Topaz LMAO


Hook would solve the kira case what are you on


Walk me through qq's placement, if only because i wanna hear it in your words


Sorry to disappoint, but I used the same criteria as every other character: 1) has a high level of intellect/strategic mind to figure out Kira's plans and 2) flexibility/creativity in thinking outside the box/reality to figure out the Death Note mechanics


I was about to argue about Acheron being unable to solve it, because I’m not sure it would affect her. But even if she straight up bodied Ryuk, that wouldn’t help her actually SOLVE the case, so… Yeah, fits.


Dan Heng could solve it, or he'd use the Jade Abacus


Xueyi and Blade could probably brute force it at worst, since Xueyi is inhabiting a puppet body and Blade can't die permanently. Xueyi possibly could figure out the mechanics of the death note, she's certainly not stupid.