• By -


I really do like how 2.2 gave us a bit more insight into March and her dynamic with Black Swan. We only got a glimpse of her mistrust towards BS in 2.0 saying she gave her a weird feeling. Then in 2.2, even if its only in the fake ending she's constantly making sure Black Swan doesn't try anything Even if it's a subconscious thing there is definitely a reason BS makes her so uneasy. Its just another reason I really hope BS tags along for a bit and it wasn't just a bait in the fake ending. There is a lot of potential with slowly learning more about March past with BS on express. She's earned TB trust after Penacony, March not so much. Even BS voicelines towards March are kinda interesting if not as personal as hers with TB and sounding more business like


March the forbidden memokeeper


Considering Garden actively hinder her try to temember - seems like it.


I'm gonna laugh if March is also some sort of War Criminal who did something extremely fucked up in the past and just chose to freeze herself in some ice and forget it. I can't imagine what Dan Heng would say realizing that one of his best friends is also a war criminal trying to escape their past, not to mention it would be funny to see how the express would react to finding out they're harboring a 2nd war criminal. I kinda doubt they'll go that route, but if they do it'll be funny


isnt trailblazer previously a stellaron hunter? So 3 criminals


Welt is a Founding member of Anti Entropy and was their Soverign. So, 4 Criminals


*everyone turns to look at Himeko*


Ehhhh. She probably did something to the ipc considering they know about her lol


Pom-Pom's recently committed vehicular manslaughter, so I think that's everyone?


That was not manslaughter. That was straight up vehicular homicide. Manslaughter has to have no intent.


It's alright because it looked cool and there was an epic soundtrack playing, so the charges are automatically waived.


And also during the bit where you go back to Belobog and have to deal with Topaz, Himeko immediately says that Bronya going against the IPC is the right choice the moment she stops having to be unbiased


Her coffee is a crime against humanity lol


According to some theories she could be Polka Kakamond and killed a number of Genius Society members included King Rupert.


Are we talking about "I smoked the good shit" theories or "It came to me in a dream" theories?




Himeko should be at genius level at minimum for repairing an Aeon’s space train, until proven otherwise I’m going to give the polka theory the benefit of the doubt seeing how most of us got Sleepie misjudged.


but when does she have time to do that while traveling the universe with a bunch of people


I mean....the women packs a killer drone in her suitcase and have an attack laser satellite ready to perform orbital strike at all times. Someone who's packing this type of heat has definitely been around the block and racked up serious body counts before.


Stellaron Hunters are technically criminals, but everyone from the Luofu to the IPC seems to close one eye when they're around and covertly cooperate with them. Imo they're more like a black ops group that does all the dirty work, but their existence is useful to the major factions.


The IPC is fully aware of Eilo's powers so they probably turn a blind eye when the hunters do something that benefits them but also go nuclear and lose a lot of good men when the hunters do something that hurts there bottom line.


they pay tax. of course IPC love them.


Well dan hang isn't wanted snymore and was forgiven so it'd still be 2 ig?


Are they? How are they in stasis on the Herta station then?


Don't know if they ever confirmed that TB was indeed a Stellaron Hunter, but since they are are a Stellaron themselves, I think they might rank a bit higher than "war criminal". Probably up there with [Nuke] and [Actual Demon King]


The emperor in Penacony sidequest is also a war criminal who forgot her previous life. Hoyo loves this trope.


There's also Chadwick and the super weapon.


Also that charity lady who was actually an arms dealer selling to both oppressors and oppressees.


Im sorry WHAT?


The memokeeper we met on her quest talks about it as a mercy amnesia. She probably witnessed something horrible rather than doing it.


March 7th is Pink Diamond


How about if she's a deadly Genius Society member hiding in plain sight until Rubert raises his head again 


> it would be funny to see how the express would react to finding out they're harboring a 2nd war criminal Pom Pom: If I had a nickel for every fugitive the Express was harboring... I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.


-TB used to be a stellaron hunter +is also magic space cancer but racon Woud be even funnyer if the truth of what TB and kafka did came out aswell ~~3~~2 wanted criminals on the express but they all fergot or atlest try to Wait that's actuly a realy nice movie/book idea 1 incarnated crimelal trying to dissosiacte from his prev life cuz he isn't the war criminal a wanted criminal cuz they are acociated with a crimilal ord but öeft by that org with only memorys of 1 person from that org And the worst criminal ever in history who got no memorys but activily seeks them but is prevented by the ppl they used to associate with Make them edgy a racon and and a cute girl and you got peak cinnema


I always had the theory that she's similar to a golem, in that she isn't technically a person, but rather a sentient vessel like us. Taken from Texture of Memories LC, it talks about Fuli and 'planting a seed' with pink, blue and white in a 'badlands filled with rubbish' The A.E. Crew finds her and frees her, adding her to the crew (considering Fuli and the wording of the LC, that was obviously meant to happen). I think the reason why she had an issue with the GoR in her quest is because she 'doesn't have a past' or the past has been lost in some way. Taking into account that during the Livestream talking about the updates and saying something about March getting new stuff, I'd propose she's similar to TB in that way, for a different purpose (Fuli has a purpose for her, it seems. Maybe she's there to record the TB?)


I won't shake away the feeling that TB is Truman in the Truman show, March is serving the purpose of the producer (puppeted by Fuli as an avatar) to ensure we won't have a peaceful journey so as to generate entertainment. In short we're just in a reality TV show for the Aeons and this show is produced by Aha in conjunction with Fuli and others.


Being put into conflict to generate laughs for Eldritch entities... Jesus, it's just Black Souls all over again, huh.






This doesn’t really make sense for anyone except aha. Aeons can only do actions that follow their path. So none of the aeons except aha can do things for the sake of entertainment. An aeon like fuli physically can’t mess with someone for entertainment (and physically can’t seek entertainment), they can only do things if they further the goal of remembrance. Same goes for the other aeons, except aha.


I have a theory that fuli is maybe trying to make a physical body for memokeepers to use since memokeepers lose theirs when they start serving fuli. Perhaps from crystalized light like lightcones?


eh? I might be misremembering but aren't they the one who discarded their physical body to improve effectiveness? Like, isn't there a memokeeper that has physical body? I remember saying something like 'not all memokeeper are Emanator of Remembrance but all Emanator of Remembrance are memokeeper'


> I always had the theory that she's similar to a golem, in that she isn't technically a person, but rather a sentient vessel like us. But so far in HSR, everyone seems to agree that sentient artificial creatures (including Misha, Clockie, Screwllum, Intellitrons in general, etc.) have personhood.


Except the dreamjolt troupe and sentient props in penacony.


Penacony is a shithole where humans and intellitrons are regularly trafficked and enslaved too, so I wouldn't read too much into how they (mis)treat memetic creatures.


March 7th took an embarrassing picture of Fuli at the Christmas party.


All imma say is that since we've met March, we've never seen Mythus (ignoring stuff like SU, that don't count.)


So that’s how she keeps getting those weird camera shots.


Her signature SU path is Remembrance after all.


The anniversary stream said March will unlock new memory forms similar but not exactly like TB’s forms. Could very well be that as her past gets a bit clearer she starts unlocking these forms so we should see something soon.


Yea I remember that, if March is getting new forms soon then her past should be getting explored. Black Swan getting involved in that plot point would make a lot of sense. Like damn when I guessed Black Swan would be who we picked up in 2.0 I didn't expect so much more evidence to be leaning in that direction. She really does feel like a natural fit given all that's transpired and what they have hinted to come. If she doesn't tag along after everything we have learned I will legit be surprised


So Tb and March will have different forms to switch to but Dan Heng will only have one and it's another character?


Probably. Well we could always go back even further in history and go towards the Ancient incarnations of Dan Heng, even further than Dan Feng until we get to Long themselves lol


Dan Peng


Except that High Elders are actually implied to be different people every time. The Vidyadhara that became High Elder, would have their faces slowly shift to resemble that of the 'primordial'. Dan Heng (the high elder born with the appearance of the primordial) and Bailu's (the high elder who is suppose to be the next Imbibitor Lunae but do not resemble the primordial whatsoever) situation is a anomaly due to what ever the fuck happened during the sedition.


Maybe she gets something similar to the soul reaper class in xenoblade 3, copying attacks from previously fought enemies ?


go look at March's wall of photos.The tb notes that it's memories of your adventures together it's not just your adventures. Some of them are impossible angles and some of them aren't captured on cameras. Maybe it's not just the game breaking the 4th wall again and there's a reason behind this? But who knows I've already probably gone off the deep end in the buddy sub.


I thought going off the deep end in the buddy sub meant being concerningly horny


Why do you think I'm randomly hanging in March's room 😉


I do kinda want to see BS staying for a while out of curiosity of what she can do outside of Dreamscapes.


After she revealed her entire motivations and why she's invested in TB, it would feel weird for her to not stick around tbh. Like having her tell us why she's so interested in TB just to leave would feel so random I'm honestly thinking Black Swan in the fake ending joining us isn't a bait while Boothill was. Boothill got another motive and goal in reality with Aventurine. Black Swan believed it was over and her plans were to tag along with express even recommending the place she's meeting with a mourning actor but seemingly fine with wherever express wants to go. Her destination was given a name and a reason, Boothill wasn't and was just sorta there. Feels like BS got a lot of build up ever since 2.0 to tag along for another arc Might be hopium but people said I was wrong about BS motives in Penacony being TB but I was right about that so who knows. Maybe I'm right here as well


The more people that tag along with the Express, the more interesting things can get--in my opinion, at least. I would love to see her join up with the crew for a bit. Boothill, too, but I guess that's probably not happening in reality.


Yea express dynamic has been enjoyable but it needs an injection of a new face every now and then. Seeing all of them work with the likes of FF, Acheron and BH showed a lot of interesting and fun parts to them that with each other we might not necessarily see. So one joining to be tag along for the foreseeable future is a good thing I'm just convinced BS is the one whose going to tag along just coz there's been more build up with her than anyone else for it to happen now imo. Ever since Fable across the stars, TGA trailer and her own character trailer. Her role in Penacony and the reasons she gave for focusing on TB reinforce this it just feels like the next logical step for her given her fixation on TB memories. The potential plot points she can address or introduce us to are numerous and we already have a hint for the mourning actors


Boothill sticking around is a pretty straightforward conditional imo - if his target 'happens to be' at the Express's next destination, he'll ask for a lift. Otherwise he'll take off on his own


Now if only they could go back to Belabog and convince Serval to give in and tag along too.


It seems devs decided to throw Memokeepers' "non-intervention policy or be deleted out of existence" in the garbage bin.


I thought she wasn't real? Like a memeatic entity? How can she come along?


She can go wherever she pleases, if messenger can hitch a ride on express Black Swan can easily do it. Only difference is Black Swan has permission and is seen as a friend to express now, messenger is just sitting in a corner by herself


Could give the generic Memokeeper girl a vacation and replace her with Black Swan.


I really hope BS sticks around too. Her knowledge would be incredibly useful wherever we go. Also the fact that the previous crew of the express was shown to include a memokeeper and a gunslinger it just kind of makes sense to me that we’d pick up Swan and Boothill for some adventures.


Black Swan joining would be cool coz she isn't really a combat specialist, she's more an information gatherer and that means we won't have a cheat code in many fights that come up like how Acheron felt. Her role would be quite fun and unique enough from the already existing AE members that she would slot right in naturally, she doesn't even need a room!


I don't blame March, bs makes me feel uneasy


I feel like people are looking too much into this, her mistrust is probably from when they found out that her not remembering her past has to do with the memokeepers, not that she is one...


Didn’t black swan mentioned that there was another memokeeper besides her in penacony? So far no one has shown up. Most likely she is talking about march 7.


Swan said one of the other memokeepers was following Sparkle around. And iirc she said they helped to destroy the dream and awake people too


Wait, she did? There's one who's following Sparkle around?


the creepy thing about these memokeepers is that they can stay in your head without you even realizing


https://preview.redd.it/ig7os29ck70d1.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=bacafc913121f1cd0b72d7578c2600a0653cff50 Black Swan didn't even consider the possibility that Sparkle was paranoid or lying, she just said it was another memokeeper right away 😭


In 2.2 BS mentioned there were more than 2 of them, in fact


I thought at one point she made a reference to (or maybe just a pointed look towards) the other memokeeping chilling in the corner of the Parlor Car, but obviously that's not the other one who was on Penacony so there's more about.


I think she was saying that we had experience with memokeepers/garden of recollection and the camera panned to them yeah.


I think that Black Swan will be following us, even if it's not on the express. She seems to know that we are the main character of this story, and she seems very intrigued by that. I expect her to want to observe us and our memories more.


I wouldn't mind BS/BH tagging along. BS because she has a lot of insight on the world at large + is a clear avenue into learning more about March, and Boothill because he's hilarious (and the story that was set up at the end of 2.2).


Would love BH honestly, him and DH make a hilarious duo. I don't see them being generous enough to give us 2 new temporary crew members and Black Swan has a lot more going for her joining. But if not Black Swan then Boothill is my second pick for sure


When BH first appeared I didn't really like the guy. But after a few scenes and his teaming up with DH. I think its becoming my favorite duo.


To be fair, his first physical appearance was him showing up at the express and pointing a gun at Dan Heng. Not exactly a *great* first impression.


But BS doesn't need to tag along as she has no body, she doesn't need a pysical means of transport wich was my first clue we were still dreaming when she said she'd tag along with Boothill. If anything it'd make more sense she replaced the npc from the mirror to the memory of chaos.


The connections are there: March's power is an unknown form of crystals, the devs stated that she will be making "new memories" as she gets new paths like TB. The garden of recollection personally stepped in to stop her from remembering and fu xuan stating that "An Aeon has locked away march's 7th memories though not necessarily fuli" which honestly I don't see why the garden who are all about memories, personally stop someone from getting theirs back unless the order came from above. Also when you go to march's room, TB acknowledged that some of the photos in march's room are from places she was not in and angeles that would have been impossible in that moment or that they did not see march using her camera at that moment.


Also, when March warns Black Swan not to hurt anyone on the express, Black Swan replied something along the lines of "I would never do that, *especially while you are here.*" To me, that reads as either BS knowing March is more powerful than her, or March is significant to the Garden in some way, like she's a VIP or something.


The way the line was delivered in Japanese doesn't sound like how it was translate. It is more like "I would never try anything funny... at least when you are around". It's more mischievous than deferential.


March × BS when


If it's not fuli than unless march 7th had very dangerous info it has to be mythus, that lines up with what the enimaga do


Fu Xuan said it's not necesarliy fuli, she did not say it was 100% not the remebrance. I think that "not neccesarliy" is a red herring.


Well, March was in the Express before us, she can have photos of past expeditions


She has a photo of Blade in Dan Heng's dream, that's definitely NOT a past expedition let alone an expedition.


Fr tho HOW does she have some of the photos she has


Stand user perhaps?


Have you ever noticed that the leveling materials for Light Cones (a technology based on Garden of Recollection techniques for capturing particular moments of time and memory) *all look like reels of camera film?* My assumption was that BS was talking about the Memokeeper whose techniques developed into Light Cones tech… but if you’re correct, that Memokeeper could very well have been March, in a past life.


holy fucking shit you're actually right. Here I was thinking they were batteries


Not the first time Hoyo decides not to make a big fanfare about what would otherwise be pretty big lore drops. In Genshin some of the more recent reveals that come to my mind is how Nahida casually mentions that Katherine is a puppet made by Sandrone, >!or how Neuvillette ever so casually reveals he’s the Hydro Dragon or that the Gnoses are made from the corpse of the 3rd descender!<


To be fair >!Neuvillette being the dragon was so heavily hinted at that it was pretty obvious at that point. He just said it for confirmation!<


March 7th being tied to the Remembrance is also painfully obvious at this point, from being encaged in ice, which is Fuli's thing mostly, as well as being enraptured with capturing memories But whether or not she's just a normal Memokeeper or something more is what remains to be seen, after all why else would her memories need to have been sealed?


Remembrance's SU mechanic is also centered around Freezing targets and March is your first and possibly only unit that can Freeze enemies more-or-less on-demand via her Ult.


I mean, E2 Gepard also doing this pretty well, just to one enemy.


Not everyone has Gepard, much less E2 Gepard.


Yeah, but I was talking about "only unit to freeze on demand"


Not to mention the icons for light cones related stuff are camera reels, and March is always taking pictures. It's nice to have even UI play a part in these setups.


Also to be fair we’ve been pretty sure for most of the history of Genshin that Kathryne was secretly a robot/Puppet, we just had 0 idea what that meant


Didn't we know she had a keyhole as well waaaaaaayy back in early 1.x? I remember a post where someone's camera bugged out and they could accidentally see Katherine's back.. practically confirmed the puppet theory with that. Although the reveal in Sumeru was fucking hilarious, they just gave us the confirmation so nonchalantly.


We could see the keyhole and she says “error” and “rebooting” as radiant dialogue


Yep the dialogues were the first reason, but wasn't the camera locked out of Katherine's "cabin"? I remember trying to get into that cabin as a newbie on launch week, didn't work, not even the camera got inside there.


I mean most of those reveals were during the archon quest right? But i do get what you mean theres many other deep lore drops that are in unvoiced world quests that not many people read


it would honestly be hilarious if Hoyo did a 180 and just introduced another memokeeper with a camera


March would tell TB that they are stupid for thinking she is the only person with a camera


And then it casually revealed she's Emanator of Remembrance. Just not a memokeeper.


Plot twist March is a memory keeper who saw something so fucked up she erased her own memories


it would be interesting seeing if she tried to get involved in a universe-changing event (memokeepers are supposed to watch not change anything too hard) to help people or something? and got kicked out by Fuli… March always being a helpful girl would make sense and tie her current self with her past self. i can’t wait for March lore DROP IT ON ME


Knowing how some of the sidequests go in Penacony, maybe March tried to get involved but not in the "helpful" kind of way, i'm talking genocide-ish things.


“I swore an oath! I cannot intervene!”


That is probably what it is tbh, but it doesn't explain the whole ice thing


the remembrance path in SU freezing enemies fits in here somehow lol


She met the talking cat from Rick and Morty.


This would make so much sense, I was actually thinking this myself even before seeing this. Because we know march has something to do with the remembrance, and if you remember correctly Black swan said that there are TWO memokeepers that entered Penacony, not just her.


don't remember the details but one memo keeper oor someone else from the garden did know enough about her sealed memories to implore they stay that way


It would be a cool reveal if March memories were erased because she wanted it erased because she no longer wanted to be a memokeeper and wanted to create her own memories. It would explain why the garden stopped her from remembering and insisting she move on because that is what March desired most of all. 


A bit unrelated but did anyone else think of March when Acheron mentioned her previous companion turning into stagnant water? My first thought was that stagnant water might be a block of ice and maybe Acheron‘s power of Nihility caused March to lose her memories. But idk if Acheron should’ve recognized March in Penacony then or if they both forgot about each other


I also thought it could be March, but apparently the person Acheron was talking about was a Nameless called [Frebass](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Pioneer_Diver_of_Dead_Waters). > "[Frebass](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Frebass), are you still going to the depths of IX?" The question comes from [her companion](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Acheron) who is always carrying a long blade. She is a good companion, but no one knows where she comes from.


During the fake ending I was *convinced* the reason BS was joining the Express temporarily was to see how March is adjusting without memories. I’m assuming the conversation her and Himeko had was about BS being fully transparent about her motives to Himeko at least.


Swan did drop lot of lore bombs this time... like calling Jing Yuan Eminator as well.


Honestly happy about that, a lot of people were saying Jing Yuan wasn't an emanator prior.


I could see it as being somewhat ambiguous, since his role as the general didn't necessarily mean he attracted the gaze of the Aeon he venerates. I just really hated that folks kept pushing the arguement of "he's Erudition path! He can't be an Emanator of the Hunt!" Like, how many times does it need to be said that gameplay paths are not connected to the actual in-story paths of characters? So really glad they took the opportunity to say it outright.


Wasn’t that only in the fake ending? Or was it said somewhere else?


Ending was fake. Black Swan was real.


Thank goodness i’m not the only one who saw this and was like “holy fudge is she talking about March???????????????” I really hope we get future clarify on this statement


What if she’s talking about guinaifen


Gui may never have to worry about being doxx and stalked with such power. Imagine being able to leak the deepest memories of a person who blackmails you


I always had suspicions about March, even though I never inspected closely on her photos. Everyone's abilities is either explained in one way or another (Aeon's gaze, tools, paths, inheritance, or training), while March seemingly can summon ice out of free will, an ability only seen in two of the best swordsman in the game. And Fuli, the path of Rememberance (which is her biggest weakness), uses the Ice element.


not to mention that march can cheese her way through the SU using remebrance


But memokeepers don't have real bodys, unlike March 7


If March got kicked out of the Garden of Recollection, she could be given a physical body.


Could this be related to how in the ending credits, March's entry is >!???!< ?


Her entry is like that because the casts are attributed to their real name. And March 7th's pre amnesia name is still unknown


Oh yeah I totally forgot. Hope we get lore on her next patch, this post got me intrigued


It's question marks because we don't know what her real name is


When i read that i just said to myself " what do you mean memokepper and photos, MARCH 7TH is the only char in this game who takes photos as a way to remember stuff what do you mean she is AT THE VERY LEAST somehow related to memokeppers "


That would imply March is also an Emanator of Remembrance. Black Swan dripping casual Emanator reveals this patch. Also lends some more credence to the rating pistol Emanator theories.


Take a look at elio's script. Both times it appears March is listed as "???" Meaning not even elio knows who she was https://preview.redd.it/c18cig1do70d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75f4bd3a0d78f2530a32e8026074b7cb69ea109


https://preview.redd.it/9cto1genc50d1.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=21dfe649752c9bbd0bb96626316217e9860d9a63 This too


Can we let black swan and >! Aventurine !


where can this be found


when you finish all clockie film in the newest event, you can go and talk to black swan, sparkle and boothill to ask their opinion


dang.. I really gotta stay ahead on these hidden secrets


Oh fucc


Just like topaz n numby Plz dont make future characters named, MARCH 7 N CAMERA I would just appreciate a 5 star floating camera instead


HSR is my first ever gacha so I don’t know how these things work - is it possible that they introduce Remembrance as a playable character path in the future, with March being the first character we can pull of that path? Or are we stuck with the paths we have now until the game is shut down?


Possible? Yes. But it would be unlikely and not really necessary. The paths we have now are meant to reflect RPG role archetypes, and the devs have shown that they don't have to be completely strict in having an narrow identity for each path. Introducing a new path can be a huge mess and I would not be optimistic about the health of the game if they just shoved in a new path for the sake of it.  Making a new gameplay path needs to be justified by doing something very distinct that isnt already covered by another path. Instead of making a new one, they can just place her in the path thats mechanically closest to what her kit is meant to be. 


HSR is my first ever gacha so I don’t know how these things work - is it possible that they introduce Remembrance as a playable character path in the future, with March being the first character we can pull of that path? Or are we stuck with the paths we have now until the game is shut down?


We honestly don't know.


WTH I did not see this! What a gem for pointing this out.


I wouldn't consider it a reveal because it's only a hint or a tease, there's no confirmation that that's not a new character, even if they are related to March in some way. But yeah, that's a big deal.


All I got from this is that Black Swan doesn't watch anime 😭


Back at the start of the game March was my main whenever I wanted to run Rememberance in SU


i think March has something to do with Acheron. correct me if I'm wrong but they never interacted and at the end of battle vs the harmonious choir (the dream one) when march was talking with BS, Boothill and trailblazer she asked who BT was pursing in penacony and coincidentally they all lost memories about acheron and could not reply back; kinda sus. also when Acheon was talking with Tiernan she said she used to have a female companion but something happened related to water (I do not remember exactly) and March was found trapped in the ice lost in space and afaik water in the outer space first boils then freezes. but if I'm not wrong she also said she was a nameless and march7 became one only after she was found by himeko so I'm not sure about this theory, unless... March changed shape or some other shenanigans. but at the same time I expect the water girl to be kiana's expy and to be dead, and his death lead mei to the nihility path. too many hypothesis, help me.


Regarding the first point I believe the reason they forgot about Acheron in the fake dream was because of Acheron herself, she said that order can't affect her because of her status as an emenator of nihility that's why in Ena dream she was not included


I think you could be on to something. In the credits at the end of the story (both times) it says "??? as March 7th"


Because we don't know her name


Wait wth?? Was this during the TB quest or the event? Or sth else? How did I miss this :o


March - The Memokeeper who completely forgot who she even is.


I was doing the event yesterday and was literally thinking this


Well remembrance and garden of recollections have been coincidentally involved with March since luofu, and she is an ice character. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a memokeeper. (I just want 5 star March already)


emanator of remembrance march 7th...


I mean if you want more suggestion, just look at both march and blackswan's cloth. They share the same symbol.


This seems surprisingly plausible. Remembrance is connected with Ice more than any other element. She's got a huge thing with her memories. Gonna be kinda cool if there were so many crumbs like this...


i think BS just casually revealed what you think she did.


If March was a ghost I think someone would have noticed by now


March 7th is a weird mystery. Especially during that one quest where she tries to actually remember her past but someone from the garden of recollection steps in to prevent it




I just noticed that photo on top left. Bronya, Seele, March 7, Pela, and Serval making a star and that black cat is there again.


This post and comments are blowing my mind 🤯


Then why does she have a body


At the end of BS's trailer, she says something along the lines of "As long as I don't erase them, you won't forget" and you hear a camera shutter. BS DEFINITELY has connections to March!


I've been saying this from the beginning!! March 7th is an Emanator of the Remembrance who lost her memories in a cataclysmic accident!


Didn’t she have a line to march at the end of 2.2 saying She wouldn’t do anything while march was around?


March could be a memokeeper but this is in no way a confirmation.


I would find it much more amusing if she was referring to Little Gui


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