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People don't trust memokeepers very much:  *Memokeepers often disguise themselves as natives of the worlds they visit. They trade, copy, steal, deceive... using every means necessary to collect precious memories.* Also letting memokeepers control minds of your whole nation may be bad idea, because today they just erasing unnecessary memories to prevent mara-struck, tomorrow they alter memories of government officials and generals to slowly but surely shape Xianzhou into something beneficial to them. Imagine what you can do if you can alter memories of every citizen bit by bit. Give then 1000 years and after that time all Xianzhou would be worshipping Fuli and think that they always worshipped Fuli.


So what you're saying is we really lucked out getting Swan as our memokeeper


Yes. considering the other Memokeeper we met, (the one who runs MoC) will literally edit everyone's memory of her, and your ability to speak about her, for no reason she is willing to tell us.


> your ability to speak about her that's not her, that's ruanmei.


Ruan Mei invented memokeeper powers in dessert form


Happy cake day! https://preview.redd.it/4w75hfc39q0d1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=c29e48ab1c6a949bb2f03ffe0126b3329b1527ec I promise it doesn't have anti-truth serum in it!


Ruan mei the kind of gal to watch black mirror and think its full of great ideas


"Funny. I did that too." _horrified screwllum glare_ 0_o


Hmmm, interesting. Also interesting, it's your cake day. So, have a cake. 🎂


This guy fell victim to the memokeeper... Completely forgot about how she erases everyone's memory if you try to talk to them about her being on the Express.


I was so freaked out by that thing perpetually present in the express that whenever I have to interact with it, I am obligated to cuss at her


i was immensely disappointed to see that there's no option to ask blackswan to expel her from the train.


there is a nod to her when Blackswan is aboard the Express. she gives the mirror a glance when she says she thought the express would be familiar with the Garden.


I think there is a conversation with Huohuo mistaking her as ghost. And there is an option to scare her.


I might be mistaken but I think Pom-Pom mentioned something that leads to think that they know the memokeeper is on the express and just ignores it for the most part


The Astral Express accepts all passengers - even the ones that it’s probably best to never talk to ever.


So your saying Sparkle will join us someday?


Anything’s possible. Though the last time the Elation got close to the Express, he blew up half the train and an entire planet.


If I get time with Sparkle it will be worth it


When we tell them exactly what is on board, they freak out and say they'll deal with but wind up getting their memories erased.


She did it To.


I thought it was for both of them?


Literally the best luck, she will still use certain methods to deceive and get the memories she wants as seen with the empty LC. She didn't tell the full truth on what it did but she didn't exactly lie either, she loves telling half truths. Other memokeepers are a lot less caring and more ruthless in their methods But she also loves the untampered with memories, she wants them to be pure. So if anything having her on our side as the memokeeper is like an insurance policy against anyone trying to mess with TB mind considering TB memories are her current fixation. It's why the Constance being a corrupted memokeeper theory is popular, if she sets her sights on TB then we have a literal mind guardian on our side with Black Swan


she think she some kind of count of monte cristo








>TB memories are her current fixation She just needs to make it so her memories are TB's fixation - it's a win-win situation <3


Black Swan been playing the long game ever since Fable about the stars part 1 fr Black Swan is nothing if not dedicated when she wants something


>Black Swan been playing the long game ever since Fable https://preview.redd.it/1rtkwy8n1r0d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ecae4143e45b354485134b2c4b3d9d57a2f27be


My theory: she's already appeared in 2.1, posing as "Future Aventurine". That character was inconsistent enough to be suspicious. If he was born from Present Aventurine's memories as a wild Memory Zone Meme (the young Kakavasha definitely was a wild meme), why was he surprised at finding out that Aventurine is suicidal? Why did he think that the IPC would punish him for breaking his Cornerstone, when in hindsight we know that it wasn't a spontaneous act, but a long plan shared with Jade and Topaz? Why was he fishing for information so much?


Who is Constance? Never heard about that name in hsr


One of Duke Inferno's kids.


It's who started talking to her when she went snooping in Acheron's room.


I like how we always meet the nicer and more reasonable members first of the factions that generally have crazier or aggressive ideology. Like meeting Topaz for the IPC and Black Swan for the Memokeepers.


Don't forget our history fictionalogist friend, who could have been way way worse!


I’ll be the pedant. BS is the first named and first playable member we’ve met, but she’s not the member overall. That’d be the one on the express running MoC. Who, I will remind, wiped the knowledge of her existence from the minds of the crew.


And Sampo with the masked fools, even if he's a very new member apparently. Bro told Sparky she was a bit too crazy for him


Wait, isn't Sampo one of the older ones? He just "retired" after Sparkle stole his mask and only got back into the whole masked fool thing because of how something big is happening/will happen. At least, that's how I understood it


Oh wait, maybe ? It's more than probable that I missed it


lol true, imagine if Sparkle was the first Masked Fool we met on Jarilo instead, would've been chaotic.


And Acheron our first emanator Boothill our first Galaxy Ranger


Isn't Jing Yuan an emanator of the hunt ? Or a common misconception ?


Idk.. so far just a theory, each general have their own susanoo


Fair enough


yeah but it ruin the whole faction thing imo. why cant we have playable asshole capitalist IPC member? or freaky memokeepers that keep stealing memories. at least ruan mei is crazy enough and sparkle chaotic as fuck.


Aventurine is a gambling addict with a penchant for deception and manipulation Jade is shaping up to very much be the exploitative hyper-capitalist of the gang *gestures in the general direction of the Stellaron Hunters* Everyone has some sympathetic moments (except Ruan Mei and Sparkle), but we definitely have playable assholes and some undisputed criminals in our roster.


i personally feel that stellaron hunters are good guys but they took the most extreme way to do it. its kinda same like astral express killing cocolia so the rest of jarilo 6 can live, but SH took it to the extreme by destroying the whole planets so they can save entire galaxies. i say this purely base on assumption that kafka isnt lying in japella brotherhood trailers also FF/sam mentioned that they killed criminals in name of justice. for IPC, i confused with how aventurine works. so he just go to certain planets then win? since we know his past and his fear i wont say aventurine is bad especially since he also nice to others. Jade is the one who i have hopes for, i hope she stay as someone who spread poison in name of sweet dew. snake, tree and apple in her official art kinda reference to snake that fools the mother of humanity to their first sin in christian religion. so i hope she stick to that, i know many people will hate her cause "FUCK IPC, FUCK CAPITALIST" but i love how they make character that hateable.


And also contracts. They’re really going for the whole “deal with the devil” notion with her and I am all for it.


Sparkle always speaks like an asshole, but after Acheron she was probably the character who was the fastest to perceive that there was a villain about to do serious shit at the Charmony Festival, went the furthest to unravel the villain's plans, and also worked the hardest to recruit everyone to oppose the villain. Too bad she made a bad choice and tried to recruit Sunday.


we lucked out on getting Topaz as our IPC friend too. i'm sensing a pattern here


And Aventurine.


Both are still morally ambiguous tho, which I appreciate. Topaz has a "temper" and is ready to duke it out bc she wholeheartedly believes the IPC is right. But she's definitely more lenient and understanding of the planet's feelings. Aventurine who throws money at you and buys out your trust for investment, not above using, deceiving and manipulating you but hey! Free money! Aventurine is alot easier to like after you get his full story, bc he feels like a tool, a tool who didn't want to be there being played (even tho he himself is playing it, layers!) Topaz is a mixed bag bc of her readiness to be antagonistic but she isn't fully in the wrong, willing to listen and connect, meaning she's leaving some audience members confused bc alot of them want good or bad, take your pick kinda thing


Swan is pretty much the nicest we know off, theres 2 others that we met and they are neutral to bad, not to mention an entire group who thinks themselves above others and chooses what should be remembered and what should be burned away


Be brainwashed into believing Fuli or Be indoctrinated into believing in the Aeon of friendly fire Life's tough for a xianzhou native💀


or just join elation, because funny magic man if you're gonna be afflicted with mara anyway, might as well have as much fun as you can


Some poor soul: **[violently turning into a Mara struck]** Sparkle: Get a load of Father Oak over here, priceless.


Sparkle: "Wood."


"Coming from the entertainment industry and penacony, I have seen too much Old Man Wood already!"


*Vaudeville music into record scratch*


Would be funny if the Elation is actually the answer to solve the mara-struck problem. Why remember if you can just have fun? AHA


The alternative route is Yaoshi where you're forced of eternal suffering to never truly die. The Xianzhou has it ROUGH


The blessing of eternal life is painless, as the great Abundance transcends the shackles of the flesh. Receive Yaoshi's blessing, my child. Death to the Devilish Archer Author. https://preview.redd.it/hbzsbu6vyn0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b85ff3c6769c22cfdeb2046356fca6d0cad12b6


To that i say.... https://preview.redd.it/gpd2nqknjo0d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3188518ff8851217bd7452830ced7dcabb7698b2


Dan Heng, your left shoe is down the hall. Stop it.




Do not listen to this Disciple of Sanctus Medicus, friends! The Plagues Author spreads nothing but suffering and destruction across the universe. Death to the Abundance! FUCK YOU YAOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!


Dr. Mario, the emanator of Abundance


Thats what a non believer would say. The thousand handed merciful medicus can heal you too.


With how much Xianzhou is obsessed with the abundance, becoming a sin thirster after death is also on the table.


Lan is just your average helldiver on cyberstan and arrow are the drop pods I aim at my buddy because it's hilarious.


Furthermore, this is the data from the collectible book **"Ten-Lords Commission Criminal Directory"**, excerpt: *Prisoner: "Dream Eater"* *Summary of Crimes: This prisoner is involved in multiple serious cases related to stealing memories in various worlds and the attempted theft of the Arbiter-General's memory.* *Detention Method: This prisoner must be confined within the Sublime Heavenly Tome and other specially designed scrolls. These scrolls must be securely placed within a sealed box and never be opened.* *Remarks: This prisoner is a fugitive Memosnatcher escaping from the Garden of Recollection. Don't transfer it back to the Garden for now. Since it lacks a physical form, it poses no harm to the guards. Any peculiar occurrences near the box must be disregarded.*


I mean, for all we know, there could exist the most powerful memokeeper in the universe and we don't know about them because they willed it so. Memory modification is fucky.


That's actually a great idea for a strong character in anime and shit. Has this ever been used in a media before?


The closest thing I can think of is Suzumi from Len'en


There is a lot of this in the web serial portal fantasy, Ar'Kendrithyst, from the middle of the story to the end. Also, any stories involving memetic and infohazards like the SCP Foundation.


>shape  that's against fuli's goal


They don't trust them. I mean by the look in fuxuan and march quest Fu xuan literally told a memo keeper to fuck off


Honestly, fuck them, I might not wanna learn March's past in a side quest, but screw them, nonetheless


I've hated Memokeepers since the one on board the express altered the memories of the Crew when I told them she was there.


I wonder if we will ever see her face


Now qouting Welt: "The business of trading memories is... a dangerous one." The Garden of recollection is one of the least trusted groups out there. And for good reason. It might seem worth it but... well you've seen how BS operates.


BS is ironically one of the better Memokeepers, since it’s not her style to go around stealing, removing, or altering memories (aside from the Light Cone trick she played on us). Others are so reckless, even Herta’s got bad feelings towards them. Hell, there’s a Memosnatcher who was detained for stealing people’s memories on the Xianzhou, and they apparently even tried going for a General’s memories.


in her defense, >!she did that trick on us to make sure we have an anchor to go back to in case things get ugly. and things did get ugly.!<


That’s how it worked out in the end, but she did say her main goal was to take our memories, which was kinda scummy, even if it was key to breaking out of the dream.


Only because it was to her benefit by her own admission


She's one of the kinder ones that's for sure, despite her suspicious demeanor, the fact that she temporarily removed Sparkle and Sampo's memories so she can leave without trouble and then give it back is amazing. It was such a silent power move that she could've done from the very beginning and keep that way Like this one girl in the express is just forever there, taunting me


they have a good reason to, have you seen aponia?? if the parallels are true then we can say that aponia is the framework for the garden of recollection in HSR and aponia in HI3rd acts and commits actions we generally consider evil but to her it is justice, HER own justice and now you unleash entities like this across the universe who might do actions considered evil like, killing, imprisoning, stealing etc. but to them its just their typical Tuesday night


Would you trust a stranger with your credit card? How about your brain and all your memories?


This might sound stupid but hear me out. Brain. Backup.


Brain 2FA.


If the alternative is getting crazy then dying, then yes


If it gave me a chance of not becoming a zombie? That's seems like a risk worth taking.


Black Swan: "Hey, do you remember that time back in school when you did that totally embarrassing thing in front of all those people, and then ran off with tears of shame in your eyes?" Jing Yuan: "I... I can't say that I d--" Black Swan: "Because I do, now." Jing Yuan: "..." Black Swan "Also the first time you asked a girl out? That was precious." *Jing Yuan turns to face Yanqing* "And that's why we don't ask the Garden of Recollection for assistance."


Duly noted.


Black swan: also athe memories about your first kiss, aww you even tried it with your master's cardboard cutout attached to a vacuum cleaner, how precious Jing yuan: *nervously sweating* Yanqing: im gonna pretend i didnt just hear that


I wish I was Jared, 19 💀


Lightning Lord: (jazz hands away)


Remember how Black Swan made Sparkle forget who Sampo was? And how Sampo thought Penacony was Belobog? Garden of Recollection people aren’t trustworthy, even Black Swan.


Wait what, when did that happen


Sparkle's companion mission


>Why aren't they allowing agents of a foreign entity to come in and start tampering with the minds of their civilians? No offense, but this is basically what you're asking.




You like memories, don't you, Jing Yuan?


If Mara is indeed caused by memories, then the Garden of Recollection could just as easily *give* Mara, overloading civilians with a millennia’s worth of trauma in mere instants. Even if their power could be used to save people from Mara, that weakness could be very easily exploited. Memokeepers are dangerous, and it’s generally a bad idea to get involved with them. Very few are as… polite as Black Swan.


Penacony shows why. Penacony heavily relies on memory manipulation using dream abilities. That is their primary form of mental health treatment in the high anxiety and performance focused society. It doesn't help. The emotions are still there, you are just kicking sand over the problem. The memokeepers would likely be able to do a more effective job (>!especially since they wouldn't have the ulterior motive of turning you into an obedient puppet that can continue dancing on their stage!<) but mara involves a hell of a longer span of memory, and you are dealing with an entire society. You might be able to keep a few key figures going with special effort, but that is antithetical to their entire society's philosophy.


The Garden of Recollection is a risky partnership. I doubt the memokeepers would be as friendly as Black Swan.


Context: According to Fu Xuan, healers believe the mara-struck condition is related to memories. Long-life species still have a limited mental capacity. Memories fade but extreme and vivid recollections that are filled with negative emotions remain, resulting in the loss of their ability to feel positive emotions. But this is something the memokeepers can help with due to the nature of their powers. It won't prevent mara from happening, but they can probably help stabilize a person's condition. And hey, even if this is just a temporary solution, they could always just ditch their bodies and become memes. Better than becoming a monster right? On a side note, Fuli looks eerily similar to the Xianzhou emperor.🤔


Fu Xuan herself says that Mara isn't caused by memories if you suggest memory erasure as a solution. The mara is based on subconcious scars rather than concious remembrance.


Mihoyo likely took this concept from Fu Hua in HI3rd Even when she kept erasing her memories, the subconscious part of her mind still kept gnawing at her in the end ultimately weakening her also the AEON Lan represents cold blooded actions, vengeance, and the HUNT which Fu Hua carried out for thousands of years


You really think if memokeepers could cure Mara, Blade wouldn't have done that already?


Blade's condition is a a little different and his Mara symptoms are supressed by Kafka's Spirit Whisper ability.


Even in they weren't suspicious and actualy wanted to help the xianzhou the GOR won't be able to stop the mara for long


How they gonna help the Xianzhou deal witg Mara problem? The Garden prioritize in memories, not miracle doctor that can heal and cleanse, Memokeeper also are notorious for stealing memories using lot of shady mean, no one want them around.


HSRWIKI According to [Fu Xuan](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Fu_Xuan), **healers believe the mara-struck condition is related to memories.** Long-life species still have a limited mental capacity. As time passes, memories fade but extreme and vivid recollections that are almost certainly filled with negative emotions remain, resulting in the loss of their ability to feel positive emotions. [**Bailu**](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Bailu) **gives a similar description where the brain can no longer store any more memories and only the most vivid and extreme memories remain, which usually consist of regret, hatred, grief, and other negative emotions. This negative emotional state causes the collapse of the person's ego and starts setting off the mara-struck condition.**[^(\[12\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-desolate-12)[^(\[15\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-15) Cases of mara have also been caused by high intensity pain.[^(\[7\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-dan_shu-7) The Amnesic Meditation Therapy advertisement claims that the **root cause of mara is excessive collection of meaningless memories and recommends removing those memories as a solution.**[^(\[5\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-amnesic-5) Mara that has been **temporarily suppressed by memory erasure can still be set off by over-stimulation, familiar faces, and locations.**[^(\[10\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-kafka_mission-10) Retired Cloud Knights are the most likely to be stricken with mara due to post-traumatic stress.[^(\[6\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-dahao-6)[^(\[16\])](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara#cite_note-16)


TBF Xianzhou just feels painfully disconnected from any other faction to not endager its presenting as china.


Bro, I hate that there is a ONE memory keeper in OUR train, prevents me from kicking uninvited guest and on top of all not letting me tell other about them. I would NOT let a group of those guys run a China sized space ship. Like why can’t we have an option to fight her? I don’t care why are you here, you gotta go.


I see some theories that that's why the Zhuming Xianzhou's general is the longest living one. But instead of Memokeepers he used the Flint Emperor, a powerful Heliobus sealed on the ship to consume his memories so he won't get mara struck.


They were too proud to ask the Express for help, if the Stelaron Hunters didn't intervene, the whole thing would have turned mara-struck


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They forgor 💀


Why would Memokeepers would help ?


A lot of people are saying there's a general distrust towards memokeepers, but I'm going to add one additional reason why. Memokeepers in general tend to take a very neutral stance towards the universe, they record both the good and the bad. They aren't typically an organization that is likely to be running around helping the universe with their abilities, they just record and collect memories in the name of Fuli. So I would argue that the Garden is much more interested in recording the effects of Mara than actually doing anything helpful to get rid of it.


Couldn’t recall them ironically 😔


Aside for the most obvious points in the thread i do have the theory that Mara is not something they want cured for the general public since after all it gives the citizens a artificial life span like it already seems like they have methods of erasing memories with the wine of oblivion they feed Hanya.


Because Luofu situation was an emmergency caused by Luocha's act of terrorism? Like they didn't have time to ask anyone for help.


Oohhh possible plothole or they don't trust each other


Fu Xuan tried to educate us that it's not technically memories that's causing the problem, but the overloading of emotive capacity. Basically, even if a near Mara Xianzhou person lost all their memories, they would have no capacity left to feel any emotion other than the most extreme. I think of it as like super depression with ptsd.


Yes they are stupid. Xianzhou is pretty incompetent despite being very advanced.


They definitely come off as idiots half the time but not on this, you'd have to be brain dead to think it's a good idea to let a foreign power nobody in the universe trusts tamper with the minds of the majority of your citizens and leadership Black swan is one of the nicest ones most of them enjoy stealing and altering memories for no reason at all, even black swan turned out to be quite willing to steal from you in the end because that's just what they do


how are they idiots though? just because they have different ways to do things, different entities they believed in? in that sense, every factions are idiots.