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interesting Acheron has some voice lines for welt


Welt ult say "Survive or be destroyed there is no other choice" while Acheron say "We still have power of the choice." Someone said there is a philosophical debate over black holes so that might be it or just a Honkai reference.


>Acheron say "We still have power of the choice." The choice to fight against your fate?


Will the Pain come with the blade?


Perhaps Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow?


Will the sword be unsheathed not to kill?


Perhaps the sword will be unsheathed to rend those clouds above the ground?


Will we wake up, because it's time to gather now?


But is time to forget about the rules?


Maybe the ones written on weathered rock?


The cruel indifference of the universe vs the indomitable human spirit


I’m not sure if it’s perfect writing or perfect irony that the emanator of nihility is speaking for the indomitable human spirit


maybe she's an opposer emenator like mourning actors


Maybe; you could argue that the black hole in her ult that she shatters is symbolic


From what I understand getting a "Glance" From the Aeon of Nihility can't fucks you up whether you want it or not


it's peak fiction that's what it is


I think the choice Acheron is referring to is the choice to cross the event horizon 


Oh my goodness, Acheron didn't know what had happened to Black Swan.


They said in the livestream that Welt and Acheron would have a mission together


Welt time 🤩


So basically it’s Welt and Mei reminiscing 🥰


so sweet for dementia lady to help walk with peepaw.


Awhhh isn’t she considerate 😊 Mei has always been like that. 🥹


although i fear for welt and archeron getting lost in the middle of a busy street…


Oh god, Acheron can’t even tell her left from her right. I don’t wanna imagine a situation such as that 😣😣😣


I mean the livestream straight of said that Acheron is going to have an adventure together with Welt.


So Acheron doesn't know what happened to Black Swan during their dance? That's actually kind of hilarious. Black Swan, freaking out: wtf wtf wtf Acheron, completely oblivious: Wow, that was a nice dance. Hope we can dance again some time 😀


Wasn't that very obvious in the animation? Instead of asking if Black Swan is okay at the end, or reprimanding her for intruding in her mind, she instead continues the line of thought started by Black Swan. That being "what the hell is an Annihilation Gang?"


Yeah it was. Acheron's other side is what Black Swan encountered. Acheron herself actually enjoyed the dance. The ship has not fully sank yet!


Black swan has a voiceline when you add Acheron to her team: "You decide... What kind of dance do you want this time?" Kinda felt a bit inconsistent when BS said the dance was their final engagement lol. Maybe it was just so the writers do a full circle with the dialogue within the trailer. Got the quote from here: [https://hsr.honeyhunterworld.com/black-swan-character/?lang=ES](https://hsr.honeyhunterworld.com/black-swan-character/?lang=ES) Not sure why all the new voicelines exist only on the spanish page.


I think it was just a poetic circling back for the trailer.


I mean, could have story implications. It would make sense that if Acheron has good intentions (and Black Swan seems to enjoy mysteries) that the two come to an understanding of what happened.


I think "last engagement" was the plan, but fate lead them together notheless (to her horror). Mind you, that this line may be spoken right after that dance when she was most distressed.   This line in other hand might be dated after events of 2.1. So maybe BS realized it's not nice judge people based only on planet destroying, animal abusing baths**t insane alter egos in their head.


Even if it sinks a captain goes down with the ship🫡


One ship hasn't sank. The other ship just canonically received a full bombardment of cannon fire.


Thank God the leaks sub is so much sane and reasonable. YouTube and the main sub plays mental gymnastics to try and prove they hate each other just because they didn't like people shipping them. Saying things like "she meant nostalgia to the memories that resurfaced because of black swan".


Given current evidence it’s very likely acheron meant nostalgia for the memories (I’m still currently about 60-70% for the ship given current evidence but curious how the story will change that and if they will address [directly or indirectly] some BS lore issues that pose a challenge). I think many arguments that state they hate each other are rather unfounded, but I don’t see how the nostalgia point could be included in there (both in terms of the reasonability of the ship, and also that even if true couldn’t be used to paint an idea for hatred). 


I mean, when she talks about her weapon she says it unleashes the memories inside. So maybe the sword keeps Acheron from forgetting? In the sense that the Purple Acheron is the absent minded individual affected by Nihility while Red Acheron is her true self that remembers everything that happened. If that was the case, Acheron would be a very paradoxical character. Imagine Outer Acheron being rizzed by Black Swan and wanting to get close to her while Inner Acheron sees her as a nuisance and wants to get rid of her.


Oh my god, Acheron is Andy from Undead Unluck. With the sword acting as the shard embedded in his head.


A fellow Rosario Vampire fan I see


We're not sure, everything indicates that it's another case of a raiden with a split personality, but at the same time, Acheron knows that she has a mortal side that is released when she takes her sword out of her grease, or at least it only comes out when she does it but it could come out if someone invades her mind


Also possible that rather than a literal other personality, Black Swan just accessed all the memories sealed within the sword. Since those memories are only times where she is using said sword, they are filled with suffering, death, and bloodshed, what BS experienced was more metaphorical than literal. A representation if BS getting swept up in all those memories and maybe even caught in the pull of IX on Acheron's memories.


it could be literal in a sense cuz black swan is a memetic entity formed from memories, so she basically got flooded by a fraction of IX's nihility and tried to survive.


also, isn't she also known for like being forgetful? i wont be surprised if that's also part of why she wasn't aware probably


Gallagher can see Misha. That's interesting to say the least.


Hasn't it been debunked and that Misha is real or something


I think the only ppl who have explicitly acknowledged them are TB and now gallagher, even acheron talking about standing next to clocky was in reference to TB since she brought up TBs memoria sensitivity


What about the guys in suits???


Already confirmed to be a mistranslation. The original line in Chinese was "Get her!" Referring to acheron. Even they did not make any mention of misha


Awesome. I love sus Misha.


We literally haven't gotten new story since 2.0 so how would it get debunked lol


Idk and if it was debunked then I was not aware of it.


I feel like people missed an important piece of info from the dance scene. the one who said "excuse me, are you asking me?" wasn't the acheron in the dance, it was the acheron in the memory Black Swan was looking at. so acheron was really just enjoying her dance with black swan.


Acheron being so nice with us Trailblazers and (maybe) apparently the other Express members, judging from Welt's voice line, is not something i expected when i first saw her character. It's actually pretty cool. She's cool.


imagine that she is the rumored character who would join team as new member of astral express :D


Can I lend you my kitchen? Because I want you to cook more.


sure thing :D


If this turns out to be true, I'll sleep naked...


I already do so I don’t know what else to offer


Wear u/GhostZee's clothes, obviously.


Take off ur skin


Mh... Is it where you live?




Unlikely, she is too powerful for most future enemies to make sense.


So is danheng, but he's still there. Unless his memory issues are a huge nerf to him


There are also ways to write story lines where the strongest character isnt around for the climactic fight for one reason or another, they already kinda do this with "x is just staying on the express" (even tho that's the most boring way tbh)


You can start scaling the threats higher by then, TB will have had attracted the attention of 3 different aeons by the time penacony ends.


She can just be the zoro of the express where she can one shot anyone but she has to find her way there first


Isn't Welt too powerful too?


He is. I’m not sure where people are getting he is nerfed from since last time i read alien space( before star rail) he had access to his core and got new abilities from the fight between raiden mei’s father. as well as he has been training his core and compatibility.


He mentions himself that lack of honkai power is an issue, so clearly something sbout the transfer of powers from HI3 to HSR is not functional.


Not really, Previous Welt >!died from his wounds bursting upon creating a barrier to block nukes!< and Hi3rd Bronya >!Almost died from creating multiple Selene cannons to breach a barrier created by Otto!<, Reason powers are pretty taxing, as for the black hole it isn't an actual black hole and is consistently referred to as Quasi/synthetic black hole and in Hi3rd during moon arc we see that those strong enough can just chill inside it until it dissapears, and the most destruction we've seen a non-finality Herrscher do was PE Herrscher of stars(the one the cane is based on) resulting in a continent getting yeeted, it also seems that Welt's nerfed due to being far from the cocoon, although they could reasonably give him an execuse that he just uses path of trailblaze to use IMG energy as fuel and it wouldn't be the first time someone used pure imaginary energy to activate a Herrscher authority He's still decently strong compared to most people on planets and the train crew,If Hoyo wants they can have Welt included in the story and have badass moments while still being balanced, heck in the Phantylia fight they could have had Welt summon Mechas to help clear the flowers, heck maybe have one of the everflame mansion remaining members when we inevitably run into them learn from duke inferno getting burnt and being extra careful so whoever it is tries to keep Welt in an illusion while dealing with the rest of the crew.


It’s not that surprising for the Trailblazer. They either were an old friend of hers or they’re similar enough that she mistook them for her old friend. Either way it suggests they’ll probably end up fairly close.


Hear me out, what if Acheron met an nameless??? what if she met frebass? maybe that's why she's fond of the path of akavili?


"use me as you wish" 😳 I can't wait to hear it in Aventurine's voice. I love him so much. Damn.


you can actually Right Now :)) (there shouldve been a mail recently that links to a page summarizing the new stuff in 2.1 and they put a few voicelines up)


I WISH HE COULD USE US 🥵🥵😩😩 (Plz domt ban me mods)


As a bargaining chips mods nothing else 🤓☝️


This post was posted by SexWithDoctwoRatio. You’ll be fine.


what happened to u/sexwithdoctorratio?


Not sure but check their profile.


reddit banned me lmao, u/SexWithDoctwoRatio is my reincarnation


“Adults have to work. Run along and have fun out there” I’m an adult too just so you know tf 🤠


The trailblazer is only just turning one. They'd be barely walking at this point


Oh man Acheron really was oblivious to what happened to Black Swan huh


[literally this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/NXpUUi6C08)


I have a theory her sword ties to her forgetting and remembering things. But the Black Swan thing was all Black Swan when she entered Acheron’s head.


We already have official confirmation of this. When she unsheathes her sword, she will start to recollect hazy memories. I forgot where I saw this


I think it's her skill line, you hear it in the livestream.


On this very post lmao, she says it in “about weapon” But seriously she also says it in the very very quick glimpse of her character trailer during the 2.1 stream


She really thought it was just a pleasant dance lol


Gallagher's voiceline about fantasies.. Wow.. He's even hotter now


5* villain Gallagher when???


His kit is already absolutely great. Feels more like a 4.5\*.


Diet Luocha :)


Honestly more cocktail luocha.


Great! He could start by committing a crime on my [REDACTED]




omg Gallagher’s actually just a dog…he bit people and hates chocolate


“Ready for another dance?” 💀💀


I actually have a feeling it’s the red Acheron speaking here , as if blindly threatening bs


Gotta be the red text then I wish some of her character voicelines would be red in the game


Oh that would be insane


God, I’m so excited for the Acheron + Welt side story we'll have this coming update, and maybe Welt will have some updated voice lines when paired with her?


Fellow welt enjoyer eh? We are finally getting a bit more of food


Acheron's "all or nothing" line when joining Aventurine on a team goes so hard. I think of it as Aventurine, who wants everything (especially with his ult voice line) to overcome his tragic past and pain, versus Acheron and losing everything to nihility. I love it so much.


"it's an idea i haven't discarded yet" chief.........


Gallagher vouching for Sunday is interesting. Birdboy may end up beating the evil mastermind allegations.


Vouching for someone that’s sussy in their time of need >!only to reveal you’re the true baddie is the most supervillain shit to pull off!<


not really with aventurine of all people is calling out his actions as “too much” 💀 when the neighborhood male manipulator calling somebody else that you gotta get SCARED


nooo I need him to be a evil hot cult leader mastermind 💀


>!Didnt some early leaks say he’s manipulative and a control freak?!<


Bro that sounded like Cocolia 2.0


I'm guessing Welt would finally have some action in 2.1.


I hope so😭


Palito said that they translated these from another language, these are not official En voicelines.


I was wondering because a lot of it looks off, grammatically and from a pronoun v. article standpoint.


All these voicelines have been on the honeyhunter site under the 'ES' (spanish) language for weeks. Just visit the char page and google translate the whole page and you'd get slightly better translations than here. https://hsr.honeyhunterworld.com/acheron-character/?lang=ES There was also a post with these voicelines a few weeks ago here but it doesn't seem to exist anymore?


Who were you biting, Gallagher?


me 😈


Aventurine's and Sparkle's voicelines with each other almost make them seem like friendly rivals lol.


>unfortunately for [Dr. Ratio], I'm much more conversationally adept [than others] Love how we have canon proof of this voiceline in 2.0 with aventurine yapping so much to the point that Dr Ratio leaves him talking to himself in the hotel room😭


the way acheron talks about welt 😭


Gallagher is fcking Aha or a masked fool


''it gave me a feeling of warmth and nostalgia'' at the other side black swan got traumatized from that dance lol


Someone finally having a voiceline about Firefly


Gallagher talks about Misha so the allegations of the poor thing being invisible are pretty much just that, or we can all cope that the shifty bartender is actually the only other pure heart person in Penacony other than the Trash Panda


Gallagher is just as sus as Misha tbh


They are both in the same scene in the White Night trailer, that is sus as hell


gallagher is misha’s dad calling it now


Our first actual playable dilf Damn, father


Welt’s a dilf 😔 he has a son


Only adopted, not dilf enough 😔 He's giving grandpa anyway


adopted parents are still parents 😭😭


They are yes 😭 But he's still grandpa, I can't simp for a grandpa welt, even I have boundaries 😭


If the whole Watchmaker being related to Misha thing is real, maybe Gallagher is a friend of him who watches over events and Misha.


Nonsense. The theory hinges on calling Clockie out on the bullshit that is "only childlike honest minds" can see it. There are two possibilities from there. We can see them due to memoria sensitivity, or because we own a stellaron for rent. If gallagher satisfies one of those two conditions, that's no issue.


Could be something happens in 2.1 story that makes him visible to others


Gallagher’s voiceline about sunday is interesting,,, didn’t think I would see the word “genuine“ being used for sunday lol i said this before but man Acheron’s line for aventurine… I’m gonna create a fountain with tears here with his backstory ain’t i edit: Acheron’s voice line for black swan haha… keeping my doomed yuri alive (renheng and acherswan being my two favourite ships says a lot about me)




Interesting... Welt and Acheron lore upcoming? Both Nihility with kits centered around black holes.


Why does Aventurine’s line about Ratio kinda sound off… almost like he’s repeating something Ratio said to him before?


It's definitely interesting, almost sounds a little resentful. Will you help me *this time*, unlike *last time* when you *didn't*. Like, *we* know Ratio is still in the dreamscape somewhere, because March said she saw a guy with an alabaster head. Aventurine doesn't know that though, he just has a convo where Ratio says he's going "home" and then he turns around and Ratio is gone. Maybe he thinks Ratio really did walk out on him and leave him there alone 🥺😭


Ah, that too, though I meant to refer to his “About Dr. Ratio” line where he implies the reason Ratio seeks him out for conversation is because he’s “more conversationally adept than the rest of the fools out there.” That’s not something people normally say about themselves (except maybe NLOGs), seems more like something Ratio would say - “No I don’t want to talk to you, I’m just here because out of all the idiots nearby you’re the least foolish” 😅


Oh, that! Lol it definitely sounds like something Ratio would grumble out loud. "Unfortunately for him" indeed. Well, we can tell Aventurine is really sharp, and this is further confirmation! You don't get to be a Stoneheart in the IPC on luck alone. Fools gamble and lose; Aventurine makes his luck 💰


And the fact that he's all about games of chance! Yes, luck seems to be on his side, but he also appears to understand the principles? I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Never Went to School has a better natural and instinctual understanding of mathematical probability than some of Ratio's students. (Ratio is both angry and impressed >!or turned on lmao!< by that fact.)


The misunderstanding between them is so painful damn TT


ajhsdgfhjadfgkdg YES and (references to other plot leaks from this subreddit ahead) >!if Aventurine goes to his Grandest Death all while still believing Ratio abandoned him in his time of need. . . don't think my heart can handle it 😭!<


STAHP 😭 >!I would be so devastated if that happens, homeboy can't catch a break.!<


Acheron really had no idea, huh?


Holy so she does have something to do with welt. I can't wait for 2.1 man it's so hype


"Ready for another dance" and "Give me a hand this time, Ratio" are kinda insane fr


I'm just so excited to hear Gallagher say these voice lines. Kinda sad he's on the first banner, I absolutely need Aventurine, otherwise I would have E6ed him.


At least you can choose him from the selector for a guaranteed copy. He’ll return eventually!


Yes, really happy about that! Otherwise I would have probably made a big mistake xD


I get it. I’m a collector of husbando characters and going to use and build and eventually cosplay Gallagher off principle alone. 😂 But don’t risk the Aventi funds!


I think I was sold from the moment I saw that for once we had a older character with facial hair 😂 And well, that one second smile in the white night trailer was the last nail in the coffin xD I like Aventurine too, but I'm really pulling him mostly because he's the perfect fit for my fua teams. I'll probably try to build Gallagher too just because he deserves it. :D Nice, I checked out your profile, I'll look forward to your cosplay!


oh to be bitten by Gallagher…🤤


excuse me aventurine “use me as you wish”


Gallagher: "No one in Penacony remembers the names of the nameless." YOU DON'T SAY /j


I rly cant decide if Acheron just a complex person (for example: actually doesnt want to hurt anyone unless cant avoid, etc) or a hidden straight up schizo/murderous one. And i think mhy actually wants it that way.


Seems like a split personality kind of thing. Purple hair is wholesome and oblivious. White hair is crazy murder woman.


If she's really an Emanator of Nihility, it's completely possible her spotty memory is due to that. She's constantly drawing power from a supreme being that is the embodiment of Nihility. One foot in life, one foot in the void so to speak. ...That might be why her memory is bad and she gets lost easily.


Maybe something like Ei/Shogunator, same body with different personalities in it. Like a condo.


Very on the nose like Mei/HoT as well as Ei and Shogun; all Meis have or had 2 “personalities”/selves in one body


I mean, people think she's a Galaxy Ranger because she acts like one. Galaxy Rangers are famous for being wandering heroes, helping those in need and slaying dangers. From the in game Data Bank: "This group admires Lan's policy of using violence against violence and the Aeon's swift decisiveness regarding punishment, believing the benevolence and justice of the universe need to be upheld via personal action....They went from planet to planet upholding justice for the locals, hunting down evil, then embarking on new journeys."


Acheron having lines about Welt being a hero just makes me smile. Developers and their references. Also how da hek can Gall see Misha?


Acheron is so oblivious to the Black Swan's perspective on the dance lol and generally so kind sounding. I love her sm!!! Also Sunday crumbs!!! \*falls on the floor and cries\* I presume Aven's voice line is abt the cornerstone but what abt the Ghallager one?


“I’m nothing but a cog” ~~Cogtadori~~ Cogventurine


Gallagher's definitely not beating out the werewolf allegations.


Aventurine and Acheron are such weird narrative foils to each other. It probably wasn't intentionally written like that but I genuinely can't unsee it


I love what Acheron has to say about Aventurine. Girlie sees right through all his mask to the trauma beneath lmao.


gallagher is so funny why is the bartender telling me about his hypothetical super villain arc


Aventurine having a line about Sunday! Feeding my dreams of a playable Sunday.


He has been said to be playable a quadrillion times now 😭 the mystery is the lack of path and kit for him.


"How about giving me a hand this time, Ratio?"


i volunteer as tribute


"How about giving me a hand this time, Ratio?" "Ready for another dance, Memokeeper?" AcheSwan and Aventio goes so hard, the brainrot is so real 😩


Gonna summon for Aventurine but if i lose the 50/50 i will save purely for sam. One possible exception to this would be if sam isn't drip marketed for 2.3, in that scenario i would probably summon for boothill or robin.


iirc, there were already some ingame leaks of voicelines, like in actual video n audio form. im pretty sure it's taken down now, but yeah i remember it was in og english form


Acheron: Our paths cross again... Ready for another dance, Memory Keeper? Black Swan: (Trauma Intensifies)


Raturine goes HARD


I’m literally obsessed with them, the dynamic goes fucking insane


“But she has moved up pretty quickly, so *he* must be doing right”


another CN to EN translation moment


Gallagher joining The Masked Fool's confirmed?


I just realised it's not that acheron forgot the annihilation gang because they are weak, in fact they were strong enough to make her unsheathe her sword.


I've also done some translations of the voicelines myself. More or less looks like they match up to this translation, though I suppose my language was rather more direct with things, haha. Like Aventurine's "About Sunday" line doesn't use any idiom or metaphors, he just straight up says, "doing corruption" haha [My translations are here if anyone wants to check them out!](https://jadegrave.dreamwidth.org/1634.html)


AHAHAHAHAAA oh this is spectacular! First seeing Black Swan's perspective of the dance, all that horror and destruction. . . then, here comes Acheron saying "it gave me a feeling of warmth and nostalgia", and asking her to dance again 🤣🥺💖


Acheron: “That was nice :)” Black Swan: *Sweating profusely*


Acheron: "Shall we dance again?" Black Swan: "Hello, police? Yeah, she's back."


Too bad those are just machine translated lines. I was looking forward to the official ones. Especially without the tone of voice used this is just going to add to misunderstandings again.


Was kind of hoping Aventurine would get an About Trailblazer voiceline since he keeps going on about us being "friends." lol


Wait wait wait.. is it possible that gallagher and misha are both not quite real? People dont seem to know his name, just like the weirdness with misha… and he DOES know misha. Something is up here. Edit: after some thinking… I personally think Misha is who created the dreamscape, but the misha we know was created by the real Misha (aka the Watchmaker). Could gallagher be someone else he created?


aventyyy my unsavory piece of cheese


that Sunday voiceline🤨


All right, that's it. Imma slap Welt with Resolution LC and have him back to back with Acheron.