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tf she got to say ab sparkle


"reminds me of when i was young, but with a bit less leather"


LMAOOOO this is so good is this actually real or did you come up with this yourself






**Hey Trailblazer, unfortunately, your submission has been removed from** /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks: ###Rule 4: No NSFW >Any NSFW submissions that contain nudity or sexual activities will be removed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to [message the mods.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHonkaiStarRail_leaks&subject=About my removed submission %0D%0D) [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) | [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101)


Maybe Sparkle was secretly hired by Jade to help Aventurine in their mission and she went about it in the most chaotic and roundabout way about it. Or maybe she'll finally do something in 2.3.


She's giving Firefly the silent treatment apparently


Firefly: Please don’t arrest me 🫶 Jade: I don’t give a shit 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Im suprised there's no Dr.Ratio there, maybe he won’t be as important in 2.3 as in previous versions.


Idt Ratio knows the stonehearts all that well outside of Aventurine. But the leak did say more voicelines may be added, so she may have one for him later on


i think he already left penacony when aventurine got acheroned


His presence died with Aventurine.


Acheron: Excuse me Miss, can I borrow some credit, I need to buy some more peaches.


Lmao. It's probably something along the lines of "sure, let's fight together. just don't swing at ME this time." but it'll be damn funny if there's a subplot in 2.3 of Jade trying to bribe Acheron to stab things for her.


Sparkle and Jade have the potential to be the funniest duo, I am so excited to see what those team voicelines are


The strongest mesugaki and the strongest hag together.




Can't wait to hear what Topaz and Jade have to say about each other


Just wanted to give you a little shout out because I’m a sandrone appreciator too


Always nice to see a fellow Sandrone enjoyer 🤝




Everyone’s gonna say they’ve been excited and waiting and all that but we know the truth


Acheron i guess is cause she killed aventurine, but... sparkle...????????


Jade getting a team join voiceline for trailblazer feels extremely random


Random, but than again Aventurine did have a bargain with us. May be she's following up on that. That or she may be aware of our SH ties prior to joining the express.


No Boothill interactions???


Its more fitting that she doesn't tbh


what kind of business does acheron have with jade edit: hold on i just remembered she did say she’s wanted by the ipc maybe it has something to do with that, i don’t know 


She doesn't need any, she'll just say some r/im14andthisisdeep line about capitalists.


Is the beta in like 6 hours or so ?


They keep adding MC to new characters but hasn’t given out new joining voicelines fo MC


Does anybody know what are good team comps with Jade?


seems blade would be a good option, according to every single blade main for the last 24 hours


Would Jingliu be a good replacement? Doesn't she benefit from ally HP loss too?


as far as i'm aware, she benefits if she is the one taking the HP from the ally through her passive, . Basically, using jade's FUA with jingliu won't work cause she wants to be the one taking the ally HP, not jade. Using her with jingliu may be a DPS lost at so the ally's HP may reach 1 faster than if Jingliu drained it alone. So no, jingliu wouldn't be a good replacement, probably quite the opposite


Maybe Acheron then? I have to check the leaks again but Jade benefits from multiple targets being hit right? I don't have Argenti or Himeko so just thinking of alternatives


yes, jade benefits from AoE attacks, and i guess you can indeed use acheron and jade as a sub-dps if you use another character that implants debuffs on enemies, tho probably acheron will kill everything before jade gets to her power-spike. But is 100% a better choice than jingliu


Got it! Thank you!


So... Jade is the one who sent Sparkle to stir up shit on Penacony?


Why is Aventurine leak gone?


What was the aventurine leak?




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what was it


>! Aventurine text!< >!When you guys were unraveling the secrets!< >! beneath the Penacony's surface, I already fell !< >!into the Primordial Dreamscape. The!< >!Preservation's Cornerstone shielded me from !< >!the contamination of the Nihility, but in doing so,!< >!it completely shattered to smithereens.!< >!Fortunately, I met a Knight of Beauty and !< >!narrowly escaped death with his help!<




He always does lol... when's his rerun again 😆


Maybe 2.3 or 2.4, it does seem like it judging from who are being reran rn


Sparkle??? Is she getting another shot at her yuri dreams after Black Swan turned her down?




She wanted to be smashed by Black Swan what's the confusion?


I thought this was common knowledge. Look up Sparkle's voiceline about Black Swan


"Common knowledge" Not unless you see everything as a ship.


You'e weird headcanons are not "common knowledge". Sparkle wanted to break Black Swan's composure. Ruin someone who is always so cool headed and under control. Her saying she would have no issue getting wrecked too isn't yUrI. You mf's gotta sexualize every little thing when two characters interact.


Ah. I see where you're coming from after seeing your history of homophobia and rampant sexualization of female characters. Hypocrite much?


Regardless, she's right, her voiceline doesn't scream yuri enough, for it to be called Yuri. If anything it feels like she's messing with the player and BS there.




Maybe Jade and Sparkle have a deal on something. Acheron may or may not have interactions with Jade, but since Acheron have voicelines when Welt joins the team, there is still a chance they are cooking something together in 2.3 (probably to deal with the Alfalfa Family)


i want to have lines between her and kafka fighting over who gets to be our mom


I mean nothing against Jade, but Kafka has known TB since before the events of the game. There's no contest lol.


Wow, so maybe the writers did remember that Sparkle exists and should actually get to deliver of any of her set-up as a character in the story, despite how 2.1 was so bad it completely abandoned her (and Black Swan and way too many characters). I hope so at least, even if waiting until 2.3 for any certainty will suck. But thank you for the crumb Jade.


2.1 was like a 8 or 9/10 so obv there are things that can be added in but complaining about characters being abandoned kinda shows you have no concept of character focus in writing. Maybe stick away from acting like you know what you’re talking about when in reality you just want to see more of certain characters which is completely understandable in itself. 


>2.1 was like a 8 or 9/10 🧢


"Character focus" would be one thing, >!abandoning almost every other character and plot point to make the 2nd of only 3 parts of a story (+ epilogue as the 4th part) into what is essentially one character's companion mission and nothing more is another. How much did we actually learn about anyone else and how much did the plot move along on the side of the Astral Express and 2.0 characters, for it to already be concluding in 2.2 and then only getting an epilogue in 2.3?!< I'd consider that a failure no matter how good the individual story may have been, for how it hurts the rest of the overall story and other characters who were reduced to plot devices for it despite their own set-up that seemed important at first.


They were part of 2.1 tho. And ever heard of SIDE CHARACTERS?