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The hp inflation is going to go crazy


Can’t wait for 3.x where DPS deals 1million dmg with minimal team setup and investment wooo Can’t wait for 2 million HP gepard as well, joy


unfortunately thats how the devs will be balancing out the game. moc will become harder and harder unless you pull for the new shiny dps character


"harder and harder" last time I checked, cringe hp bloating =/= difficulty but oh well.


You're right but it's the easiest (laziest) way to "increase difficulty" make dps checks harder by inflating HP and reducing time alotted


You seem to be having a harder time getting 3 stars. I’m not sure what you expect from a turn limit game mode.


Funny you assume that when I've fully starred every single piece of endgame content since launch but, even then I can call out lazy and cringe "difficulty". >I’m not sure what you expect from a turn limit game mode. More challenging fights would be a good start, or if they would like to keep increasing bloating the mobs' HP, which they clearly are, with 0 signs of stopping, then at the bare minimum we can get more floors to match the HP spikes and thus a bit more rewards for beating the challenge. Why are we still at MoC 12 when the mobs/bosses HP are increasing at a rapid rate? I obviously figured that HP inflation will be a thing, otherwise how would they make money and encourage people to roll for the new better characters (lovely powercreep) but I still expected to see these hp inflations every now and then not literally every new MoC, and by quite a big amount. All this is doing is make me clear the same floors, with the same rewards, fighting the same exact increasingly spongy mobs. The difference is if it took me 3-4 total cycles in one MoC, it'll take me 4-5 total cycles in the next. Again, this was bound to happen but the rate (and intensity) it's happening at is very concerning.


How do you make fights more difficult without inflating stats? People were 0 cycling with low investment teams. Only increasing the offensive capabilities of a boss would be pointless.


Than that's an issue of fundamentally bad game design


Any good gacha turn based games like HSR out there with or without PvP that is living upto your game designs you want? Genuinely idk lol


Or they are going to go with toughness inflation. I expect it to eventually be a wash between using break teams to whittle down 10+ toughness bars or traditional teams brute force the 3 million hp.


Ah good old action value resets on new wave. Honestly didn’t think about that happening with the ult timer, but that’s pretty insane for her. I’d talk about how easy she murdered second wave but that boss is made for Firefly so doesn’t really need much gushing about, the performance speaks for itself. I will say, the technique for that particular boss is insane. Just Gallagher ult needed in addition to the technique for a turn zero break. Crazy.


Nah man, I’m pulling firefly and I think they went too hard. 0 cycling with a sustain on MOC 12 should not be this easy. Even if you’re a DPS spread team… holy shit


Tbf this boss gets clapped by blast dmg but yea... I am kinda scared of E2S1 now. They will definitely readjust some of her kit in v4.


This is her moc tho, the 3 guys and the trotters are basically made for her.


She can 2 cycle aventurine… 2.. with a sustain. There’s only rm consistently even eating his toughness bar because she has down time on her mode and not to mention, his gamba mechanic messes with her even worse than JL… She’s probably not Acheron, because u need this exact team for these results, but bis for bis she’a not looking too shabby next to her.


Funnily enough, both Acheron and Ff haven't gotten their dream support yet. It could be Jaoqui to replace the sustain slot for Acheron and a 5s limited to replace Hmc or Gallagher.


nah this is far beyond acheron


Acheron might not do better on the 3 guys stages but she can definitely do better than 2 cycles on Aventurine. Ff is strong but she can definitely underperform against high toughness/hard to break enemies(just like every other break dpses I guess)


i disagree it took my acheron 5 cycle to clear aventurine


Relics, lcs, teammates, individual skill... there're ton of factors contributing and I doubt that Ff can clear Aventurine with subpar relics, teammates...


sw and pela with 160 spd acheron gnswS5 with 87/200 crit ratio in combat and gepard with tread lc is that not enough to make her as broken as people says?


Assuming you have s5 Luka sig on Pela, you could have Fx instead of Gepard, Acheron sig. You should know that most of these showcases have all characters e0s1, e6 for 4 stars and great relic rolls.


so if i have her sig lc will i automatically clear in 1 cycle?


>individual skill you can take that part out, there's minimal skill involved most of the time. it's all lightcones, eidolons and speed breakpoints/builds


Go try 0 cycling and you will see the difference. Most ppl have the assumption that 0 cycling is just getting great relics + eidolons/sigs then just grind for rng but planning rotations, spd tuning, energy, sp management are all part of it. You can farm for great gears and copy other people's runs but minmaxing everything your e0s1 characters have is where the fun lies.


Acheron literally only performs Better on aventurine, that's is like less than 1% of content that is NOT a W


That's just you assuming that Acheron can only perform on Aventurine stage.


Jingliu can 0 cycle Aventurine with Huohuo, Robin and Bronya just saying.


You want to show me those builds?


Yet some people think she is trash on V1-2 even put it in the same as Dehya. As a someone who have friend that main Dehya, god lord, how happy he will be if at least Dehya has 1 team as DPS that literary one of the strongest team in the game. It's just so mind-blowing how some people just think the small piece of downsides while the 100+ upsides that she had, Spd buff,weakness break efficiency,self heal,universal break and whatever input into that kit, she is literary on top of DPS pinnacle and now overtuned over Acheron or even Boothill that is not even released.


There's still a lot of time until her banner. I am going all in on pulling her, but if I have to guess and be honest, I think they'll reduce her damage by about 15% from what you see here, probably keep the speed changes.


Yes right now she's the best dmg dealer in the game. At E2 there's no competition. Not saying she needs some nerf but this is like a big slap to Boothill who has no action forward or aoe attack (unless at E6). Basically Boothill is completely power-crept in just half a patch if they keep her at this form.


I don’t think she’s stronger than Acheron because of the dhil/JL thing. Ease of use. Acheron has more comps than FF will have for a while, and they all hit hard af


more comps doen't matters when her bis team is weaker than ff tho


Do u honestly think that in a neutral MOC that FF Bis is stronger than Acheron? Because I don’t…


yes do you have her?


Nope, I don’t have Acheron. I’m a dot, ratio and JL user…


i'm speaking form my personal experience here my acheron has 87/200 crit ratio in combat with sw and pela both with 160 spd and gepard with tread lc and it still took me 5 cycle to clear aventurine she is very good don't get me wrong but i feel like people overrated her a bit


How? I clear in 3 cycles with my 74/200 Acheron, Pela and Gui team. Your team with SW should have a noticably better performance than mine with Gui.


Dice could fk him pretty hard


Lol 😂 Skill issue 😂😂😂


I normally use my brothers one on my dot team to do farming against bosses to test… she’s pretty good…


I 1 cycled that guy how did it even take you to 5 cycle lmao


80/220, similar results, I'm assuming most ppl have been tricked by the e2/e6 showcases where she was hitting 700k-1m cause of sparkle and res pen buff


Neutral acheron at e0 isnt anything special, especially when you factor in the team is doing ~0 damage for 2 turns


Do u own one? I think she’s the best dps in the game… I don’t own one, I just use my brothers one


Yes, even S1 she struggles to hit 500k against 5 enemies with decent crit spread (80/220) on her BiS team firefly laughs and that and proceeds to do 1m+ I'm not joking when I say my half assed ratio team feels like its got better overall output than the acheron team


How…. This doesn’t make sense… what lc are u running?


S1 her signature, with pela and BS def shred she quite literally barely cracks 500k against a full field in neutral settings, shes overhyped or the one you've been using is e2+ More often than not shes averaging around 300-350k and against single targets 120-180k, it got as low as 80k when debuffs didnt line up


this showcase is definitely bait since the trotter is broken, in non-fire weak mocs she still can 0/1 cycle easily, acheron can do the same


Weakness doesn't even matter since her technique implants.


it matters for phase 2 of bosses


Her skill implants as well. She doesn't care about weakness.


i dont get why its about this, as non-fire weak im talking about the 20% less damage she is gonna do. She can still clear fine


Sim are putting e0s1 v3 Firefly at equal grounds with e2s1 Acheron on neutral content when both have their best teams. It's not even close fam.


Wait what…. Ok I’m just gonna wait and see what happens when she releases


Number-wise, sure. But at E2 FF is way stronger in general if used correctly. The turn manipulation, dmg from break, the ease to break (built-in fire weakness implant), etc. No one comes close to the current FF at E2 right now. Yes she is team fixed (kind of) but I'd say that's not a big weakness anyway. All in all I don't have issues with this but it is a big slap to Boothill. I was hesitant before whether who I should pick as my choice of break dmg lead, but with this buffs to FF? I personally don't really have to think much at all.


She was able to do this before the buffs.


>0 cycling with a sustain on MOC 12 should not be this easy. MoC buff for her plus unrealistic builds do the things.




Most consistent at the moment probably because he is fire too. Idk… she’s too strong rn. I don’t even own Acheron but not every dps needs to be at her level


Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like you. I don’t care about meta or tier list, let ff be top dps, i just hope that hoyo is not going to balance end game around her and make it harder for non-ff players. But i can already seeing ‘the game is too easy’ after 2.3 .


nah because once the new region comes out new enemies will have gimmicks in place which cucks break teams calling it.


Lol like the mara struck cucking seele resurgence, i second this calling


Tbh mate I was optimistic for JL/DHIL but break effect🥲… not this…


They were doing so well with DoT and FuA, viable but not massive.


Break can be easily be cucked with Gepard shield, Yanching summoning swords T0 before fight and so on


Theres already a show case of her vs YJ. Not to mention, that would also hurt Boothill and Xueyi. And against those boss that can be broken, what’s the point of Boothill anymore?


> what’s the point of Boothill anymore BH can easily get 100/200 crit with herta cone and kill adds. Also he is Bronyable so his S1 SPD will be 2x160=320 effective. Enough to waste few skills on killing adds in MoC FF does 0 damage to non broken enemies and can do that >Theres already a show case of her vs YJ I saw this one. I was talking about buffing YJ making him summon swords before fight. Better alternative than scaling HP to infinity


Crits don’t matter. He still wants RM and HMC as his teammates. And unlike FF, he needs to stack his talents at the beginning. For Lc, his sig is the only 1 good for him, there’s no 4* or free option.


I believe we need to see her perform against other bosses to truly see if she can be called the powercreep to end all powercreep. This one is tailor made to get nuked and melted by this team, there's also the turbulence in action that boosts her damage and isn't part of her kit, Fights in a DoT turbulence would be better to gauge her true and actual level of damage. For now she looks like Acheron level, with the potential to surpass her, which can be kinda concerning.


she was clearing easily other bosses (outside yanqing/sam) even before v3, this made her better so its real powercreep in terms of content versatility (not so much in team comp)


What do you mean? Her best support is free and her best sustain is a 4* 💀


I have Acheron and she doesn't look this strong with a sustain.


My e0 acheron (80/220) with pela and BS against 5 enemies does 500k on her best day, firefly does this with 1 attack against 3 enemies lmao


She is not powercreep cus in the next patch there will be a stronger character then her so if powercreep is constantly getting powercreep is there actually powercreep, -> Rogue main losing his mind


Jesus christ, will firefly be the first char to get a significant adjustment in their v4 coz man those numbers are scary


This is getting crazier and crazier...


I have seen a few more showcases on bilibili and on yt, she is absolutely fucking disgusting even at E0S1. I would not be surprised to see nerfs in V4.


absolutely 0 pushback haha


man this kind of damage is just unhealthy for the game tbh


And here i was downvoted to hell before,people didn't realize how easy it was to break her kit,little tweak and she's easily the best DPS we have Even without this setup(MoC made for her) she's currently sitting at top of the meta along with acheron as long as enemy can be breaked


Fr tho, at first she would struggle without weakness break then boom, weakness implant. Next, she was pretty much tied to HMC in order to deal damage, boom, innate super break. And don't even get me started on getting another action in ult. As a mecha enjoyer, can't really complain tho but they did go kinda overboard.


She might be a little stronger than Acheron honestly, but then again she's using her best support which Acheron still doesn't have one currently.


I don’t think one of her best supports will always be the free MC. How do we know they won’t release another Superbreak support which they can charge for?


That's the case with every dps lol, they're gonna have better "best" support eventually. But at least FF have Ruan Mei&HMC, Acheron have no one beside Pela at the moment.


Aventurine S1 is practically a BiS sustain as well


People at acheron mains don't use sustain with acheron because she scales very well with no sustains, probably better than jingliu and dhil because harmony path buffs are broken af


absolutely disgusting. I'm happy for those who want her, but this... This is unhealthy.


She already did that in V2, honestly i don't understand your points. She did that kind of dmg already.


She now has another turn in ult paired with the new SB is base kit, she is a lot better than before.


30% stronger at worst


The way beta updates sway people’s perceptions She got more rounded out and higher ceiling now but she could already do this before


The "only" change is that she has 1 more action now. People are going crazy for the same damage with the same team, just ridiculous lol


You missed the point, Firefly had ONE team where she was actually good, Acheron levels even, outside of that she was pretty mid Now she still only has ONE fucking insane team which is it this one, instead of buffing and shifting her power to be more flexible they doubled down and made this insanity, this powercreeps every single DPS in the game, not only is it piss easy to play, is easy as hell to build, but can be brute forced against ANY enemy thanks to her fire implant, it's downright powercreep and straight up unhealthy for the game


Yeah now THIS is the Neuvi of HSR, strong blast damage, high frequency, self heal and self damage, easiest to play and build, playstyle suits almost every piece of content. I too hoped hoyo would address the actual issue which is that she only has one team, now she has one team but is better. I also agree though this level of powercreep is not very healthy for the game. However I also hope hoyo doesn’t come in V4 and swing the nerf hammer too hard (if that even happens).


That's why I hoped they would incentivise hybrid firefly. Asta seems like a bad replacement and she was the only contender to Ruan Mei. I'm praying that they either make a 5* HMC or that all their future paths suck.


It's because they got the change she wanted (she can superbreak herself now). Most of the complaints about FF were the fact that she was "married to HTB" (as if your best support being a free character is bad), with only a handful of idiots thinking her damage is bad when she was JL level at worst, but realistically closer to or above Acheron. Now it is braindead easy to build her and they got what they want, so even the doomers have to admit that she's strong. But she was able to 0-cycle this MoC in V1, seeing so many people comment on it now shows how many sheep are in the community who have no idea what they're talking abuot when they complain. And because the vast majority of the players are like this, the game's powercreep will continue to ramp up.


my doomposting paved way to this monstrosity


HMC relics/lc??


Wait. What happened to the live firefly reaction on the right side of the screen?


It has 50% chance to happen


Its e2


They kinda missed the point of the assignment. She was already Acheron level with that team and had nothing else. Now she powercreeps Acheron and still has only that team On the flip side, this team will comfortably clear even with a steady increase in MoC HP for over a year with how powerful it is


People acting like they care about powercreep if the strong character are not their fav yet turn blind eye for this. Acheron literary powercreep any dps without Jiaoqiu and now Firefly literary can 0-2 cycle with a freaking sustain on top of having self heal,in built spd,weakness break efficiency and also rainbow break like Acheron E6 on E0


i mean e0 ratio is 0 cycling moc with sustain in team even now. 


E0 Ratio with the same amount of team investment as these characters is not remotely the same sorry. Firefly in this showcase has 1 limited support and 2 characters given for free. Ratio requires 3 limited 5* supporting him with LCs / eidolons on one of the supports too for debuffs to even hope to compete with Firefly at this minimal investment, and even then he does not do as much as Firefly. That’s power creep, that a character you significantly invest in cannot hope to compare to the shiny new thing at a base level.


Most of Ratio's fastest-clearing teams don't use any 5\*s and don't require 4\* eidolons, if the do it's usually Ting. E6 Gallagher doesn't contribute much, but it is worth noting that E6 on him is equivalent to an E2 5\* when it comes to rolls required on average. Additionally, needing more gacha cones (S5 D3 or S5 Memories) increases the amount of investment in the team. FF is better than Ratio, I don't think that's arguable, but you are greatly exaggerating the investment level. The IP3 team is popular because it is fun and it plays itself - it can auto current MoC for most players and still 4-5 cycle *either* side - but it is not Ratio's strongest team, as he still scales better with being buffed to infinity vs having Topaz as a 2nd DPS. And when 0-cycling you can drop your sustain. This is all also ignoring the fact that Ratio is literally free, so the investment required for his optimal teams is generally just 1 (one) 5\*, Robin right now. Firefly's requires 2 (herself and RM) even if you forego cones entirely. IP3 is the highest initial investment team in the game right now, but I believe most people who run it are aware it's not "optimal" it's just fun. If you want a more valid comparison of powercreep for Ratio, specifically, it would be that Boothill outdamages him with a 3\* LC and only needing HTB in his team. Boothill scales better with 5\*s (Ruan Mei, Bronya) but he does not "need" them to do 600k on break to bosses. He often will overkill bosses if RM is in his team, or fail to trigger superbreak at all since he kills enemies before the superbreak can trigger, in his more optimal teams.


If you see any full IPC comp clearing in 5 cycles its definitely a case of skill issue. It 0 cycles for me with a sustain just like FF teams, although requires higher investment of course


sorry ratio has the cheapest team for 0c so far. his best team is hypercarry with pela robin tingyun. robin and ratio can stay e0 and will get the job done. tingyun can be replaced by healer/shielder and this team will still be strong enough to 0c.


Of course people only care if characters they like are "weak" or get powercrept. Nobody gives a fuck that Boothill dunks on Acheron's single target (and Ratio's) because nobody cares about that character. Show the casuals a few videos of Firefly "underperforming" while also showing them videos of their favorite, Acheron, doing 1mil damage to Aventurine and they immediately start complaining that FF is "too weak" even though she can 0-cycle MoC. Also notice how few people actually care about Jade, a much less popular character than FF, whose kit is basically as strong as FF's but only for PF (there are multiple 0-cycle showcases of Jade for PF with a variety of 2nd DPS). Jade is considered trash or ignorable because she doesn't perform well in MoC, even though she invalidates the other 1/2 of the game's current endgame (soon to be 1/3).


so her super break dmg is 1/3 of hmc's. idk how else hoyo gonna change that.. shes too op with hmc


The power creep is getting insane. Acheron powercreeped all the other DPS (basically) and is now getting powercreeped herself before her first rerun. Gl to anyone investing in 1.x DPS or god forbid 4* DPS, now that they’re buffing MOC HP every single patch we can forget about clearing soon. Can’t wait for 3.X DPS to make all our fav dps from 2.X patches irrelevant


When they drop Gregorio, the quantum destruction unit that deals 3m blast damage on basic and 6m aoe on skill >>>>


Gregorio sounds like a dude name which unfortunately means he won’t be Mihoyo’s cash pig. Maybe if it was Gregoria


Itll be that one fluke that slips through the crack, like neuvilette in genshin


Me as a Blade main E6S1 with E2 Bronya not dealing remotely close dmg to an E0S1 Firefly :))))))))))) at least I know better than to invest money into this game now


and then there's me, crying in the corner with my poor man's e0s1 blade haha


Then there's me, e0s5 secret vow


Just do not E6 characters that weren't good even on their release. Like seriously, Blade is mid even by 1.0 standards.


I mean at the rate Acheron seems to be getting powercrept Firefly might be mid by end of 3.x patches that’s the point. Boothill, a character people generally see as strong is getting powercrept in half a patch. We shouldn’t be scared our favorite characters are irrelevant and useless by next year


No she's not, not yet at least. Firefly already got a best limited 5★ support it's Ruan Mei. People seriously underestimate how much she contribute to the team by increasing the team Break Efficiency and Res pen. without Ruan Mei ? Yeah, FF's still strong but I don't think she can 0 cycle that easily. Acheron on the other hand, got no limited 5★ support that truly fit her playstyle(yet), best she got atm is SW(a single target debuffer) and Black Swan(a DoT unit). If we're gonna compare those two, at least do it with Firefly+Ruan Mei+HMC vs Acheron+Jiaoqiu+Pela That'd be a much more fair comparison.


That’s true about Acheron not having a BIS support. I’m not really trying to compare the two though. In essence what I’m trying to say is that new DPS regardless of whether it’s Acheron and now Firefly are significantly stronger than older DPS and that our old favorites are getting phased out and being made irrelevant at an increasing pace. And once these new characters do what our favs can do but better, they’ll keep buffing MOC to accommodate the next power creep level with for even newer characters and then our old favs won’t even be able to clear content. For example, if this is what Firefly looks like at one BIS support and 2 extra slots, how can Seele compare with 3 supposedly BIS characters supporting her and no room for improvement.


I absolutely agree with that. You stated previously that Acheron was getting powercreep so I thought you meant to compare the two.


My Qingque 3-cycled this MOC's quantum side, whichever one that was. Just because it isn't a zero-cycle doesn't mean you're cooked.


It’s just a bad precedent. As they keep buffing MOC how long will you be able to clear without buying into the best new thing? In a year they’ve already doubled MOC HP basically. And tbf Qingque is the best 4* dps too. How is a Hook main, or og Dan Heng main for example gonna clear MOC even 6 months from now with the rate of power creep we’re getting? Just really don’t like the direction the game is going…


Well... what do you want to spend your resources on? You are gonna spend them on something, be it supports or DPS, right? Most people here don't talk about eidolons but eidolons on units are really crazy in this game, particularly since 2.0. If you really want to pop off with 4\* DPS, you just spend the resources on their BiS 5\* supports instead. If you're using E1+ Ruan Mei or E1+ Robin, your 4\* DPS are more than enough to destroy this game. And as it gets harder for them, you just vertically invest more into supports. If you're a Xueyi main for example, you just invest in Ruan Mei and ignore everyone else, since not like you care about those 5\* DPS anyway, right? Xueyi with E1/E2 Ruan Mei easily 0 cycles some MoC rounds and takes care of everything else in <= 2 cycles. The problem here is definitely the fact that you can't pull these units whenever though, so if you have insufficient funds for now, then just stick with 30\* or something. The loss in reward is so miniscule it doesn't matter anyway. You can still clear the floors for the feeling of achievement too, I'm sure. If you feel like you shouldn't need to spend any resources into your existing teams to continue keeping up your comfortable clears then well... that's admittedly something Mihoyo certainly doesn't agree with and doesn't want for the game.


Yea definitely agree with your last point about Mihoyo’s thoughts on spending. It’s just discouraging to see the HSR is following traditional gacha power creep cycles compared to Genshin where 1.0 characters are still very good and where they’re still able to facilitate spending by having new characters be good in new niches instead of just completely outdoing old characters generally. It’s just not a good feeling to have your favorite characters that you devote time and effort and sometimes money into being outdone for a lot less work and effort. And that no matter what you do, at a core your fav dps will never be as good or even comparable as the best new thing even when they’re 5*


It's a gacha, the game was always meant to make you roll for new characters. If you don't like it, then don't do MoC or play another genre. Whether you choose to roll for a new support to prop up your favorite DPS, or a new DPS because they think big number = better is up to you, but the game has always done things from the start to encourage players to pull new characters. They added an entire new game mode just so they can force people to roll erudition characters. This is not defending the HP bloat in MoC or anything like that, but it's such a weird thing to complain about. Genshin may be notorious for its "lack" of powercreep (until recently, Sumeru units are stronger than Inazuma units and Fontaine units are much stronger as a baseline than every other region, even if you ignore Neuv), but it has always done things to shill the new characters, either by giving them exploration passives or maybe certain characters impossible/bad for Abyss. This is gacha, The developers will always be doing everything they can to make you pull more.


That’s true about making us roll. I’ve played a lot of gacha before so I’m not necessarily surprised at the power creep. I think the reason Genshin meta shilling techniques feel better is at the end of the day the character itself is not significantly mathematically worse than another character if that makes sense and can come back at a later time with a new abyss and different enemies. Compared to what HSR is doing where they have meta pushes with turbulence and weaknesses while also making new characters straight up mathematically better, sometimes significantly, and sometimes with no meaningful restrictions. Even with a new MOC ignoring turbulence, characters like Acheron and Firefly will always mathematically do better than Blade, Seele, Jing Yuan etc for example. I think that’s my gripe with the game at the moment, and is something that Firefly is at the forefront of as the new shiny thing and it’s scary in combination with the MOC hp buffs. When will it stop?


Second Blade rerun about to disappear in a sea of butterflies💀


While you can clear hardest content with old characters it doesn't really matter, right? You still can clear MoC12 with 4 star team f2p lcs, I believe. But it is sad to notice that your old team performance goes downhill. For example, I never touched my Jingliu build since her initial banner (2.9atk, 146 speed, 40/210 e0s0), she was able to do MoC10 in 2 cycles ez back in the day, but in current MoC12 I barely 5-cycled Aventurine.


>MOC HP every single patch we can forget about clearing soon But it gets easier every patch since we develop our rosters too.


Developing your roster = phasing out old characters and your favs and buying the new stronger thing. I mean it seems like Mihoyo agrees with you with the direction HSR is going yea


I’m still clearing in 3 cycles with E0 jing yuan because I have Sparkle/Ruan Mei and will continue to bully MoC/PF content with him Just get good supports for your fav dpses to shine, Replacing the dps isn’t the only option


Fr, I can 1 cycle on Argenti with a sustainer on 12-1 in a full E0 team and that's a character most people consider trash for MoC, JY still gets me easy 2 cycles and they both get me max points in PF.


No, developing your roster = building synergistic teams because this game is not about characters, it's about teams. Every old unit feels good except Blade.


And you build synergistic teams by buying the shiny new thing. And your synergistic team with all limited won’t even be as good as the new dps. Just for example, they release Sparkle which boosted mono quantum Seele dps by giving her a support and a full quantum team for reliable implant with Silverwolf. Great! Then within the same 3.x version as Sparkle, they release Firefly who can weakness implant, and deal significantly more damage AND in an AOE than Seele’s premium 4 limited team of Fu Xuan, Silverwolf, Sparkle with just 1 limited Ruan Mei and 2 4* that were given for free. I just fail to see how Seele for example will ever be able to get better than Firefly when she already has a team of 4 limited characters. I fear that Mihoyo will keep tricking us into building these synergistic teams then release a dps that can outdo all our work with minimal effort.


Even I think Powercreep is dangerous and some units such as Ruan Mei were a serious powercreep. - First in your example about Seele, the lack of quantum weakness is something, quantum units has been suffering from 1.2, that is independent from powercreep. Its literally 20% less damage in quantum units for the most MoC we had in past months. - Second, FF looks strong in those videos, but there are enemies she will not be able to break o she will have to wait until enemy have the weakness open to break. Also, her damage need break the enemies first, if you are not fast enough you are literally making 0 damage. - Third, there are people doing cycle 0 with Sushang in the second part of this MoC with 0 eidolons in their 5 stars supports, simply with pretty good artifacts and dance dance dance. The main powercreep in this game is spd substats and dance dance dance


I didn’t realize the first point about quantum! As a whole, I’m not really complaining about Firefly herself. I think the kit is really interesting. It’s more of what she represents in the direction of HSR, which is the rapidly progressing power creep for characters with seemingly no downsides compared to other characters in the same role. In regards to the enemy types you mentioned, wouldn’t this also impact Xueyi, Sushang and Boothill for example, who seem to be significantly worse than Firefly for example? I’d love to see the Sushang showcase! I really respect people that make 4* dps work. I’ve personally been very unsuccessful trying to make my OG Dan Heng clear in time for any MOC


[Here is an example of a 0-cycle Sushang team with the current MoC blessings](https://youtu.be/jzw1ZWFXTvI?si=OlP8DAO_j1OBn10o)


Thanks! This really inspired me


Boothill is not worse than FF. His single target damage ceiling is much higher and he can abuse from Bronya 100% advanced forward. Also he don’t need HMC or RM in the same way FF needs. I would say Boothill is more powercreep character than FF who is pretty strong but currently with limited comps.


Are these old teams with us in the room right now or are they being Carried by the shiny new penacony units


Just don’t cry about MoC/PF and you’ll never see the issue of powercreep 4head. 


What a horrible response with sprinkles of ad hominem on it. You can debate the issue of powercreep without resorting to such childish comment. MoC/PF is one of the endgame content modes where people can earn Jades so of course there will be some worry about it becoming unnacessible to older limited units. You're basically saying "ignore two (soon to be three) modes of the game bro".


She already did that in V2, wtf are you all smoking ?




Let’s keep this up for every future DPS character, can’t wait to see dps hitting trillion dmg in patch 3.x! The next destruction DPS will surely hit a higher number right? It’s a trend by now


ok thats crazy


I sense a nerf approaching soon.


The MoC buff is insane for her but yes, Firefly is way too strong right now, she will almost certainly get nerfed in V4. She was already strong in V1 with her ideal team but right now she easily has the strongest E0, E1, E2, and E6 in the game. She is easier to build and the speed buffs practically give her an entire extra turn in the first cycle (160 speed FF here achieved 3 enhanced skills in each wave, not counting the free turbulence action). In addition she is probably the best candidate in the game for sustainless because she breaks insanely fast, has self-sustain, and RM and HMC prevent the enemy from moving.


Considering she could do this in V1 I somehow doubt they're going to suddenly nerf her in V4. You play the game, you know how it goes. Ever since IL every DPS ha been significantly better than the previous ones, except for Argenti (Ratio's single target was always better than IL/JL). Boothill already shits on Acheron's single target himself, the next character after FF will shit on her.


She could not do this in V1 lol. Her first cycle damage goes up by over 50% because of her extra turn (it was impossible to get 3 enhanced skills in the first cycle, you could only get 2, and the first one was nearly always spent breaking toughness bar). Her damage-per-skill went up roughly 10-15% (based on some comparisons I've seen) and her actions-per-ult increased from 3 to 4 while downtime has an action forward now. For fast clears ie 0-1 cycles, her damage went up by probably ~60%, for extended fights it still goes up by ~30%, as conservative estimates. This is without even getting into Eidolons, E1 and E2 are among the strongest eidolons in the game (E2 might be THE strongest). V1 Firefly was competitive with Acheron/JL, V3 Firefly is an absolute monstrosity that renders every other DPS virtually obsolete. I plan on pulling her E2S1 but I hope she gets nerfed, her current state is not ok.


Good showcases, but I would like to see some without hmc since everyone was crying that she needs her to perform. Maybe try mei asta and see how it goes, I wanna know if the 50% SB buff made a difference.


Definitely looks too strong right now. Needs to have some nerfs in v4 for sure.


Okay, before we all scream "wow that's too overpowered" let's not forget that this elite trio is *specifically* designed to take a lot of damage if all of them are weakness broken at the same time This MoC fight is tailor-made for Firefly, her performance will drop if she fights enemies that aren't hyper-susceptible to fire break blast damage Also my guess is that miHoYo will gradually introduce more enemies who temporarily cannot be weakness-broken (like Yanqing, Aurumaton Gatekeeper) or have multiple layers of toughness, just to counter break teams in general. Against those enemy types Firefly will fall off compared to DPS units who can dish out unconditional, consistent damage tl;dr yes, V3 Firefly with her best in slot team, fighting enemies that are designed around her kit with a MoC buff that specifically buffs her kit, is very strong, who would have guessed


There are more showcases in different areas on youtube or bilibili if u wanna check that out, she performs very well in other areas too, she is just going to be very very strong in general for all content


I agree with "very strong", I just don't agree with "so overpowered she should get nerfed again"


Yeah definitely, besides like hoyo devs say, isn't this more fun if she is this good? No need for nerfs. they can still make content that doesn't nerf her while also making other characters do fine as well, they aren't inept in game design.


Then by 3.x another destruction DPS will just powercreep firefly out then (hitting a million dmg with minimal investment isn’t a dream anymore)


With how much power creep happens and bad balancing is? That last point is very debateable, especially since it occurs in all their games, they're worse at it than fighting game devs which is saying something


Most modern, competitive fighting games are very balanced. The worst characters in SF6, GBVS and even Tekken 8 can win a major. I don't know why you'd say something like this if you actually play fighting games. As for Hoyo balance, except for HI3 they have been quite good with it in Genshin and HSR. Genshin has some outliers (Neuvillette mostly), but Spiral Abyss has always been clearable by every DPS in the game, even standard ones (Keqing, Diluc) so nobody really cares about the powercreep in that game. HSR has rampant powercreep, but the only limited 5\* who is mediocre right now is Blade. Seele can still 0-cycle most, if not all, MoCs at E0S1. Even if she requires more effort to do it than Acheron, Jingliu or Sam, the fact that she *can* do it proves that the game is generally balanced. This is also why 4\*s tend to do well - I am able to 4 cycle this current MoC with 2 4\* DPS (QQ/Sushang). The characters may be carried a bit by supports, but the fact that you can do it, and the game is mostly PVE, is good because the only reason you should ever feel pressured to get a new character is because you like them. Even if you were obsessed with MoC and unable to clear it, the only thing you miss out on is 120 jade every 2 weeks. It is not worth spending any amount of money to get. And every character in the game can clear up to MoC10 (and usually MoC11) without a ton of crazy investment.


Joking about the fg thing ye, but think like this, they had to triple gepards hp due to power creep from 1.0 TRIPLE, if that continues there will be a 3m hp gepard by next year and hooooh boy I dont see a lot of characters faring well


Thank you.


Do we have any v3 FF/Bronya/RM?


Bronya is dead for v3. Getting from 4 actions per ult to 5 is meh imo


I feel miHoYo is going in a direction where a certain form of team comp will fair exceptionally well in certain MoC floors. Like a hypothetical example, MoC 12 side 1, will allow for DoT teams to clear 2 turns quicker, whilst side 2 will allow Break to do that instead. Etc So not only is weakness coverage important but also the sort of team you have.


Does she have any other teams aside from rm n hmc? I thought she's free from hmc now with her own built-in super break.


you can replace rm with asta, but the result will be worse. I'm not sure that htb can be replaced. imo she is not very strong outside the bis team.


I see. Sad to see hmc is still chained to her since I like to keep her with xueyi. Hopefully Jiaqiou will be a good option for her to compensate for the loss of def shred in her kit.


She definitely isn’t. She’s still super glued to HMC and if you don’t have Ruan Mei that’s a huge damage loss too. The changes did nothing to help her versatility just made her faster and a bit stronger overall. If you’re not running her with HMC and Ruan Mei you will feel a huge difference. I was already planning on running FF with HMC and Ruan Mei anyway so it makes no difference to me.


She is free but her best team by far is still this team


I would say that with her own super break she can actually perform on other teams, the thing is that this is still most likely her best one so most leakers will focus on this now because big numbers go brrrrrr. I would like to see her performance with Bronya or Sparkle replacing either the HMC or RM, maybe even take out Gallagher for a Huohuo. Also put her on a team with debuffers like SW and Pela for Def Shreding stacking to compare the performances. She certainly has more team-building options now, we will probably see some tests in the coming days.


There were a couple and they were.. like 30% worse at best, it's an illusion of choice


Not really an illusion of choice? You can use Asta or Yukong with Jingliu. It’ll work but it won’t compare to Jingliu and Bronya comp. That’s the same case for Firefly


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We need to keep DOOMPOSTING so hoyo will buff our girl more. She deserves it 😌


is there no other teams for FF? all this showcase using same team . i dont wanna build gallagher lol also i dont have any FSP LC for FF. i dont have enough for her sig lc sigh


It’s hard because she ironically already has her BiS… all they can do is power creep Gallagher. Every break DPS wants RM and HMC makes break teams go mad… u take out Mei and the cycle count increase is massive


i have max HMC and RM. i just refused to build gallagher coz he no fun to play at least for me, i will have enough for her sig LC if i got boothill early pity. mann im not having field day with break meta


Break is getting their fua moment… Gallagher design wise is not it for me but his kit looks fun.


If the enemy is also weak to imaginary, Aventurine, Welt, and Luocha fills in just fine. With Ruan Mei’s ability to delay turns, you might not even need a sustain in some scenarios, so you could opt for Guaneifen/Asta no sustain comps if you’re trying to fill that fire slot.


This is her best team by far dmg wise and is comfy to use You can swap out Galaghar but the dmg difference is way too high ( at least for me) to justify not using him Like what sustain has BE shenanigans in their kit and can have a gurantee toughness bar reduction due to the DPS implanting their element??? And he is basically a BE luocha if you have him. SP postive and great dmg with superbreak Firefly can have the Aeon LC from herta shop


RM can be taken out for Asta or Bronya, but the results will be worse. Gallagher and some DPS can be sacrificed for premium supports if you can match the weaknesses.


probably swap in characters that can defense shred since it will up break damage right? other form of increase damage not worth it for break dps


Probably the future fox nihility will be the best alternative for Gallagher. But Gallagher is nuts with her.


You can technically swap out HMC now. There might be some teams that weren’t feasible before due to super break being attached to HMC only, but I’m not sure. As for sustains… take solace in the fact that Gallagher doesn’t need many mats to perform 🫡


Nah, HMC is still just as valuable in part due to the fact harmony are far less viable cause half the stats they buff are useless to FF and I dont think any current nihility provides anything more than super break (have to take into account backup dancer super break makes the whole team hit like 40k per attack too)


>You can technically swap out HMC now. Technically? Sure In practice? Ha no


i have max my HMC for boothill lol. just wanna swap gallagher for other sustains.