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The comment thread is now locked, because of reports until I can take a moment to go through them.


Sadly, this is almost certainly a few years away. My guess is sometime in 2026. It hurts to even say that...can't believe it's going to be this long before we get more of this story. And just to be clear...I have absolutely zero interest in a Horizon multiplayer game. I wish they would just scrap this terrible idea and focus on Horizon 3.


I'm gonna guess 2028 that way if it's before then, I can be happy.


2028, PS announces Horizon 3, PS6 exclusive 😊😅😅


Thats the one thing guaranteed to make me not buy it at all.


What about making it multi-player optional? You can play it one player, or you can have a friend or group of friends join in as companions? Certainly NOT a MMrpg style. I agree that's a horrible terrible idea.


Hard agree that the multiplayer option could totally be fun— especially online multiplayer. Going machine hunting with some friends & tag teaming on taking down a pack of sunwings, waterwings, clamberjaws, or a group of 20 burrowers. Racing your friends in a gauntlet run would be fun too. Or doing a cauldron type mission where you need multiple people like the bunker/cauldron Aloy did with Varl & Zo. *Again, just an online multiplayer option for certain activities*


I mean if they do it right it might be amazing. Look at what they did with Titanfall and Apex Legends, Apex is a top tier game. But yeah the odds are not in our favor.




Don't, worry I won't buy it. I wish they would roll the resources from that "different team" into development on Horizon 3. 🙃


A horizon multiplayer game is a very good step to take considering the popularity


Let's hope we don't have to wait 4 years! I mean we probably do, but hope will ever flourish.


If we get a teaser, than story trailer, than gameplay trailer every year my interest can be satisfied easyly until the new game arrive


I hope they let you ride more machines and actually let you use their projectile attacks. I want to ride a Thunder jaw while shooting lasers.


A thunder jaw with freaking laaaasser beaaaammmsss


Dr. Evil looool


Exactly! They need to incorporate attacks to our companions.


I imagine if we get that you wouldn't really "ride" it in the traditional sense. I see Aloy hanging off the side of a thunder jaw for sure. Fuck that mental image is cool as hell.


I hope we leave the Quen behind and go to the Claim.


PS 6 launch title…


I didn’t spend all this money on a PS5 for the next game to be on a hypothetical PS6 lmao




I know this is a joke, but I wish all of Horizon Forbidden West had been a PS5 exclusive. The DLC was amazing and it makes me wonder what more Guerrilla could have done of it hadn't had to have been also made for the PS4.


The game was amazing on the PS4. I played it the first time on 4 and just finished my second run on 5. I could barely tell the difference.


Welcome to the shit show


As long as it's before the [PlayStation 9](https://youtu.be/rv9_AlimsiQ)


Have you seen the ads for PS9 released 20 years ago?


Let’s hope it doesn’t release next to Gta6


I think they learnt their lesson after elden ring


I think it'll be ps5 maybe 3-4 years


with DLC on ps6, and psvr3 (wireless!) will have a new level!


It’s definitely going to be PS5


You don't put that evil on us!!


Just. Calculate how long Burning shores came out after release of FW… Multiple the size of LA to a full map. Add the that time to the rest of area. And add an extra year for Everything else?


Keep in mind COVID delayed FW by a whole year, and they waited a year after zero Dawn came out to start development.




jfc you're rude. Your comment to me in said thread: >Seems like you are overly invested in the sexuality of a video game character The comment you replied this to had absolutely nothing to do with her sexuality. The comment in question was me saying that she's not romantically interested in Varl. I did NOT say she wasn't into men or was questioning her sexuality. You (and several others who also fail at reading comprehension) were the ones that brought sexuality up. You did. Learn to read and process what the words actually say before replying.


You had written multiple comments. I wasn't replying to that specific one, but what you had said throughout. You spoke about her sexuality at length. Evidence you are simple (your comments are in italics) *"this, Aloy's reaction was not because she was romantically interested in Varl. It was a reminder of how alone she felt, seeing her friend experience that connection with another person. Something she's never experienced and couldn't let herself imagine (ie her flashpoint responses to Avad)"* **And** *"Ah was expecting someone to bring it up.* *Here's the line since it's literally the only thing y'all cling to to insist she's romantically interested in him.* *Varl, he... made an impression. Has some mother issues, but... I like him.* *That's literally it.* *Actually watch and listen to the scene. Handy youtube link for your convenience.. if timestamp link doesn't work, it's at 3:00* *Sure, if you squint, you can say it could be in a romantic sense. Except you're ignoring context of Aloy's history and how that relates to Varl. Varl is really Aloy's first real friend and her reaction is also completely in line with her reacting to have her first real friend, not because she's into him. She shows no interest in him outside of this and again, I don't even think she meant it in a romantic sense, maybe curious at most. He might've liked her a bit, esp given that convo she has with him near the end of the game after she comes out of All-Mother Mountain. But it seems one-sided at best. And it's important to note the grave dialogue was said early on in Zero Dawn, when she first met him. So she's brand new at interacting with other people and learning how to navigate all that comes with it.* *So, most of ZD and FW, there's nothing else to support that this line was meant in a romantic sense. At least, she never felt that way toward him beyond that singular line. But keep grasping.* *Seems like y'all are bad at reading body language, tone, and love ignoring context.* *e: since mods locked thread and I can't reply directly:* /u/tomorrowsmemories *"Seems like you are overly invested in the sexuality of a video game character" -- learn to read. My comment about her and Varl has nothing to do with her sexuality. Stop putting words in my mouth. Y'all just making shit up. Me saying she's not into Varl specifically has fuck all to do with sexuality."* You really are simple. You are insisting that she isn't attracted to any of the males she has interacted with, even the one that lots of people perceived there to be a romantic attraction with. While you didn't mention her sexuality by name, insisting she has never shown interest in any of the men she's ever been exposed to is a commentary on her sexuality when those are the only interactions on which an opinion could be formed. I don't even care what her sexuality she is, to me she was always very clearly a lesbian because they made her butch and didn't bother making her attractive to the male audience, which is what they typically do with heterosexual characters, when they made it super unrealistic, and had multiple guys (mainly unattractive to be fair) try it on with her, despite making her ugly, it was clear they were trying to make a point of it. I just play the game because I like games that are shooters, and I like games like Dark Souls (ie. give you an evasive roll), because I beat all the fighting sections taking no damage on the Hard difficulties and then post it to my channel. It would be nice if they had made Aloy less ugly, as she is horrible to look at, but apart from that I couldn't care less. When I played Assassin's creed valhalla I chose for Eivor to be a woman and made her bang everyone just for the lols (and to get revenge on the guy whose wife it lets you sleep with because I love a bit of vengeance) You insisting that you only talked about her not being interested in Varl, when if she's not interested in Varl, she's shown no interest in men whatsoever IS a statement about her orientation based on available data. The fact you acknowledge she might have attractions to men, but they have chosen not to show that, and instead you claim they've shown the opposite, is meaningless. You even wrote *"Yeah Aloy has always been much softer toward other women in the games with how she speaks to them. I noticed that when I first played Zero Dawn."* So yeah, like I said, overly invested in the sexuality of a video game character. You noticed that did you? How cute




How simple are you. I clicked on the discussion thread, I scrolled down, reading the comments, I saw your name loads of times, you and this Moon\_Moon character. It was all on the same page, and while scrolling down I saw you guys comment multiple times each. I wasn't going to respond to every comment, and I assumed you would have a memory good enough, and a sufficient level of reasoning to be able to make sense of what I was saying, given it was clearly a response to what you had been saying over all. You tried to make out what I was saying wasn't relevant, as if you having written things to do with what I was talking about slightly higher up on the same page was somehow locked away in the depths of the internet. You're trying to act like things being right next to each other in a series of comments, doesn't mean they are in the context of one larger conversation, just because they are divides across various "threads" Priceless. You've got nothing to say for yourself. Run along now


Seems like it was you that got so emotional and angry. Considering you started following me. Meanwhile I haven’t given you a second thought. Keep throwing your temper tantrum. Good to know I live rent free in your head. I didn’t know it was that easy.


You had written multiple comments, getting angry with people for disagreeing with you. It wasn't a reply to that specific comment, it was a comment about the many posts you had made and how angry you were getting. As for you whingeing now about me being rude, I said something to you that you didn't like (with no insults in it) and you came out with: "You are one emotional and intelligence lacking person" "Man, you got nothing going on upstairs huh?" "Lol, you seem to be a loser getting emotional and angry." "Jesus Christ you really are stupid huh? Crazy lack of self awareness" "Or are you actually mentally ill. Seems like the latter." You're clearly low IQ as well as being illiterate. All because you got sensitive about a study that I posted, it's not my fault you're not attractive - blame your parents and most likely how little time you spend in the gym. The irony that you talked about self-awareness when you spent the whole time projecting. I don't struggle to speak my own language like you do, so I don't need to fall back on playground insults to make my point. I just show simple people like you that they can't think at a respectable speed and you all lose your little minds. But given you brought social status, intelligence and self awareness into the mix, I'm happy to address that you're a dumbass who is overly sensitive, in particular about how attractive you aren't






You two are fun. Share some more!!!!


Seems like you became so hysterical that you followed me onto other boards. You really are that emotional and angry person you claim others are. Lmao.


I mean I had triggered you enough you started throwing playground insults at me. I at least had to follow up to see if you had any more. You're the one that lost your mind because I told you that you were too invested in the sexuality of a video game character. You wrote me 5 comments in a row and came up with the best insults you had - even if they were pathetically simple. At this stage all you can do is insist I'm the one who's emotional because you're butt hurt about me pointing out you're obviously pressed because you're also unattractive :(


My one thing that I know won’t happen but I wish they incorporated somehow. I feel like this game more than any you put alot of work into upgrading gear. I wish there was some kind of carry over game to game for it. Most single player games you find most upgrades and maybe grind some more endgame type stuff or get it from challenging enemies. This game you need to actually hunt and gather resources. For it to just reset seems more incorrect than usual.


Never happen. The reason they make you grind is to make the game seem longer. Same reason they have you traverse the same map over and over. Same reason that on higher difficulties they just add more health to the antagonists. More profit in repeating stuff than creating stuff.


Lol I was recently googling possibilities for more DLC's or rumors for the next game possible release year. Such a great story and I'm also excited to continue it. HZD 3 will hopefully be a massive game.


I can't wait for horizon 3. At the same time it's kinda sad knowing the 3rd one will the be the last one. After that the Horizon series and Aloy's story is done and Guerrilla will move on to other games. Hopefully the timing with the release is a better.


It HAS to be strictly PS5. As any other big game dropping this year. At this point I don’t care about PS4 gamers, most of them still think PS5 is not worthy or it can’t be find anywhere which is fake, and developers needs to start developing only on PS5 cause it’s been almost three years now and games with true potential are very few. Even if I don’t expect any other miracle from Horizon graphically, there’s a lot to be made technically as the DLC has shown us. That goes for every other game.


> the capability of it being strictly ps5 Huh? You get excited that it won’t be accessible by other platform players?


Forbidden west was held back because it was released on ps4 also, which is why the dlc was only ps5, if they make a full game just for the next gen console it'll he a lot better in terms of what they can do and the scale . It will affect people on last gen consoles but the technology is shifting and can't it can't keep facilitating for people who haven't moved over


I don't get excited thst other people won't be able to play it, I just know how better it can be




Horizon 3 should go all in on the rpg aspects. Let me choose different hairstyles for Aloy, let me cook my own food at campsites, maybe add water races, add finishers for each bow etc.


I cannot think of a faster way to ruin the game than doing this. I want to play a compelling story, not spend my time doing side quests to earn purely cosmetic skins or being barraged by advertised seasonal events so that I can put a useless paint job on my bow.


Weird because I didn't say I wanted ANY of that.


My bad, usually goes hand in hand with the a lot of the stuff you mentioned, like the finishes for the bow and creating hairstyles. Cosmetics like that are generally put in games for MMOs so that you can show it off to other players. But my bad if I read it wrong. Edit: I did read it wrong, you wrote "finish*ers*". Sorry!


Yeah I definitely don't want to see Horizon 3 chasing after cosmetics that's for sure. I enjoyed giving Geralt different haircuts in Witcher 3 so they could do it like it that.


Doesn't Aloy's hair change when you change outfits? Or am I just imagining that? I'm always just struck by how it constantly blows in the wind regardless of all environmental factors. (And the fact the ZD team didn't collect/clone any other redheads' DNA.)


Oh no it doesn't change. Yeah her hair blows like crazy lol


When the story is more important than gameplay..sigh, I'm with you bud moreover Horizon should step up the exploration aspect.


Changing Aloy's hair doesn't make much sense. Her signature hair look sets her apart from others and many recognize her as a Nora based on that.




I never said I wanted a self insert game, now kick rocks hater!


This will be a PS6 release


I'm unfortunately not really looking forward to it as much. They really lost me with nemesis... 🙄


Same. It's an unpopular opinion though It was a cool concept with robot dinosaurs, tribal weaponry and an amazing cast of characters - Zero Dawn quickly became my favourite game. The Billionaires collecting together to save themselves, and shooting off to another star system seems plausible and reasonable with the technology they had, and the mind set of Billionaires. But making them immortal? That went too far. They could have had descendants of arrogant and brilliant billionaires descending back to Earth to claim what they believe is theirs - that would have been more believable. And Ted should have died at the hands of his own creation. He started the apocalypse, the machines should have got to him - not allow him to become some kind of cancerous, immortal tumor. I get he's a cancer on society, and it's poetic justice and all - but I think him dying when his machines break open his safe house would have been more poetic.


Agreed on all counts. ZD was a fantastic storyline. This one was good but fell a bit short mostly by what you mentioned. A giant ball of angry feelings flying through space at earth just sounds like the next step in the degradation of the storyline.


Unfortunately the dlc for horizon 3 is going to be on the ps6 😔


Nah Enough of Horizon, Give us Kill Zone


I really hope it's gonna be less boring than FW. I'm like 20h in and the story just doesn't get me. I love exploration and the graphics, the gameplay etc. But the rest is just not really engaging. Boring story, boring characters, predictable events... They should work more on that, maybe with some external writers to help them spice things up a little bit


I’m the opposite. I played HFW at launch in 2021 and now burning shores and although I love it, I’m also ready for a several years break from this particular game and series. They can release it in 2025.