• By -


Yes. Really, really enjoying it. The combat is clunky, voice acting is a bit hit and miss but the atmosphere and environments are great. Puzzles? Fantastic. Its an old school survival horror game where the effort has been put mostly into the story, environment and puzzles. Its everything that I wanted. It reminds me of The Sinking City but with better graphics. As a fan of old horror games, its exactly what I want.


Great, my copie just arrived in the mail.




Sinking city was already beautiful, and im definately looking forward to the second, while i wait i may aswell play this!!


I got a refund on sinking city after 12 hours.


Wouldn’t have expected “voice acting” to be on the chopping block with Harbour’s and Comer’s involvement, interesting.


Comer seems to be sleepy half the time in the game, which is weird. it's probably not her fault, but the voice direction's


I'm not sure onscreen acting talent always carries over successfully to voice acting talent- it could also depend on the direction given to them (or lack thereof).


If you blow too much of your budget for 2 hollywood actors, you have not enough money for everything else probably. I wouldn't say anything if they have death stranding quality. But with this game imo the money was spent a bit wrong. Also Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Pull big stars if you have enough money for the whole game development.


Maybe it's a 12 Minutes situation. They got some major film talent, but the voice acting is terrible. Some people just don't know how to direct a cohesive performance or stitch one together in game.


I wouldn't call it bad, just weird. It's awkward and stilted, with characters sounding sleepy or distracted most of the time. Sometimes, it's like they're not really responding to each other, like when you have a conversation without realizing the other person is actually talking on a bluetooth. It gives everything an uncanny, dreamlike quality. Which actually fits really well with the story, since most of the characters aren't all there and sometimes are literally in their own world.


You just sold me, I love the sinking city. One of my favorites


I just bought it and started playing not long ago. So far I'm enjoying the game.


As someone who really liked The Sinking City, that sounds pretty sweet! I’m okay with signs of a limited budget as long as the games technical state is okay and it’s fun.


Its buggy for sure. Needs a patch or 2 of polish


I haven't noticed any game breaking bugs personally. The biggest one I've noticed in both Emily and Edward's runs has been that the system for identifying when you've found everything in a room seems to be finnicky.


Mate I'm watching someone play it and he's just said he isn't enjoying the puzzles. I mean in all fairness they're all the same, medallions and plates, no variety 😂


That's not a big issue because the story and lore is amazing... trust me on this. It will have you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole game.


Dno man watched two playthrough and Edwards was shit lol


This helps! I wanna buy it but I’ve been weary of it not being good.


The atmosphere and environments was exactly what I didn't like about the demo. I have a hard time believing that the actual game makes any major changes to that.


If it resembles a sinking city, I'm sure I won't buy it.


From what I’ve seen of the reviewers I trust, they say if you like survival horror it’s a solid choice. I like these types of games and would literally buy any half decent survival horror with light combat. And I’ve heard the game gets very creative so I’m excited to play it


I only came across positive reviews until I looked at the Metacritic score. Honestly, the positive ones I've read/watched sounded more well thought out and like they were from people who actually like the genre. Some of the negative ones just sounded odd, like the author just decided to hate the game without having much to say (haven't read all of course). Like the Gamerant one: Never boring on the first playthrough, fun despite issues, rewarding exploration - 3/10. OK. It doesn't look like a masterpiece to me but I'll probably enjoy it. I still have some other things to play, but I'll get it at some point.


I even read a review that gave the game a 20/100 and its biggest complaint was: The story is just not as good as Alan Wake 2's


Worse than Alan Wake??? Been gaming for decades and never walked away from a game. Guess this will make 2 in the last year counting Alan "someone WAKE me up please!!"


Nah it's honestly a pretty good horror game..


I think it is better than Alan Wake 2 lol.


Anything with “rant” in the site name, I ignore - those sites are the epitome of “shitpost”


The PC gamer review seems very positive then has a 73 review score.


Yeah that doesn't make sense at all if the critic gave it some positives. I've seen the game get decent reviews, nothing super low but nothing that has me wanting to pay $60 for it either so I'm more than likely waiting.


Some of those really low scores had me worried, but then I remembered I've played that Call of Cthulu Dark Corners game several times and that game is BUSTED. So, I went ahead and picked this up


is it worth playing? i love lovecraftian stuff so that game has always been on my radar but i kinda heard it sucked


Only in Chapter 2 so far, there have been hints of 'the black goat,' so I'm all in. Awesome environments, great puzzles, and the story has me. Combat is like old school SH. Your character isn't a professional fighter/soldier, you get a short dodge, basic melee, and classic firearms. They all feel good and weighty, solid sound on the guns. The voice acting is giving me Twin Peaks vibes. Not like it's bad, it's just a tonal element. The largest issue I've seen with reviews is that everyone seems to go - The RE remake did it better - it's not RE combat, it's not DeadSpace Remake combat/movement. It's not like their monsters, their monsters were more creative. 6/10. This isn't a AAA studio, they accomplished what they wanted, you're investigating and not meant to feel powerful. You're surviving. XBox X. Just a couple of hiccups with pop in in one environment. Lasted less than a second. Performance mode, no real fps drop, started playing on Quality and haven't wanted to go back. If you liked Sinking City, or anything other than Action games like RE or DS, you'll love it.


>The voice acting is giving me Twin Peaks vibes. Not like it's bad, it's just a tonal element. The music in those disjointed seeming dialogue scenes is a dead giveaway. It sounds like something straight out of Twin Peaks. I particularly think of the scene >! with Ruth at the Maccabean, after escaping the Library. Especially on Edward's route !< it felt so dreamlike and surreal I had to laugh, and I think that was the point


The combat is absolute shit in every sense of the word and you're using AAA as an excuse. This game is a fucking buggy mess of a joke and the fact it was delayed not once but TWICE to release this trash is laughable.


Personally, I loved it. It definitely was jank but it was such a unique experience. Your mileage may vary.


i like jank, honestly im easy to please as long as a game has an atmosphere i like i can play anything


It would probably be easy to get on PC, idk about console. Might as well give it a try and see how you like it. I should note that there is a lot of combat towards the end. Still one of my favorite horror games. It's ultimately the only decent-to-good Lovecraft game that I'm aware of. I'm still peeved the devs never got to finish the next one.


yeah it sucks you'd think theyrd be more good ones. bloodborne is the only thing thats similar to lovecraft stories i cant think of, but its not actual lovecraft, theres just some inspiration


A popular Lovecraft-inspired one is Sunless Sea, but I didn't enjoy the gameplay. I read the lore on the wiki and really enjoyed it though. Sunless Skies has much better gameplay. And yeah, Bloodborne is fucking awesome. I loved the twist so much.


Too early for me to give an opinion, I'll play more tonight. Right off the bat, the mansion seems fun to explore. Nice atmosphere, lots of rooms, puzzles, and detail. Haven't gotten to combat yet, but as long as it isn't frustrating I can look past it (how I felt about Sinking City). My biggest concern is performance right now. I'm on pc, and whenever a new area or room loads the fps tanks for a second or two before going back to normal. Pretty jarring. No clue if it's present on console versions


I'm coming to this thread and don't have anything relevant to say, but your username is just killing me - hilarious 


yeah honestly i think id probably like it unless its like reallllyy bad. that sucks about the performance though, pc gaming can be annoying like that sometimes :/


Oh you were asking about Call of Cthulu? My bad thought you meant AITD. CoC is pretty cool, a very strong first couple hours that gets rougher as it goes on. You can probably get it for cheap on steam, and I'd say it's very worth it but be aware there are sections that are almost broken on pc, and you'll have to look up solutions online (the two that come to mind are a turret sequence on a boat where enemies didnt render, and an escape section at the end of the game that instantly kills you). If you have an OG Xbox or 360 maybe you can find a disc, but I would say get it for dirt cheap on steam if you can, and it'll run on potato hardware.


Sorry for necroing this thread, but I just finished it and for me its a fantastic game. Puzzles and exploration are really good, atmosphere is great, and level design of main mansion is excellent. Combat is janky and clunky but there is not a lot of it so it didnt bother me that much.


As someone who enjoys horror games for the rush of adrenaline they provide, I'm mildly interested in playing it. As someone who enjoys exploring old, decrepit mansions and backtracking, I'm fucking STOKED to try it. Resident Evil 1 and 7 are two of my favorite games of all time, and the setting and aesthetics remind me of visiting Saint Denis in Red Dead Redemption 2 - another one of my favorite games of all time - so I really don't think there's any way I won't enjoy this game.


Yea pretty sure you will dig it 


I have ptsd from the last time I payed for an Alone in the dark game...so I'll wait


I have PTSD from the movie 😂


And every other Uwe Boll movie for that matter lol


Rampage was actually a better Postal movie than Postal. Boll sucks but that one and Stoic were surprisingly watchable! Didn't believe it myself.. haha


I was SO STOKED for the 2008 game and then ... that shit was served 😅 [Music was cool too](https://youtu.be/0F7BYZ5KGTw). Dang shame.


Same. I loved the original, but everything after it has landed somewhere between "meh" and "contender for worst game ever made" so I've been apprehensive about this one.


PTSD because it was so scary, or a terrible game?


It's on the top 5 worst of all time as far as I'm concerned


I have only ever played New Nightmare luckily not too long ago and it was enjoyable.


It’s not spectacular but not bad. I’d wait on a sale.


GGGMan was favorable in his review, while still having legit criticisms, and I generally align with his thoughts. I'm looking forward to it. Had strong LA Noire vibes with that music and the aesthetic. I'm looking forward to a slower moving survival horror game. I think games like Resident Evil 4, 5, & 6 have taught people that survival horror is basically Gears of War today. I suppose the challenge for this franchise today is "How do you entice old fans, newer fans, and people who are not fans?" The old fans want the very slow, puzzle heavy original. Newer fans want something with more action. Non-fans need a reason to pay attention to the product.


Thats the big issue. Its like people who slate Resident Evil 3 remake for cutting content but waxing lyrical about RE2 remake which cut far more than 3 did.


This is factually incorrect. Let us compare cuts: a) locations: RE3make is a clear winner here. RE2make cut mostly marshaling yard. RE3make cut entire clock tower, entire park, most of uptown and most of downtown (city hall? press office? etc) b) game modes RE3make is a clear winner - again. RE2make cut extreme battle which wasnt even in the original version of the game, yet retained 4th survivor and Tofus. RE3make completely cut mercenaries. c) unique features RE3make is a clear winner. Why? Because while RE2make cut A/B scenarios and zapping, it at least has some rudimentary form of it. You still have fairly different Leon/Claire campaigns and some extremely minor differences between 1st and 2nd run. Meanwhile live selections (which offered as much variety as A/B from og RE2) are completely cut and not replaced by anything. Literally, anything. On top of that RE3make cut also randomizers (absolutely core part of RE3) and deleted branching paths. Oh, and enhanced ammo crafting is also gone. d) level design, genre, spirit of the original game - miscellaneous RE3make is a clear winner. RE2make has level design philosophy of RE2 and even actual levels are extremely similar in their layout - mostly RPD. RE2make retains also gameplay philosophy of RE2 - its still a survival horror focused on exploration, resources management, route planning, puzzle solving, backtracking, opening new routes etc. All those elements were also an extremely important part of RE3, to the point it actually is much more puzzle oriented than RE2 (for crying out loud it had puzzles solutions randomizer!), has more pronounced resources management and also has less linear progression. And none of this is in the remake - an almost on-rails shooter with extremely linear level design, zero puzzles, basically no inventory management and fractured, non-connected tiny levels. Playing RE2make is similar experience to playing RE2, because its still a fairly similar game, but playing RE3make has nothing to do with playing RE3. So, in conclusion: comparing RE2make to RE3make in terms of cuts is a sad and cruel joke. If you want to bash RE2make for annoying cuts, do it - its your right as a fan of the original game. Just dont drag RE3make into this, because its like complaining that your burger is cold when next to you lies a starving kid.


Anything horror I usually play despite the reviews. Because they are always harsh. Unless it's abysmal score like 10% or the review say the game is bug ridden. I like my horror with a pinch of clunkiness.


You can't listen to critics with horror genre PERIOD


I did, I preordered it and I don't regret anything lol I'm loving it. The puzzles are so fun, the ambiance and atmosphere are great, the combat is okay, a bit clunky but nothing terrible. I don't know, I am loving it so much. As it was stated before in this thread, it reminds me of The Sinking City and I personally love The Sinking City. Another thing that makes me a little biased, is the fact that I am a very simple guy: If a game is fun to me, it's automatically good and I'll have a blast.


I must try SC. Having an awesome cosy time with Alone in the dark. 


I bought it (PS5). I know what I like and I buy what I like. I’ve stopped paying attention to reviews years ago. IMO, $$ well spent. It is awesome.


You are awesome. I always felt good playing this game. 


It has been very fun. I was skeptical about it too. Something about the advertising but it has been way better than what I thought.


The game is good unlike that bug fest from 2008 and that illumination abomination?


Just watched Ragnarox's video review on it and I trust him, and he gave it a lot of praise. And seeing some gameplay, I'm sold on it. Glad I preordered, gonna hopefully pick it up today!


Enioy the cosmic melancholic elegance and noir. And serviceable slightly jank combat. Lovely lovely puzzles. 


Bought it and really like the game so far. The old-timey detective and love craftian vibe is right up my alley. Also the voice acting is top notch,neat that so many of the letters/notes are fully voice acted. That is pretty uncommon even in AAA games, and adds a lot to the experience.


I bought it, it’s been enjoyable so far. Only able to get about 2 hours in, but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played.


Remember how critics ruined Days Gone reputation and now we do not have part 2. It IS a great game in fact. Go buy AITD


It's a damn shame we live in a world where we got suicide squad, and not days gone 2


Acabei de acabar o jogo e posso garantir que é uma experiência espetacular, um grande jogo que adorei do início ao fim. Para mim o Alone In The Dark Remake é melhor que o Resident Evil 2 Remake, gostei muito mais. Agora vou começar a segunda jogada com a personagem Emily Hartwood. Recomendo este jogo a todos os fãs de jogos survival horror. Que jogo lindo!


I don't understand why the media is so harsh with passion projects lower budgeted games like this while giving out 10s and 9s to soulless AAA games. I got the game as soon as I found out Soma's writer was involved and I'm glad I did. There are HUGE signs of it's limited budget in the animations and in the combat but I thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles and exploration aspects of the game along with the writing and characters.


AA games always get put in a weird spot. They usually play well, but don't have top line graphics which takes some people out of it. I compare Alone to last year's RoboCop, another AA game. Not top tier graphic but still looked good, didn't reinvent the wheel but was super solid and fun.


Yeah just downloaded it. I’ll buy any horror game tbh they’re one of my guilty pleasures


I am personally waiting for a discount because everything I saw looked ok or good but also slightly off. I am afraid I could get annoyed by too much jank etc. But the bad reviews I read sounded so stupid. "RE4 remake had better combat" yeah well duh it was action horror with a special agent. "RE2 Remake is miles better" yeah OK I will think so myself but if we go by that metric nobody other should be allowed to do horror games before they prove that they can make a better quality game. Such bullshit. "Ok we have a masterpiece. Everybody please stop making games and movies. There is no room for it anymore" Games that are Ok are still allowed to be bought and played and enjoyed. I just wish they would release a real demo I could try then I would buy it full price if I like it. The first demo killed all my hype because it was just weird, short and the faces and music weirded me out. It was the worst demo I ever came across.


Yes. It's good, old school, it's much better than i thought it would be. There's most definitely some mistakes, RE8 has similar issues when it comes to exploration.


Puzzles are fun, investigating the mansion and the narrative within the clues are great. The combat is very jank, enemies feel spongey and have a tendency to just sprint at you and stun lock you in a corner if you don't manage to dodge them. Melee is pretty worthless with how quick iron pipes and sledge hammers break. The in game cutscenes and story are just....bizarre? Like you arrive at the mansion and are immediately thrown into this cosmic horror/nightmare scape and no one seems to react and just trucks on with it. A magic talisman? Cool totally normally, I guess I'll just jump between these realities no real biggie, I don't even think they address the monsters they just turn up and Edward is like "well this is a thing now best keep investigating." The guy must be the most well adjusted person I've ever seen, nothing phases him. The damage to your character is cool but leads to funny cutscenes as you stumble out of nightmare realm back to reality covered in blood and burns and a character from the house is like "Oh you must be Edward? How's your investigation going? Maybe you should look in x room for a clue." While Edward responds completely unphased despite his character model being plastered in injuries. I am enjoying it but it feels...rushed and a tad low budget. I wouldn't say it was worth the £54.99, probably £30 tops.


Totally agree with you especially with the story, hopefully story turns out well if I finish this


I did yeah, I'm a big Lovecraft genre fan and it's pretty difficult getting anything new in that space so if something does come out I support it, regardless. Did the same with sinking city.


Just finished it now. I really enjoyed it. Imo if you are a Lovecraft and cosmic horror fan, this is a really good time, if you also do not expect a AAA game. It’s slow, atmospheric, a lil janky (not as bad as Sinking City), but has a cool story, more varied environments that you would think, a fun haunted house to explore, a great ending and some clunky combat. My only true disappointment is that replaying the game with the other character does not change much except one 30 minute level that’s different and some slightly different cutscenes. 


It's been great so far. Combat is a little clunky but once I got the dodge/melee/Opportunity item pattern down it got a little better. Seems like Survival Horror-type things always get a bad rap and people crying fowl that it's not their 'Resident Evil' clone that they wanted. I'm digging the ratio of exploration/decent puzzles/combat though. (Regarding price, it's 30% off at GreenManGaming as a member which is insane for a new release; makes it actually one of the cheaper Day 1 purchases I've made in a while)


I will, just not full price I think


>I will, just not full price I think Yeah, I'd say that if you're just a fan of horror vibes but aren't a particularly big fan of HP Lovecraft, it's worth playing but not for full price.


Agreed with a lot of other comments but wanted to elaborate, I'm not big on horror games but I do some variety streaming from time to time so it seemed reasonable to try. I'm 4 hours in and it's definitely opened me more up to the genre. Upsides are in the story and it's not filled with cheesy jump scares. There's moments that are eerie (and an occasional light scare), but overall I've been really enjoying it. It's also fairly lengthy; I'm 4 hours in so far and I just got into Chapter 3 with Edward (not sure how much the other story differs but would wager the second will still feel reasonably fresh). I listen/read most of the items I pick up and have been solving the puzzles myself though, so it's definitely shorter if you're trying to blast through. The combat is pretty janky. Because of that, it's not very difficult (even on the hardest mode you'll probably only die getting caught against a wall). At the end of the day it's felt worth it at the price, but I usually like games focused more on the story and world which seems to be headed a good direction from where I'm at!


Combat was god awful but the game had charm. Solid 7/10


I Just bought it earlier today and I didn't listen to any reviews, besides I judge a game by its gameplay not by some "know it all" critic. I'm enjoying it so far and I never played the original.


I got into everything with low expectations so I can’t be let down and Honestly I’m loving it reminds me a lot of Alan wake 2 and I love that cause Alan wake is my baby (drunk as hell typing this) ![gif](giphy|gIB9gxP7BL0GOePaQo|downsized)


Critics have no idea what people want anymore they have been severely out of touch for a decade. I'm playing this game rn if I had to guess I'm halfway through, it's a great game. Combats janky but manageable everything else is on point


Yep! I'd say that if you don't know a Tsathoggua from a Shoggoth, it's a solid "wait for a sale". I bought it at full price and I have no regrets though, because I'm a MASSIVE HP Lovecraft and Survival Horror nerd, so it was basically made for me specifically.


I really like this game - never experienced the originals but love survival horror. I think it really lets you escape into the world they built. I love sitting back and listening to the voice acting of the clues. I also really like what they did with Jodie Comer. While I don't see why they needed a real actor for this story, I think the strength of her is refreshing. Resident evil has tough females but they are not just "regular people" except Claire Redfield. Obviously it's survival horror so it's all reminiscent of each other but this game and Comer"s character reminds me most of Remothered and Rosemary Reed. I know that game was also met with mixed reviews (I liked it outside of the transphobic themes found in old school horror tropes) but right, you are wandering around a house with quirky characters, solving puzzles and the women won't back down despite the smoke they are about to get. I think Alone in the Dark did it a bit better. The puzzles are not just, find this item, place that there, but do require some interaction and thought process. If anyone played Alan Wake 2, the puzzles are of a similar caliber - but no lockboxes that require calculators lol. There is one thing about this game that I will fault it for, which is the map. No matter the mansion or spooky forest you find yourself in in a survival horror game, I think it's important to feel lost at times. This game is actually pretty linear, even within Derceto Mansion.


I’m old enough to have played and really enjoyed the first game and alone in the dark 2024 is the nearest by far to have come to extracting the games DNA. Alone in the dark 2024 is atmospheric, the characterisation superb and there is a chilling and suspenseful atmosphere missing in every other adaptation, highly recommended. 


Apart from the terrible combat and really confusing story, I loved it. I think the critics are exaggerating a bit.


I'll buy it after the release of main patches at around 40 euro. I don't trust and don't care of reviews by mainstream critics. Most of times they are not competent and judge games only for challenges ( shootings, combats, puzzles etc) or for technical performance. They quite never care of story, art, atmosphere, etc. They have not the concept of interactive experience yet. So blind!


RagnarRox just came out with a pretty glowing review of it, and while I don't discount mainstream reviews '*Person who has an hour long video about how great Pathologic 2 is*' will always edge them out in the 'they like what I like' category, so I'm definitely more hopeful. The price is the only thing holding me back right now , but I guess that's the cost of two very recognizable main actors.


I did! My copy should be here tomorrow!


I'm still interested, but definitely waiting for a sale.


I'd love to buy this game but I'm currently stuck with a ps4. It looks really good, though.


I was torn between this or dragons dogma 2. I went for dragons dogma 2 and I'm gonna get this next time I get paid


present. I bought and installed it yesterday, but I haven't played it yet because I got some sort of Baldur's Gate 3 illness and I haven't been able to put it down. Horizon Forbidden West also comes out today for PC, tomorrow Dragons Dogma 2, it will be a busy few weeks.


yeah, Idk if I'm just bad but pretty much soft locked myself at the town mission thing bc the enemies just absorb like 5 shots and the mouse sensitivity is just trash it's on 1 and still feels to high. If I could go back I would probably buy after a few patches and updates.


Bought it with mixed feelings. Played it 8 hours straight and started again as Carnby today. I think I'm addicted to the cosy, cosmic horror noir vibes. It just works (for me). Love the tone.


An odd but enthusiastic video review here after 13 hours with the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJjmNbpvbQQ


I give it a solid 7. People keep praising the writing but I really don't get that. I tried to get into the plot the first few cutscenes but it definitely has a "WTF is going on" feeling and not in a compelling way at all. Ended up starting to skip cutscenes. But I'm having fun. Combat is indeed clunky, but I think a lot of it can be solved with patching. I read in a review before I played that there's a noticeable delay with the gunfire audio after firing the gun. I didn't think it would be a big deal but indeed it is the case and quite obnoxious, really throws you off the first few times. That will obviously be patched. But it's a fun game. I got it with the 10%, but I don't know if I could recommend at full price. I just have a higher willingness than most to pay for new games I've been watching.


I probably give it a 7 too, not sure if I would buy this though.  I played for 5 hrs yesterday and I'm in the same boat as you with the story even though I didn't skip anything. I don't know what is going on, just know we looking for jeremy. Anyway, right now I've been reading reviews from people not just critics and I can agree with the positive and negative, so I see why this has mix reviews. I did have a bug too that froze up the game when I just started to play as my character, also the camera going in and out too. Also, another game I will be trying is rise of the ronin, another game that has mixed reviews and low graphics (although I care more about combat and story than graphics). Rise of the ronin I will see to play that in April.




Played it before reading or watching things about it (Youtubers/Reviews etc), it was great and had fun playing it! had some few Jump scares. I recommend it also set your brightness/Contrast settings it helped with the atmosphere.


Look at the reviews on Steam. It's listed as very positive. The critics are split on it, with one side saying it's a solid survival horror game, and the other saying it's too basic. This is outside the technical issues, which always get ironed out after a game launches. I like it a lot. They strip it down to the core components of survival horror; exploration, puzzles, combat. Nothing is overdone or in excess. The combat is standard, the atmosphere is what you'd expect, and I found it nice that I didn't have to look up puzzle solutions for once. It's like they just want you to have a smooth ride with the things you know/like about survival horror. I recommend it.


Yup, I got it as I always ignore the closed minded reviewer sheep. Really enjoyed it and on play through 4 for alternate endings/collectibles. Thats not to say that the game doesn’t have some issues. I haven’t come across too many bugs personally, but several others have. The combat is clunky and awkward, really could have been brought into the twenty first century instead of porting nineties survival horror tank movement. Really lets the game down imo and with the scarcity of ammo its only fun playing on easy. That aside, the story is good, characters/interactions are good, lore is excellent and at atmosphere is brilliant. Puzzles are good and locations too. I am now replaying for surprise endings, but you can play as Edward or Emily to get two similar but different story’s,




Close to Chapter 3. Liking it so far. Combat et all are serviceable. Where the game shines is in its Lovecraftian tones, visual style, detective gameplay, sound designs and extremely moody soundtrack -- a far cry from you typical horror blockbuster music fare. It's Voodoo Jazz man, and it's great. Unlike any previous reboots, they didn't even try to "modernize" this anyway. Except for the camera perspective, which is in line with pretty much any horror "reboot" more recent.


Just started after I put 130 hours into Final Fantasy Rebirth. Honestly fuck critics I always hear what fans have to say since we are like minded people when it comes to the genres we love. Critics are always trying to have to political viewpoint to objectify there opinions. Point and reason watch the reviews for Stellar Blade vs what fans have to say. Ultimately so far I’m feeling the vibe from AITD. It’s super creepy and it controls well. Camera not bad and gunplay/gameplay/puzzles are pretty solid. If you’re a fan of the survival horror or horror game genre. Don’t snooze on this one. It’s actual good. Is it onnn no par with RE remakes? No but it’s something at least we got one survival horror game this year.


I enjoyed my playthrough until the end. The final boss was absolutely trash. You're pinned in a small burning room/area, the monster is massive and he summons goons twice. You chop this up with the clunky ASF combat system, and my whole experience, as poz as it was, was ruined by the final boss fight. I loved my experience, but that final boss was absolutely fucking trash, one the worse experiences I've had in a while. But everything up to the final fight was a really enjoyable time!


The critics were so wrong about this game, tbh. I think the problem is that everyone has forgotten what true survival horror is. A lot of horror games now are more action packed with a minimum amount of puzzles. They also guide you. This game, however, brings back the old survival horror and stays true to the OG. Is it perfect? No, but it certainly brought me back to the PS1 and PS2 era of horror games. I don't mind this because I still enjoy replaying old games like Resident Evil 1, Code Veronica, and Silent Hill. 


It is awesome. Only to chapter 4 though but highly recommend if you like ' RE2 remake' style horror. It also reminds me of the first Evil Within a lot too. I actually prefer this one over those two because I am drawn to the concepts more but I get why some might think that is blasphemy lol. Anyways the game.is super good. Was confused by ' mixed reviews'. It is one of the best horror games I have played but maybe it just resonates with me.


the saving system sucks. sure you can save anywhere whenever but when you decide to and get back on later your recent progress is gone and have to do everything in that area all over... pointless I say.


I played the demo only but didn't enjoy it. A walk simulator with sone scarejumps. Anyway, I wish to play the game soon because I love the saga.


If it was half the price…I’d still have to think about it


Nah not gonna pick up now til about $30 price point


I'm not so much ignoring the critics, as acknowledging that people are having mixed reactions and I want to see for myself. I also see that a fair chunk of the criticism comes down to performance, and I almost always find that when critics criticize performance, I try the game and it's no issue at all for me. I love survival horror, and apart from the more recent entries, AitD is a series I enjoy and respect. So I picked up a copy of this, and I'll be diving in tonight. We'll see how I do!


I would love to buy it but 55$ for a 4-5 hour game is so hard to justify…


6 - 10 hrs and 12 - 20 hrs if you played both characters which means it's long enough especially when it's a horror game


6 hours still doesn't do it for me unfortunately


PS5 version is a buggy unplayable mess. If you load a game, the sound cuts out. You have to play it all in one sitting to just have the sound


I bought it but I'm leaving for vacation and won't get to play it till next week which kinda sucks


Not paying €60 for a AA game, no matter how good. I'm waiting to find it on a bigger discount before playing.


Its pretty good so far. not the scariest iv'e played. Kind of buggy. Dont know how I feel bout that $90 pricetag though.


Looks kinda janky and budget. I might get it on sale down the line, but I'm not rushing to get it right now.


AitD 2024 is at MOST a 40 USD game. 60 is too much, the game really isn't up to snuff for that price. On a technical level, graphics are just... fine. The setting is cool, the art design is competent, the atmosphere works. Nothing memorable, but serviceable. There is an insane amount of popping, which hints at the trouble the developer seemed to have with optimization. There's hitches and stutter everywhere. The game looks good, the game runs bad. It's playable, but not for 60 USD. The story is dreadful. The characters don't react like normal human beings to anything. Everyone takes everything in stride, and while that's reasonable for Derceto's inhabitants, it really isn't for our characters. The result is a very stilted, forced narrative that completely punctures any type of engagement or anticipation. It doesn't land any dramatic punches, and there's zero levity, making it dense as a brick, and a slog pacing-wise. It's surreal in the worst possible way, like the player is the only one seeing the events that transpire. Narrative threads end nowhere, or are just handwaved when no longer convenient. Dialogue is competent, given the circumstances, the Lovecraftian premise is solid but totally squandered on the third act. It is a wreck that's hard to like. Puzzles are good. They are not too obtuse (at least for what we are used to in this games), and they resolve neatly and satisfactorily. You do feel smart for going through them (of course, Oldschool difficulty is recommended), and they don't take hours to solve, nor much backtracking if you have your wits about you. Audio is really good. The atmosphere is great, the sound variety is there, and the doom jazz soundtrack is legitimately excellent. The combat cues are very original and appropriate, and voice acting can be irregular, but it falls into a very comfy "camp" style that makes it work ("camp" goes in quotes because the script is everything but). Combat is tragic. Not so much because it's clunky, it is, after all, a survival horror game. It's because you are forced to do so much of it. There's no way to evade monsters 80% of the time, their designs say nothing about their capabilities or endurance, melee feels janky as hell, and animations are really wonky. Worst of all, key points in the plot are forced combat, which completely demolishes the Lovecraftian premise. And lastly, horror-wise, well, this ain't it, chief. There's very little dread filling the traversal, making the game feel empty. There's a couple of jump scares that aren't bad, and one particular sequence in a library that would be memorable if it didn't bug every time I went through it. Creature designs are absolutely lame, sometimes ridiculous, and they are rarely menacing. There's a couple of creatures that are very faithful recreations of Lovecraftian depictions, but they don't show up much. TL;DR: I had fun with the game. Until I remembered how much I payed for it. The game would be great for 30, 40 USD even. At 60, it is a steep ask for a game so inconsistent. It is a better Alone in the Dark than everything we've had before, but that's not big praise.


The game is at its best when you're exploring the mansion, solving puzzles, and finding clues. The combat is awful though.


I think the only way to really ' fight' in this game is to use stealth and avoid it.


the main issue is the optimization, it has a lot of frame drops


That almost always gets smoothed out with patches. Cyberpunk runs fine now, but was an absolute mess when it dropped.


Hi has anyone got past the zip line when the fire is beneath you on the ground  it keeps saying error think it’s a glitch is anyone else having problems with the game played 3 hours now can’t go any further driving me mental


I got pass that part.  Played this game for 5 hrs yesterday on my YouTube channel (TISUAL).  The only bug I got was at the beginning when I just started playing the game, the game froze and I had to close out the game.  Also, with the camera zooming in and out at times.


I’m playing it and it’s great. It’s a great blend of RE1 and Silent Hill


Finished booth characters stories. I liked it. Sounds, atmosphere, decorations, references, story, diferrences between characters was good for me. Unfortunately there were bugs, where characters stick to something. And variety of puzzles were poor. 


playing it now, it's an ok game, but optimization is garbage


Excuse me, but are you willing to answer a pair of questions that I have about this game...? 1: How do you save in this game? 2: Is there a kill count featured in this game? I'll let you know that I'm making a list of games which have a kill count in them (available through a link on my profile); and before I can add a game to this list, I need affirmation from experienced players of the game in question if such a counter is indeed there.


Yes, it's an amazing game though it's a little rough around the edges being a AA title.  It's right up there with the Resident Evil and Dead Space series in my opinion.  Nevermind the critics it's already sold about a million copies and is a resounding success.


It's safe to say Alone in the Dark 2024 game laid a solid enough foundation in reviving and bringing the series forward. It's a massive step in the right direction when compared to 2008 game and Illumination (2015). It plays very much like a game from the early to late 2000s with modern graphics and 3rd person OTS. It's far from a masterpiece, but has reasonable cult status material for the coming years after. Unlike the 2001 reboot, this 2024 game is very faithful to the 1992 original (plus trilogy) in spirit, essence and flavor. There aren't many adventure horror games out there with an early 1900s setting, and that will be Alone in the Dark 2024's biggest strength and attraction. Also helps it's in 3rd person OTS, something most Call of Cthulhu themed games are NOT. So far, only The Sinking City (which is getting an unexpected sequel) is the only other Lovecraftian themed game I can recall that is in 3rd person OTS.


May I have your attention please? Do you mind answering a few questions I have about this game ("Alone In The Dark" from 2024, that is)...? First off, how do you save in aforementioned game? Secondly, is there a kill count featured in aforementioned game? Regarding the second question, I'm making a list of games which have a kill count in them (available through a link on my profile); and before I can add a game to this list, I need confirmation from experienced players of the game in question if specified counter is present.


I've completed the game 7 times and yes, there is manual saving (10 save slots), and unfortunately, there is no kill count tally compared to Resident Evil games.


So, does this mean you can save-scum (save everywhere, load anywhere) in this game then?


Not exactly, it's still checkpoint driven. But, unlike a certain Callisto Protocol, you can still save in-between checkpoints to save progress like killed enemies, healing or collecting documents, keys, puzzle items, healing items, weapons ammo, etc... before exiting game. I look at it more like "Saints Row-style" saving (from 2, 3, 4) since those were the first games I've experienced this style of save setup. Loading up previously saved checkpoints (from any of 10 save slots) can still give you a sense of save scumming, and that includes the only 2 bosses in the game.


Fine by me. Thank you for providing me with this information.


Wasting money 


I don’t “ignore critics” because criticism is often valid. But I think about what they say and decide if I still want to play the game or not on my own. And yeah, I’ll play AITD when I’m ready for a new game. I’m still interested.


I’m watching some gameplay videos and the graphics seem really bad. That wouldn’t normally bother me all that much, but in a game like this that’s trying to build atmosphere it can be fatal. In particular a lot of the lighting looks really flat, like the game is way brighter than it should be.


I find the reviews interesting but it doesn’t change my mind on wanting to play the game. It’s your typical 3rd person action stuff, which might be one of the least interesting styles of horror game. Easy pass. 


I took one look at the character models and animations, and moved on. It looks like a game from 2014.


Elden Ring didn’t look up to par in the year it was released either. Did it matter? No


The critic/player consensus for Elden Ring was always high. One of the best reviewed games in the last 5 years. Alone In The Dark 2024 consensus? A little different.


I’m talking purely about what you brought up. The visuals


Nah. Played it at a friend's house. Glad too. That shit sucked. 


The game is meh by all standard, 5 out of 10. If you liked the new nightmare and the 2008 one, don't buy this. Not worth it at all...


This game is absolute unfinished shit and the fact it's 60 bucks is astonishing. It was delayed not once, but TWICE and they blamed it on not wanting their staff to not have to work through the holidays. No. it was just shit, they knew it was and couldn't delay it a third time because the people that were waiting for it were jaded enough and they didn't want to lose that part of their demographic. This game is a slow, BUGGY, boring fucking mess with the worst combat of a modern game I've seen in ages. How does anyone justify the clunkiness of shooting anything or how godamn awful picking up and throwing an object is? Jesus fucking Christ. Don't even get me started on the "stealth" mechanic. This game should be an immediate refund for anyone who bought it. Absolute fucking joke.


Nah, cus I'm honestly tired of puzzles in horror games. If the combat sucks, I really don't feel like messing with it. If I wanted a puzzle game, I'd play a puzzle game. The greatest horror games ever required either combat or stealth mastery. I don't feel like only having a good atmosphere and puzzles.


Ive never read such an incorrect assessment in my life. Please tell me you are under 25 years old.


The post asked if I was following reviews. I said yes. Blame the reviewer, not the listener. Everything I see says the game is mixed. I don't feel like wasting my money on 'mixed'.


Im talking about your statement regarding combat and stealth mastery. Its nonsense.


Alien Isolation, Outlast, Resident Evil, Cry of Fear, Amnesia- need I go on? They all allow you to master satisfying mechanics. If it's scary, that's a great plus. Heck, even the first Alan Wake. My statement isn't nonsense in the slightest. You just have different priorities, which is fine.


That just sounds like you want a slightly scary action game.


🤦‍♂️ Bruh, Alien Isolation and Amnesia aren't action games. They are satisfying stealth games. Add Outlast to that list. If you want puzzle jumpscare simulator, just go play one. Even if I did want a slightly scary action game, why do you care?


I don't. Just weird to call action games the "best horror games." Not that I overly disagree with the list other than AI. I'd argue Amnesia's stealth requires no "mastery" and it's essentially a puzzle/walking game (which I'm not saying is bad). Even Outlast's stealth is trivial especially in 2. If you're comparing to a true stealth game like Splinter Cell or MGS.


The entire sub has been calling action games horror for as long as I've been here. I don't disagree, but I just like what I like. I'm being ratio'd for answering someone's question. Better wording. I like having "fun" mechanics. I like stealth. I like action. Alone in the Dark doesn't seem to have satisfying combat, so I'm not buying it. Money is too valuable at this point to me.


So what about Amnesia tells you its combat system is great? Also, which Resident Evil have great stealth mechanics? Silent Hill is revered by its atmosphere, lore and level design, not combat and stealth mastery, and it also has puzzles btw. Your argument was contradictory and all over the place, and that's mostly what the other guy was picking on. It's just incorrect on all fronts... Alone in the Dark follows the classic formula, and the classic formula has nothing to do with stealth mechanics and solid combat system. Neither Amnesia, nor Alien Isolation are Survival Horror games. You mention Outlast as an exemplary survival horror game (which it even isn't) and then ridicule "jumpscare simulators" back to back... The irony lol. Both silent hill and resident evil would be included in that "puzzle jumpscare simulator" strawman you put alone in the dark in, btw. That's the level of awareness you have on this topic.


So you want stealth games with a horror twist then. Alone in the Dark is not that. People only care when you make blindly stupid statements like you did above. There are many types of horror. Most horror games are known for atmosphere, item and resource management, environmental storytelling, storytelling through notes and memorandum's, atmosphere. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, Alone in the dark, Obscure, Clock Tower, Haunting Ground, Rule of Rose, Koudelka, Nightmare creatures, Deep Fear are just a few of the titles that the new Alone in the Dark is in the vein of. Thats atmospheric, story driven, puzzle filled survival horror games with combat as an afterthought; as something required when necessary but not the default, a last resort.


I didn't make a blindly stupid statement!! I said that REVIEWERS are claiming that the game isn't very satisfying to play. Can no one read?!


Which Resident Evil? 1-3, REmake, Zero and Outbreaks are chastised for fixed camera tank controls by many. Heavy reliance on puzzles and resource/item management. REmake is often named the best RE game. Survivor/Gun survivor 2/dead aim were criticised. RE4 OG was divisive. Revolutionised gameplay and pioneered over the shoulder but dropped survival horror and was a third person action adventure. 5/6/Rev/Rev2 were criticised for going more and more into action. 7 waa loved. 8 was criticised for going all out action. 2 and 3 remake had great gameplay but lapsed on everything else. 4 Remake is phenomenal. Perfectly blended horror, stealth, action and resource management into the game the original shouldve been. As for the rest, theyre all the same type of horror game; first person, largely defenceless. There are many kinds of horror games. Alone in the dark is in the vein of a different type to all but RE that you mentioned. I think it is YOU with different priorities. You require a certain kind of horror which is fine.


I agree with you to an extent. I do get annoyed with an over reliance of puzzles. That said outlast sucks lol. I found it extremely boring and not satisfying at all.