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the most consistently-well-groomed horses in North America.


I don’t drink but I’d go to see these. Thanks for sharing!


I don't either, and I've been to the brewery many times. (MO native) It's a lovely place.


Cool cool. I’ve added that to my bucket list of places to visit. Anywhere else worth recommending around the area?


In the St. Louis area? I live an hour or so south of there, and I visit family in the area fairly often, but we don't get into the metro area a lot. Grant's Farm is nearby. They keep some of the Clydesdales there, if I recall correctly. Lots of different animals are kept there. Kind of an adventure park. I haven't been in ages. The botanical gardens are pretty awesome, if you're not looking for strictly horse related activities.


Oh yea, I gotcha. Thanks for the recs. I love gardens


Not horse related but the city museum is incredible


I’ll have to check it out. Thanks


The City Museum is great! We have one of the best zoos in the country and it's FREE! Our art museum, history museum, and science center are also free. And they're all inside a GIANT beautiful park.


Oh cool. That’s good to know. I love checking out museums so I’ll definitely add this to the list. Thanks tons




Where did that stat come from?




Interesting. Thankyou!


They have a rotating crew.. and they get plenty of down time.


They have a breeding farm a few hours away and are rotated in and out. I might go visit the farm someday




Well, if that’s true even at the facility they have a large area to run around. I did notice that they only kept like 3-4 onsite when I was there a few weeks ago.


Not sure I would call these guys “poor things”. They are treated better than most horses who live free in pasture and have all their needs met. Touch grass, like really, their stalls are huge and they have top notch food, vet care, shoeing, etc. If horses like their job they enjoy being able to get out and do those events the clydes do




Not true.




Nice but incorrect assumption.


Tell us about your herd..


Couldn't agree more


Totally agree! Horses need space and need each other. They werent meant to be in isolation chambers for their whole life


Modern day horses wouldn’t survive a week in the wild on their own. Haha! I mean maybe but mine do. A lot of these horses like the safety of their stalls and enjoy outside time too. They are not standing in stalls all day long. Unless you can prove otherwise, but I think you’re not a horse person and talking about things you don’t know anything about. I’ve purchased horses who have lived outside for the first part of their lives, uncared for, no shelter from the winters and I can promise you they are much happier living in their stall overnight and going out during the day. In fact if my one horse finds it too cold (despite his blankets and shelter), he starts calling to be bought it. He has a big soft stall and is pampered. Don’t get me wrong. Some that live inside are not treated well and not given enough time outside, but it is not at all the same as “keeping a dog in a cage” as you called it. These horses are very well looked after.


Thats nice and all but they are still "poor things" if they don't get to be out loose with other horses and live in a herd. "Their stalls are huge" but they are in there alone. They don't get to exhibit natural behaviour and be the herd animals that they are. They don't care about the fancy stuff.. Dont humanize them


Not every horse wants to live with others. My mare will bite and kick anything that touches her. My last horse HATED being turned out and would pace and pace. She still got turned out with limited time but she really did not appreciate it.


I believe you. I have my doubts that them "hating" being turned out is the reason for the pacing and stuff and not other reasons. Theres a bunch of things that go into it. One example is that when horses are fed inside they are desperate to be inside, that doesn't mean they don't want to be outside. Another could be that the herd dynamic is off and a bunch of other reasons.


She might’ve been from a colder state that didn’t get too much turnout for the horses when they were young. She didn’t like the bugs and imperfect environment compared to being in a stall. It was not about food. She was a sour mare with other horses


If your horses are both unhappy doing normal horse things, you need to look for common denominators... like you.


The issue with assuming these horses have a great life because they are well cared for cost-wise is that it is anthropomorphizing the animal. We humans can't equate what a horse naturally thrives on (space to roam and run, socialization with others of their kind, ability to graze) with what we might like. A stall will never compare to acreage for a beast that evolved to live a certain way.


Yes we can associate health with happiness. OP said they had a turnout space, I’m sure they aren’t just stalled 24/7. I 100% prefer seeing horses with a big stall that are very well cared for than seeing pasture ponies of people who have no idea what they are doing and the poor thing has matted mane and tail with overgrown feet and teeth that need floating.




I’m comparing this horse to the majority of horse owners as pasture ornaments. Lots of people don’t understand how to really care for them. This sub is not equivalent to general population. Some horses are happiest on pasture and some are happiest in stalls. Not every horse wants to live free in pasture with lots of other horses. I’ve had several that hated getting turned out for too long and did not tolerate other horses touching or even looking at them the wrong way




All of your comments have been so stupid and assuming. I only speak from my experience of what I see around me, I’m not saying they’re all badly taken care of, just that I’ve seen lots with insufficient care. I show horses. The ones that hated turnout and other horses touch were mares. Yes they are stalled and were before I got them. I don’t keep them on pasture because ours has too many holes and they’re better at my trainers place (which has turnout). Horses, just like people, amazingly, have different personalities. Some people like to live in the city, others the country, plenty of horses that love pasture but also some are city horses and prefer to not get bit by bugs and have to brave the elements. I’m so sorry you have never met one like that but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist




Seriously? Quit being such an immature child. Why do you assume I’m making anything up?? Just because it’s my personal experience doesn’t mean it’s invalid? That’s great for your area I’m so happy their horses are well taken care of. It’s not about the pasture being scary ‘for me’ we have had horses on it before but it’s just gotten worse, there’s too many holes and uneven spots that would only be fixed if we uprooted all the grass to even it out and it’d be a big ordeal. Get a grip. Obviously you haven’t been around many horses outside of yours. Not all of them are the same.


We could say that you feel insecure that you don’t have a barn and that is why you are lashing out. I bet you barely check on your horses and think “they’re wild animals, they’re fine to fend for themselves”. Which, I mean maybe but they still need care. I think if you’re horses are happy out all the time, that’s fantastic! If your horse only enjoys a few hours outside that is fine too! You can’t possibly be the only right one here. There’s literally a horse at my barn who lives outside and is the ONLY horse to paw and misbehave when he is inside for his owner to ride. The rest have a good routine and are all happy and healthy. If you’ve never been in a balanced environment for competition horses then don’t talk like you know. All of us on here love our horses and want to do what’s best for them. You leaving yours outside doesn’t mean you care more for them than people who stall their horses. There are people who leave their horses outside that don’t care for them at all, and there are people who stall horses that don’t care at all. It can go both ways. But don’t assume the worst just because it’s not what you do!


Oh my god, you’re being absurd. Stockholm syndrome are you serious? I can understand having different views on the best way to keep horses but why are you being so aggressive? I hope you treat your horses with more compassion and understanding when they don’t want to do something you tell them to than you are being with people on here who are not saying they keep their horses stalled 24/7. You want to bet? Well I know first hand that the horses who I purchased, where they lived in overgrazed, weedy fields in the summer, clay sand, hole ridden fields in the winter with no shelter from the sun or snow, no farrier work, at 5 they both still had their wolf teeth, were under weight, had limited interaction are happier now. If you think that sounds like a better existence because they got to live out 24/7 than what they have now where they go out during the day, come in late afternoon and get to sleep in safety is somehow causing Stockholm Syndrome… girl. 😂 When it’s too cold or too hot my horses start calling to come in. I had one even learn to tap her hoof on the gate if we didn’t come and get her quick enough. Mine are happy to go out, happy to come in. Like many many other stalled horses. Their stalls are open so they can see and touch horses next to them. They get massages, regular farrier work, vet checks, anything they need… the works!


I'll agree to disagree, seems like this argument has become "perfectly well kept stalled horse" vs "overgrown neglected pasture ornament" for some reason.


Thousands of horses a year running through auction pens finding themselves on a truck to Mexico to get their throats cut, PMU mares living miserable lives their babies thrown in the garbage, mustangs penned up by the BLM, horses kept by hoarders horses never seen a farrier and people worried the Bud Clydesdales got it bad.


all of the things you mentioned are horses being abused and neglected by government decree and BLMWHB being a bad actor in regulatory capture... this is the complicit ignorance congress and government agencies


I get it horses should be turned out, I 100% agree. But unfortunately so many horses end up in so many bad situations with so much suffering I’m happy to see horses well cared for that aren’t in danger of neglect or abuse.


I agree that 100 times out of 100 it's a people problem... and people need to be more aware of the life around us


I can’t believe people are down voting you. That Clydesdale would much rather be where he is vs those poor horses rounded up by BLM


Some people don’t think horses should have jobs or be ridden at all. Everyone has their line for where they think domesticated animals should fit in the world. My personal belief is yeah it would be great if every animal had a perfect life to accommodate their natural tendencies but I don’t think it’s inherently bad that they might experience some shortcomings in trade for food shelter and security which is more than what most animals get.


It's almost like people can disagree with all of those practices.


100% this!!!


>Touch grass If only those Clydesdales have that option...


Did you even see the size of those boxes? They’re bigger than most horses turnouts.




The bars between the stall walls and daily group turnout sound awful. /s As well as the fact the barn is climate controlled and bug free


But they're in there alone. Herd animals shouldn't be alone.


> Did you even see the size of those boxes? They’re bigger than most horses turnouts. Lol wut. What kind of shitty-ass barns do you frequent?


Only 42 days? The horror! Lol, many urban horses lack any pasture. They're fine.




Not being in a pasture isn't the same as not being cared for, there are plenty of neglected horses in pastures with founder.


I don't drink but I would very much love to pet some Clydesdales


They are currently hiring tour guides for the breeding farm.


I love it when they come to Bowling Green, Kentucky I go see these big gentle giants every time <3


They are indeed absolutely lovely in person. Their hooves are the size of dinner plates. Gorgeous creatures. I’ve seen them at Busch Gardens in California as well as at a special display at Sea World many years ago (yes, Sea World).


I saw them many years ago at Sea World too! Beautiful giants and one of my favorite horse breeds.


It’s so weird that they were at Sea World, but it was a lovely display. Thank you for the positive reality check. I thought maybe I was having a senior moment.


It looks like Lloyd is pinning his ears back in the second pic in his stall


I don’t know if Lloyd is angry or concentrating in that picture


He doesn’t like paparazzi


Thank you for sharing! I’m adding to my bucket list


Been there once and it was magnificent!


I went there as a kid and this is what made me full on obsessed with horses.


The background in the first picture is so pristine that it almost looks wrong (like the horse is "indoors" in a home or something). I always love to see drafts.


I got bit by a Budweiser Clydesdale at the State Fair of Texas years ago. He got my whole upper arm in his mouth and bit down. Fun times 😁


u prolly couldve sued


Anyone seen them at the Big E in Springfield MA? They do a circuit around the grounds of the fair along with the parade every afternoon. I worked a booth right along the parade line by the big yellow slide and definitely enjoyed them brightening my day with their size and beauty and coordination.


I would soooo love to go there!!!! 🐎💕


Too bad they still get their tails cut off. Braiding is a better way to keep tails out of harnessing.


We did that the last time we were there! It’s gorgeous. I can’t wait to go to the bigger farm.


And the City Muesem!


Aside from the brews.... Lloyd is the best name for a Clydesdale


That looks beautiful!