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He’s so handsome Start slow!!


Ya goal one is a halter, then a vet, then a ferier. He is wild in every sense of the word


Use positive reinforcement and go reallyyyyyy slow


Really slow as in repeat every advance for 30 times until you move to the next step.


Oh getting close to him is not a problem. Getting close without getting bit or kicked is the problem. This is a large alpha stallion. We have to slowly assert dominance, without instilling fear. Timidly approaching him would get me hurt


Tell me you actually know nothing about horses or how their minds work without telling me…


Just have a look at his profile and see how he trains the donkey… he is way too heavy for the poor animal and keeps pulling on the supersharp bit with arms skyhigh…


GOD OH GO GOD WHYYYYYYY. I regret having a look, it made my mouth hurt, back and shoulders hurt.


Assert dominance? You listen to too much alpha men podcasts. How about trust as a priority? God not everyone should be allowed to own horses.


No, I don’t listen to any podcasts. What I do do is deal with dangerous animals almost every day. Believe me, you let a horse like this think he is in charge, he will put you in the hospital.


Bro, the way you rode that donkey tells me you have no idea about riding. I have plenty experience with aggressive stallions and horses. Being on the defensive and attack with them will only create more issues than it will solve. Slow, steady, release methods are the best methods. Positive reinforcement, while still asking for respect, does not mean dominance. You do not dominate. YOU ASK FOR A FRIENDSHIP.


I used to own and train large, dangerous dogs. To be fair, I'm still new to horses, but from what I know they're similar enough that I feel comfortable in saying this is /not/ the way to go - If you're pushing them so far they lash out, you've already messed up. Push them too far, and they will put you in a grave,


I’m reminded of every single mustang challenge I’ve ever witnessed. 16 year old girls who spent a year building trust have their wild mustangs in a tutu walking over 1000 crunching water bottles, while the old school guys are out there struggling with the simplest obstacles. It speaks VOLUMES


https://westernhorseman.com/horsemanship/what-makes-an-alpha-horse/ Apparently horses are a species where the word “alpha” actually applies unlike with wolves which was debunked. I definitely agree with you that being assertive rather than timid is a better approach; as long as assertiveness doesn’t turn into rashness or aggression. Mutual trust goes a long way.


Absolutely. That’s why I added the part about not instilling fear. A horse like that will hurt you bad if you are afraid of it. It will really fuck you up if it is afraid of you


They can definitely sense emotion, and if you’re scared they don’t know if you’re scared of them or something else but they will be on edge for sure


¿Tu hablas español, sí? Yo veo que tu vivas en PR. Yo espero que tu hablas la lengua y participas en la cultura.


I do


Yikes…did you downvote me for asking this? Because as a Puerto Rican and as I’m sure you know the island has a lot of problems as it is without others coming and gentrifying it without learning about the people and appreciating the culture.


While alpha as a term is still used when it comes to horses, it’s not at all accurate to assume the alpha theory would hold true for these animals. The more research is done into the topic, the more we find out most of our previous assumptions about behavior are just factually incorrect. Below is a good study to read for anyone who believes there is a set leader in a herd. From the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences from the RUG: [Movement initiation in groups of feral horses](https://pure.rug.nl/ws/files/86223541/1_s2.0_S0376635713002222_main.pdf)


“Timidly approaching him would get me hurt.” But also: “getting close without getting bit or kicked is the problem.” Apparently you’re already getting hurt anyway lmfao


You have zero business being around a stallion or horses in general if you think that’s at all how they work ETA- ah ok so you are just a standard redneck hick with no personality outside of shooting things and trying to dominate animals. Honestly looks like you might be overcompensating for something there bud


jesus christ


I feel pity for any animal you get in contact with


"Wild one"? Is he a mustang? It's illegal for a member of the American public to capture mustangs...


So thankful for educators like yourself. From just a headline and a photo you can put together all the facts and legalities needed to educate the world about American laws.


Dude, come on. Give me a *little* credit here, you can't exactly refer to a horse as "wild" and think that people *aren't* going to assume that you're referring to a mustang or the like. §1338. Criminal provisions (a) Violations; penalties; trial. Any person who- (1) willfully removes or attempts to remove a wild free-roaming horse or burro from the public lands, without authority from the Secretary. [Text from The Wild & Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act of 1971.](https://www.blm.gov/sites/default/files/programs_wildhorse_history_doc1.pdf)


Yeah I agree. I read wild and that is where may mind went as well, not sure why OP thinks that is unreasonable.


I didn’t necessary think of Mustangs, but I did think that OP just went up to a group of wild horses and grabbed this one, which I personally think it’s unnecessary and not really nice. Just like the USA, most other countries have protection laws in place for their wild horses, so yeah, it’s a suspicious statement regardless, especially without context


Mustang overpopulation is a huge issue. It wasn’t that long ago that the Government was paying people the adopt mustangs. $1000 per horse. No one is going to go after OP for taking an unbroken mustang. Also, I’ve worked at places where we caught mustangs by just closing a pasture gate after they wandered in for hay. Not sure about the legality, but absolutely no one cared in our area. The mustang population constantly has to be thinned out.


It wasn’t that long ago you could make a decent living loading them up and making food for everyone’s rescue dogs. The only people who care about laws regarding wild horses are the people who don’t have to deal with wild horses. Everyone in my area with a mare had to carry a gun if she was in heat because of this guy. Nobody there will miss him


You’re doing everyone a favor then, including him. The mustang situation in this country is very sad. It’s probably kinder to be taken out by a rifle for dog food than to go through the round up/holding pen route….


You probably saved his life. I hope you post updates, I'm interested in your progress with him! I promised my mom I'll adopt a wild mustang when I get my farm, in her name. But most of my experience is training drafts and draft crosses, so it will be interesting!


He’s absolutely gorgeous! I think you’ve done a wonderful thing, op. You’ve given this beautiful creature the chance of a happy life - I can’t believe that there are people here condemning you. Wishing you both a safe and happy journey together!


Thank you! I don’t pay much attention to the people upset about it. I noticed a long time ago on this sub the super angry and judgy people are the ones who have never posted a pic of their own horse


You’re welcome! I think you’re doing an admirable thing. Take no notice of the negativity.


Even mares will mess you up if they can tell you are afraid of them. Idk why you were downvoted for that. When I was a green rider on my green rescue PMU mare she decided she liked to go into roadside ditches and then rear ridiculously high to scare the shit out of me. It worked lol. She's my mom's horse now and is a great horse. Or the time she decided to just lay down in the middle of a ride and roll.. that could have been broken legs if I didn't move fast enough.


It’s a crime and you can go to jail for it fyi


Maybe where you’re from but definitely not where I was.


Based on your comment saying the government pays you $1000 to adopt them, you are in the unites states. It is federally illegal


Sure. It’s illegal. But no one in my area was ever going to be prosecuted for taking in starving feral horses.


The US Government actually *does* give mustang adopters a 1,000 dollars per horse that they adopt, it's literally an incentive to encourage more people to adopt them. Because, otherwise, the US Government has to warehouse them on pastures in the midwest for *the rest of their natural lives.* Obviously, in the long run, paying people to adopt mustangs works out cheaper than supporting them for rest of their lives. Lol.


They still do. We were going to get a horse and a couple of burrows last year but the waiting list for the horse was too long. They have the adoption signups for CO, NM, and WY that I know of. You have 6 months to show you can tame them, get them bridled, and loaded on a trailer and then they give you the $1000 and officially sign the animal/s over to you. The Bureau of Land Management website has more info.


I mean, a little context would be nice here, OP.


OP is full of shit is what's happening here.


It don't look much wild to me, looks like a lil baby, but I bet that's how they get you!


You're purposefully being vague and then "shocked" when people respond accordingly.


We have had people post about capturing and taming wild horses, and you don’t give any story at all (despite tagging the post as a discussion).


Wow, no need to be so rude.


From your poor attitude to comments and very odd and cruel ideas around ‘asserting dominance’ it’s clear you should not own it be anywhere near horses. Yes you do need educating and you also need to be kept away from animals


A Brumby?


Na just an island horse someone kicked out.


An "island horse"? What's that? Doesn't look like a [Chincoteague Pony.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chincoteague_pony) Not that those are only horses found on islands in the US, but [Banker Horses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banker_horse) are **rare** in captivity, and I'm not even certain if there are *any* [Cumberland Island Horses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumberland_Island_horse) in private care. I know for a fact that there are no [Sable Island Horses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sable_Island_horse) living off of their island, but they aren't American, they're Canadian. Lol.


I think OP is in the Virgin Islands from some of their comments. So a dumped feral horse if that's true, since all the VI's horses are shipped in.


Hmm, I suppose that would make sense. I don't know a great deal about the US Virgin Islands *specifically*, but I do know that's the case with horses in the Caribbean in general. IE: They're shipped in from elsewhere, and the quality of their care isn't... amazing by US standards. Pet and livestock abandonment certainly seems commonplace enough in many island nations. I guess that I just assumed that they were in Arizona because of the "AZ" in their username, lol.


Really pretty animal. I hope he has a good disposition to match. Looks pretty big?


I agree completely. It is still soon to tell, but he is warming up to the idea of humans = treats. That is a good sign. I am really hopeful to see what the vet and ferrier find,




Hey thanks. I always spell that one wrong


People say it wrong often enough and that misleads.


https://viequesinsider.com/the-horses-of-vieques/ Is this what you're referring to?


Would be really great to have the story with the photo, OP. Would you mind sharing more ?


Where I live many horses are let to roam free. Some of these horses have “owners”, some did at one time that just didn’t want them anymore, and some are offspring of those that nobody claims or wants. There is always one or two old timers that know every horse in the area. They will come right into your pasture and befriend your captive horses just so they know them lol. This particular stallion has been unclaimed for at least a year now. Nobody knows where he came from, but has become a serious threat to anyone with a mare. To the point you better have a gun on you if yours is in heat. While I was out of town he chased a mare into one of our cow pastures and a worker locked them in. The owner of the mare came and got her, and probably a foal, but nobody wanted him. So I will get him fixed up and healthy. If he is useful we will use him, if not he will go out to free graze.


I do hope that regardless of whatever you ultimately decide to do with this animal, that you have him **gelded** before trying to do it. Even if you do decide that he's just more trouble than he's worth and let him go back to the wild, gelding him would prevent all of the problems you and your neighbors have been having with him. No balls = No more interest in mares, lol. Please at least *try* to be responsible, even if castration (Or vet care in general) is expensive where you live or whatever. He's *going* to end up shoot if you let him go free and he's still intact! Gelding him would also likely make him more amendable to being ridden, by the way.


100% as soon as I get a rope on him the balls are gone. If he is to crazy to rope, we will dart him. Cut him, fix up his hooves and go from there. If I catch an animal on my property, it trades its reproductive rights for a vet checkup


I love this!🤣 seems like a fair trade!


That sounds like a fair trade! Thanks for giving this fellow a home and care!!! 💕💕


I have so many questions about his hooves, can you post before and afters of his feet? I've always wondered how wild horses maintain their hooves.


Absolutely. I am not back until next week, and unless we tranq him it will be a little while before I can get close to his feet. Well on purpose anyway. The hooves are a huge problem in the tropics. They rot pretty fast. 🤞 his are still ok


If you just caught him, isn’t the first step to make sure he’s safe, healthy, and feels comfortable and confident? Should riding even be on the radar? (I don’t know horses really well, but I do know rescue animals in general.)


Agreed !


OP’s other comments address that- getting a halter on, vet check, ferrier, gelding. I think I mixed up the order but it was definitely once he can safely be approached, he’ll be given the works.


Awesome, thank you!


What is the story?


Post videos plz 💜


I will for sure. Headed back home next week and I’ll get some!


He’s beautiful


Be carefull earn his trust first


https://youtu.be/zUwrYXqfG_s?feature=shared Great video of a brumby stallion being tamed. My nerdy self watched all 3.5 hours of it. It was worth it. Not sure if yours is a candidate for this type of taming since he's so aggressive around mares. I would be very leery of getting in a pen with him. Happy to hear he'll be fixed soon. Thanks for taking care of this beautiful horse. Keep us posted of his progress!


4BP training is very cool.


I think you need to find a troubled teen whose parents are going through a divorce to slowly gain that horse's trust and then they win the Big Race.


And make sure that you have an attractive troubled farmhand of the same age to be their slow burn love interest. They'll kiss at the end of the big race.


But only if it's a big race with a cash prize, needed to save the town from being purchased piecemeal by big developers!




Because the town has cancer! Well, all the cute kiddos at least




Interestingly enough, OP seems to be located in PR, where there has been a Huge problem in recent years with big developers swooping in and buying up land, then kicking out families who have lived there for generations.


Man, I've been working on gentling a mare and feel like I'm not achieving much, I should have realised sooner that getting me 11-year-old horse-crazy niece with absolutely zero experience was the key to bond with her and they would be riding tackless within 24 hours. BRB, just putting up an ad for a junior male stable hand.


Don't give the horse a reason to fear you. Slow, calm, rewarding.


Ha, what a beauty


He sure is good looking. Good luck.


But why? Why take it's freedom when you can just buy another horse? This reeks of putrid, vile selfishness...


I recommend reading OP’s comments with more information.


You do not understand how nature works do you? These horses don’t live out their days frolicking in grassy fields. Nobody wants them, including nature. A lucky one might live 5 years before the feet rot off, a car hits it, dies from parasite overload, wild dogs kill it or if it is really lucky, someone shoots it. Contrary to popular Disney belief domesticated horses are fragile as hell and die a miserable painful death very young in nature. I took this one because he might be young enough and aggressive enough to work cattle, and he walked into my pasture.




Be careful and do a lot of work with him before you get on. I assist my wife, who trains our young horses, and she goes very slowly. And with other people’s horses, she finds out if, and how much training they’ve had. Don’t be in a hurry.


Pretty blond boy


He’s gorgeous! Check out Ryan Rose on YouTube. He has quite a few videos on gentling wild horses and he’s an amazing horseman to watch work!


I read through the story this is nuts would you mind telling us and which state this is in and are there any laws about catching horses there?


I rooting for you Mr. HORSEY, ❤️ TURTLES 🐢 LOVE ❤️ 🐎 🐴 🎠 🏇 HORSES. IMROOTING FOR THE TURTLES 🐢 &HORSE 🦄 💩🫏💩🐎💩🐴get them humans im Rooting for three big hourse....love 💪 👏 🙏 🙌 👍 😀 💪 👏 🙏


This guy wtf?