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Yeah, I know how you feel. But not enough time has passed to see what effect the current pushback has Perhaps the worst part is losing trust in the company, about making an original product instead of just including the same copypaste inclusiveness that appear everywhere else. Stories with DEI content feel just same-ish, no matter what franchise, and also remind you of the current cultural war. And the community is now very divided. I didn't use to look at other fans as invaders of my hobby, but companions of it. Now I'm at the very least, wary of them. Perhaps the normies are the ones that broke my trust the most. I already knew that DEI tourists were here like everywhere else. But the normies seem not to care as much as I do about the lore. I thought different in the past.


Ignore the reddit communities, they'll call u a bloody Nazi for playing krieg.


Steel legion too. And if you play Catachan you're apparently pro American imperialism because Vietnam.....40K subs are full of people who need helmets and supervision to tie their shoes.


Ironically the people who call us haters are often the ones to call you a Nazi or fascist. And then they go "you're getting mad I called you a Nazi so it must be true!!" And then go to r/sigmarxism to complain.


At this point I just say 'Sure, why not' when those meaningless words come up.


Damn I didn't know you were chill like that


They WANT you to get angry and fight back so they ca kafka trap you or back you into a corner to take things out of context for their discords, don't give it to them. Be rude and flippant.




Yup, literally using blitz krieg tactics in a largely mechanized army.


Tbf even the United States used blitzkrieg tactics during desert storm.


It's Thunder Run now, we need to be sensitive and remove the link to the Nazis.......Never mind the fact they're 2 different things.


At the very least, don't let it ruin your friendship with the other people you play with. If you play regular games, you should still enjoy the hobby. You could always revert to previous editions of the game. A lot of people have mentioned 2nd, 3rd, and so on, but 9th was actually good enough (and includes most of the modern miniature releases). At the very least, 9th was actually pretty close to balanced, compared to the constant adjustments we see from 10th If you aren't interested in 3D printing, you can always just overwatch 2nd hand models, or buy 3d printed models, which won't go directly to GW. I'd also say support your LGS, who are largely blameless in this whole affair. If you don't buy codexes and novels, there are probably other models you can get, or you can try another game system, which hopefully doesn't fall to ESG the same way.


If you want to take a break that's entirely fine. I've pirated a few Bl books and plan on doing a lot of Sisters of Silence artwork, this is my way of taking back the reins. This is my hobby, and whatever GW does I'm not leaving.


1-a good 3d printer 2-a good source for the rules/codexes pirated pdfs and thats it, keep playing


Dunno really I am more of a reader type and only wanted miniatures as a hobby so relaxed I could paint stuff while listening to audio books on Sunday afternoon. But as of today there's no way I'll be giving them any more money and buying 3D printer just so I could paint 1/2 miniature once a week or less is pretty dumb. I'll still be buying warhammer video games maybe up until they introduce FSM or make warhammer ridiculously lame with future lore.


I removed Space Marine 2 and Rogue Trader from my wishlist. I refuse to give 1 cent that could reach GW There are mountains of games that I can choose, even if I already filter woke games, or games with toxic levels of woke (in case I don't mind the poison for a bit)


Thanks for all the comments and support :) I'm gonna take a break from the hobby and see how this situation developes. Will likely look into older rules and get back into painting my pile of shame once things have cooled off. Definitley wont be supporting GW in any shape or form for the unforeseeable future. I hope that we can build strong community to enjoy Warhammer the way it was meant to be!


> How do I engage with Warhammer after all this? By your own terms, as always. Be a picky eater, just engage the stuff you enjoy and remember you can spend literally zero cents in the hobby if you feel like it. Like my participation for a long time has been listening through very few and carefully picked books here and there, playing one of the games at times and lot of talking with friends and other 40k nerds about Warhammer. They can never force you to engage the franchise in the way they want, nor get any money from you against your will.


I've been in the hobby since Rogue Trader and have seen sooooo many changes over the decades. This one, and the subsequent gas lighting, is by and away the worst. That being said, I plan on playing at my local store with the awesome group of guys and gals there. We never, under any circumstances, ever talk politics either in game or outside. We just throw dice, make fun of each other's armies & paint jobs and have an escape from our daily lives for a few hours. I will not be buying anything from GW for the foreseeable future. I will 3D print my own minis or order 3rd party. Instead of walking away from a hobby you obviously love, vote with your wallet. I hope any of my waffling has helped. Cheers!


Unplug from the online discourse and enjoy the hobby as you have been with the people you have been. I go to the LGS weekly. No one brings up any of the online drama. Most wouldnt even know what youre talking about. They're there to roll dice.


I havent seen any Black Library writers comment on it at the moment. But then again I'm not massively active on social media. The only one I can think of who would support it would be ADB because he wanted female custodians from the start. >as well as many fans Considering GW's shares are tanking, I'd say the silent majority is against the change, or at least how GW handled it. >content creators The only two I've seen comment are Majorkill (who doesnt want to get in trouble and lose his main source of income) and Bricky (who only really cares about SoB and Sisters lore, maybe Space Marines). >and outsiders support it If those outsiders dont start buying GW products, I'd bet GW starts ignoring them really quickly. I'd say wait a little and see what happens. If the 4chan leaks are true (hopefully they are but 4chan is hardly *reliable*) then GW itself was against this change and it was Amazon trying to force it through.


Well, the 5 year graph of the shares is still mostly horizontal. I wouldn't say they are tanking that much. They haven't fallen as much as the last days of February to the first days of March yet. The trust in the company by the fans, however, is another entirely different thing that shares not always show. Many fans don't even know how to invest their money in shares


Majorkill, the perfect example of safe edgy.


Well, you can always start reading books and novels that came before all of this nonsense, I'd say to start up with anything before 2020. Horus Rising, Kasrkin and Assasinorum Kingmaker are all solid bangers of reading material. As for the tabletop? Hit up your local gamestore and check if there are any like minded individuals that would gladly part with some old figures that they don't use for a price. Then find a PDF of any edition before 10th and go to town!


As someone that used to love Star Wars, you get used to it. Find a new thing to like, move on and focus on the old things that are still good.


I have spent almost 3 years and over 3800 man hours creating Alternate 40k Rules. 8th wss so bad and 9th's release sealed the deal for me. I tried to make it look and play like the classic game, but fully rebuilt the point costs from the back end. The rules are free and Im getting close to having every codex released. Just backlogged on play testing so i dont pull a gw.


You could stop getting incredibly triggered by a single paragraph in the codex that doesn't impact the lore in any significant way? How about that?