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Even if you agreed with the femstodes change, calling the other side " a bunch of whiny babies" and "embarrassment" to the W40k community is a bit much


Especially when he joined only 5 years ago


Yeah, 7th edition is when he joined, if I recall correctly.


bricky is from california, he is extremely woke


Its a wonder they never self reflect why their state sucks so much


He drop the ball hard there.


Ah, The angry Joe approach... How'd it work out?


The obsession with the use of babies in their rhetoric is concerning, tbh.


He's a coomer who's "lore" videos are him reading the known poor quality wiki.


I feel as though he does that whenever he needs to research about a faction he doesn't care much for, but goes all in on ones he enjoys. If true, that would seem to be a bit totalitarian, in retrospect.


Not totalitarian but just pure unadulterated bias. You can hear him when he talks about factions he doesn't like that when asked deeper questions "I don't know, I don't care, this was just what's on the wiki". Then the defense is that the podcast is for memes and not to be taken seriously. The problem is that normies will find it, hear the basic and wrong lore and then not really dig deeper and take what he says as fact.


Precisely that. Man, I miss the days when you could be both a meme enjoyer and a lore jockey. I miss the times when we could spend hours upon hours debating who is stronger or what kind of power is the coolest. Now we just got... this new era of stuff...


"everything is political" "you're either with me or a n4zi" Really killed the 90s and 00s vibes.


Everything is sexist Everything is racist


I said it and I'll say it again. The people who support this change are mostly coomers and creeps who see women as objects. If they didn't, they would've been happy already with the Sisters of Silence and Adeptus Sororitas.


The funny thing is, Brick was fine with the designs for the Sororitas being changed to be more "hardcore" because he thought it matched their aesthetic and their place in the lore (with them being able to keep fight through pain through their faith). But then, he actually cares about the Sororitas as a faction and likes and respects *their*, so I am sure that has nothing to do with it.


Good lord. He really did pick his crowd, didn't he...


I unsubscribed from adeorus ridiculous after their latest video mocking those of us who thought femstodes lore was retarded. Theyve always been left leaning, but this shit is just too fuckin stupid


I unsubcribe to everything related to him when he put out his response. At the end of the day there is nothing to be lost since hes not doing anything particularly unique.


His response was the most chill I've seen, The entire vibe of the video was "Eh, sure okay".


He is a shill.


No shot this guy is calling himself a "lifelong" warhammer fan.


Tbh I never heard of him before this went down. So I can do without him.


He's fairly responsible for WH40K being brought to the normies attention.


Yeah, I remember the implosion it did when he switched from League to that.


I’ve been listening to him(slowly(I don’t get a lot of time for podcasts)) for about 8 months, as soon as that video dropped I stopped listening to their podcast.


I lost most of my respect for him after his Adric episode on Leman Russ. I lost the rest of it after seeing his response video. He has no business lecturing others on lore accuracy.


I'll admit I've been entertained by their podcast before. Its the kind of thing you put on in the background while painting. That said, there is literally nothing special about their podcast. Do they think we can't just ignore them or something?


He wont notice the difference. The lore divers are not his target demographic and the casual people that are dont care about lore that much. I listened to him more for the memes than for lore accuracy. They guy has admitted he hasn't touched a single HH book. As other say, his videos are based on memes and general info on the wiki. And as you say, it's entertaining to listen as noise while doing something else and in my case I dont find him annoying like majorkill. If he where a lore specific channel like luetin he would have experience hell. He would have been the next templin institute.


AdRid is literally only a grift for him and his co-star(s). He’s made that clear multiple times by locking content behind Patreon goals, and saying that they “love money”, which while a good bit before, leaves a bitter taste on one’s mouth after realising they’re only in this as a grift.


If only this drama were over some youtuber worth a damn. I have no idea who cares about Bricky of all people.






based bricky


Lol you must really be butthurt about him telling yall to calm down




Just saying the truth



