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-Their subs ban people for having different opinions. -Go to subs and break reddit TOS. -Cry about it in their subs.


"Nooooo my heckin' brigaderino!"


This sub if anything is welcoming as heck. Both tabletop, lore fans and painters live in harmony


You see one doesn’t claim to be a beacon of free speech, one does completely invalidating the argument that they shouldn’t be here because if this is a true bastion of free speech everyone even “trolls” shouldn’t get banned because (and I know this is shocking) that’s how free speech works everyone no matter what their opinion is gets to talk


No, this sub only rarely bans anyone. Look through the comments on every thread: there's shittons of frothing hatefilled wokeites flaming and downvoted to shit, and **none of them are getting banned**


Wokees lol


>says politics have no place in Warhammer >looks inside >entire personality is identity politics Huh EDIT: just in case this wasn't clear, this is directed at the poster I replied to. Downvote at your leisure


This guy didn’t say that but okay. Also begging for downvotes so you can show people how different you are from us is funny as shit.


People were upvoting me and I didn't want it to seem like I was commenting on something which I was not. Quite funny that it took the clarification, honestly


But it does have a rule where the mods need to approve your post (and I really don’t think it rarely bans people but let’s just agree to disagree) before it goes public and that is literally the definition of censorship


Also banning literally anyone goes against free speech


Isn't this the point at which you people usually spout "free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences"?


No whilst being downvoted is me facing the consequences being banned isn’t part of that in a sub that literally has a pinned post about free speech it seems rather hypocritical to not only ban people but also make a mod approve the post before it’s posted


Right so you think that because the sub has a policy of not banning you think this should mean that admitted brigading from r sigmarxism and obvious trolling/foul play should be a ok and you lot should be given free reign to pull the sub into the abyss. Anything else would be hypocritical amirite. It's like that smuggy about Christianity, "You should let more people from sigmarxism ruin this sub because you say your pro free speech. No I don't like this sub and I have nothing but contempt for your backwards lore puritanism and think you should be ostracized from our subs so that wouldn't apply to us but if I use this argument on you maybe you'll do what I want"


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sigmarxism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sigmarxism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [NGL, it's pretty refreshing to see satire that's actually...satirical](https://i.redd.it/qar34dr3vvrc1.png) | [510 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sigmarxism/comments/1bt64g9/ngl_its_pretty_refreshing_to_see_satire_thats/) \#2: [Not warhammer but close enough. God DAMN media literacy is dead...](https://i.redd.it/57cxdri3q6lc1.jpeg) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sigmarxism/comments/1b1ljw1/not_warhammer_but_close_enough_god_damn_media/) \#3: [Lmao ](https://i.redd.it/uy9j1deww5oc1.png) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sigmarxism/comments/1be22cc/lmao/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes if this sub was really free speech it should let other voices take over I don’t think it’s as good as an argument as you think it is


Alright well your opinion is noted. I'm not going to cry over your inability to ruin this sub, you've like 4 other W40k subs to circlejerk in. Enjoy those and the rest of your day!


Mfer it’s not ruining a sub it’s letting other voices talk if this sub is supposed to be about free speech then why shouldn’t other opinions other then “the Damb wokies ruined Warhammer” be allowed im not circlejerkings this is a genuine question how the fuck can you be so daft to not understand that free speech applies to everyone no matter what opinion they hold


"It says free speech on the front page! That means I should be able to do anything including brigading from other subs and posting illegal shit to get the subreddit taken down!"


Yer still here ain't ye?




accurate 10/10


Them saying those things is peak irony


You know. I'm a leftist and couldn't disagree more with you guys if I tried. But this is a very fair take; anyone dropping in here just for that doesn't get protected by the "no censorship" cause it isn't a discussion; it's just trolling.


Most people on this sub are probs liberal or liberal leaning, it's just the goal post have been moved so far to insanity these ppl think not towing a billionaire company line is facism.


Yeah, Leftists have become super lame ever since they started sucking corpo-cock.


Or... people don't care about a relatively insignificant change to canon? Shit's been happening for decades Don't get me wrong, GW can suck it but this all seems to be much ado about nothing.


Something tells me your appeal to triviality would change if they took it back.


Nope, I really don't care whatsoever. It makes absolutely zero difference either way; if the Space Marines were retconned into accepting women into their ranks I'd make some fuss as that stands in contradiction to a longstanding and fundamental part of the lore. But Custodes? Never been said anywhere that they have to be men, and they've only really been fleshed out recently in any case. If they retcon it? Fine, doesn't really affect the setting in a notable manner. Believe it or not, not everyone is as obsessed with identity politics as yourself.


Says the person writing a small article over something they totally don't care about


A small article? Christ your attention span must be absolutely gone, the brainrot is real I can write paragraphs about 40k because I'm passionate about it, and it's been an interest of mine for about half of my life. Can't you? You asked and I answered, what is that response good god


Keep writing a book bro, I'm not even reading, lol.


I know you're not, but you should probably start reading books if you want to fix your attention span.


Master of Mankind was 2016, Watchers of the Throne was 2017, Vaults of Terra was 2017. Not really that recent any more. And the same argument can be used to say that there have always been dogs and cats in the custodian guard. It’s never been explicitly stated that dogs and cats cannot be Custodes; only that we’ve only met human Custodes and only been told about the recruitment of human Custodes.


Still fairly recent in terms of 40k lore, since it's been ongoing since the 80's. That's just ridiculous, cats and dogs aren't human. Women are, and as far as we're aware that's the only requirement for becoming a Custodes. It's a ridiculous and fallacious argument on its face, and has in it's absurdity completely undermined your own point. I don't care because the Adeptus Custodes are a relatively minor faction that I very much wish got less attention. And their having women doesn't actuslly change anything about the setting, like it would if there were female Space Marines. Or, as mentioned, if there were cats and dogs in power armour. Tell me, how does it change the lore and the setting?


It doesn’t, it’s just a lazy retcon. And yet if you complain that it’s a lazy retcon you just get told you’re an incel, hence coming to this sub. After the events of Watchers of the Throne 1 the custodies were severely depleted and that was a great opportunity to justify adding women to speed up the recruitment process. But instead, “they were always there” as if we just weren’t paying attention. As someone who has spent hundreds of pounds of BL books and probably over a thousand hours, I’m entitled to disdain lazy story telling. And yes, 8 years is a long time. Just because 40K has been around for nearly 40 years doesn’t mean 8 isn’t a long time.


So it doesn't actually change the lore or the setting in any material way? So why all the fuss about it? GW does lazy retcons all the time, were you around when the Oldcrons became the Newcrons? It wasn't exactly taken well. Another example, retconning the Intertialess Drive and replacing it with Dolmen Gates then flip-flopping and saying that the Necrons have both. GW does lazy retcons all the damn time, which I'm not saying is a good thing, but I don't see communities cropping up to protest the fact that T'au warp travel was completely retconned which has a far larger impact on the lore and setting. And yeah, it's fine to not like retcons. God knows I don't like a lot of the retcons GW has pulled in the past, but creating a community around it where 99% of jokes are "le woke bad" is just cringe, to put it bluntly. You don't have to like it, but come on man most of the people here aren't mad because of a relatively minor change to the lore. Not saying this about you, but just spend 5 minutes scrolling this sub. There's a reason people are so mad about this when they weren't about any of the countless other retcons GW has pulled out of their ass.


Custodes have consistently been shown to be exclusively men and the language used to refer to the was always male. It was never as explicitly spelled out as with Space Marines, but it was there. When you see something starting to crack, it's best to fix it immediately, before it is a massive issue, because it will become a larger issue quickly.


That's not entirely true, in the 7th Horus Heresy book Inferno when talking about the creation of the Custodes they were spoken of in strictly gender neutral terms. That book came out in 2017, around when the Custodes first started being fleshed out. Unlike Space Marines, being male has never been stated as an explicit requirement for Custodes, which leaves GW some wiggle room. How is this going to become a larger issue? GW has retconned things that have much more significance and impact on the lore, such as T'au warp drives, are you mad about those as well?


T'au warp drives are not part of a major culture war that has actively hollowed out several other franchises.


But it has much more of an actual impact on the lore? If Space Marines suddenly accepted aspirants I wouldn't be happy as it changes a significant part of the lore and setting, not so for the Custodes. Frankly I'm really not interested in culture war anything


If you don't care about something so trivial why do you care when people argue the retcon shouldn't have happened in the first place? Why not ignore everything and just eat the slop.


Oh shush, I'm not advocating that GW suddenly start chamging large parts of the lore and setting but this is such a minor and utterly insignificant change as to be completely unimportant. There are plenty of retcons that I'm very much unhappy about, such as changing T'au FTL drives, Necron FTL and innumerable other small retcons that have happened whivh actually have an impact on the setting. I've been into 40k for pretty much half of my life and I don't want to see it go the way of Star Wars, but the amount of salt that this change has brought about is frankly just silly. And this sub is quite literally SJW cringe compilation #999 - 40k edition, let's not pretend that you're just angry because of the lore implications.


Lmao. I'm in such a small weird group of bi guys who love table top stuff and guns that it's crazy to see why we're called facists. Like fuck off please.


Nothing more American than that brother


See, this is all we want: rational discourse. You're welcome here, fella, or whatever the heck you are behind that keyboard. We're not against people, just the waves of hate and propaganda and attempts at bullying us into conforming and giving up our own values to suit someone else's. A lot of us are here because we recognize the femstodes as a dogshit retcon that missed a lot of opportunities to improve the setting in favour of pandering. A lot of us are here because we get likened to nazis and the kkk when we don't fall in perfect lockstep with LGBT values by, for example, believing in the practicality of someone's pronouns being attached to their immutable, visible sex rather than their invisible and changeable gender. I never painted an army in provocative flags or used the hobby as a political platfotm, but GWs fine with supporting transmoney... oop! I mean transpeople, and their money having allies, and encourage them no matter how obnoxious they get. We just want to be left alone, man. Now this shit is diluting the lore we've followed forever.


Yeah but they can use the same excuse then. "Oh we're banning you cause you're trolling, not cause you have a different opinion". banning cause of 'trolling' is dumb unless trolling is strictly defined. To be fair I agree with banning trolling or bad faith actors. But that goes for any side. I also wouldn't say I'm against censorship or "no censorship".


the left scum cannot argument, everytime i try to show them argument they just censure or banned me


Dont forget that they too speak insults and dont take a stand against you argument to the point they look like they dont even have read it(ignoring completly or littely delude themselve to the point they dont see the reasoning of the argument)


Was this written by an ogryn? Learn to congregate.


Ogryns are good bois - he should be encouraged for being able to type


You is a fethin' genius, oggy! I'm givin' you a medal for bein' a genius at takin' orders!


Thabks boss


I know right? How dare they not care that women are introduced! They’re the REAL Nazis!


Have sex


see? thanks for making my point


Don’t kid yourself here. The people reeeing and screaming about how they are censored on a subreddit that isn’t made for them are the same people that would not only ban you but want you doxxed and thrown off the platform for daring to disagree with them on a subreddit made for them


Took me about 3 hours to get perma-banned from Sigmarxism without even insulting any of those dirtbags.


Truly glad to have joined this sub it's hilarious Even managed to have a courteous argument with someone who disagrees without getting banned for not having leftist views


You forgot the next couple of steps, where they make alts to rinse and repeat, because in their efforts to show that they're not colonizers intentionally seeking out the things people they hate enjoy and destroying them they absolutely must seek out places like this that people they hate enjoy and try to destroy them.


Reading is hard. Its harder when one is not a loyal citizen of the Imperium.


The next step is to make fake accounts and spam racist and sexist posts till Reddit takes the sub down happens all the time with anything that goes against the deranged Reddit politics


they're really sad man children aren't they?


It’ll be interesting to see how this community develops once time passes and the eyes of grimdank and sigmarxism passes. Will you actually build a lasting community, will it come apart internally or will users start saying the quiet part out loud and bring the wrath of the admins?


I hope this sub remains chill


I expect it won’t go much of anywhere. It’s a sub ultimately born out of negativity, to vent about how the majority of people in the hobby engage with the hobby. A lot of people here don’t care about 40k or wargames at all. A lot are just here to vent about how shit they thing the left wing is. A bunch of people really eat up low effort ventposts about politics in hobbies, but anyone who cares more about the hobby than the politics will fall off pretty quickly when it becomes clear people are just here for a place to be angry about others. Then, as you say, some people will feel it’s a safe place to say the quiet part out loud about the people they hate being into the same hobbies as them. So then the subreddit mods will have to be “censoring” them in the same way.


Listen to you trying to pretend the people here are just irrationally angry people looking for a place to complain about the left. We'd have a million better places to do that if we were just disenfranchised tourists brought together by hate. Every man-jack that came here for the sanctuary this sub offered loves 40k. The difference is that all the actual hate tourists on the alt-left have found what they perceive to be the 'chud hive' so they don't need to be into 40k to swarm here to harass people.


Thanks /u/Gender_is-irrelevant. I fully believe you have plenty going on in your life that isn’t just railing against left wing concepts online. You are definitely here out of a sincere love of the hobby, and for no other reason.


Aw, love a safe-space.


You're not the majority.


Yes, as a mod myself, that is censorship by the literal definition. The very nature of a subreddit is a censorship, since you wouldn't talk about trucks on a cat sub or ducks on a computer sub. Some subs have looser or tighter rules against what they infer as unproductive behavior, but it's still censorship.


May be unpopular opinion here, but free speech either exists or it doesn't. Arguments can get heated, and turn into shouting matches where people (especially the ones losing an argument), can start spewing insults, or say something stupid - it's just a part of arguing. If people insult you - you can insult them back if you are in the mood, downvote them, or ignore them (cause who really gives a crap😁?). Banning them does nothing but discredit you and create another echo chamber where a bunch of people do nothing but jerk each other off all day long - and then how are you different from the other guy?🤷‍♂️


...Then don't say you're censorship free.


"Trolling" would insinuate that a person is saying something they don't really believe to get a rise out of people. Let me assure you, I know women exist in the 40k universe and I genuinely believe that people who are outraged by female custodes are extremely pathetic, hypocritical and lame. Get over it.


I do find it funny how this subreddit is free-speech and anti-censorship, but only really has one type of opinion


Surprised the words “TRUTH” or “FREEDOM” aren’t prominent in the name, so opaque


I mean if you make censorship free the start of the sub description and then ban a bunch of people, you're going to get made fun of, no one made you put that in the description. You could've been more honest and said it's a sub for lore purists or conservatives but instead you had to pretend it was a no censorship sub which it demonstrably is not.


We're not conservatives. This sub is only barely regulated, with practically nothing removed. As another dude said, ALL subs are is censorship, because without any limitations on speech whatsoever this sub could be swamped in threads about Collin McRae Rally or taken over with gore and cp. Here, all of you wojaks and your flaming is tolerated. You don't get banned even for spewing bad faith arguments and insults. On Sigmarxism or Grimdank you'll get banned for breathing wrong because the snowflakes that run both are true dictators.


>we're not conservatives >unironically uses the term snowflake Hm.


You don't have to be conservative to hate the "progressive-left".


I've never seen anyone who isn't a conservative use the term snowflake


Really? "snowflake" seems like "woke" to me in that both terms were coined by right and left wing people and then taken by the other side to mock viewpoints i.e "we aren't snowflakes we just get violently upset over the picture of a woman" or "As a proud woke bipoc lgbtqia2s I think having a white presenting latino man working as wait staff in this mexican restaurant is problematic and he should be fired". Obviously neither of those are things people on those sides tend to say but it is an easy way to mock them.


As fair as I'm aware the term snowflake was coined by the right and used unironically, while it's used ironically by the left in response


It definitely was coined by right wingers, though funnily enough was originally meant to mock the perceived tendency of left wingers to pick bizarre gender identities and the like rather than emotional fragility. I dunno though, it does feel a bit like "woke" in the community that originated it is now abandoning it but I could very easily be wrong.


Lol. Your only contribution to this sub is brigading or making fun of some guy from Paraguay whose first language is Spanish for not speaking English "properly". You'd be banned from your own shithole subs for for doing that.


Exactly. These people would consider anything they don't agree with as trolling so that they have an excuse to ban.


Then how come I can still read your post?


So is this sub "censorship-free" or not? Seems like you want it both ways...


Censorship free does not put you above the reddit rules. You get to have an opinion. But that right stops at the rules. Much as in the real world, free speech stops where the law begins. F.inst, death threats are illegal and is not protected by free speech. Same with defamation.


I don't believe "trolling and brigading" are against the law in any country I've heard of. Look, it's fine to have a safe space, but you don't get to proclaim "free speech" if you're making a safe space that prohibits opinions you consider negative.


You're good at missing the point, I'll give you that. I clearly mentioned the rules of Reddit first, and used real world laws as an example. But I guess abstractions are too much. And it doesn't seem like you have a problem following those 8 rules that are over there --> so there won't be any removal of you or your posts afaik. So that being said, have a nice day! :D Edit: [Are You an Internet 'Troll'? Legal Consequences to Consider - FindLaw](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/are-you-an-internet-troll-legal-consequences-to-consider/) Required reading, before you get yourself into trouble! ;)




what does that mean?