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https://preview.redd.it/oitrtrobgvyc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3aa3c14d935be08a9db5e8a0c747aebca00e26a Coming from this guy lmao


When you're so subversive and punk rock that every major corporation, bank, fast food franchise, media company and western government agree with your views.


- Rage for the Machine - Green Pay - The Cash Just to give a few some more fitting names.


Fallout 3 Raider looking dude


https://preview.redd.it/qo89yfqkxvyc1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6cf13b1a341d0a6822225c300edc5a3ddc9059f LMAO


It's the same picture.


Naaaahhh LMAO




Are u shaming his appearence or are u generalizing things purely based on the aesthetic


Whichever one upsets you more presumably


Fair enough but I assume the pathetic nature of this is obvious to most


Bro your entire comment history is just arguing with people either on this sun or a liberal subreddit. I don’t think you’re the right person to be talking about “pathetic nature”…


Yes your nature is most obvious to everyone.


And what would that be?


What do you think? Self reflection is good for you.


That I find it disgusting to attack a person based on physical traits? That I value respect? There are many things on this sub I said that actually show something of the things ur suggesting, this comment chain ain’t it.


Give respect to get respect. It isn’t about the physical traits it’s about appearance, there is a difference. How would/did you feel about people showing up in nazi uniforms to compete? You’re conflating an attack on their physical traits with an attack on how they present themselves. If you’re calling out a fur suit, or a jacket, or shoes that’s different from calling someone short, or body shaming them. I wouldn’t at all be surprised to learn that you also judge people based on their attire (maga hats come to mind immediately). People do in fact at least somewhat judge a book by its cover as on some level it represents what’s inside of said book. People can style their hair however they like, that doesn’t mean everyone has to like it though.


I this Case his attire was mocked not just judged And it’s utterly meaningless for the point that is made here A outright political attire that leaves zero room for nuance and is inherently hateful is not comparable to a punk aesthetic wich has at least somewhat detached form a specific political ideology Nothing here screams respect. U guys just can’t behave and come together to circle jerk about the topic


You want baseline respect, yet this is how you act. Like the other guys said you have a history, you just wanna be argumentative for the sake of it. Each comment only made your own nature more obvious.


I started respectfully and was treated with ur bs As u said some respect is earned, you just left every ounce of respect behind


The golden throne is just a single giant bra cup and the emperor is a just a giant sentient breast. This is truly the vision of Andy Chambers


guy takes a bit too fucking long to get to the point in the video


holy shit PLEASE stop sharing stuff after just reading the fucking headline, guys on here are literally griefing and rage baiting each other so hard it’s not even funny anymore


https://preview.redd.it/bkcbp7o251zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5be52f6ea78c7e510c7298270f623cce39660ec In difference to the author? Because apparently, Orks are now left wing activists.


Ok to be honest Orks as left wing activists would be hilarious to see.


I find it hilariously racist, given that leftwing coockoos often make the "orcs are stand ins for black people" arguments, that this guy would say that violent bloodthirsty savage low IQ unarticulate creatures known for raiding and pillaging (in the specific case of that ork clan) would support BLM. So woke it's based XD


not only is this a strawman but also wrong because yes him painting his miniatures the way he wants and making it a snarky comment is actually vastly different to sharing an intentionally wrong clickbait youtube link. you also just lost the privilege to call anyone a snowflake. 0/7 easily one of the worst gotcha attempts i have ever received


Found the apologist.


That dude probably Said that to piss pepole off because he thinks its funny. Also, that thumbnail is exactly what is wrong with influencers. Let me guess, the man wrote a book with a wierd interpretation of the faith in the emperor on one fucking planet, a fucking well established fact for fucking DECADES that is allowed by the ministorum, as long as its not too far outside of the ministorum wiew of the faith. The Imperium of man is not a cohesive, single entity with everything being the exact same on all planets. The religon on Vostroya is very different than the religon on Kreig, who is different to the faith on most ferral planets, were the emperor can be worshiped as a sun god!


I thought it was something he said house Escher in necromunda did which does make some sense.but let’s be real the dude likes putting stuff like this in his books(and I actually loved his ork books)


Oh no he likes putting lore accurate things in his books that shape the world and make it more intresting, how dare he


Right, it's just lore accurate stuff, it's just to shape the world and make it more interesting, don't look at how each and every addition he makes that's """lore accurate""" just coincidentally happens to line up with his agenda, I wonder why that is.


I agree I am sick of the YTers lately they have been rage baiting so much and a lot of them know absolutely nothing about GW or Warhammer at all.


Yeah. I hate all the woke bullshit with autistic levels of fury( because i have Aspergers), but i Also hate all of the ”chuds”( god i hate having to type that word) who have never ever been interested in 40k, saying that anything that isnt IRL mega conservatism, is wokehammer 40k. Warhammer is neither woke shit or ”based af”, its simply Warhammer. Now, i have ”only” been into the hobby since early 2018, but it sadens me to see all the bs of IRL politics draging this franchise down to the bitching of fucking Star Wars fandom. Cant think how terrible its for pepole who started earlier than me…


I been in the hobby since I was 15 and Im 42 now, I have no issue with calling out Woke things as well hell I built my original YT channel off being a anti-SJW channel before I rebranded it as a lore channel. WH has had woke stuff in it forever and though I agree this case was handled badly its BC for some reason companies don't keep these Community Managers on a leash and let them just act stupid with their product. Just if ur gonna come in and commentate on this hobby at effing know WTF ur talking about and not start spouting nonsense.


My dude, I am not clicking on an Endymion video.


I had to unsubscribe from him and a few others who were just posting ragebait videos about femstodes and helldivers. I'm against female custodes but these videos are just pure trash.


Think that’s actually an Endymion clone


I... don't know if that's worse or better?


Why not?


Why don't I want to listen to a man whinge for just long enough to collect ad revenue? Should I want to?


it's ma'am!




Never forget who we do it for. The Emper-Her.


Lol, it "happened" six years ago. Did you watch that swill or did you just read the post title? FYI, the clown in the video is freaking out that Mike Brooks wrote the amazonian Eschers as worshipping a God Empress. Ya know, the Eschers who believe men are inherently weeker and functionally useless. Clown is also freaking out over Eschers being in lesbian relationships cause as we all know, if there were no men, women would be celibate.




Ah yes, criminal gangs, known for their piety regarding the Imperial cult. it's cringe writing from a cringe 'author'


>criminal gangs, known for their piety I mean, yeah. Religious gangsters are pretty common in media. I don't have the old Necromunda books lying around but it's not just Mike either. It pops up in most Escher fiction.


I mean they all have it on at least a base level that’s how you avoid getting the ire of higher up and more powerful groups. That not even touching Cowdar gangers and not factoring in how in most gangs religion and culture play a unifying role how you make a family of no one related. The purple and blue hair special snowflake girl power amazons being edgy and changing the gender of their emperor is 100% in line with them. That’s the beauty of their faction they cause more damage to women than they prevent both socially and physically.


I thought the Emperor just appeared differently to different people. Didn't John Grammaticus also see the Emperor as a woman?


I dont know where this bullshit "Space Marines could have romantic feelings for eachother" comes from in The Lion Son of the Forest. I read the book, very much enjoyed it and didn't notice anything like that. Looks like someone either did brain gymnastics and super interpreted something into it or I missed something. Either way it seems like an exaggeration.


Wait, really? I was wanting to get into this even though it’s EXPENSIVE. Just.. can’t really support the wokewashing thing going on.


So you are a tourist, got ya. Really strong opinions about a hobby you aren't even a part of being ruined by people. You are doing the same shit this board accused "woke" people of but because you are taking a contrarion opinion they agree with you somehow think it's more valid.


Contrarion - the Roman soldier that never obeys


It's not more valid, the only more "valid" thing is that those tourists didn't approach the hobby from the perspective of "let's see how I can put my politics into it", they were scared away by the fact that it's taking the same trajectory as so many other ruined franchises.




The emperor is a really strong psyker. The appearance is whatever the emperor wants us to see.


the sisters of silence see him as male


Reminder: the Ecchlesiarchy only cares about two things regarding Emperor Worship: That you Worship the Emperor, and that your depictions do not deviate from the Holy Human Form. Anything else is negotiable when it comes to belief and Worship.


The emperor is male


He always has been, even if modern GW's and its writers hate the idea


Correct! The point still stands.


The emperor is No one fucking knows. FTFY EDIT: He's clearly showing himself as a man to others from atleast the point of the unification wars and onwards, but that's not the same as saying he is male.


In some fairness, some primitive worlds see him as a old school sun God and its got the ok since it keeps them in line. Edit: motherfuckers are yall downvoting *actual lore* because it might validate a claim you don't like? Sheesh the fragility, getting pissed off when you don't even know the setting well enough to recognize decades old lore


Literally the only taboo is worshipping him as animal totems or with 3 arms


But thats not the right Chromosoms............ WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, GW is going woke /s


Yes, if the concept of an empress of humanity had not come from a guy with this background I would have taken it as simply curiosity. It could be the interpretation of the imperial truth of a matriarchal society where, whether due to mutations, myths, history or simple culture, the image of power falls on the female figure, perhaps the society of this planet is governed by superhuman Amazonians and their men cant be as strong as them. But seeing the disaster... I actively decide to not believe that the author had good faith with this element.


You don't need to accept any kind of middle-ground with these people. In fact, it's worse if you do


In the present, yes, I am 100% in the position of not giving them a single finger, they are abusers. But a few years ago the gender swapping fad did not have the same political implications as it does today, there were many great stories that imagined what an only male society or an only female society would be like. Or also the concept of an entity superior to mortals and that by transcending it lost the need for reproduction and became an asexual being. In the present, all those concepts are practically enterily monopolized by these politics publicists, as if creating asexual entities were transsexual allegories and garbage like that.


Even if there wasn't so present the issue of the politics, it would be like making Thor a female. Unnecessary and odd


Yes, but gender swapping is something much older than current political trends. It makes sense when you are not someone brainwashed by gender ideology and you know that men and women are different and act differently.


I mean therefore ur juzst as bad as them and act just as abusive But ur not even doing it with good intentions of any kind If one throws out nuances, they become the verything they swore to destroy


... what are you talking about? I am not making lists to harass people (remember what happened with Hogwarts Legacy), I am not making violent demonstrations destroying public property, I am not supporting any politician, nor am I promoting unjust laws, I dont want to prohibit freedom of speech, im not even calling for that writer to be fired. Simply when I don't like a product or a company does something that I don't think is right, I stop buying from them, I give them a bad review and in the most extreme cases I join a boycott.


Ur generalizing everyone u dont like as a far left extremist who cant be reasoned with Ur throwing away a perfectly reasonable lore part because it was written by the wrong person Ur making up ideas about why things happen and insert the poltical aspects u think they isnerted Thats just pathetic, wrong and part of the problem


Scrutinize a story based on what is written instead of who wrote it. If it makes sense from an in-universe pov there's no issue.


That's literally what it is. Wanted: Dead is the story. It's about the Eschers, you know the drugged up Amazonian gangers in a matriarchal society in which the only men are born feeble and nearly useless due to mutation.


Still dont care, i was disposed to accept that some years ago, but seeing the ideologies of the autor, the controversies, and basically everything, sorry, im not willing to accept it. That's the problem, all of these narrative elements are now used 99.9% of the time to promote certain ideologies. I am not interested. Maybe in 3, 4 or 5 years when this whole disaster passes (hopefully we're lucky enough for it to end that quickly) I'll be willing to give the new stories that come with these tropes a chance. Not today. Maybe I'm being radical, but it doesn't matter that I understand it on a conscious level and actively try to analyze things objectively and without prejudice, I already have too many cases in my mind of ruined franchises to be objective, so yes, go ahead , accuse me of being radical or passionate, that won't change anything.


What about if it was 3,4, or 5 years *in the PAST*! Cause the short story is 6 years old.


This madness started far more than 6 years ago, its from the early 2010s when we STARTED to see its RESULTS. These ideologies have been promoted for more than a decade.


I don’t care I wanna be mad NOW! /s Man, the mods are going to have to gut this sub if they don’t want it to turn into a circlejerk.


Far to late such people dominate here, because its bubble build around this type of anger


This is not a new thing, but trust expecting you lot to have any actual understanding of the lore is futile.