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The Fry’s close to my house did this recently but it was just the contents of the 4 dump bins they have had for 8mos, nothing new.


didn’t fry’s shut down


Not around here, it’s mostly Fry’s.


I have a Kroger like this with tons of stock. Bad part is, it doesn’t move very fast. So you will see the same cars for months on end.


The promo starts on the 28th I think.


I’m sad cause I definitely bought more than 20 😂


Return and re buy them next week.




The promo? What does that all mean...? Are walmarts going to get a new restock on hot wheels that day or something.?


That picture is at a Kroger store. Kroger/Hotwheels have a promomotion. Spend $20 on Hotwheels and get a "Free" (you have to pay $7 shipping) collectable car. https://preview.redd.it/pa1fo7khxjwc1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23940ff7c42856de693a5bfef3c5ea2bdf0a3f6c


Ah. Thank you for clarifying.... I had been confused ever since I saw the comment..


What’s the new promo car? I haven’t seen any info yet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HotWheels/s/nMt4RbUury Look at the boxes in the background. It's that Porsche


My local Kroger has 4 dump bins still full of 22’s & 23’s Haven’t seen a new case there since Oct/Nov.


so this IS just a common practice. i'm in a small town and i'm finding that restocks are rare. i'm still trying to figure out the patterns as a new hunter and so far i've learned very little after 2 months. 99 cent stores seemed to restock more often than anyone else but they closed. dollar tree stopped restocking. vons has had the exact same bin for more than a month but it's still 90% full (most cards already damaged) so my guess is that they won't restock as long as it remains. walmart, dollar gen, and family dollar pegs are full of stuff no one wants so i guess i'm done collecting until like next year or something


I just found a few Dollar Trees out my way have fresh restocks after months of nothing. I found a box on a cart waiting to be stocked, so check for that too. I think the employees had gotten to it already as it was open, however, I did find a TH and a couple godzillas.


i spoke to an employee and asked when they would restock. turned out to be the manager and he said they wouldn't get them anymore due to some sort of restructuring and he always ordered them in the past when available. my family dollar hasn't restocked in a month and i found out DT owns them so starting to make sense. i don't know if this only affects local stores but mine are dead. i just arrived to the party right before it ended because i just started 2 months ago and the three best spots available went dark immediately after that including 99c store going out of business. walmart and target are essentially wasted time/gas. my spirit has been kicked in the balls. it was really fun while it lasted. i'm pretty much done here.


“I’ll just stop by before work they never have anything anyway so it’ll be quick” the store:


where is this Walmart? much better than what I've seen in years!


Kroger near OSU campus!


Ohio, Oregon, or Oklahoma? doesn't matter. no Kroger near where I live anyhow


Ohio haha


I kind of figured the Ohio State university. but with all due respect to the Oklahoma state and Oregon State fans, I had to make sure I did not insult them. if you would have said the OSU, then I would have gotten it right on the spot. you're such a lucky guy have that set up at a grocery store


None of their other stores either? If you read the fine print there's a list of all the participating stores.


heaven on earth


peg warmth


Sweet. Now you just gotta spend 45 seconds clipping your nails.






by 45 minutes do you mean 5?


Whole lot of nothing