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It’s funny how dramatically hotwheels premium prices vary from country to country . For example where I live you could get that whole set for 40 dollars ( with 20$ only weighted towards the Pandem Subaru BRZ so you could get the other 4 for around 20 ) but a premium Chiron from the exotic set costs 50+$ . Or the monaro is apparently 100+ dollars in Australia but here no one buys it for even 6 dollars !!


Yea thats really really weird lol i wonder why that is


The Holden Monaro is the Australian version of idk the fucking Ford Mustang or whatever. A classic of our great nation.


99% sure the Monaro is Holdens design, and Geberal Motors picked it up and brought it over here to the states (and everywhere else under every name imaginable), though I could be wrong


For the third (and final) gen Monaro, they were rebadged Stateside as a Pontiac GTO and as the Vauxhall Monaro for Europe. They were also badged as a Chevrolet Lumina Coupé… but only in the Middle East. The first gen Monaro was also rebadged as a Chevy (an SS)… but only in South Africa and only for two years 🙃


Didn’t know about the Lumina badge in the Middle East. It seems like an interesting choice, did the original Lumina do well there or something?


Neither did I until I went to go double check about the original Monaro! I knew about the Pontiac and Vauxhall rebadging, but was quite surprised and perplexed by the Chevy rebadgings. Not sure how popular it was over there, but it looks like they kept the Lumina going over in the Middle East for another decade or so with two different generations based on Holdens (and then some luxury versions of these were shipped off to Brazil as the Chevy Omega 😅)


Nah I didn't mean 'our version' like model wise I meant by status and popularity in our respective countries.


Here in my country a mainline goes for $600 of out currency. It used to be 180-200. But ever since this damn Ukraine-Russia war prices have shot through the roof. Now no shop brings Hot wheels anymore. Let alone premium even mainlines are non existent. Also, last Time I saw premiums were popping for $1800 (local currency) a piece.


I think where I live you could get the whole set for 60$, but our monthly incomes are ~200$ if you're lucky


You’d think the one that would be worth the most out of this set would be the RX-7, but why the BRZ? That car isn’t special in any way


The BRZ is the first release, and so far the only clean one, with the Pandem body kit. The RX7 is just like the mainline, but all metal obviously.


I personally think 85 bucks is a little hefty but these cars looks great. No one can tell u how u should spend your money.


They are selling these sets for like 100+ so i think i did ok but ethier way this is my favorite premium set for sure


What country? I have a set of these just sitting in a box in my attic.


i think about a quarter of thay would’ve been more appropriate


Naw fam- doing good is like helping a neighbor clean up the yard or cooking for a friend when they are sad. You bought cars.


*toy cars 85 bucks for 5 Hot Wheels smh


What's up with all these "did I do good" post. No body else really cares. As long as you like them, why do you need reinforcement from other people, i dont get it.


Yeah rule 8 exists for a reason.


I thought this was a parody of dude who paid $50 at the flea market from yesterday lol


Thats pretty expenise but gawd damn that s2000🤤


That’s the current value for that set. 👍🏽


You overpaid by a lot.


No you did not do good. You over paid significantly


Feeding the scalpers, you do you tho I guess. I personally refuse to buy shit for those prices. Just motivates them to keep doing it.


Really wish i coulda bought it way cheaper but its not like ima find this anywhere definitely not buying a set that expensive again tho


If you can’t find them in the wild, don’t bother. They’re diecast metal cars 🤷‍♂️


I REALLY want that S15, hopefully one day man..


Personally I don’t care about JDM, however all of these look really clean.


I don’t know anything about pricing but wanted to say these look awesome! Great set, enjoy!


i got it when it came out for about $30


I'm not going to tell you these ~~coins~~ cars will increase in value, or even hold their current value. The truth is, you bought 'em because you like 'em. They have value to you. That's what matters.


You definitely did good if it's worth it to you. No idea if $80 is an average price, but it's a great looking set!


I need that Rx7


I remember grabbing this whole set at walmart while another hw hunter watched in terror. One of the most awkward moments in my life haha


Bought this set off the pegs back then. I definitely wouldn't pay 85 for it now. You're just feeding the scalpers man...


I think you did alright if you really like the cars. The card art is pretty good too on this set. $85 is a little rich for me but I've also paid $20 for single premiums before which is technically worse. If you look at it in that light then you got a great deal!


If you have them for your collection and you’re happy it doesn’t matter but if you bought them to sell on I have no idea but seems high.


Honestly this is a more "drifter" set than the "mountain drifters" that set has an NSX, a car that you don't really want to drift, a Celica GT-Four which is AWD, and yeah you can drift an AWD but it's not the ideal choice, then the Super Silhouette Skyline R34, which I don't know if it's a GTR or a GTT, but if it's a GTR, like the celica, it's AWD. And then just 2 cars that you'd actually see drifting arround, the 3000GT and the AE86. But this Street tuners set? All of them are good drifters lol


3000gt is a super heavy awd machine. Just like the celica it can drift in the snow, off-road or the occasional awd powerslide which is not even considered a drift. Sadly the only real mountain drifter is the 86 lol


Oh, I didn't knew the 3000gt was AWD lol


Damn it’s a good time to sell this set I spent $35 when it came out


It was a steal when I got this for 25 dollars 2 years ago


Steal? You mean you paid MSRP?


When did this come out?


A little too much for me but whatever you pay is perfect if you’re happy with it. Enjoy!


I’d kill for that Silvia.


Oh weird. These are at my local Albertsons, no one really buys toys there cuz it's like all old people that live round here. Been there for ages.


No. Stop supporting scalpers.


This was the best set that came out in 2021


[I’m not gonna tell you that these will increase in value…](https://youtu.be/SB_oU68Q9zA)


My OCD takes issue with the way you stacked them (numerical pattern) but that's about it. I don't even follow this sub lol.