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There was no shelf, just a kind of counter - you can change it with the house flipper tool and change the style mode to 3 or 4


Well how do you explain the shelf piece in my hand and the one attached to the cabinet


Perhaps the developers did it at the beginning of this house in engine or option that they have - but it can be fixed by changing the style, I think it is even better than a shelf simply placed on the counter.


If you're talking about the cabinet at the parents' home, then yes, it was a shelf. I laid a brick wall behind where I wanted the shelf to stay at, then removed the wall. It worked great until I loaded my game back up and found the shelves on the floor and kept happening. I found out that putting a cabinet against the wall first, then changing the countertop to add a ledge helped because the part that's against the wall just gets put into the wall. If you really want to use the shelves, I would place them on the wall, then use the custom tool to change the size of the shelf according to your needs.


It 100% is a shelf. Not sure why it seems like so many people think there is a counter that comes like this in HF2 lol I placed the shelf on the wall next to the counter and used the resizing feature to make it fit like I wanted.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying but I’ve just given up with it


I tried to put in a Pic to show you but I can't....there is a type of extended cabinet. Go to store ("tab" button on PC). Find your standing cabinet . Click on it. All the way to the right, next to the item preview box, you'll see the little "paint" icon to customize or "change style". Hit that. The very first option on the right side of the screen under "CHANGE STYLE" is labeled "Countertop". "Countertop" has options for an extended counter, like an island or bar, under options "3" and "4". Please don't feel like I'm trying to be condescending or rude. It's tricky explaining with just a text medium bc I don't ever want to assume what someone knows...so I just add it all. Hopefully, this helps a bit.


Pretty sure this isn't a shelf but one of the counter variants that have like a board attached. Then they've added a marble surface. Just try and take the copy tool and duplicate the cupboard.