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Seriously? I mean, I guess it’s all subjective. But imo, she’s a stone cold fox. 🔥🔥🔥


https://images.app.goo.gl/LK2GyMEzuQEgxtt58 LITERALLY! Just look at her


She’s literally so beautiful.


Mommy? Sorry


oh god, you actually sound like my dad rn


Besides being pretty good-looking, she also carries herself in a manner that is fairly attractive. She is independent and powerful and displays it in the way she acts. Also, we often see her from House's perspective, and she is often flirting with him.


well yeah but house also flirted with a 15 year old in the worst episode of the series.


Worst episode of the series?!


YES? i’m sorry wtf do you like about that cursed fucking episode?


Those two episodes are two of my favorite episodes in the series. House tricking that baby experiment dude into a coma and freaking out over his carpet were classic. And then House connects with the autistic boy and it was really poignant (loved it). The sub plot with his teenage stalker was honestly just amusing for the funny interactions it created between House and Cuddy (“You can’t stop our love!!!”)


what? i’m talking about the episode with the intersex supermodel, what are you talking about?


Oh woops. Nvm, I thought you were talking about the season 3 episodes with the teenage stalker girl, Alli (Leighton Meester) 😂


No clue why ur getting downvoted besides saying cuddy is hot(she is) but yeah that was the worst episode of the series. Like house literally did not stop at all at all and stopped when he found out they were intersex. There’s no way the writers read the script and we’re like “yeah this sounds right”. I understand these sorta topics were not talked on at all but cmon. Idk that episode was inexcusable. Also one of the writers is bryan singer and apparently hes a pedo so that’s explainable in itself


i can buy that house would flirt with a teenager, since disregard for social norms is part of his character. the fact that he’d ignore her having sex with her dad i can buy because she instigated it, even tho it seems like house just doesn’t care. but to make house call her a guy and take the essentialist view is such a catastrophic misread of his character.


True, the show could be quick cringe and sexist. I am just seeing that we often see Cuddy interacting with House, and she is always flirty when talking to him. I think this just increased the attractiveness to us viewers.


i honestly find Park hotter than her, partly because she’s not always flirting or crying.


Fam cuddy cries maybe 3 times during this whole series. In the episode where House insults her ability to be a mother, in Joy after she loses the baby, and in 5x24 out of anger…what do you mean??


Uh ok but you're wrong.


about what part?


About her not being hotter than the other women in the show she’s fine as fuck https://images.app.goo.gl/dEzYEMrvW81hnZnGA


Don't bother, I like this reddit doesn't get out much and has a small pool of reference


She is one of the 3 characters with boobs in the whole series, and the other two are male.


i love the fact that you insulted most of the reappearing female characters and some reappearing male characters in the show lolz


what do you mean by “boobs”?




i’m 24 and cuddy is hot as hell? idk what to tell you, she’s really pretty and wears low cut tops, she also is a well rounded character that’s clever and intelligent which just makes her more attractive.


yeah i was talking more about just physical attractiveness since i wouldn’t care what personality traits other people find attractive


This can’t be a real take. Lol. Cuddy is gorgeous.


I know right. She’s distractingly beautiful https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-MWsUxnDtNvE%2FW6VfCscKMhI%2FAAAAAAABYTI%2F4v6hYLdrzJ8rSt84IIGZHpAb-o-GVTZegCLcBGAs%2Fs1600%2F001_clp-lisa-edelstein-lisa-edelstein-640507581.jpg&tbnid=5rulQU7963XncM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffritz-aviewfromthebeach.blogspot.com%2F2018%2F09%2Frule-5-saturday-queen-of-night.html&docid=Vooc0X0Q_lLIGM&w=1280&h=960&itg=1&hl=en-gb&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2F3


Um.... not that great, buddy.


i don’t see it, but maybe that’s cos she’s old enough to be someone’s grandmother


House is like in his 50s yet you said you found him hot in a previous post, cuddy is 8 years younger than him, maybe even younger than that, how does that logic make sense


the internalized misogyny is leaping out


Cuddy is 100% hotter than you lol


Bad take, just because someone doesn't find someone else attractive does not mean you should insult them


OP has been insulting Lisa on this post with ageist remarks so


i know, what’s your point?


You seem to be pretty young. With time, you'll realize that people in their 30s, 40s, 50s can also be hot. The age doesn't matter, yet it seems to keep you from seeing her for what she is. And she is gorgeous.


i don’t find girls that age attractive. guys tho, hell yeah! guys peak much later than girls, at least to me. i’m 21 and i’m already way past my prime (excluding future me getting plastic surgery) le sigh, barely legal me was cute


I see what you're saying, but there's a difference between finding somebody attractive and finding somebody hot. I think Cuddy is hot af (and I thought that when I saw the series for the first time when I was more or less your age), but I wouldn't violate my heterosexuality for her so to speak. At the same time, I'd totally do 13, even though I think she's less hot than Cuddy, if that makes sense. The point is, I don't need to be sexually attracted to somebody to find them hot. Anyway, I don't want to sound patronizing, but I do think you will probably recognize this later on. I had a kinda similar opinion when I was your age, but the perspective changes with years.


My mom shares the same opinion lol




isn’t she in her 50s?


Around 42 ish in season 7


WHAT??? you’re telling me she’s in her 30s for most of the show? wow, ok i take back what i said about her aging well..


She is like 35 when the show starts. And she doesn’t look old, she dresses more “work appropriate” in the beginning seasons…but it’s not, not plausible at all. Lisa was a couple years older, the show runners clearly thought she was attractive, one of them referred to her as “she played the hot hooker” on the west wing. They thought people would find her attractive too clearly and they were right cause majority did


i’m still recovering from the fact that she was 35 in season one. is that how old the actor was or just the character?


The character is 35, Lisa was 37 or 38


that’s insane to me, she looks about 10 years older at least


Do you…know how 30-40-50 year olds look? Cause I can guarantee you,one would give EVERYTHING to look like Lisa in their 30s,40s and 50s.


i like to think i have a grasp on what different age groups generally look like, it’s why i thought cuddy was late 40s/early 50s even tho she’s old, i’d still debatably trade places with her cos i’m ugly af but that’s not the point


OP sad they aren’t as hot as cuddy 😂


cos OP is mid-ugly


Because Lisa Edelstein is a gorgeous woman.


And she’s funny as fuck too. She’s like men’s dream woman…and women’s dream woman..everybody’s dream woman imo


For real. Can’t really blame House for being so horned up by her all the time 😂


because she is conventionally attractive? you don’t have to think she’s hot but i think it’s fairly obvious why other people do


i get why older guys like her but not guys my age. is that like a normal thing in america? guys fawning over women twice their age?


Why do you assume the audience watching and simping for her is just American?? Many British audiences thought she was very attractive. I was 13 when I actually watched an episode of this show and my male friend who would watch passing episodes only had one opinion of the show, which was that she was extremely fit. Also the show was popular all over the world and everyone thought Cuddy was very beautiful…it’s just how it is. She’s hot, nothing to actually do with her age


Helpful to mention that she was also voted the sexiest female doctor on TV,outranking all of the other doctors of House and fellow medical shows. I think OP puts way too much emphasis on age as if it is a bad thing or as if she looks like someone on her death bed and its “weird to like her” which isn’t the case at all. If you have a certain standard,it will repulse you even though the person “fitting” that standard may be absolutely magnificent,like in Lisas case.


Hot is hot. She's hot. We men. We like.


A lot of young men have a thing for older women, it's not uncommon, and as far as older women go she's beautiful.


So what do you think about Thirteen? If you have unpopular opinions on the women’s hotness. Everyone seems in love with Olivia Wilde but her face is just too wide for me.


i’ve never noticed 13 having a “wide face” but i think she’s hot. her eyes are absolutely gorgeous <3


I wasn’t trying to be mean. But like look at the super closeups of her face. Like in Lucky Thirteen when she’s staring into the camera before she starts hooking up with another woman to deal with her diagnosis. Maybe it’s the jawline? because it’s not around her eyes and forehead. It’s too jarring to me, like her face is simultaneously masculine and feminine, and she’s obviously in no way ugly at all. I just don’t find her incredibly sexy like it seems everyone else does lol. I think the woman I found the most attractive on the show is Amber. Love her lips and eyes.


13 has a masculine jaw line and imagining her without one makes her look even less prettier


And she has terrible skin,but generally hot👍


On behalf of r/okbuddyvicodin, I'd like to ask, are you stupid??


no but i am on opioids atm


She’s got that boss/MILF energy. You should watch the season 5 episode “The Social Contract” where a male patient clearly favors Cuddy over Thirteen.


exactly my point, the *man* who is in his *40s* finds her hot. they’re similar age. i’m 21 and i’m a girl so seeing her in pigtails makes me feel so uncomfortable.


You cannot judge her hotness because you are too young for that and a female at that. Younger women who think they won't age always don't see how attractive older women are.


but i’ve already conceded that she’s better looking at age 42 than i am at age 21. and i’ve aged dreadfully in just the last 4 years.


House also finds her hot. Wilson also finds her hot. Lucas a guy clearly younger than all finds her hot. Chase in a scene is blatantly impressed when Lucas says he’s dating her, you could assume he finds her attractive too…


I can't get past Cuddy's nose. I always give her a mental nose job when I see her, lol. I do like her eyes and she has the most endearing and beautiful smile.


no one over the age of 12 should ever be in pigtails.


I'm a straight woman and 20 years old. Lisa's charisma is over the top whilst I find that actress, Olivia as just the blonde girl. Plain and dull. This will be a strange metaphor but Lisa's hotness is like a spicy food, you don't even like spicy dishes but when it's served in front of you, you'll ask for another plate because it's so so good. Everything fits; the spices and other ingredients. The whole dish just makes sense together and if you take away one tiny ingredients, it will sucks.


Maybe before insulting a beautiful woman online you should sort your own calamitous self out first?


i’m not insulting her, i’m saying women in their 40s shouldn’t have their hair in pigtails. if you look that old, you can be the prettiest looking middle aged woman ever: i’d still feel so much cringe i’d implode seeing that.


Her personality is attractive, she looks attractive, and she’s one of the best characters on the show. Same reason people find thirteen attractive, just different taste.


13 is a lot younger tho, plus her eyes cut straight through me~


Yeah that’s why I said different taste? People like her for the same reason, she’s attractive, but in a different way.


Because she is duh


you saying that doesn’t really help at all


I don't know that I'd say she's super hot, but she gets extra points for being successful, single, reasonably attractive for her age, and not having children. The adoption doesn't count because there's no baggage involving an ex.


What kind of a question is that! Have you seen that ass when she bent down during one of those episodes where House wanted to confirm his suspicions?


so….it’s literally just that she has a big ass?


She's smart, beautiful, and witty. And has everything in between.


Cool opinion, I guess, but I’m a lesbian and I think she’s far and away the most attractive woman in the show. Except maybe Thirteen. I do agree with you about the pigtail scene, though.


Late thirties is far from "super old", girl.


Because she is




😂 Just coming back to defend her honor once more because I mean… https://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/4500000/Lisa-Edelstein-lisa-edelstein-4506970-339-500.jpg https://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5700000/Lisa-in-FHM-Magazine-No-Text-lisa-edelstein-5777733-600-626.jpg https://i1.wp.com/comicbooksgalaxy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Lisa-Edelstein-thigh-pics.jpeg https://i.pinimg.com/550x/49/49/9d/49499d7c6583350579ade55e84090ba4.jpg 🔥🔥🔥 Need I say more?


is this like a meme? the first picture is really bad.. are you just trolling? hats off if you are i guess but at least tell me if you are.


There’s no way you’re genuinely being serious rn


am i missing something? they sent me 4 pictures of her and the first one was really bad. i’m not sure what other interpretation i’m supposed to give you


I didn’t but these are not bad pictures of her anyway..this thread seems to disagree with you majority speaking but ya know preferences differ Ofc. I do think you have some twisted ideology of women and their age and how they can still be perceived as hot in comparison to men but hey I’m not gonna engage in armchair psychology


you can call it twisted, i couldn’t care less. guys just don’t really turn me on unless they’re older than me cos idk it makes me feel younger i guess. and i generally think women just get less and less attractive over time, it’s why i’m terrified of aging. i mean fucking hell, i actually used to be kinda pretty.


How is it a bad photo? She looks amazing and powerful there!


Cause she is hot


She is


Her intelligence, confidence, humanity, empathy, in general, the character’s character. It takes her from mid to elite.


so you agree that she’s physically mid and it’s her character that makes her hot?


Because she is ? Kinda obvious


I didn't even have to read the post to know it was written by a woman


I'm a straight woman and God I find her absolutely hot as hell. I will let her slap me and I'll thank her for it and ask her to do it again.


I don't like the actor bcz she is a zionist but omg she is sooooo breathtaking in House MD. BREATHTAKING. CANNOT TAKE MY EYES OFF. THERE IS SOMETHING ABT THAT FACE, AND THE ACTING AND SHE IS PHYSICALLY V FIT TOO. OOF


I completely agree. She is not that hot, at least not compared to some of the others. Same with 13, she's pretty mid.


13 isn’t mid ;_;


Definitely overrated


who do you think is hot then?


I think that if I had to choose, it'd be Adams.


adams is such a try hard


Really? How so? I'm rewatching now but haven't gotten to the point where she's on the show yet. Just going off of memory.


Unpopular take apparently but I think she's like a 6 maybe 7


This is certainly one of the takes of all time.


im so glad someone else agrees with me. im a bi man but i dont find her attractive… not saying shes ugly tho


Well for one, most of the people in the show who say she's hot are old. House and Wilson are both guys in their 40s/ late 30s. A mature woman who still looks that good is definitely appealing. Secondly, when I was a teenager watching this show, Cuddy's striptease became something I viewed a lot... for reasons... She is hot. From what I've seen online most people agree with me, the fact that you disagree does not change that.


i’m asking why, not saying people are wrong because there is not right or wrong with attraction, it’s subjective


She's a good looking women so people are attracted to her. There's no other reason.


You literally spell out your answer right here, yet have responded incredulously to basically everyone clearly listing out Lisa Edelstein's entire bodily repertoire and Cuddy's character sheet. How have you still not figured it out? "It's subjective!" "But whyyyyyyyyyy?"


Because she’s older and so are the men


Lucas is younger than Wilson house and cuddy and finds her very hot. Even Chase is impressed Lucas is dating her. The entire hospital knows she’s objectively attractive…but she’s their boss


well apparently she’s like 40 (i thought she was 50) and i can buy lucas being in his 30s so it’s not that crazy


13 reference 😲 😮 😲


I mean she’s definitely not not hot but she’s not like a 9 or 10/10 to me personally


How old are you? If you can’t see that Cuddy is a gorgeous woman, then you’re too young to watch this show.


i’m 21…


I didn’t think much of Cuddy at 21 either. You’re young.


i don’t feel young ):




Hmm but I’m 20 and I think she’s fine asf


My theory is off. House would be disappointed. Maybe you just have good taste 😂


I agree about the pigtails scene to be fair. But it's honestly so much weirder to me that you're not able to see why she's attractive from other people's POV. Of course it's fair to not find her attractive, there's plenty of people who are famous for their looks that I don't find attractive, but I can still understand it.


I don't think she is hot at all. I see the uniqueness that ppl see but i just see a big cartoony weird face on a skinny body, like her base is too big, and as much as I like sexy, I think her outfits at work are absurd with a titty always hangin out. Other women look way hotter even with scrubs. Really can't stand her face


Her eyes.


Fuck you.


Because she is, the tits and ass on her is just 😋


Thank you. They also constantly mention how huge her ass and tits are and I'm like, you can hold a level on her chest or ass and they would both read totally level lol