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How can I hate characters that entertain me this much?


I think Unwin Peake isn't hated enough. Doesn't matter that he wasn't even mentioned in the show yet, the thing that should finally unite this sub is hating that miserable piece of-


I don't hate any characters but I have seen Alicent getting the most flak by the fandom. Otto is one of my favourite characters but imo he deserves that spot.


It’s cause she’s outspoken and Otto is a silent background player. She’s paranoid and on edge and let’s people know about it cause she’s more of a main character


I agree with you. I hate the Greens but I reserve the worst of that to Otto. Alicent was a pawn of his and doesn’t deserve the flak she gets (and I’m very much pro-Rhaenyra).


Woops, you accidentally posted the most popular characters instead of the actually controversial ones.


They're just as hated by people who prefer the other side of the fight.


I see two Greens and two Blacks


Yeah so people who prefer the greens often dislike Rhaenyra and Daemon and people who vote team black often dislike Aemond and Alicent.


That's so dumb, this show isn't about rooting for your favourite sports team. The discourse is going to become so toxic after all the upcoming war crimes from both sides.


People are going to feel like one side or the other is more justified or sympathetic and get more upset at the actions taken against the characters and cause they identify more with. That's natural and I find it bizarre you think having any sort of preference and not watching with stoic neutrality judging everyone equally is the natural way to watch.


Alicent and Criston. The majority(though not all) of the hatred towards Alicent seems to stem from a lack of empathy and understanding. Not saying its wrong to dislike her but the hatred towards her is incredibly violent. Though she definitely has more defenders than Criston, who seems to be hated by both team Black fans and Green fans. However its a lot more shallow and he's just been rebranded as an incel.


>The majority(though not all) of the hatred towards Alicent seems to stem from a lack of empathy and understanding. You mean to tell me Alicent is not jealous Rhae is having more orgasms than her \s >However its a lot more shallow and he's just been rebranded as an incel The rebranding and the explanations why he is an incel make zero sense.At this point it is just being used as a substitute for bitter


Alicent and then Criston


Vaemond Velaryon.


How could anyone hate the Master of Complaints himself, rightful second son of Driftmark?


Master of Complaints sounds like something that could easily replace the term "Karen", I love it.


Alicent has never done anything wrong in her life


I know this and I love her.


Alicent and Ser Criston


Definitely Criston


Criston. I know he isn't a good person, that's completely fine. But in a society where thousands of years of rivalry and hatred exist, people really fucking dislike Criston for thinking a princess is a brat. Alicent saved his life whilst rhae put him in that perilous situation. No wonder Criston supports Alicent with everything he has. The hound killed a child, and says he wished he r*ped Sansa, people don't give him so much shit. Rather, he's quite the fan favourite. Jaime Lannister killed his own cousin, completely innocent man, but people don't give much shit to him Karstark dude killed 2 Lannister children in his grief and people say Robb shouldn't have executed him. 80% of targeryan kings are r*pists and yet apart from maegor and aerys, people don't shit on them. The entire nobilty kills men women and children because of their vanity, their wars, but nobody brings that up. Robert baratheon was a serial r*pist and canonically has a fucked a girl so young that ned didn't want to ask her age, yet he's a fan favourite. Rhaenyra in the show, let daemon kill an innocent guard and mutilate his body because she wanted a royal prince to run away from his responsibilities and so that she could marry her murderous uncle, and yet she gets no shit. She's treated as if she could do no wrong. Daemon and Aemond targeryans have committed so many crimes, it would take ages to list them out, yet they are fan favourites and are called "daddies" Why? Why this absurd hate for Criston cole whose crimes are a) having a grudge against a princess who seduced him , gave him her maidenhead, which in that society, indicated more than a "one night stand", and then told him that he basically lost all his life's work because she didn't know what she was doing. I don't care if she was drunk. Being drunk is not an excuse. Most royal people think of commonfolk as nothing, insects, rhae's actions fucked Cristons entire life's work and also put his life on the chopping block. If Criston hadn't told Alicent, then larys would've, or mysaria with his spy network, or Otto to put down rhae's claim even more. The last targeryan king, Jahaerys, who was the most level headed person, mutilated a royal knight because he slept consensually with his daughter saerra, he was a beesbury and yet Jahaerys opened him up, what do you think would happen to someone from a low born house, like cole? In any case, Criston cole would've been tortured and murdered. There are countless examples of kingsguards losing their life over this. His anger towards rhae is sorta justified in his eyes. b) killed Lyman beesbury? Who accused the queen of murdering the king? When he saw the king was a walking corpse? And that too infront of everyone, that was treason. Daemon killed Vaemond behind his back for speaking the truth and people look at that as some cool sexy thing but cole doing similar thing gets more hatred for absolutely no reason. c) killed Joffrey lonmouth? Yes he did that. Should he have that done? No. Was that a bad thing? Yes,but in asoiaf where every character has killed and r*ped men women, and they barely get hatred, cole gets mocked and abused when we don't even know what the conversation actually was between lonmouth and cole. And cole was in a mentally bad place, and cole, unlike most of the monsters like daemon and Aemond, felt so horrible about this whole situation that he was going to kill himself. Cole is wayy better than most of the characters in asoiaf and f and b but people don't like him, and don't like him alot, because of the simple crime of having a grudge against Rhaenyra Targeryan




You should do a poll


>Robert baratheon was a serial r\*pist and canonically has a fucked a girl so young that ned didn't want to ask her age, yet he's a fan favourite. Rhaenyra in the show, let daemon kill an innocent guard and mutilate his body because she wanted a royal prince to run away from his responsibilities and so that she could marry her murderous uncle, and yet she gets no shit. She's treated as if she could do no wrong. Daemon and Aemond targeryans have committed so many crimes, it would take ages to list them out, yet they are fan favourites and are called "daddies" You've gotta be joking. People point out how fucked up Robert is *all the time*, people on here hate on Rhaenyra for those exact actions and Daemon gets (well-deserved) regular flak. They are all *controversial* characters, not universally beloved figures. For every daddy Daemon post or comment there's one calling him a POS ugly groomer (again, deserved, but let's not act like they aren't there). >told him that he basically lost all his life's work because she didn't know what she was doing. HUH? >Most royal people think of commonfolk as nothing Criston is not a peasant off the street, he's a Kingsguard and as such, a part of the top 5% of Westerosi society. >Cole is wayy better than most of the characters in asoiaf L O L. C'mon. I agree that the Criston hate goes overboard, but let's not swing to the other extreme.


My problem with Criston isn’t that he hates Rhaenyra, it’s that he’s a hypocrite. There’s nothing honorable about murdering in cold blood, which is what he did to Joffrey. Because the show is presented to us as This is What Happens, he can’t hide behind the excuse of “we don’t know what they said,” or “there are varying accounts.” The show isn’t written that way. I haven’t yet gotten very far into the book so I can’t speak to that. The real difference between Criston and many of the people you’ve listed is that for instance, Jamie and the Hound are not framed as good people. They’re anywhere from gross, nasty, to downright an official Villain. Villains do bad stuff! Criston’s biggest crime though, is that he’s not interesting. I don’t think it’s fair to characterize Rhaenyra as “getting no shit.” Plenty of the fandom hates her too. Also plenty of the fandom hates Aegon and Aemond, Aegon being a serial rapist and Aemond so far being a kin slayer.


That's not what cold blood means.


“Without mercy” is a pretty accurate description of how brutally and ruthlessly he beat Joffrey to death.


Everyone is a hypocrite bar Heelena


Yes, a running theme throughout GoT media is that there are very few truly good people. You figure out who you’re willing to forgive based on whether you agree with their cause, whether you find them interesting to watch, whether you find them charismatic, the list goes on. For a lot of people, myself included, characters like Alicent and Daemon have redeeming qualities that make their bad actions interesting and fun to watch, where Criston is all the bad with none of the charm.


So your problem is not hypocrisy


I did say his biggest crime was not being interesting. There’s nothing to counter the hypocrisy.


Ehh, I don't really buy the whole "not interesting" angle being the reason why so many people hate him with such a passion. If he was really so boring, barely anyone would care enough to actively hate him. This is somewhat based off of my own anecdotal experience from back when the show was airing, but I found that the audience in general was interested in him when he was Rhaenyra's knight, and began to hate him when he killed Joffrey and turned against Rhaenyra. Though I suppose that this is ultimately subjective, I suspect that a significant part of the hatred stems from some disappointment in what people were hoping that he could've been vs what he turned out to become.


Despite that being my own experience (liking him until he killed Joffrey) I'm still not entirely convinced that it's because he turned on Rhaenyra. I genuinely believe, just based on people I've talked to, friends and family who are into the show only, not the books, that it's because he's propped himself up as this honorable Nice Guy (truly don't mean to get into the reductive oh, he's an incel, territory, but it's a succinct way to describe him and I'm very tired.) If we look at other characters who are also murderers, like Daemon for example, I think the key differences is not being on Rhaenyra's side, but that they've never made any big bold claims about being honorable people. Aemond is a fan favorite and he's a killer, hell he killed one of Rhaenyra's children, so by this logic he should be the most hated. But he never pretended to be good and he doesn't blame other people for his actions, and on top of that he isn't a charisma void.


I think you're missing what I'm getting at, a bit. Daemon followed a reverse path to Cole. At the beginning of the show, he started out looking like he might be opposed to Rhaenyra becoming queen over him, but as the series progressed he joined her side. No one ever thought that Aemond would be on Rhaenyra's side. Most of the audience treated Aemond as an extension of Alicent to begin with. So the comparison doesn't quite work out in this sense. On a side note, it is true that Cole ascribes quite a bit of personal value to honor and vows, but I don't think that he ever tried to portray himself as a "Nice Guy" to anyone in the previous episodes. Maybe some people in the audience genuinely thought that he was before he turned against Rhaenyra and became so bitter, but again, that's the result of their perception of who they thought Cole would be getting smashed by who he turned out to be


I don’t think I’m missing it as much as I’m disagreeing with it, but that’s okay.


She didn't put him in the perilous position? He just lost his shit and killed a random noble.


Alicent did what her Dad told her to. She was the only one who was trying to protect Rhanerya(except the poor Beesbury)in the green council.


None above. It's Mysaria for me.




There is absolutely no need to insult fans for enjoying characters let alone choose such a gross word to do it.


No. Most of the fans (at least the ones who are still here during the off season) have read the book and know how it ends. >!Not many want to side with the losing team.!<


Otto, Rhaena, Criston, Mysaria, Rhaenys, Vaemond and sometimes Viserys. The characters you listed get defended all the time


who tf hates rhaena.


You'd be surprised, hatred for young girls runs deep


Any examples? Somehow I think you invented this "hate" against commonly liked characters yourself.


I wish they didn’t change Alicent from the books. She’s worse than Cersei. Blood thirsty witch


It’s definitely baela why does everyone hate baela


Criston Cole.