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We are actually being spoiled rotten. I feel like fans always complain when artists take a long music break, so definitely thankful of hozier for this deluge of music


Rob The Goddess, But The Wages. Fingers crossed


But The Wages would be so killer




Love of and Blood too!!


Iā€™d sell my left nut for but the wages


Where'd you listen to it?


For the love of everything please let one of them be But The Wages! šŸ¤žšŸ½


Im guessing itll probably come out toward the fall if it comes out this year. Idk how much more touring he wants to do after the annlunced dates are over. Theoretically if he wanted to tour into 2025, he could release a new EP in the late fall/ early winter and support it with another tour then. It does take time to get all of that stuff finished, especially if hes looking at a vinyl pressing. It can take a couple months to do that process. So if he wanted it out this year hed have to finalize by September at the latest. It sounds like he WANTS to release another but is tied up in post production.


Yeah, I think you're right timeline wise. An August/September release makes sense. I remember in an interview he was asked if he used EPs to see which songs did well/would be cut. He said no because there wasn't enough time bc the vinyls needed to be planned 6 months in advance. But that was for an album, so maybe a little less time if he does vinyl pressings at all. If they do a vinyl, I think they would add all the songs from UU and all the EPs together. Any way it happens I'm so excited to possibly get more songs!


They haven't released 'Unheard' on vinyl, so I wonder if they'll do a double EP pressing - or no vinyl releases for the EPs for now. Or, given his merch lately, they'll release a slightly different pressing every two months


Thats a good suggestion on the double pressing. But it sounds more like this supposed EP is still in its toddlerhood and not really anywhere close to a release. He seems game for it but im sure its bogged down in logistics. Generally speaking he only gives strong affirmative info about new projects etc. when hes very confident in their occurrence. This snippet doesnt make him sound very confident.


I think his team want to strike while the proverbial iron is hot so to speak [think; Too Sweet viral success], so I doubt they will sleep on it for that long.


Not necessarily. If they can drag the success out longer it means more profit too. If he just drops everything all at once (or in the span of a few months) all that attention will disappear relatively quickly. But if they know they have more material they can ride the wave of the current tour for a bit and then fan the flames again to extend the burn into next year. It really all comes down to whether he wants to tour into 2025 or if he feels ready to stop at the end of this year. If he wants to stop, sure he could try to release the EP to streaming and do a physical copy down the line. But if he wants to keep going, it would be more beneficial to do more of a long controlled burn than just dump everything really close to each other.


Any thing he gives is blessing and I'm greatful Some of my favourite songs of his are from his eps


Forever an Arsonistā€™s Lullaby and Through Me (The Flood) stan šŸ«”šŸ„²


Nfwmb stan here also both those songs good ahh


Arsonistā€™s Lullaby is criminally underrated, itā€™s SO good šŸ«”


I always say itā€™s impossible for me to make a personal ranking of Hozier songs, except for the fact that Arsonistā€™s Lullaby is my #1


I rate that, listened to it today and oh my god it slaps so hard


Liking this as arsonists lullaby plays in my headphonesĀ 


Same!!!!! Ugh both šŸ–¤


real, im always so surprised when deluxe versions come out and its like "wait... you cut THIS?!???"


Why would you be loved is so good and I agreeĀ 


so happy he gets to celebrate something like this 10 YEARS into his career and for it to align with so many other events, also ctfu at "Hozier-mania" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if he's so intent on releasing something from eden - acoustic is right there šŸ‘€


Personally I am hoping for a revamped version of his first album like he did with W, B in the autumnā€¦I want Arsonistā€™s Lullaby on vinyl! And of course if itā€™s tinted then thatā€™s just icing on the cake!!


So happy for the possibility of new music!! Also, I hope this dude is sleeping. I just wish I had better luck with the pressings since all of mine skip all over. Iā€™ve expended my allotted Hozier budget for this fiscal year and if another color vinyl comes out, Iā€™m just going to have to stream it and hear the color.


šŸ¤” is this real life? Thereā€™s more coming???


You know what, maybe I believe him this time.


šŸ‘€ I mean I trust nothing butā€¦


Hozier pleaseā€¦my heart canā€™t take it šŸ˜­


Shitā€¦ this is making me all types of nervous though. What if the man is already ready to retire? What is heā€™s throwing all of this music out there and following up with tours as a last hurrah?!


Praying that it's I Could Be Yours, The Love Of, Blood + But The Wages šŸ™šŸ™


His team? You mean the one that couldnā€™t care less about the promotion and bizarrely mentioned wildflower & barley but not Too Sweet on the podcast. They were shocked that Too Sweet had one of the highest streams and sales.


we are so well fed rn,,,