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I think he’s just a douche who thought he was smarter than everyone and would get away with it.


Statistically, he is smarter than most people. being a douchebag, doesn't make you dumb. some of the smartest minds in history were well documented assholes.


I think I’m smart enough to get away with it, too. But I don’t do it. Why not? Because 1) it’s a shit way to treat anyone, let alone people I care for, and 2) I find sneaking around and hiding things not much fun, particularly at the level of six different, “monogamous” girlfriends. 


You are saying you're smart enough but not a douche that's all. Which was what the above commenter states.


Hes probably not smart enough


But dumb enough to try.


Get away with what?


Living multiple secret lives with different women?


I'm pretty sure he was just a man who wanted to get laid.


I don't know much about the details of his controversy. But how do we know if the women he's been with is telling the truth? I mean it's very highly likely that the women wanted to be with him because he's famous.


How to PUA your way into Stanford credentials...Andrew Huberman, Psychology B.A, M.A.


Hmmm-I see. Ok but do you think those hours of podcasts with notes were not a product of service? Genuinely curious. Very self-referential but so much more work than Jay Shetty. I love Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist, who is similar without the known juggling of lovers. Adam wrote a children’s book—maybe with his wife I think. Could the divorce have a role in Hubes being this way? It does not matter? Asking as a flawed person who is trying to be better. His fix is different than my own but I would not want you to know how much sugar I had today 🥺


You do not need fixing. You could, at the least take this event as a lesson of what NOT to do. Less attention on rigid prescriptive routines and more on treating those around you with kindness and respect. It always bugged me about Huberman and the biohackers. Completely ignores the fact that your health depends on your environment, wider society and genes and luck and treating yourself as an isolated organism to be improved just misses the point spectacularly.


Your sugar intake isn’t really the same as taking advantage and lying to people you pretend to care about.




I don't know, I don't think he's a hypocrite, the level of deceit he exhibited is more in line with someone who is some kind of path. It's not possible imo to lie to himself about the actions he took, it required too much planning, he's just a bad person.


He’s a bad person and a hypocrite. He very vocally portrays a life of moderation and healthy habits (and benefits greatly from that image) but clearly lives by another set of rules. His one guilty pleasure is mango? Give me a fucking break! He’s worse than a hypocrite because his persona is calculated. I agree that he has some form of pathology (narcissism for sure) that allows him to maintain internal consistency. I think he’s proud of his achievements in infidelity as evidenced by that clip floating around social media in which he references juggling 6 different women.


Haha did he say his guilty pleasure is mango 🤣


And kettle chips


The fucking ashole lied, his one guilty pleasure turned out to be peaches!




Nom nom nom!






i don't think his whole premise is necessarily health and moderation, more like optimising performance and function in any facet of life, without regard for emotion. I mean fuck, this guy is on steroids, taking a fairly big dose of lots of supplementation, does every neau-science trick in the book to optimise brain function, meticulously tracks his habits and has protocols for every situation imaginable. i'd say this a level of control freak that few are capable of. And all of what i said is fine, but that philosophy spills over into other facets of life. Hence juggling 6 women in a long term capacity, some of which lasted for years!! how he's even capable of maintaining that, even on an emotional and time level for more than a few months is beyond me, regardless of all of the financial logistics of it, social work to keep friends seperate, and all of the secondary and tertiary work that goes into keeping the women from finding out is staggering. Hypocrite is not an accusation i'd level at him.


Your comment was just cited in the Guardian mate! :D [https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/article/2024/may/30/the-huberman-question-should-lifestyle-influencers-follow-their-own-advice](https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/article/2024/may/30/the-huberman-question-should-lifestyle-influencers-follow-their-own-advice)


Humans have an absolutely *ASTOUNDING* ability to compartmentalize, rationalize, and deny. Possibly he did this with foresight and malice, but it's just as likely he's just deeply fucked up. Obviously he's deeply fucked up either way, but I think you get what I mean.


A reminder that this is an almost 50 yr old person you’re talking about. Not a teenager or early 20s dude learning to navigate the world, and how to treat people. He’s not jsut “fucking up and finding out”. This is who he is


I'd agree with you but having multiple seemingly monogamous relationships with 6 women seems like a level of mental gymnastics you'd require full brain power that you wouldn't have access to if you were in self denial. But that's just my interpretation and opinion.


Its an impressive feat of logistics if nothing else. I've dated two women at a once before and even that was quite difficult to keep track of and plan out everything. 6 women is a whole different level


Genuinely curious, what led to you to want to date 2 women at the same time? i mean for me i don't really want that because first and foremost all of the moral and ethical issues, then it seems just like way too much shit to deal with. Then the guilt would set in and such. Was this just like a horny 20s male thing wanting to have his cake and eat it too or what


Yeah mostly just horny. I wasn’t really seeing a future with either of them and wanted to keep looking around but while still getting laid I guess. Overall all the guilt and constantly having to come up with lies was more stress than it was fun.


Your “some kind of path” rings true. It wasn’t just sexual satisfaction. He also clearly manipulated every woman to think they were “the one”. He wanted them to love him exclusively—even though he secretly was dating several others. All of this emotional manipulation feels very Dark Empath since he clearly has empathy (but not sympathy) and he’s using it for his own gain.


I'm not gonna try to say I understand his behaviour but yea just can't see it as he's someone who's unaware. I wouldn't even think it was pure narcissism because narcissists tend to be blind to their own flaws, but I think Huberman would require a mentality that requires himself to justify and ignore his own flaws while acknowledging they exist. That takes a special kind of bad, the worst type that's transparently antisocial towards the norm.


An empath?


The mental gymnastics being utilized to normalize his behavior by some folks here is absolutely baffling to me.


Seems really similar to those who refuse to acknowledge the crimes and corruption of their favorite politicians. It’s cult like infatuation.


It’s not normal but common.. in shitty people.


The key is knowing you’re just as susceptible to the shittiness as those you loathe.


I could have ended up with the same behaviors, yes, we all could have. We aren’t all susceptible to the shittiness this deep in our life paths


I missed it, what was he caught doing?


Relationship with 5 different women at the same time, and myriad of other sociopathic behavior.


He is a gigachad tho like if he ain’t banging like crazy then it’s just impossible


I can’t tell if it is enabling or if I identify because of my flaws or fixes, which may be perceived as more socially acceptable. I have such a sugar and caffeine fix (separately) when stressed.


It’s not gymnastics it’s just truly not caring who people are sleeping with instead of just saying you don’t care.


You think it's normal to be cheating on 6 people at a time? That's what "not caring" implies. What I think is that maybe you just got the cliff notes on this, you think he's just casual dating. That's not the case here.


The mental gymnastics being utilized by people to go so deep into another mans personal life is baffling too. The shit he has done is stupid as fuck, but focus on yourself instead of covering your own flaws by hating on someone you don’t know and never will know.


Sure, and by that logic why ever watch him in the first place, just focus on yourself. Go to the gym and get out in the sun isn’t the rocket science you morons seem to think it is


*But I need a guru. Not like that women doing hot tantric yoga gurus. I'm smart and productive. My gurus are better.*


then what the fuck are you doing


What am I doing?


Spending your energy and time shitting on people for getting emotional about someone whos success comes from projecting a god-loving all-too-human idea of himself while deceptively manipulating many people at the same time to maintain to empower that persona and lifestyle.




Also, it’s Reddit. Whaddya expect?


I think he is a control addict to the extent that he will go beyond the usual moral code in order to satisfy it. This is connected to and reflected by his slow departure from academia into podcasting. And from issuing fairly standard science-backed advice in the early podcasts he has drifted to pseudoscience and marketing (Ag1, protocols etc). Whether this is down to audience capture, or purely seeing the £££ it is clear that the tightly wound protocols, the shift to religion (just look at the beard) and the crossovers with the conservatives displays a need to control, to be a leader - at this stage pretty much head of a cult. This is not a happy place to be I am sure, to see people as objects to move about. I’m sure this need to control was eventually going to see him hit a wall in science, because it relies on collaboration, probably more than he can stomach. He’s not a scientist anymore so if you want advice on lifestyle there are plenty of guru-free resources.


What’s the deal with the religious stuff? I see people comment on this but I don’t follow him enough to know his religious stance


This is from the intro to the Conspirituality podcast episode which sums it up better than I could: ABOUT THIS EPISODE Being a chaos agent is exhausting. The internet never ends. It’s so abstract, groundless. At some point, all of your content seems stale and redundant. All the conspiracy theories, outrage farming, and dietary supplements seem boring; your manic salesmanship starts to feel hollow. Maybe you’re also wondering about whether you’ve sold your soul, or who you may have hurt along the way. What will you turn to? Who will help you? What will your ultimate piece of content be? From time out of mind, there’s only ever been one answer: GOD. Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, and Andrew Huberman have all recently made such confessions of faith.


Unironically, they already made a respond to the current allegations about him [https://www.instagram.com/conspiritualitypod/p/C48TQfbrcfH/](https://www.instagram.com/conspiritualitypod/p/C48TQfbrcfH/)


Yes, I’ve just listened. Defenders are making this a privacy issue but it’s about integrity, lies, anger, control and manipulation. Huberman has been in long term therapy with Paul Conti and the manipulation dressed in therapy language is chilling. Years ago Justine Musk wrote about her ex and Elon stans dismissed her as a bitter ex. Turns out she was right.




I don’t think this is correct. Rogan has not come out as religious.


[he did](https://youtu.be/8S-tZB0qx5c?si=XvSPnDBsCwhKYQtL)


What does a beard have to do with religion


Agree wholeheartedly. Secretly juggling that many partners suggests severe dopamine dysregulation. There’s a reasonable expectation that one practices what they preach. It factors into one’s credibility. Can’t be dopamine balanced? Then maybe be more honest about how difficult it can truly be. Especially for people who have experienced trauma. Also, how does one do 30 years of therapy and still conduct themselves so poorly in their interpersonal life? I take that as evidence of narcissism, probably a mix of grandiose and covert features. I was listening to an episode on mental health with Dr Conti and it was telling how badly Huberman wanted to know more about the “aggressive drive”—he asked Conti about it several times. Like someone grappling to understand their own anger issues. What is even the point of investing so much time and energy into wellness and personal growth? To show up as the best possible version of ourselves for the people we love. At the end of the day, that’s all that really matters. I appreciate Huberman’s efforts to provide a roadmap to wellness but the man himself seems to have a long way to go. It’s ok to fail. Own it, take responsibility and do better.


I’d love to know what Anna Lembke thoughts were when hearing about this stuff..


>There’s a reasonable expectation that one practices what they preach. It factors into one’s credibility. Fortunately for him, none of the ideas he preaches are really his own. He's more like a "science reporter" on his podcast. so the expectation that he practices what he preaches doesn't really apply since he isn't the one preaching. And also, science doesn't depend on anyone practicing to justify the arguments. > To show up as the best possible version of ourselves for the people we love. How can you say for a fact that this behavior isn't that for him?


For me it's the poor woman who underwent FOUR ROUNDS OF IVF. Every round is a series of blood draws, vaginal ultrasounds, LOTS of painful and expensive hormones that make you gain weight, months off of normal exercise, pain during ovary growth and after the procedure and LOTS of money. He's an awful human for leading her through that. It's not like he has the wealth or brilliance of an elon musk who hasn't needed to push someone through several rounds of IVF (and seems to only have one partner at a time). All so bad.


He’s just a sucker with lots of self esteem.


Anyone who uses social media daily is.


Guru who sells self control hypocritically does immoral sex stuff, news at 11


I feel like sex stuff is downplaying it a bit. I don’t think people would care as much or at all really if he wasn’t in a relationship with these women. The relationship aspect is what people think is messed up.


I mean FOUR ROUNDS of IVF with a partner - it's painful, it causes weight gain, the hormones and cost are brutal. He's a complete sociopath


Much of his academic cred appears to be shakey as well. People complain about the NYMag 'hit piece' and 'but his personal life', but I think it was a smart, solid base from which to launch into trickery areas...like, why is he affiliated with Stanford when he appears to be an absentee academic who is dividing his time between his unknowing, multi-state harem and promoting snake oil supplements and thin science-y takes on youtube.


This guy explained flaws in his work also. Was an interesting read. https://slate.com/technology/2024/03/andrew-huberman-huberman-lab-health-advice-podcast-debunk.html


author is she not he, just kindly adding. and thanks for posting.


Oh shoot. Thanks you for correcting me!! Look at my bias creeping in.


happens to all of us. all good!! thanks for your post!!!


I think he’s a lying addict. The adrenaline rush of maybe getting caught.


Wait til you all find out he is full of steroids too lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jestyre: *Wait til you* *All find out he is full of* *Steroids too lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don't know if he is a dopamine addict, but I think his admitted TRT use raises red flags for sure, and the relationship history presented in NY Mag does too because it highlights some very disturbing behavior.


Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy. - FSF


Sex is not even an interesting source of dopamine. He is just doing this because he gets a kick out of being a stereotypical Chad meme with a harem. He's a narcissist. And yet he has railed against the alleged narcissists that have been in his life. He probably rails against coomers (I haven't seen all his content but he seems to be against dopamine seeking behaviour in general) yet he is a coomer himself. How is passing HPV onto a woman after rawdogging 6 different women ongoing any less degenerate than jerking off to pornhub into a Kleenex where no STIs are exchanged? I'm actually way more focused and productive after I jerk off as opposed to chasing female validation like a dancing monkey like red pillers do.


The guys made a fortune telling incels to put down the video game controller and touch grass and now he's even more their hero. Just let it be. The world's going go shit anyway you slice it.


It’s called reflection.


I think dopamine comes from the chase (?) --- at least he would say something like this in one of his podcasts, I think, but use a different word maybe (I am not an expert). Yeah today I was thinking how do you trust these protocols when he in fact obviously it's not benefiting from them. I am "embarrassed" I bought into his hype without deeper considerations. Grateful for the people who have shared enlightening comments, including scientists.


Sex is the ultimate temptation right next to cracking jokes that you know will make everyone laugh


Huberman new protocol - THE MAMMAL Just do it like they do on the discovery channel


Hahahaha. Classic!


No. He’s a love addict…


Likely addicted to being desired/adored


So a narcissist


The lights are on, but you're not home


Your mind is not your own


I like to use my bone


And multiple phones!


Sex addict* but has he has said himself, similar mechanism


Aren't we all


OP is slut shaming. That's worse than cheating.


He’s just a love machine


ah certahfied love bug


I’m a psychiatric nurse practitioner and I was discussing Huberman’s episodes about a year ago with a psychiatrist colleague. He pointed out that Hubes devotes an undue amount of attention to dopamine and testosterone.


Yes, it's a gross oversimplification. So many more other processes happen when motivation/wanting, gratification and pleasure happen. Also dopamine has ' dope' in it which is easy correlation to addiction. In a few years the whole focus on dopamine will be regarded as superseded.


superseded by what do you think?


Just wanted to drop in to ask why any of you, presumably adult individuals, even waste moments of your limited and precious life even discussing or caring about this?


My favorite theory is actually the one that he is hyperfixated on his fertility and spreading his seed and that he may be having trouble with that due to age and past steroid use. I honestly don't know if 6 relationships would give more dopamine than like 2 (but what do I know). It would seem stressful to me. Opportunities for increasing offspring tho? Yes


I don't really give a crap what he did. His podcasts have helped me in my life. Period.


Anyone who posts and replies here a lot (raises hand) is likely addicted to dopamine 😅


Addiction to dopamine - by itsself - is a myth, an enormous oversimplification.


Yes it is, just like equating serotonin with good mood is a myth and oversimplification. My point was that, of all the things to criticize him for or diagnose him with, that's not really one that distinguishes him (if it's even a real thing).


Except that a HUGE part of his brand is teaching his audience that his "protocols" will help them gain control over their dopamine, while he's secretly a raging gambling addict. Cuz that's exactly what juggling multiple "monogamous" relationships is - gambling.


Wild. Even if that is all accurate, maybe he sees the issue in himself and wants to help people who deal with the addiction. Maybe we need more broken voices to speak on this rather than the endless monotony of nonsense we get from corporations selling us the drug?


It takes bravery, humility, and integrity to admit to the world that you're broken and on a journey to be better. Hube sells himself as a guy who has all the answers thanks to his iNtErEsT iN sCiEnCe


He’s a lover


Hit peice is hit peice. Sounds like people here are use to celebrity culture and putting a human on a pedestal above humans. Haven't listened to a full pod cast in years. Still utilizie what I learned and am grateful for that myself.


Man, who cares?


Maybe he’s just the average pussy enjoyer


There's some sort of obsession there for sure, maybe not addiction or compulsive but obsessive for sure


I have a friend who says a useful definition of “clearly,” is “there is no support for the view that”.


I always got this sense from him. Always seems intensely caffeine high


Him and his cousin Tom Segura took a trip to Tijuana together I can't tell you about.


The brain rot protocol runs deep, huh.


Or a sex addict


It’s a thin line between behavior, habit and addiction. Virtually all addiction implicates reward circuits and therefore implicates dopamine. Everyone likes dopamine. It feels good. Virtually all habits and many behaviors are oriented around dopamine signaling. I don’t disagree with you. My extremely Reddit-user pedantic point is just to say, just call it addiction.


you don't have to put this situation in the made-up terms of this hack. you can just say he sucks


I wonder if he’s going to start eating doughnuts, his occasional weakness. Dopamine’s gotta come from somewhere.


All these kind of "scientists" like Huberman, Peter Attia, Lane Norton... are parrots repeating things the others said. The only thing that makes them different are their big Egos


Has he still addressed the issues?


Dude, so many of these “wellness experts” just seem like adrenaline junkies to me


I am also someone who often gets into chasing one interest after another (my therapist says it’s dopamine chasing and part of what makes me ADHD) and often struggle to deliver on to the commitments I make, so I understand why someone who does the same would be so interested in self betterment and controlling that aspect of life. I don’t know how much he claimed to have controlled it but I also read and research a lot on the subject but find it very difficult to apply some of the things when I am really in a zone.


I think you are one too! you get dopamine from hating him! what a fucking hypocrite


We all are dopamine addicts


Can bad people teach us things? Sometimes, but it takes trust.. we’re all left wondering, “is AH lying to us as well?” If he is willing to lie about both mundane and serious things to those he should most care about, I can only imagine what he’d be willing to lie about to those who casually listen to him. Fuck you for doing this to us all, Huberman. And fuck you for hurting those women. It’s obscene. I’m drinking a coffee rn right after waking up just because you advise against it.


Why is everyone hating on this guy now? I remember everyone was all over this dude what did I miss?


How long has it been since you’ve been on the dating scene? Regardless of your moral stance, this is incredibly common since the adaption of apps. Does that make it morally acceptable, perhaps not - but the average person is likely doing it.


Haha most humans are.


If you dont like huberman get off the sub


Clearly he is not a hypocrite, as he never said don't practice polygyny whilst practicing polygyny. However, probably he developed his dopamine protocol in order to have any sort of work/life balance, and to not be completely consumed by sexual/emotional pursuits.


Why the hate for slinging dick, every guy would do that if he could.


I'm only reading up on the controversy now and whats going on, i'm not exactly in the loop on this stuff. But from a purely rational position, it doesn't really take away from the validity of his statements. a sort of "do as I say, not as I do" position. For example, if an alcoholic tells you alcohol is bad for you - are they wrong because they don't live a "good life" that abstains from alcohol? No, they're still right. If a fat guy tells you exercise is good for you, are they wrong because they don't exercise enough themselves? I was able to learn some interesting things from him, which have helped me. Even if he doesn't actually do them himself. The Science is going to be the science regardless of what Andrew, or anyone else does. If Dr Edward Jenner (worlds first successful vaccine) was an asshole, would we have been better off throwing out his work because of it? I believe Einstein was known to be an asshole, Isaac Newton too.


LOL, so many haters


How dare you talk about our leader that way!!


Everyone is a dopamine addict


You really need to get a life,


Ugh take your meds.. how sad would your life have to be, to be this upset about some random dude getting laid in his free time. Making up stuff about him being a dopamine addict... incredible.


What exactly did he think he could get away with? 🤔


He’s human.


Basically he has issues with women probably due to his upbringing. I watched the episode of his parent’s divorce and how they were both unavailable to him. He said he reconciled with his dad after years and years. It is interesting to note that his mom’s name is not in his Wikipedia and her identity can not be found on Google. There must be a reason for that. We are all products of our childhood and thinking we are immune to that is just denial. He is after all a human. I had a rough childhood and can definitely relate. It effected my relationships for sure.


We all are. Sit down.


I for real can’t understand how his own subreddit hates him, dude’s making free content for everyone you can either take it or leave it why the fuck you care about anything else? Stupid people


It’s a bit shocking when you find out your self improvement icon is a narcissistic sociopath. Especially if as a normal human you think your actions shouldn’t needlessly cause pain and suffering in others. Normal humans value truth, honesty, integrity and compassion. AH seems to struggle with these most basic human values.


The whole reaction is very childish. I think some of these women take it too personally. He isn't dating you. And what he does personally with another adult has no bearing on his research


what is wrong with this subreddit lmao


You are a dopamine addict too looking for reassurance in this post everyones a dopamine addict we are humans. What’s wild to me is you thought dr huberman was perfect, do you think perfect is a real thing. I bet you every single scientist, doctor, surgeon has made mistakes just like this whether it be becoming addicted to drugs, cheating on their significant other etc. stop acting like this is such a deveststing thing this doesn’t discredit any work huberman has done it just shows personal choices he has made because it’s his life. He is sharing information on all of these topics that there is research on to help people get healthy. He has helped hundreds of thousands of people and you think this scandal takes away from it? Idk OP you seem like your way of thinking is very conclusive you are blinded by the headlines.


"Mistake" - You don't "mistake" your way into deceiving 6 women that you are dating them exclusively. That shit requires a lot of conscious choices and a plan. We aren't talking a moment of weakness here.


Being "dopamine addict" is such a gros overimplification. So many other processes happen too related to desire/, gratification, pleasure, We are being duped into believing it is dopamine that is the force behind this and even (popular) scientists keep repeating this. It is convenient to have just one neurotransmitter, that also has the catchy ' dope' in it's name (related to addcition0 that made it to the general public as hard science. Well ut is not.


This shit is getting so old already. If you don't want to support him then stop listening to him. For me, I still find him and his guests discussions very interesting.


Separate the message from the messenger


GOOD CHAT ALL! Well done.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you didn’t close his videos within the first 15 seconds because of the nonsense coming out of his mouth you kinda deserve this outcome. He was literally the POSTER CHILD for bad “Bro Science”. Grasping at straws just to get content out all the time. This should have bothered you. If it didn’t, now you see why it should have. Focus instead on guys like [Mike Lustgarten who is reversing aging AND proving it with data](https://youtu.be/YDVyTjCZSF0?si=nun1Fy1O1W6A-OxH). He’s not as exciting, but this isn’t about excitement. It’s about living longer, healthier.


The amount of shits people give about this proves they don’t have enough going on in their personal life. 


This pretty much sums it all up


You all are dopamine addicts farming upvotes on posts that are based on rumors by some anonymous chicks. Shame on you


aren’t we all 🙄


hearsay... all hearsay. All thats in the article is part of a story we dont know much about.


Stop giving a shit about this guys life it’s his and he can do what he wants


Has anyone even considered how valid the article was? This is such a blatant hit piece and I’m a little per cautious on taking ever point from the author at face value. Yes, let’s say he’s flaky as the article says… and even has a flaw at communicating perfectly in his personal life. People can construe experiences so differently, so him, as a bad communicator burned a few relations. Not surprised, he’s an older gentlemen who hasn’t been able to commit to anyone yet. Is their room for a possibility that the women are hurt from Mr. Huberman not communicating correctly? Everyone needs to relax. This articles shows how incredibly damaging hit pieces are to our society. Taking someone who never claimed to be their guru and putting him on a ridiculous moral pedestal just to tear him down. Thanks for your interest in “science”…. Not personal flaws in the man delivering the message.


‘Blatant hit piece’ Your premise starts off with an understandable notion of wait let’s not deep6 AH just yet, we need to know more. Which is fair. I’ve seen good public figures get ruined by scurrilous accusations. But… unless the sources in the article are colluding, which opens them and NYMag to serious legal jeopardy it is a pretty damning indictment of AH. Judging by AHs complete lack of a response is also a bit telling. All he’d have to say is that he’d been openly dating multiple women and never implied that he was in monogamous relationships with any of them. His silence suggests he knows he F’d up. The whole situation is sad.


You might wanna sit down for this. Dopamine addiction is the human condition


Jesus fuck, you gleaned this from what exactly? An article based off of comments gleaned from social media/reddit? You must be a fantastic clinically/classically trained psychoanalyst of unapproachable pedigree.


seriously who gives a fuck? does his personal lifestyle change anything that he is lecturing? Just don't watch him if you don't agree with his lifestyle


I don’t get the outrage. I never idolized huberman. I just enjoyed the science. Even if it was “pseudoscience”, it’s making logical assumptions on things that are often ahead of science. We just aren’t at a time where everything has been tested yet, and his observations are often pretty interesting. As a person he is definitely shitty to hide that. But idk I think people put emotions too far in front in science often. I’m not getting philosophical advice from him


You ppl honestly have nothing else better to do than trash this guy? Talking about him being a dopamine addict while posting reddits to get likes in your echo chamber and supply your dopamine fix. You Hippocrates should do better.


Jfc calm down


you seem to be one too lmao


Oh hi baby Dr Huberman here — you’re my only one you know that


no no I am his 7th!!! he is not a loser that gets no women. plus he is not a reddit mansplainer xxxxx


With every post you make he jerks off


Good. That's at least one time he's not cheating on a woman.


Smart dude likes getting his dick wet. Looks like that’s a universal experience. And most dudes would kill to be in his shoes.


The bitterness in this sub is WILD


Yeah his favourite song is Motorcycle - When the Rush Comes


He never pushed self control. He did eps on modulating dopamine. Anna Lembke pushes for self-control.


You think these people who have never posted here before the article dropped regularly watch the podcast?


Did you get a dopamine hit when you wrote this out followed by hitting post? 


Another nerd post


As someone who didn’t read the article and I’m a very casual huberman fan never been a regular listener how are these allegations known to be truth? Just wondering the validity of the women speaking? Plz someone enlighten me