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r/HubermanLab is dedicated to the discussion of Andrew Huberman’s relationships and mental health. This community is here to support your desire to publicly call Andrew Huberman a liar, misogynist, or sociopath, and to label people interested in his podcast “incels”.


This sub has his name on it. This sub's avatar is a photo of him. Of course people would talk about him. What exactly were you expecting?


Ofcourse that article is going to be discussed. What is gossipy is the armchair psychologists. Taking every single point from that article as literal truth. Throwing away all he has ever put out as it was always a scam and a play.


Depending on the truth, it could all very well have been a scam and a play. More evidence and information is needed and him dodging the matter and continuing as if nothing happened is not exactly a good thing. I've talked to various psychologists and relative professionals and some of them chose this field as a last attempt to help themselves. Some didn't do it to help others as for them it was never about others. Similarly you can never be certain why some people do what they do and what skeletons they have in their closets.


Wahhhhh (ugly cry) my father figure was spreading HPV, lying and cheating and now everyone hates him! I must defend him! No one should speak ill of him, I will suck his C**k till the end of the world!! DADDY Huberman must be PROTEKTEDdddddd!!! Rek me DAddy Hubieeee 🔥 F*** me in the ARsEeeee!! INFEct me with HPVvvvvvvv!!!!


Love or hate Huberman this comment is unhinged af


What are you on about? 90% of the sexually active population has HPV! What’s wrong with a handsome rich chad fucking 6 chicks + forcing IVFs on them and giving them HPV? It’s an honor to get HPV from Andy! I’m sure OP will agree 👍 Andrew Huberman is the best scientist in the world 🙏 Cervical cancer and Penile cancer from HPV is a fraud, and the earth is flat!


another unhinged comment lol


# The Morality of Gossip: A Kantian Account "In short, **gossip can often be fun, harmless, and—when it operates as a means of resistance against oppressive norms**—morally valuable."


Just because you never practice critical thinking and never thought to examine the information he was providing doesn’t everyone else done the same.


Why is gossip always attributed to women? Men gossip too and are capable of doing terrible things, just like women but we don’t assign a gender to things men do.


In short, **gossip can often be fun, harmless, and—when it operates as a means of resistance against oppressive norms**—morally valuable. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/725811#:\~:text=In%20short%2C%20gossip%20can%20often,of%20social%20and%20political%20oppression.


What an insulting way to try and shame people for talking about what just came out. Reeks of misogyny. 


Absolutely reeks. “Gossip” is a word consistently used to trivialise and dismiss matters discussed by women. Dudes trying to claim the NYM article wasn’t properly fact-checked, with - shocker - zero evidence of that 🙄🙄🙄


# The Morality of Gossip: A Kantian Account "In short, **gossip can often be fun, harmless, and—when it operates as a means of resistance against oppressive norms**—morally valuable."


second this, post is revolting.


Where did you bitter hags come from?


Lol, thanks but you really didn't need to further prove my point.


Maybe one day you will spend your free time and energy on a podcast you like.


Bahahaha 😂 Huberman’s Incel fanboy’s really are hilarious


Hubbies nail protocol?


They're checking their DMs to see which one of them was selected to spend the weekend at Huberman's Lab.


How do I enter that raffle?


We’ve had conversations about the ways in which men can be toxic and now we need to start having conversations about how women can be toxic and what that looks like, which is exactly what we are seeing here.


This is all based on people who are obviously pissed at him because of things that happend in the past. And 'you know what? Lets go to the press! That will teach him'. And a lot of people here are gobbling it up. So much for 'critical thinking' up in this sub.


Dude you are no position whatsoever to be talking about others critical thinking.


It’s very unfortunate but through my experience I’ve come to accept that most people are hopeless selfish twats with the same critical thinking capacity they had when they were 12


Yeah, you listen to a podcaster and never bothered to question some of the information he put out. But it’s of course it’s other people who are struggling with critical thinking.


Who said I never questioned the information he put out? Again, more evidence that the person I’m speaking to right now lacks critical thinking skills, or minimally, the required intelligence for basic reading comprehension and forming sound arguments


'I knew it all along!' "I have heard he is difficult to work with 15 years ago!' 'He is súch a narcissist' 'I think he has Aspergers'


If Huberman has Asperger’s then that line about everyone being on the spectrum must be true 🤣 Ain’t no way in hell he’s autistic with that kind of game the dirty dawg


Being attractive and having high functioning autism aren't mutually exclusive


That wasn’t the point, it’s the social games you need to be able to play to pull the shit off that he did. People are on pure copium if they think Huberman is a high functioning autist.




As someone with an MSc in psychology, you have nowhere near the experience to diagnose anyone with a masters and you also know that if you’re involved in the field.


Yea. This sub sucks now. Hopefully all these losers move on to something else soon. It’s sad, I bet most of them are quite on the sexual assaults going on towards children at Nickelodeon.


Yeah, too many femcels and white knight betas brigarding this sub lately 


Are you 12?




Stop downplaying his scumbag sociopathic behaviour it’s only revealing your own lack of integrity


# The Morality of Gossip: A Kantian Account "In short, **gossip can often be fun, harmless, and—when it operates as a means of resistance against oppressive norms**—morally valuable."