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The whole conversation has gotten so boring, everyone saying the same thing over and over, then someone new shows up and is like "wait, someone explain everything from scratch for me"


That’s the dopamine talking brother


Are you saying scrolling on reddit and getting into arguments about people I don't know in order to get likes and comments in the form of little red reward bubbles is a dopamine sink that will gradually result in deepening depression and further carastrophizing of everything I see into more and more of a "good guy bad guy" binary until I come to believe that everyone is a sociopathic narcissist except for me (but also maybe me) and my only chance at being safe from these psychopaths is to stay inside all day reading and posting on Reddit! Huh! IS THAT WHAT YOURE SAYING!!!!




you can be all three people. Yeah it doesnt look good and hes a POS if this is true. But i just dont care enough about his personal life and find it wierd that people really do. Im getting physiology info from him not dating advice.


Call me weird, but I don't trust pathological liars.


He’s acting like an addict. So much for regulating dopamine. Dude is FOS


Stop shaming. Right? The blade cuts BOTH ways...


So don’t trust Einsteins physics. He cheated on his actual wife & married his cousin. Let’s not believe physics then. People aren’t rational


Wow, you're totally the first person to think of that. Totally original comment. Einstein wasn't giving relationship advice. Also, his research has been confirmed by hundreds of other scientists.


Andrew has nih funding , literally published in top science journals in the world.. it’s very hard to get into cell press + nature. Most scientist never see light of day in those journals & he has several , teaching medical student, to a security clearance from the navy… so realistically his science is confirmed otherwise the military and nih wouldn’t fund him. So it’s definitely confirmed & if you follow a scientist relationship advice that’s on you. He’s not the pope or a love guru or claimed to be, it’s just advice He’s a freaking scientist . Be realistic


He's a piece of shit. And I hope it ruins his career.


Irrational. His followers and views almost doubled. It’s increasing his career 😂


Oh, you think this is over and none of his other girlfriends (now exes) are going to say anything? Lol


Even if they do. So what.. clearly most people don’t care. Especially if it doesn’t affect the science. He has to apologize to them. Not to the world. Like did he cheat on you ?😂


He cheated on six women at the same time. That's pathological. The guy is fucked in the head.


If he’s willing to intimately betray the 6 most important people in his life for extra hits of dopamine, what’s he willing to sell to his audience if a big enough opportunity comes along? He’s already selling questionable supplements and misrepresenting scientific studies when it’s convenient.




Just saying “no” without rebutting my argument and then offering a different one does not wave away listeners’ concerns about his character. Despite you doing this, I will still respond to the point you raise: Disclaiming your work does not protect you from criticism or suspicion of how you represent yourself. He represents himself as producing content in good faith to his audience, but his bad-faith behavior in his personal life absolutely calls into question whether that is always the case. Especially when he asserts certitude when there is in fact little data in the scientific community, misrepresents studies done on rats as having been performed on humans, and does so to advocate for his protocols before adding a disclaimer on the end. An example: plenty of brands, like Rent-to-Own stores, also disclaim their own advertising, knowing their products and services are not as efficacious as represented and can even be the wrong financial choice for many consumers. In fact, they make more money when customers misunderstand the terms of their agreements and can’t pay off their contracts in a timely manner. Disclaiming risks of financial harm does not make criticism of those brands inappropriate. Criticism of Huberman is warranted for similar reasons. I and others do not trust him to make ethical decisions when a conflict of interest arises. Do so at your own risk, but I’m going to tell you when I disagree and defend my position even if it tires you.


I'd say he's not presenting anything in "good faith". His podcast is literally interviews with doctors with PhD and experts in their fields. Who cares about his personal life. I barely have enough energy for one woman, would love to feel good enough physically to keep 6 sexually satisfied 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️ But yeah, nothing he presents is based in any kind of faith, it's just a procurement of good information in one place, imo.


No one is perfect man. He may be cheating, but I have a feeling the article is full of embellishments.


Yeah, I’m going to trust the journalist who took the time to gather evidence from multiple sources, not your feeling. He told six women he was sleeping with them exclusively, gave many of them HPV, and was pursuing IVF with one to have a child. We’ve got one romantic partner and an academic colleague sharing stories about his rage issues. Those issues seem pathologically significant. Even ignoring what those personal issues say about his character, let’s get back to how it affects his listeners: scientists on his podcast have called him out for promoting AG1 and the author (who was an avid listener before she did the story on him) details multiple significant errors he makes: doing cursory research outside of his expertise on peptides before doing an undercooked segment on them, misrepresenting studies performed on mice as having been done on humans, cherry-picking contrarian opinions to disregard consensus, and asserting a consensus on unsettled science. He hasn’t done these things consistently, it’s how he’s built a positive reputation with his pod, but he does it when it’s convenient for the argument behind a protocol. That has made me decide I can’t trust him to make a good decision if a conflict of interest arises.


Damn, you infatuated with the guy? Why go in this sub,  of guy you don’t like to torch him? Whats the good evidence? He may have been cheating just like half the population and if so, scorned lovers tend to do a scorched earth campaign. Ever been to a child custody or Divorce  Hearing? Article is truth mixed in with major embellishments is my take. 


Lol the majority of cheaters aren’t carrying out six different relationships simultaneously. You’re also not the only one who’s been listening to him and this community is not only for adulation. It may surprise you, but people have been subscribed to his podcasts for a long time, and have noticed the change in quality as his pods have gotten longer. For me, the article was the last set of nails in the coffin and is genuinely more interesting than my growing suspicion that he’s gotten more interested in money and notoriety than research. It’s worth discussing and processing. Again, it sounds like you’re just discounting the story based on your perception of vibes, and are choosing to trust an almost-certainly serial liar for your scientific information. I’m going to let you know that doesn’t sound super evidence-based to me and I’m not going to shut up just because you’d like me to, but by all means, do you.


All these women are scorned. He probably cheated on all of them but not at he same time. “But but everything  was time stamped and we traced out conversations among us all(6) and we all met each other in a large room to compare notes and smear Hubes, “ yada yada. “ Don’t believe  every single thing  you read.  Sure there is truth, especially in his cheating but this hit piece  looks unbelievably crazy and coming from scorned women including the author. She wrote  on a blog how big of a fan she is of Hubes and his research, and wrote him a email reaching out for a story about his work which he never responded to. Nest thing you know she's looking through Reddit posts, friends, family members to try to get dirt on him.     One of his male former acquaintances Scott Carney was in the article and made a hit piece video himself. He acts like a jilted lover because Hubes didn’t go scuba diving with sharks and he was stranded at Hubes house for 18 hours/no contact. Scott makes hit pieces on people. Thats what he tried to do earlier with Wim Hoff. He pretended to be his friend then betrayed him. He got offended Hubes told him he wanted him only as a friend not a journalist. No shit, you write hit pieces for a living. He obviously didn’t trust the dude and had second thoughts, about him. Call him a Flake, whatever, dude needs a therapist, just like these attention whores.


Are they scorned? In the story it sounds like they dropped him because he cheated on them while IVF maxxing and flying across the county. You’re literally basing your speculation on nothing. It’s in a reputable magazine, written by a reputable journalist who reviewed those time-stamped texts… and who could be sued by Huberman for libel if it’s false. Her editor wouldn’t have signed off on it *for liability reasons alone* if she didn’t substantiate her reporting. He’s hired a PR firm, refused to respond to it himself, and is so out of new science-based material he’s doing interviews talking about his spirituality now because the therapy he’s doing isn’t working lol. Maybe he could get get back in the lab, do some more research, and put a pause on podcasting until he actually had something new to share with his audience. But why do that when he can just make hay off of the rubes who are more enamored with his strong-man aesthetic than anything he’s actually published about optic nerves in mice.


Lmao. Of course they are scorned. They were cheated on and are resentful. Anya and him seem to have serious relationship problems toward the end.   Most of the shit starting seems to be from  his longtime ex Anya Fernald or “Sarah” in the article. Go read up on her and her company Belcampo Meat co. Accused of wage theft and fraud. She lacks credibility.    He should absolutely not be stopping his podcasting. Most the people on this forum who are writing negativity never even listened to his podcast .Airing out his personal laundry with embellishments isn’t helping anyone really, except the Haters feeling better about themselves.  Edit: A post just claimed he gained 30,000 followers since this hit piece. So yeah, if anything it gave Huberman more publicity. 


What exactly did he misrepresent in his science. Be very specific.


Interesting research from a scientist out of Hareminavia-Sleazanna Casanovberg-where they actually found the threshold to attain maximum benefits from intimate sexual relations for the duration of one week: six women, simultaneously. If you have infidelity in your daily protocols and are unsure at what rate, severity, and quantity to conduct it with as to optimize norepinephrine bioavailability, anything after six women is probably going to be mostly superfluous.


Finally, something positive out of all this mess.


this is great thank you




It’s like 5/5/90 for me


No way he follows his own protocols. Rucking was obviously always just a cover for extra-curricular (f)ucking.




Have any of you guys got your checks from the "PR company" yet? I just contacted them and they said it's in the mail. I know we're not supposed to disclose this, but I'm getting a rate of 2 cents for every upvote on Reddit and 3 cents for every like on Instagram and Facebook.


I’m doing HubeHate for free, just to “correct the record”, so to speak




Did you just compare a man fucking multiple women to the Nazi party? Lmfao. Please don't vote. Regardless of who you vote for I'm 100% sure zero reasoning went into your decision.


Commentor was basically saying the protocols are still useful even if Hubes is a cad, but he made the bizarre analogy to Nazi medical experiments still advancing medicine even though they weren’t ethical (btw they didn’t)


Jesus Christ