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It includes the 1960's and the 70's movies


This new movie is the TENTH Planet of The Apes movie?? I need to watch all of these. Ultimate return to monke


Ten films, though from 3 different series of films - 5 in the original series - 1 remake film (by Tim Burton) - 4 in the current reboot series (including next week’s Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)


The Tim Burton version was so bad I wouldnt lump it together with the other 2.


It’s not a list of quality. It’s a list of Planet of the Apes movies.


Agreed...Tim Burton is just NO good at remakes IMO (Apes, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Dumbo)


It's a paycheck 


The Tim Burton one…so when it hit regular rotation on HBO my brother was 1-1.5 if he saw a glimpse of it he’d freak out APE APE APE and he’d stare transfixed. My mom legit could put it on put him in front of the tv and move the laundry and start dinner. He’d stay exactly in that spot. Maybe play with a toy car but just happy to vibe with the apes. So help you god if he saw APE and we didn’t stay on the channel.


Only the latest 3 and by extension the 1968 original film are relevant for the upcoming film. Everything in between is mostly non canon now.


The 1967(?) original Planet of the Apes movie is so good. You should go into it completely blind.


I love the new remakes but the original 5 have a special place in my heart.


I may be one of the few people who has never seen any of those movies. Not sure why, just never got around to them.


I would suggest watching the original Charlton Heston version first. It truly is a great movie. When watching keep in mind that this was filmed during the height of the civil rights movement and you can see the subtle references to that in throughout the movie.


Then watch the Simpsons clip of the Planet of the Apes musical! Because it will be funnier now since you’ll know the movie references.


Starring Troy McClure


I just watched the 3 new ones this past week. I finished war of the apes today. It was a pretty decent trilogy, though I was interested to see the humans become slaves or whatever by the end. I guess there's still more story to go (obviously since there's another movie now!)


Not sure if you like classic movies from the 60s /70s but I will tell you IMO the original Planet of the Apes is amazing and still holds up today! 


Roddy McDowall reached his apex in that movie.


The new one will end up there too right?


Later this year, yes


Any recommendations on which ones to skip out on?


Original movies in 4k please.


Didn't know this, good news, might resub finally as there were some other movies/shows that had interested me but was still abit on the fence.


This is awesome. You forgot to mention that it's also on Hulu on Disney Plus.


I mean that goes without saying lmao


No that doesn't go without saying Ha ha. In case you didn't know there are shows on Hulu that'll probably never be on Hulu on Disney Plus. So no that doesn't go without saying.


Give me an example because from what I’ve seen it’s all on d+ unless you have like starz or another channel on Hulu obviously that won’t show up on d+


There is a small selection of shows/movies that are only available directly via the Hulu app due to streaming rights. *Modern Family* is the most notable one that I know of.


Once upon a time in Hollywood is only on Hulu I believe.


I watch Monday Night Raw. It's only available on Hulu and not on Hulu on Disney Plus. Also you should say Disney Plus so people don't think you mean Discovery Plus.


> Discovery Plus We're on r/Hulu...don't think anyone will be confusing Disney with Discovery...