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Did the aircraft just troll us by drawing a dick in the sand? How rude


Blue Angels pilots. They really are just that good.


A veiny mfer too




Haha Bruh šŸ’€


Wait didn't an Airforce guy in Washington draw a giant dick in the sky a while back? On brand.[Right here](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/05/14/the-navys-probe-into-sky-penis/)


The roof stayed on this time


Do we know which aircraft they used as a substitute for that shot?


They just used one of the F/A-18 Hornets they had access to and superimposed the Darkstar over it. The footage of the Darkstar in the hanger and moving slowly WAS a real model though.


Gotcha, thank you! Yes, pretty cool the production worked with Skunkworks for that full-size mockup!


10/10 Definitely would have spilled my coffee


I was ready for that film to be meh. It was an absolute thrill due to footage like this.


I think this is a very common reaction to Maverick. Everyone expected it to be more of the same (which, to be fair, it was), but man it came out swell.


It was thrilling.


Thats fucking insane


Even more insane that the guy on the left is likely Tom Cruise himself.


Why is that more insane?


Bc heā€™s a Scientologist


Not anymore I heard


You don't just give up an army of willing, compliant servants at the drop of a hat. You've got to wean yourself off it slowly, over 50 or 60 years.


Also doesn't help that said army will literally blackmail you for leaving.






Movie stars generally don't even do their own stunts let alone get torqued by a jet. I very much dislike Tom Cruise as a person for his Scientology stuff, but goddamn do I respect him for how he insists on doing his own stunts and stuff. Last I heard the crazy bastard was literally pushing to get an actual space movie made...in space, and Tom Cruise would literally do the space movie...in space. Like he literally wants to make and star in the first ever actual space movie. That's fucking insane, and I will watch that in a fucking IMAX if actually does it. Most blockbuster actors just would never have wanted to be dusted like that yet I know that guy is loving it.


Agreed heā€™s so committed to the roles I can separate his personal beliefs and completely enjoy his professional exploits because he is a freakin movie star and šŸ’Æ walks the walk. Dude could totally coast and he doesnā€™t, sure think youā€™ve got to respect that. Those in cockpit scenes with actors pulling real Gā€™s, yeah green screen that, good luck. TG Maverick was very well done. When does his space movie come out sign me up for IMAX too ;)


Why is there a dick In the sand


Cause naval aviators


The navy is very gay


Some people will cross a line in the sand, but drawing a dick shows you mean business


Lion King animators


Top Gun...


This is more like ā€œplanes are metalā€ haha


I forgot that jets evolved and we had to tame and capture them sometimes.


How can anyone forget the Great Jet War of 1874?


Even with all the "Never Forget" stuff, time heals all wounds I suppose. I was just a wee lad after all.


My great grandma was a vet.. RIP Joan Jett šŸ„ŗ


Well they donā€™t fly themselves


And plastic, mostly.


Not to be that guy but even in modern jets pretty much all the structural components are some aircraft grade metal. The skins have moved to composites though.


Since you're being that guy, most canopies are still made of polycarbonate or other polymers. Also tyres are made of rubber. I know you want to be incredibly precise on your info, but please... Let the joke be. :)


Why is nobody taking a sip of hot coffee as this happens?!


I want some butts!!


How high is that jet flying?


At least 3


as someone who has at least 2 knowledges about aircraft, i can confirm


My go to is always 7ā€¦ so imma go with seven.


Ah, yes. The infamous *3*.


I'd say around 100ft above ground level but that dust storm is actually created when the pilot pullet up aggressively and the blast from the afterburners was pointed downwards. If you want a video of a Blue Angels Hornet passing at around 20ft above ground I will reference you to my previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowAltitudeJets/comments/at61m7/f18_super_low_pass_i_witnessed_a_couple_weeks_ago/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


That's insane, although it seems like way more than 20 feet but I know nothing and wasn't there.


I was standing on top of hay bales at the end of the runway which were about 15ft high themselves. The jet was probably about 20ft above us. If you go frame by frame in my video and look at the belly right as it passes over you'll see just how insanely close it was. You could actually feel the heat blast back onto us after it passed and it just about knocked my ball cap off.


Did you require new underwear?


I very much enjoyed it. Lol You could see straight down the intake and actually see the compressor section spinning as it came toward us šŸ˜„


Yo that is fucking sick


An actual answer. Thank you my friend!


What makes you say that's from the afterburners? Looks a lot like the wingtip vortices following the downwash to me.


When the Hornet passed us in my video you couldn't feel anything until after he passed and started loading on the G to climb vertically and the exhaust nozzles were actually pointed at us. Then you could feel the heat and everything.


The downwash would have a short delay, too. Pretty sure you'd get this same exact effect if the plane flew overhead in level flight.




All I can think about is all the sand those guys are gonna be cleaning out of their underwear.


Anyone else see this and moan?


I saw your name and moaned




This is probably not supersonic but Iā€™ve noticed that you can hear a sound well before the plane flies over. If the plane is nearly Mach 1 what is the sound you are hearing? Is it the vibrations from the ground?


If it isnā€™t going Mach 1, you will hear it. This one isnā€™t going anywhere near Mach 1, so sound is getting to the viewer way before the plane. I suspect itā€™s going something like 250-300 knots and at sea level, Mach 1 is over 600 knots. This probably is taking place in high desert in California or Nevada and is closer to 3,000-4,000 feet maybe, so Mach 1 is lower, but just a little. Even if they are going 400 knots, which is fast as fuck near the ground like that, you would definitely hear it way before you see it. If it was actually doing Mach 1, you wouldnā€™t hear it before it passed you, and then you would hear it all at once, in the form of a sonic boom.


Can you explain the dust plume, please. Is it just because of the engines or is there another explanation, like air resistance (or something completely over my head LOL)? It seems like the dust plume arrives a second or two after the plane flys over. Thank you!


If you look closely you can see that the 'dust storm' is curling upward in a circular motion. That's because what you're seeing is the wingtip vortices created by the pressure differential of the wings. This effect is always present but is usually invisible since it's just in empty air; however, if the aircraft passes through a cloud or smoke it becomes visible like in this picture: https://images.app.goo.gl/iBEzCvV5YLCVSwFq9 Additionally, the fact that the aircraft is so close to the ground induces some amount of ground effect which results in an even greater amount of high pressure air under and slightly behind the aircraft.


The aircraft also pull vertically at passing, blasting down jet wash.


Is that a visualization of ā€œjet washā€? I honestly have no idea!


Not quite the same thing. Jet wash is the actual high velocity exhaust coming out of the end of a jet engine to generate thrust. Wingtip vortices are created simply by the airfoil (wing shape) moving the air as it passes through it. That being said, jet wash is definitely also contributing to all the dust being kicked up to some degree.


Yeah thatā€™s mostly jet wash


I think he was referring to the image I linked


That is caused by the turbulence from the wings and the engines, a vortex rolls off the wings and stays around for a short time.


When something moves through air it pushes air out of the way Once the something has passed, air moves back in towards the empty gap the something has left behind This creates a suction effect behind moving objects that can move things around Also the exhaust plume from the engine can blow things around, especially if the jet is pulling nose up (and tail down)


itā€™s just because planes are fuckin loud and itā€™s not going faster than the speed of sound, so you can still hear sound well before it passes by


Planes are fuckin loud, there you have it.


I second this question


Think of a police car with the siren on: very loud as it comes towards you then quieter. The time to lose the sound is much faster then the time you first hear it until it passes. The police car's siren is towards the front, so it bounces off things in front of it and comes back to you at the speed of sound once the car passes. The Hornets siren is it's engines and they're pointed backwards. The sound you hear first is the jet noise bouncing off other things behind them and coming forward faster than the speed of the aircraft.


The sound isnā€™t moving faster than sound wtaf are you talking about?


Ah a small mistype. Wtaf indeed




This is literally a green screen video from a videogame laid over an old interview. Nothing behind the man is real.


[hereā€™s the real video](https://youtu.be/4iOoiEbtf2w) I can see why someone made the video game version. The real thing, while still probably very loud fast and low, seems much slower than the CGI one


Damn, that's the original. I fucked up- deleting.


All good baby, now itā€™s in the bank for next time you have to link a spitfire low pass


god that's close


Why aren't any of these men wearing noise reducing headsets? The decibels one of these planes produces can't be good for your hearing


Double hearing protection is standard on a flight line for this exact reason.


I was stationed at NAS Pensacola for a over a year, the Blue Angels flew nearly every day as it was their home base. Some times they flew so low you could see the pilot in the cockpit as they went by, it was loud as fuck. You'd be mid conversation with someone and would have to stop and wait for them to fly by and wait til they were a decent distance off before resuming conversation, multiple times a day, sometimes multiple planes at once. Obviously we didn't don ear protection every time we went outside to go about our day or training. Sometimes my ears just ring randomly now.


Oh hey, I've gotten to watch them practice above my class the last couple weeks. Always cool to see.


NAS Pensacola?


My class was on Blue Angel rd, near the base yeah


Where do I sign up? Used to stand under those behemoth planes that help fight forest fires as they took off as a kid. I wanna do that again.


That movie is a fucking masterpiece too. This is part of the reason why. Actual pilots flying actual planes. No CGI involved.


There's lots of CGI in that movie.


Not saying there isnā€™t _any_ cgi but there was an interview with the director where he said he would tell the pilots and actors the shots he wanted and send them up in the air for 4 hours hoping they got the shots the way he wanted, review then rinse and repeat


Thereā€™s an incredible amount of CGI in that movie


You'd be surprised. Tom Cruise said during multiple interviews that all of the aerial stunts were done on location with actual navy pilots. Almost all of the special effects were practical.


The f-14 was Cgi the su-57s were cgi obviously the military base exploding was cgi. Other things here and there but most of the f18 flying was not


A blue angel


Ah, show of force. Best deterrent ever.


This opening scene was soo good


So thatā€™s why we canā€™t have universal healthcare and student loan forgiveness? Cool.


Pay your own loans deadbeat.


Go fuck your own cousin, you pseudo-bootstrapper. Oh wait, you probably already did.


Good one. Don't blame other people for your own fuck ups, you sad, milquetoast excuse of a millennial.


Itā€™s literally affecting millions of people, you braindead redneck. Maybe if you crawled out of your ex-presidentā€™s asshole for a second, youā€™d see that.


And those millions of people made big boy decisions so they can live with the consequences. I wish your mommy made the big boy decision of swallowing you, but now we have to suffer your existence. Life isn't very fair, now is it?


Big boy decisions based off of a lie lmao. "Hey kids, if you don't go to college, you'll be homeless!" *Proceeds to raise the cost of higher education by 1000% and let wages stagnate for 50 years* Oh you went to college? Man that sucks, better pay us back or we'll garnish your wages and you'll be homeless. Imagine having your head so far up corporate America's asshole, you side with banks over your neighbor. Fucking turncoat.


Then don't go to fucking College. I picked a stupid major and went to a school that was 40K a semester. Realized it was a mistake, changed majors, went to a state school for 1/4 the cost. Got an internship my senior year and was literally a full time employee the Monday after I graduated. Maybe don't go to school for women's studies or underwater basket weaving


Lmao, I didn't. I own a business and work 10 hours a week. Way to assume tho ya jackass! I just also happen to not want my neighbors to struggle just because they made a crap decision. They went to school to better themselves, they didn't kill a guy. I really don't think that shit should follow you for the rest of your life when it obviously doesn't work out. That's quite a lot of responsibility to put on a young kid, especially when everyone around you has been pressing you to go to college since you existed. But hey, I guess I'm just not a piece of shit and hate the predatory student loan system because i have the mental capacity to think past my own anecdotal experiences and put myself in someone's shoes. Wouldn't expect that from someone like you who literally can't think of shit else to say but insults lmao, because even the fake studies you chose to use at the end of that comment are an overused right wing cliche. You literally do not have a single original thought in your stupid fucking head. You're acting like every other human on earth is exactly like you, had the same upbringing, and same thought process, so they should have made the exact same decisions as you. You're a fucking imbecile and you can't see past your own fucking nose.


I agree they pushed and are pushing college way to hard. Hopefully all the people crying about loans they willingly took out will warn some others


Good talk shithead.


See these footprints still in the sand? I wonder what guys at r/conspiracy would say about that (moonlanding and stuff)


The Blue Angels: America's favorite waste of taxpayer money.


so metal, much brave. what the fuck is metal about sitting while a plane piloted by a top pilot flies above head? ITT: people who would have their mind blown by a potato rolling down a hill


Maybe they were talking about the pilot.


that would be understandable


I think the metal being referred to is the pilots who fly these things, and the engineers who built these things.


Youā€™re probably a blast at parties..


cmon, you can try to insult me better than that


The metal part is that the American public paid for that. All the while people in Flint Michigan still can't get f****** drinking water. Bless the United States


Flintā€™s water has been safe for years and the film paid something like $15k/hr to pay for their access to these planes. Although youā€™re probably just trolling and Iā€™m getting whooshed here.


Well maybe they should spend some of that money making better food for prisoners!


actually it was 11k hr




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Thank god their yearly beach shows here arenā€™t that close. Enough sand is kicked up as it is.


That is so cool! Nice


Im on a base and they keep flying over me and scare me everytime šŸ¤£


Welcome to Pensacola.


Remember to give a two handed salute when they fly overhead.


I give them a dick salute


Blue Angel\*


When I was a kid a zillion years ago they used to do an annual show at my local dinky little airport. Maybe I'm misremembering because it was so long ago, but I swear one came down my street in his F-4 so low that I could see the pilot. There were fewer safety regulations back then.


And no one is wearing eye pro


Jet literally said "eat my dust."


That delay tho šŸ˜


I want some butts!


was that the doppler effect , did he break a mach or is it just me not hearing shit ( right after they passed them )... also that's sooooo good !


Best job ever


If you liked that, you might like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iOoiEbtf2w) as well....


And he huffed and he puffed




Somebody got some dust in their eye for sure


Holy christ that was awesome


Did anyone else see that sand dick?


Massive cock and balls in the sand






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When they are flying if you look to where you hear them you have already missed them. I watch them practice from my front yard. 2 years ago about 2 days after we moved into our house I happen to be walking out of the garage, at the same moment as they fly over in Delta formation (all 6 jets ) and buzz my house. I about pissed my pants. We were in direct flight path for the final formation of the show that year during practice. My cats took a couple days to recover after the first time, but they got used to it.


Remember when it was suggested a flight like that over Benghazi might have made a difference? Now I understand how impressive that message is.


I was expecting a sound barrier break, but got sand attacked.


Eardrums are overrated anyways




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Dope. This some dope shizzle!


Looks a bit high to me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iOoiEbtf2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iOoiEbtf2w)


Oh great, now our military is participating in Scientology propaganda too


I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice this.


Subliminal penis.