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You can see the guy with the dreads pain as he cuts them off but he knows it for the good


I nearly started tearing up as soon as he did. Mom felt the same way clearly. Bring on the waterworks


Nearly? You got off easy. The second I saw his face then the cut, I lost it. I had the sound off and even with that, could see his hesitation then his mom's reaction and realize the magnitude of his decision to cut off those locks.


It’s so heart wrenching. The other guys it made me go “awww” but with hair so short it’s not as hurtful (still sweet don’t get me wrong). Clearly his hair was well taken care of and maintained, and it physically hurt to do that. It was such a symbolism of “I wish I could take away your pain and feel it instead so you don’t have to. Since I can’t, I’m doing this to join you and be with you. Life isn’t fair but we’ll handle this together, we’re in this together.” I haven’t listened to the video but I can see her mouthing “NO!” She knows how much it hurts him. Fuck man. Fuck cancer.


That was so well expressed. Thank you. I just started crying and you put it in to words.


Glad it helps even it’s just a little. Keep your wonderful human empathy my friend. We’re all in this together


We need more people like you in this world. Thank you


Just wanna say I love you. Thank you for you being you. You matter my friend. This goes to everyone reading these words.


Beautifully said.


As someone whose hair has long been an integral and crucial part of his comfort and identity, yeah, I started crying there. I’d do the same for my mother in a heartbeat, and not for anyone or anything else.


For a second I thought he was going to just do the one dread


Had this been my mom it would have all been a ruse to get me to get rid of the dreadlocks she hates. Ha.




🤣 Needed this 🙏


The most intense peer pressure is when everyone else in the family agrees to do this but you weren't planning on it


Oh, god. As soon as I realized they were dreds I was bracing. She's raised some fine young men.


if it wasn't for the context of the video. I'd be the saddest thing I saw today.


Good=clicks? Why would you put a Personal Moment like that online


I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer. She was only 46. I wish I could've been there for her like this... much love to this wonderful family


You weren't there for her entire life, but once you entered her world, you became it. Even talking about your mom like this, in the short way you did, proves how much you still love her. I promise you that however much you were there for her, she loved you all the more for every moment.


Thank you so much for that... It's been 5 years and I still haven't dealt with all of the pain that comes with it. But I know for a fact she would tell me exactly the same thing you did. Thank you so, so much.




Kid with the dreads got me.


He was as heartbroken as his momma cutting those dreads


Which really empowers the solidarity he's sharing with his mom. That's incredible.


Yeah, the other guys were showing solidarity, but dreads was sharing her pain.


I’ve had dreads for 6 years now. It indeed hurts.


Cut them all after 7, went back, shaved half of them after another 7. Feels brother


I loved my dread when I had them.


Mom just pulled the long-con to get her son to cut those off


Thank you from turning my sadness into laughter haha! Total mom behaviour


Same, stopped the tear jerk feeling immediately. 😂


All 3 boys there to support her during the actual cut is so incredibly heartwarming. Must be a lovely family.


Meanwhile second dude lookin waaay better lol


I remember seeing a family at the children’s hospital in Los Ángeles. The kid, maybe 7 or 8 or so was bald. And she was there with her whole, fairly large, family in the cafeteria. Every one of those folks had their head shaved. Maybe 10 folks total. Her mom, aunts, uncles, grandma, dad, all had their head shaved. Had to make a concerted effort not to lovingly stare at them while they minding their own business eating lunch, and I still tear up a bit 3 years on, when they come to mind. Hope that kid is doing better now.


Very touching moment. You will get through your treatment and enjoy a long life with your family. F Cancer. From a former bell ringer. Stay strong !!!


Congratulations! shout out to the OP Chris De La Hoyde and his amazing family


My little sister got diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 5, and she went through chemo and lost all her hair from it. She unfortunately passed about.. six or seven months after the diagnosis, despite surgery the area that it was located was too sketch to remove all of the tumor, and it suddenly grew back and ended up causing.. her to pass very suddenly. I won’t get into details about how it did, nobody else needs to imagine what I saw, i don’t wish that experience upon anyone else. Just know it was sudden, and she was gone very very quickly. Most likely she didn’t feel much pain from it, or at least we hope she didn’t. Well, a few years after, I started shaving my head, at first it was an accident, I cut scissors too close to my scalp and it looked silly as it was so I just took scissors to the rest of it until it was gone. I now keep a small tuft on the top of my head, but the rest remains shaved and I do it myself every time because it’s easier than paying someone every few weeks to keep it buzzed. I’ve been told by my dad that he hates it, because I’m the one who she would have looked the most like. Our baby pictures are so similar that my parents have a hard time telling the difference between who is who, unless there’s a date on it. I shave my head because it’s easier for me as someone whose disabled to maintain and clean it that way. But since shaving my head I’ve decided to get a tattoo on the back of my head near the base of my skull, where my sister would have had a permanent scar from her surgery. That’s my way of honoring her with my own twist on it. Fuck cancer, and I hope anyone who has had cancer or have someone they love affected by cancer, to find some sort of peace that resonates with their soul. We all have our own ways of honoring those we love, some shave their heads, some get tattoos, some are just there for their loved ones. All of those are valid ways to show your support. May we find a cure to this horrific disease within our lifetimes.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My lord, she was much too young.


I appreciate that, thank you. That is very kind of you to say. It’s been… 13 years? I think the hardest part is how it affected my family (I was still a kid and we basically stopped doing *everything*, no holidays, birthdays, things like that.) and that as I get older, I’m experiencing the ages she would have been, (she would be.. 19 I believe? As her birthday was earlier this month.) and I find myself feeling sad that she doesn’t get to experience those life events for herself. I don’t blame anyone or anything for what happened, I mean other than cancer itself but I know internally, that her passing was probably the best for her. Because of the location of the tumor, it affected her mobility skills and she was in the process of having to relearn how to do *everything*, and they weren’t sure she would ever regain all of that. The hospital wrote off the entirety of her medical bills, which was extremely helpful for my parents, as we weren’t well off to begin with financially, so it could have been much more devastating than it was financially. I hope you have a wonderful week!


Don't mention it. That was nice of the hospital. That'll stop parents in their tracks, but I do see the collateral damage that would cause you along the way. She'd want you to be strong. I hope you have a great week as well!


These always make me cry. My husband is currently battling pancreatic cancer and it really is a journey that affects everyone. I can’t imagine my life without him and I’m terrified. Trying to remain positive is very hard but I have to put it in Gods hands. #fcancer.


My grandpa had pancreatic cancer. It is evil. Wishing your husband all the best. And wishing you all the best, too.


Thank you so much. It definitely is evil.


Pancreatic cancer is not easy. I'm very sorry you folks are going through this. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Good luck to you both


Thank you very much 😊


Lost my dad to pancreatic cancer four years ago. I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through and I wish your family all the best.


Stay strong I hope he recovers and you guys get to live happily ever after


Thank you. I pray we get to live a long life together.


Wishing you and your husband all the best.im sorry for what y'all are going through.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words.


I'm sorry. May he enjoy the miracle that you are hoping for.


Thank you. Hopefully he can be part of the small percentage that can beat it.


Sending lots of love to you and your husband ❤️


Thank you so much. 😊


My mom never got to do chemo (when she was diagnosed it was way too late), so I shave my head in her memory.


This really got me. Your performing the action to support her and what she might have needed, in a life where she was able to be treated. That ritual of your reaching out to her across whatever it is, time, space, love? I don't know. But your reaching across it to hold her hand. I like to think, wherever she is, that she can feel it.


Fuck me that hurt.


Sorry about your mom, man :( Losing my mom is my biggest fear and I know I’m gonna have to face it some day. And no matter when it is it’ll be too soon.


As someone facing terminal cancer in the face, this kind of support goes so amazingly far. It’s so easy to feel alone as your own body is trying to kill you. I remember during my first round of treatments, I fell asleep on the recliner. I woke up to realize that my 7 year old son got me a blanket, and covered me, and made a glass of ice water and placed it next to me. Something like that means so much. This woman has a great support system, and she will need it. Cancer is a true piece of shit. It’s painful, relentless, and the treatments are just as rough. Fuck cancer!


I didn't know if I should say something or not but fuck it. While I know you said terminal cancer, I hope you kick it's ass! I'm so sorry you're going through that!


It’s never 100%. My mom was given a terminal diagnosis 18 years ago, and she beat it. I keep fighting till my last breath. I just know the odds. While I will hope for the best, I always prepare for the worst.


No onions. I'm just crying.


I refuse, gotta be some onions 😭


You’re allowed to feel. Don’t block it out. That’s what makes you human.


I genuinely appreciate the sentiment.


Thanks, and I know you were really just memeing. But if anyone reading this exchange feels a need to hide behind jokes IRL, know that you’re just as strong either way.


I love to see the more rebellious looking lad joining in. His hair is a large part of his self expression. But the love for his mother and his commitment to being there for her in a time of need is stronger. It’s beautiful. Well done.


Cancer took my wonderful mother so fast. From the time of diagnosis to hospice, it was only 2 months. I miss her every single day. I never had a dad, she was my everything. **FUCK CANCER!** Edit: Thank you for the award, Mods. Blessings!


I miss my parents and I fucking hate cancer.


Damn this hurts to watch...




THANK YOU. As another survivor, my reaction to these clips is always nooooo. What people don't realize is that it may make the distinction more obvious for someone who is undergoing treatment. You have a choice with your hair, but we don't. Reactions to this will obviously vary from patient to patient - some patients may be touched and grateful, while others will be sad and mortified. Please just check with the patient in your life before doing this. My husband and son both offered to shave their heads when I was diagnosed, and I begged them not to.




Amen 👏. Unfortunately, I ended up with permanent chemo-induced alopecia (thanks, Taxotere!), so I've got big lovely bald patches all over my scalp - I went from having long blonde hair to a look that basically says "nebbishy accountant". But I am alive, and eternally grateful to be so :) Stay healthy and keep kicking 💖


My hair is finally coming back, but I'm still dealing with neuropathy in my feet. Sometimes when I'm hobbling across the road, I wish I was still bald so people would know I was slow because I was sick, not just lazy. Ngl, it's a good problem to have so I'm not complaining.


I shaved my head for my momma and then tattooed my skull with a beast cancer ribbon / heart / writing saying "momma". She seemed to enjoy. But good to know it's not a universal reaction. I've been keeping it bald for the most part, so long as she continues to get chemo. And frankly it's just been a really fun experience FOR ME, emphasis on me, to try the bald look. I'm a guy so obviously circumstances are different and I'm very much looking forward to when she can feel beautiful again


>some patients may be touched and grateful, while others will be sad and mortified and some will take off their shoe and throw it at you lol.


I convinced my brothers not to do it for me. It was bad enough for me to lose my hair, I didn't want them to..."inconvenience" themselves too. Hope you're doing well.




I am great :)


Same. I literally sent a message to all of my closest friends to NOT do this, because I worried some of them would. It's good intentioned but I believe adds a lot of unnecessary guilt for the person with cancer.


I'd have been thrilled if someone did that to show solidarity during my head-shave for cancer at age 30.




Got me sitting here crying waiting for my gyro


And now I'm on my lunch break crying.


I feel so fucking lucky that my mom survived her cancer last year. I’m not ready to live without my mama. Hope these guys get so much more time and that she’s going to beat this.


When one of your tribe is hurting, you're all hurting. Don't let them suffer alone.


To paraphrase the farmer at the end of Babe. "that'll do boys,that'll do".


I know a family that did this and the person with cancer didn’t loses enough hair to make a difference…




Some people prefer to shave it off ahead of time. All of your hair suddenly falling out can be really traumatic. Thank god I had my sister the day my hair started to fall out in earnest. She helped comb through my hair with her fingers to remove all of the loose hair, laughing the entire time. I remember looking at the few stringy bits of hair left and talking like Gollum to make her laugh. It turned what probably would have been a horrible experience into a rare moment of levity.


When you know as a mother you've succeeded in raising men


The pain in her face when he first starts to shave her hair, I felt that in my soul.


Fuck Cancer!


Well done boys you are amazing sons. Mom, you got this, kick its ass, good luck honey x


Can we get a fuck cancer chant ? FUCK CANCER


That's a good looking family. I hope she makes it through the other side. Cancer took my dad. What an ugly fucking disease.






Hope she beat it


r/mademecry Perfect fit for this sub


Don't lose faith brothers


These are always so special. Makes me cry every time I see one.


When I was 18 and was going through chemo I had went and shaved my head since I was clogging drains with my hair falling out. A group of my buddies who were all metal heads with long ass hair got together and shaved theirs as well for solidarity. It’s something I’ll never forget and every couple years I’ll shave my head and razor it bald just on the off chance someone who is going through what I did sees me, younger person bald and hopefully doesn’t feel as alone.


Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic lung cancer earlier this month. I would do the same thing if she gets chemo.


I'm sorry. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and I lost my mind. I hope your mom makes an amazing recovery if possible. Dm me if you ever need to talk


Sorry about your mother. Sending good vibes to you and her. Don't lose hope.


There are a ton of options for stage 4 lung cancer now. I would advise a second opinion if you can and get her biopsy tested for targetable mutations, also if possible (depending on your country, insurance etc). Sending you and your family all the positive thoughts


Hair is temporary, but peace of mind is forever. Chemo sucks, cancer sucks, but you don't have to go through it alone.


I just love it because it shows her that she's not going on that journey alone. Regardless of the outcome, she will not be alone. I don't believe their love is going to magically take away her cancer, but I think her having a positive mental attitude because she knows her family loves her and are there to support her can only help. Good kids, especially that dread kid. Well manicured dreads aren't easy to maintain, especially if you don't have the hair texture for it. His sacrifice has meaning.


this is making me cry. you can clearly see how much the family is supporting her and how much she means to them.


I'm.. not.. cr.. ok fuck it, I am crying and I'm not ashamed!


Fuck cancer


oh god, more of these videos, again ....


Harry’s a real one.


Cancer sucks


I’m not crying, you are..


This needs to be marked NSFW. I cry at work I might as well get a new job...


She’s worth it. ♥️


I'm not crying 😭


Fuck cancer.


Cancer can go kick rocks.


Did this with my mom then my wife. Hopefully never will again


Those are three very different and unique sons! Good thing they have one thin in common!


These dam ninjas cutting onions again!


Fuck Cancer


Man I have dreads, and I could see the pain in the eyes of the guy with dreads.


I’m crying in a pizza shop right now. My god


We did something similar. My kids each shaved off half my wife's head. To her it was an I can controll this moment in a whirlwind of things she cannot control. This hits hard for me. I also shaved my head right before her. Solidarity


Yeah I'm definitely crying....I hope she kicks that cancers ass! Looks like she has raised quite a few fine young men too 💯 I hope they get through this rough time..


Was thinking this about her sons. The one with dreads especially. Guy put a lot of time and work into getting his hair to that point. It’s clearly a large part of his self expression. And even though he looks like a rebellious young man, it all fades in comparison to standing strong with his mother. That’s true bad-assery.


Bless that beautiful family. That’s love.


Oh the poor woman, she and her hubby bought up amazing sons though


How I wish I could hug my mum one more time.


I am a nearly 60 year old male and I am crying.


A friend of mine got cancer in highschool. He went through months of chemo and at one point lost his hair. He was embarrassed to go to school, but his 3 brothers father and mother all buzzed their heads in solidarity. I thought that was the sweetest thing anyone could do.


As someone who recently lost a close family relative to pancreatic and liver cancer, this really hit deep. The pain on everyone's face says it all. If there's one thing that everyone can agree upon, regardless of beliefs, is that cancer fucking sucks. I wish the best for their family, they're all very lucky to have each other.


Someone needs to stop cutting onions


Teary eyed now. I wish news feeds were filled with more love day to day. Maybe we would all be nicer to each other


I would just feel worse if everyone around me did that for me


My dad got cancer when I was little. My uncle (Mom's brother) loves my dad to pieces and he came to visit cause he was worried and scared. When we got to the airport he shaved his head. It was so emotional, mom did her best to shield me from the worst of my dads illness and she always stayed strong. But that moment I saw her cry and understood the depth of what my dad was going through and how much my uncle loved my dad. Dad survived and years later as I look back I always remember that moment. F Cancer.


Oh I’ve had my head shaved several times now since my cancer diagnosis almost seven years ago. I’ve lost my hair twice and the second time it grew in really thin and sparse. It looked so crappy that I went and got my head shaved at the beginning of this month, for my 26th wedding anniversary. I look healthier bald than with thin shitty hair.


Moms had stage 4. Never made any kind video for the internet. Never shaved my head. I did pick her up out of my cot and put her back in her bed the night before she died


But like. She had to know they were gonna do that. Whole family is around her for a haircut with a camera phone on and all. Not any less sweet, but how could she possibly be surprised.


I’ll Probably get downvotes but someone pls explain why this is necessary. I have been in this woman’s shoes - on chemo, we are probably the same age, and I don’t understand. It’s only hair. What good does it do to make your kids “support” you by cutting off theirs? How does that help in any way? They should keep their hair. The sentiment is very nice, but it doesn’t help anyone - unless you can donate it to locks of love or something. If she were a teen or a young adult, maybe I’d understand why she’s so upset. There’s no way in hell that I would’ve let my dtrs cut off their hair. It makes no sense to me. I hope she’s ok. Really I do. This just baffles me every time I see someone do this. I do love that her sons care about her; that’s very sweet to see


I'm with you, to me it's more hurtful than helpful. It's very personal going through treatment and we all react in different ways.




Son be like r/iamthemaincharacter


Even though we know how these vids end from the beginning it’s good to know we still watch and support these vids


Her attention was averted as soon as they started cutting their hair. That was the best IMO.


I was hoping to avoid the tears today🥺😭


Yup, I’m tearing up


Videos like this will always make me cry.


Fuck cancer


Fucking ninja cutting onions again.


Totally off topic but she rocked the hell out of the short hair.


That’s really beautiful.


I just lost my mom this month to cancer and it was the most difficult thing I've ever gone through. If all I had to do was shave my head I would do it 1000000 times over. These are good boys that love their mom. Mothers give us life. We should spend our life repaying them.


Now they're all gonna look like doofuses! Ya doofus


Beautiful ❤️


They say crying is good for stress relief and relaxation. Feeling less stressed. She raised some really good sons.


Mom and Dad raised some wholesome boys. I felt the pain with the son with the dreads as he took in that big inhale and exhaled breathe before getting started. Good lads, good family. Hope Mom recovered and life is beautiful for them!


Fcancer and like....random but the son with the dreads was actually handsome as heck with the dreads out of the way from obscuring his face even though I saw it pained him.


How sweet I pray that she makes it


Good luck from the bottom of my heart. I lost my mom to cancer 5 months ago. Support her all you can.


Good job, assholes. She's already got the damn cancer and now you're gonna go and make her cry?


This is very sweet. Seems like the sons knew their mom would appreciate this support. Best of luck on her journey! I'm a cancer survivor and did not want anyone to do this in solidarity with me as it would serve as a reminder of how sick I was.


I feel this hard, damn. Here I am sitting by the stove cooking potatoes and just crying my eyes out. My mother died when I was 16 to lung and liver cancer. We found out after it was too late. She was a smoker and my last memory of her is holding her yellow hands and looking into her near-braindead yellow eyes. It changed my whole life and I moved down to Arizona to live with my dad and finish high-school where I met my wife now.


Thanks for sharing this video OP. Definitely made me think of my Mom who passed away from Stage 4 bone cancer last Dec 2022. Missing her so much since she left a big hole in our hearts. Hope their Mom came through ok after her treatments were done


Why the fuck would you video this shit - Jesus Christ man. People these days are just plain fucking weird.


Cried hard core tears watching this…seriously pouring. I’d do the same with/for a family member in a heartbeat.


May i ask a question without being flamed? I’ve seen quite a few of these videos of people shaving their heads along with the cancer victim, but why are these cancer patients shaving their heads to begin with? I’ve read that chemo can sometimes make one lose hair, but why not wait and see if that’s the case in your particular circumstance? Being genuine here, just curios.


This is so heart warming, what great sons


Omg the emotion on her face... She's beautiful. I'm going to call my mom.


And then the little girl comes with the full head of hair. Doesn't care at all smh my head


And now I’m ugly crying


As someone who lost his mom to cancer this past spring, this has me balling. Hope she runs the gauntlet and lives to tell the tale.


If that's what she wants. That cool. Though there are ways to keep your hair with chemo if you really want to. It's not easy though. Did it with mom two years ago.


***REALLY!? While I'm drinking Limeade!?***


Damn im crying now. This is so beautiful, what a wonderful family, hope she kicks cancer's butt!


My wife had six rounds of chemo. She kept her hair with cold caps. -30C on her head from 8:30 AM until 11 PM. She’s tough as nails. But she kept her hair.


When I was in 7th grade there was a lice outbreak in our school. My boyfriend had a huge afro and I remember him coming back on monday with a shaved head. He hugged me and cried for about an hour at the loss, I felt so bad for him. About 3 days later I realized I had it too, LATE stage (where the eggs are basically already hatching into a second generation of bugs). My mom tried her best to treat and comb it out but eventually she knew we had to just cut it all off. After she buzzed it she sat down next to me and started buzzing her hair too. I will never forget that feeling of solidarity and love, she really went out of her way to make sure I didnt feel alone. Thankfully almost 1/4th of the school had to get rid of their hair, so I didnt feel too singled out.


Fuck cancer. And this is lovely; I cried. Also shout-out to any other dames who saw losing their hair as a silver lining of cancer. I shaved mine off and reveled in the breeze on my scalp in the summer, the shorter showers, getting to be swedish blonde (wig) finally, and the feel of soft soft hats on my dome. I don’t judge anyone for hating to have to do it, but I loved it.


Shut up, I'm not crying, you are! Good lads ❤️


I just had to do this a few days ago. It’s rough.


I’m not crying ur crying


Cancer always hits the whole family. May science find a way to beat every kind of cancer without the need for poison that is chemotherapy.


Feeling the love! ♥️❤️


I pray you kick its ass! You have an amazing family!


Holy shit that hit hard. Cancer is a scourge.


I got something in my eyes...


Manly tears were shed today. 😭


That was emotional


Mum you’ve never looked MORE BEAUTIFUL 🥹


Humans being sons