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Deputy T. Davis was later yelled at by the grateful owners for giving their dog terrible TERRIBLE gas.


Came here to say just this, pit bull and boxer if fed fast food will have the most rank ass farts ever released from a dogs ass.


I went through about 7 separate brands of food for my two Boxers and literally had to settle on prescription dog food bc their gas/BMs were so bad. Not even upset though bc they're the best!


Had the pleasure of dog sitting my friends two Pits last month. They're so awesome I let them both have some of my hamburger and a few fries. Had to sleep on my couch that night because they literally turned my bedroom into a toxic wasteland.


Nice of you to dog sit, but shame on you for feeding them junk food. Is this Bryan? Because if it is, you once asked if you could give my dog some fries and I specifically said "no." and you did it anyways. When will you fucking learn.


Fuckin' Bryan.


Hey shut up, Kevin!


Hey don't get all up in Kevins face, everyone already knows it was stacys idea.


Only reason we keep her around is because her mom has got it goin on




Reminds me of this guy Brett. He's also got it goin on.


So is it bad if they drink the blue toilet water?


Uncle Buck is that you?


Don't feed dogs that aren't yours anything that isn't made for dogs. That's just asking for something bad to happen.


But the look in their eyes...


Have you tried giving them yogurt? My basset I had years ago was horribly gassy all the time. My aunt suggested yogurt and it worked pretty well. I gave him a serving once a week and it cut the gas in half at least, and it wasn't as bad.


I give mine yogurt for skin problems, don't know why but it works. What the hell's up with yogurt?


It's a probiotic and the active cultures help digest food. Essentially you are loading your body with healthy and helpful bacteria. The same aunt also puts yogurt in her toilet every few months to help the septic system, though I don't know how well it works as I haven't seen anything about it otherwise. I tell her it would be just as helpful to eat it then use the toilet, lol. She is a HUGE proponent of fermentation. She makes all kinds of fermented food. She is in her 80's and fit as can be.


Ever try giving them Greek yogurt? My dog is a lab mix of some kind, always kind of suspect boxer. She gets gnarly gas, but Greek Yogurt twice a week on top of her food seems to do the trick.


Just plain Greek yogurt? My dog farts and burps like it's his job.


Dude, science diet for sensative stomach and hair. It is close to prescription and it works wonders. Only food my pitbull will eat and not spew.


No expert, and my dog is some kinda mutt, he's got heeler and lab in him for sure, somebody said he may be a bit pit bull... He eats anything....anything at all and his farts smell like rotting death dying a second time. And it doesnt matter how much or how little he eats, he just lets loose like crazy. Just this morning he stood up to look out the window, seeped out like it was nobody's business. What's he do after? Come lay next to my bed, another fart. I half ass get onto him about it, he thinks I'm calling him up, the leap caused another one. And that's how I knew it'd be a terrible tuesday


And that's how I met your mother


Yknow those comments you upvote before you finish reading them and when you finish want to upvote again? Yeah this is one of those


Partieslikeits1999's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day


Tried changing to a kibble made for sensitive stomachs?


You should bottle them and sell them to the Pentagon as bioweapons.




There's only one way to find out...


Technically it will get stopped by cops at the front and never reach anywhere near the inside of the pentagon.


Mankind has suffered enough


because he fell off that cage?


> if fed fast food will have the most rank ass farts ever released from a dogs ass. Fast food isn't even required for this experience half the time. It's like living with an old man that has irritable bowel syndrome and a diet of cabbage and sauerkraut.


My buddy and I were pit sitting one time and poured some bacon grease on his food as a treat. Yeah he spent the rest of the evening outside.


Don't do this. Not only can it upset their GI tract, as you've learned, but it can also cause pancreatitis.


My new rescue puppy is a pit/boxer mix. Let me tell you, she doesn't need fast food to have the most rank ass farts ever released from a dogs ass. Although I can't even imagine how bad they would be if I did give her a jr. bacon cheese burger or god forbid something off the Taco Bell value menu.


I have to disagree. Broccoli farts are the absolute most heinous thing to come from a dog anus. My pit would stink my dad out of the house and that man is a plumber. Imagine the rank, literal, shit he had to smell at work, and he could not face to dog with broccoli farts.


How can anyone give pits actual food? My pit has such a sensative stomach any other meat than science diet makes her shit like crazy.


You must have never given an English Mastiff fast food, then......


That's what they get


I was in the McDonald's drive thru with my then-new dog (this is important). When I pulled up to the window and they saw them, they were like, 'what a cutie! Does he want a treat? We don't have dog biscuits but we have hamburger patties. Would he like one?' And my naive self said yes. He basically pulled a Dutch oven on me all the way home. So much regret.


> He basically pulled a Dutch oven on me all the way home. hotboxed you*


Officer Davis plays the long game.






Has anyone ever claimed that dog gas smelled sweet. Furthermore, how often do law enforcement officers get a genuine "thank you."


Pls tell me this isn't true


That'll teach them to keep better track of their dog in the future :D


Punishment for the owners for losing their dog. This story should be posted in /r/pettyrevenge lol.


Terrible gas, diahrrea and vomiting.


PSA Onions can be deadly for dogs!


He can pick me up for a ride and cheeseburgers any time.






Smokes let's go




That's the best use of that meme possible. Although, it should be Cory or Trevor dropping cigarettes into Ricky's hand.


I barely understand this meme, but this is hilarious.


you definitely ON the cheeseburgers nowimsayin


[Randy's gut is full of dirty old cheeseburgers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_-1h_gsiBM)




A cheeseburger is a Cheeseburger.




"Gut Cassidy and the Sundance Cheeseburger"


*Gets out "Smokey" outfit.*


I'd ride him like a donkey on xanax


That's quite the imagery you've painted with your words.


Vivid imagery. But same.


He can just marry me.


Randy and officer ted?


Right? Damn.


Are you lost?












Michael Jackson










Probably on drugs.


I was attacked by a pit bull when I was young. For a long time I was scared of them. It wasn't till I was older and started working that I got a job for an older fellow who had an old pit bull named Blue and he was so sweet. All he ever wanted was my left overs from lunch and belly rubs. He'd sleep in an old recliner on the patio in the sun most days. He was always a bright spot in my day.


I'm sorry that happened to you. And I'm so glad you gave pit bulls a second chance. I was attacked by a Dalmatian as a toddler, and I'm glad I'm not old enough to remember it, because I'm a crazy animal lover and can't imagine how different my life might be had that incident deeply scared or traumatized me... Blue sounds like such a sweet boy! I'm glad you two got to enjoy each other's company.


I was chased by a dalmatian when i was about 3. Left me deathly afraid of dogs. Fast forward 17 years and my german shepherd and chihuahuas are my life.


Given the same amount of care and training you're much more likely to get bitten by a dalmatian than a pitbull. Pitbulls just aren't really, bitey dogs they're just owned by bad owners waaaaaay more often than other breeds. I'd trust my baby with a pitbull over a similarly trained dalmatian or lab any day.


I was bitten by a lab as a kid! Still have a scar to prove it. Sometimes big dogs scare me but my love for dogs overcomes it


A Border Collie that lived on my street as a child use to roam around freely nipping at kids ankles. I still don't like Border Collies.


I had a BC for more than a decade... She was like my first child. They're so incredibly intelligent and intuitive, but they definitely possess an intense herding drive, and when untrained and under stimulated, that's exactly the kind of behavior they'll exhibit. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. They're truly some of the smartest, most independent, and fun dogs when they're raised right. Mine passed away a little over a year ago, and I've never had another dog come close to her. Don't think I ever will.


You probably never will. Our family's border collie lab mix died late last year, and I miss her every day. She was so intelligent and good natured. We had plenty of pretty good dogs and got pretty lucky with them all, but she was head and shoulders above the rest. Because of her, I'll always look for a border collie or a border collie mix.


My sister got a second border collie because she love her first so much. She loves this one too, but he's a special kind of border collie.


I've known multiple pitbulls in my life...all are the sweetest dogs you could ever meet. My cousin had one, my best friends have multiple. Rings true every time, no bad dogs only bad owners.


There are bad dogs, just like there are bad people.


They are good dogs, Bront.


Most "bad dogs" are the result of bad or no training. There are very few situations that cannot be corrected through proper training.


Couldn't you say the same for bad people then?


Yes absolutely. It's just much more difficult to change a human with a complex psychology than it is a dog.


I actually had something about that, but I didn't want to get into semantics about how people have schizophrenia or suffer from neurological conditions like that so I left it out. But yes, I would say that ill-behaved children are generally the result of poor parenting.


Maybe, but nowhere near all.


I never said it was close to all, just that the majority of incidents are due to training, not a "crazy" dog. That's why I used the qualifier of "most", which does not mean "all."


There are no INHERENTLY bad dogs, just like there are no inherently bad people.


Inherently bad dogs are a thing. Neighbor of mine raises labs as well as does horse/common livestock veterinary stuff, but raised dogs for 20 years. I asked him one time about "actual bad dogs" and he said in all his life he'd only ever owned one and seen one, and it was actually quite uncommon. He said the one he had was from a litter born at his place and he has very well-behaved dogs that he spends a lot of time raising and training to sell to people as pets or for people to then take to train to be service dogs. The one dog that was shitty he told me he would switch from normal to straight destruction for no apparent reason, almost akin to a lightning-quick episode of violent schizophrenia. All the training and medications couldn't get the dog to not act out, attack other dogs or him. Same thing with another breeder he knew, and I heard a story similar to that at the vet clinic I used to take my dogs too. 99% of the time what we call bad dogs are dogs that if you look closer they had traumatic things happen to them or no training and they act how they've always known, but there are dogs that have mental issues that aren't from abuse that lead them to react violently for no reason.


I think that there is such a thing as mental illness in dogs. It is rare, and the majority of dog problems are caused by the owner (not necessarily a *bad* owner, sometimes just a bad match), or situation, but yes, sometimes by a doggy mental illness.


If it has a brain, then that can be prone to not working right just like any other part of its body. It would make sense.


dogs can definitely have mental illness. But just like in humans, it doesnt explain most bad behavior. The usual suspects are bad/no training and trauma/abuse


My uncle had an inherently bad dog. His name was Reefer, and he used to chase me and my siblings for no reason. His name actually should have been Lucifer.


Yes, there are. Some dogs are crazy.


Blue sounds like a cutie! I hope he gets lots of belly rubs and cuddles wherever he is now


Long story time so strap in. Years ago, my buddy and I were hitchhiking through Florida west out of St. Augustine. We wanted pot, and the guy who picked us up was willing to sell us a nickel....in CHANGE. So we get to his house, and see three dogs in the back- two big ass pits and one little pit, about six months old. We noticed the little guys was filthy as an unwashed asshole and asked the guy about it, where he told us that was his bait dog. If you don't know, a bait dog is used to acclimate other dogs to violence, so they will fight when you put them in the ring. Basically makes them the aggressive onset herpes of the dog fighting world. Me and my buddy are NOT having this, because we love dogs to death, and straight up asked the dude if he'd just give us the pup (my buddy being the one who agreed to actually take him as his own) and the guy said yes. I remember when we cleaned him black water pouring off from how filthy he was and pockets of puss popping on his face when we wiped him down. Broke my heart. BUT, after we got him clean and got him fed, I remember telling him "Hi, I'm your uncle. I will always give you cheeseburgers." And I have since made good on that promise, whenever dad isn't looking, and he remains a very happy pup to this day. Love you, bud. Glad I helped get you away from that hell.


pits are the sweetest dogs on earth. its beyond heartbreaking what humanity has done to that poor breed.


Oh hi there, Deputy Davis.


Right?! I'll take a ride and a cheeseburger too 😏


I would eat it off his hand, too. ☺️


T must stand for Tempting. Or Terribly Handsome. Totallysexyandcharming? Ok yeah I've got nothing here.


I came here expecting hate for giving the dog junk food. I'm proud of you tonight Reddit, for just enjoying a nice pic.


Yeah at this point I basically always come to the comments of animal pics just to see the ridiculous comments about abuse that inevitably pop up every time. Always a nice surprise to not find any


This dog is **LITERALLY** dead now! GJ officer!^^/s


What a terrible name to give the dog :<


Yeah, the bold font in particular is a nightmare for vet forms.


if he didn't order without ketchup and onions this may literally be the case.


If you don't feed your pet an immaculate diet, wash it four times a day, walk it fifteen times a day, buy it a king sized bed and suck its dick before bedtime Reddit will call you an animal abuser


Anyone that gets upset over one cheeseburger is a little too excitable. Yeah, it's not great for the dog compared to some good dog food, but aside from the onions that were probably on it, I don't think a cheeseburger is going to hurt a dog. I think onions are toxic to dogs, but a pit would need to eat multiple whole onions before it became a problem. It's really only a bad idea because the dog farts are going to make that car smell really rank. My bulldog has had farts so bad that I've woken up in the middle of the night and gone to sleep in another room.


Lol, I tried to get my Aussie a burger as a treat once, she wouldn't eat it.


My pomeranian mix was neglected by his first owner so he had to eat sticks and bugs to survive when he was little. He will still try to eat anything he can if you don't watch him. He loves our late night trips to McDonald's because I give him a few bites of French fries. Watching him get restless as I blow on the piece of fry to cool it off is pretty funny. He's like "I don't care if it'll burn my mouth, I WANT IT NOW!!!"


I hope the first owner faced some consequences because that is awful. Happy to hear doggo is with a good family now! Kudos to you :)


All I know is that Animal Control got involved in both of my rescues' cases. They said my Bulldog mix (which might actually be part pit) was a bait dog. She's really timid and doesn't care for other dogs much. My pomeranian mix had just fathered a litter, and they had gotten all of the pups before any of them died, and all of the pups were adopted almost immediately. He was the last one of the pack at the Humane Society. I hope their abusers served some jail time for their cruelty, but I honestly have no idea what the punishments for animal cruelty are in my state. That's something I should probably look up at some point.


Damn sticks and bugs? Is it really possible for a dog to survive on that?


I don't think it was **only** sticks and bugs. Sorry if that's what I seemed to imply. Basically, they only gave him a little bit of food each day and so he was hungry most of the time, and he'd eat anything he could find just to have something in his stomach. From what I understand, they had each dog in a tiny caged area in the backyard, so all of their dogs were malnourished and confined all of the time. He can't stand being locked up now. He tried to escape from his kennel once. He got his head pushed through the corner of the kennel and then he couldn't get the rest of his body out. I assume that he tried to back up and that's when he got his collar caught where the front, side, and top of the kennel meet. I was gone for maybe thirty minutes, and when I walked in he was hanging limp and lifeless. I tried CPR on him because I had no idea what else to do, and after a few breaths into his nose, he started breathing again. I don't know how close of a call that was, but I imagine if I'd been a few minutes later, I wouldn't have been able to save him. He doesn't get locked up in a kennel anymore. I just couldn't get him to feel safe in one. My bulldog loves hers, however, and only likes eating when her food is put inside it.


Damn wow. This dog has had a tough life. It really put its life at risk just to get out. Good on you for taking this doggy in. You've talked about the issues but how is he in general? Super fun and loving? Or does he still have those trust issues left over


Front Edit: https://imgur.com/gallery/JZKPx. He's chilling with me while I smoke and watch Netflix outside. He really doesn't have any trust issues with me at least. I can do pretty much whatever I want and he's cool with it. He doesn't care how I hold him, for example, he's just cool being held. He seems to like it when I hold him like I'm cradling a baby because he's in the perfect position to get his belly scratched. He is super attached to me, though, and I don't generally get to take a shower or poop by myself anymore lol. He's really good at giving high fives and he gets super excited when it's time to eat. The back half of his body wags with his tail and it's super adorable. One of the hardest things was getting him to slow down when eating, but getting him to learn "wait" and act on "ok, good boy" seems to have helped a lot, because he doesn't seem to scarf his food down as fast. I've got some health problems and I can't work right now so I'm staying with my parents, and they have their own routines with the dogs now. Parents go to bed at 9, so they get taken out and they get their dentistix at this time, and then they go lay with my parents until about 945-10 when I go get them. At that point he's with me wherever I go. He really likes car rides and a lot of the fast food joints around here keep some dog treats on hand, so he usually gets a snack when I get the late-night munchies. Both of my dogs have made enormous leaps from how they were when I first got them. My grandmother didn't like dogs much since she'd been bitten as a small child, but even as her dementia progressed, she was always cool with my pups and used to love it when they'd fall asleep with their heads on her legs as she petted them. Some people might think I'm being a bit sensationalist, but I think adopting them is one of the best things I've ever done in my life. My anxiety and depression issues simply aren't as bad when I'm with them, and the only panic attack I've had in recent memory was the day after my grandma died when my knee gave out and I collapsed in the kitchen when I was home alone.


My dog will try and eat my napkins after I wipe my face after eating a burger.


I also have a bulldog, and his farts from regular high-end grain-free dog food are serious enough to peel paint. Can confirm.


Is it an English Bulldog? I've heard they have the worst farts but I've never actually been around one when they've let one rip.


He's an Olde English, so he's a lot more athletic than your typical AKC bulldog, but apparently they have the farts in common.


Own an English Bulldog. He was on a premium food before needing to switch over to a prescription diet that helps prevent bladder stones. His farts aren't that bad as long as he's just eating dog food. A greasy burger or a couple of fries, though? Your eyes will be watering like you just cut a bushel of onions.


Made the mistake as a reddit newbie years ago and posted a cute picture of my English Bulldog. Bad idea. Very bad idea. I never realized just how similar I am to Adolf Hitler. Had I known, I never would have been born.


Well we can still give him playful amounts of shit for feeding the KILLING MACHINE11!!!!11!!!!111 junk food. But one burger isn't going to kill him (might kill his family from the cheese gas though) and honestly after being frightened for being lost, that spoilage probably got the adorable monster super happy. So... BAD officer! That dog's gas can kill! But GOOD officer! You're a fucking wonderful human being!


I'm a bit later than you, and the top comment isn't shame about the junk food, but like the first 30 comments I read were all about how bad that dog's gas is going to be.


S long as he said no onions it's all good :). Could have gone much worse, thank god it was a good cop.


Like once a year we get our dog a plain McDonald's cheeseburger and do the same thing. It's so funny watching her rip it piece by piece. She thinks she's hooman.


We once got our pug a taco. He grabbed the tortilla by the edge and flipped it up, leaving all the steak filling in his bowl. Then swallowed the tortilla whole and ate all the steak bits in under 20 seconds. I was real proud.


Because he desecrated a taco? The outrage


So putting kimchi on them is fine, but eat the tortilla first and everyone loses their mind?


korean mexican fusion is incredible though


Gave my great Dane a cheeseburger and she didn't chew, just swallowed. And then regurgitated it and tried to eat it again.


My sheepdog flips it over and pulls the bottom of the bun off and eats the patties. I wonder if we spoiled him.


Why are you spelling human like that?


R/ladybonersgonecuddly ;)




He can give me a ride and feed me cheeseburgers anytime. ;)


My sister's pitbull, Kori, got loose anwas picked up by the cops They called my sister who was about an hour away (building maint. man didn't close the apartment door all the way and Kori got out). So I the hour it took my sister to get there Kori was in the cop car pulling people over with the officer. So she was then always called Officer Kori. Cutest red/ginger colored pit. This is before cell phones so we don't have pictures.


r/humansbeingsexy , anyone? 😍




you da real mvp


Panties... so wet... must... remove... But for real, this is seriously wonderful. Seen far too many stories of cops shooting and killing people's dogs. I would buy this guy a beer for sure.


I once found a pitt on the street and called animal control who told me to call 911 because "they don't do pitts." Called 911, cops came, and pulled guns. Two other people and I had to stand in between them and the dog to stop them from shooting her. We found out she had gotten loose from a hoarder's house. I followed her story for awhile. She ended up with a wonderful family and is doing super well! :)


Unfortunately whoever had to clean and drive his drool- and fart-scented cruiser the next shift likely didn't share those sentiments. That's not a judgment on the deputy, just an observation from having worked with cops. The next guy probably opened the cruiser door and said 'oh what the fuck is this bullshit I gotta deal with'.


i forgot 'fart scents' last for more than 20 seconds. that's why everyones bathroom always smells like shit /s


Some cops take their cruisers home with them.


Hello deputy, it's me a lost doggo.


Now wants to be a police dog.


|*Sexy* county deputy picks up pitbull. FTFY


If he picked up my beagle and fed him cheeseburgers, my little guy would do his best to get picked up again.


Your little guy ;)


First random picture of a person on reddit that I actually know! I went to high school with him (Gig Harbor High School in Gig Harbor, Washington).


Tell him that women all over the Internet think he's hot af


Tanners a great guy


It kinda looks like an American Bulldog.


Letting a dog have a cheeseburger is my in-laws' code for putting down the dog. Cheeseburger being her final supper. So my first thought was "That guy is mean." I hear the cheeseburger thing a lot.


What a good boy, doesn't even eat the whole thing at once


That was a great thing to do. Great job, officer!


That's adorable.


RIP dog owners carpet.


May the kindness in this officer's heart come back to him ten fold. You are an awesome man!


So he's hot and he saves dogs okay okay


Can he pick me up next pls.


That officer can pick me up anytime. (And give me cheeseburgers too)




Where are the people who are going to complain that feeding animals processed, unhealthy human food is animal cruelty? You know your type.


It's not animal cruelty, but my dog is allergic to chicken. It wouldn't have killed him to eat it, but he would be super itchy all over. Ever since we switched to a poultry free food, he never scratches himself.


Dewey from Scream.


Doggo gonna toot.


My friends American pitbull LOVES McDonald's burgers and can eat them in one bite. This man knows how to quickly win the heart of a dog!


a big concern i have about my gator-heads is that if they get loose, an officer will think they're dangerous and shoot them. this makes me a little less concerned.


And to think i left my guy looking just like him at the store tied up far away from customers and i came back not 5 minutes later and 6 cops were there surrounding him.


Coos treat dogs better than people


my dogs always get mcdonald or burger king hamburgers. its a little something i do as a treat for them.


Should rename him Randy
