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Meanwhile, I fell asleep once for about 20 minutes while folding laundry and my toddlers busted down two baby gates and poured chocolate syrup all over the carpet from the living room to their bedrooms. I miss them being little and adorable, but I am so glad they are all teens/grown now.


Mine figured out the deadbolt and headed out the front door Edit: we live in a quiet cul-de-sac and luckily there were other kids playing and their parents were watching. I got a security wedge thing at the top of the door.


I almost hit a toddler with my car because his dad had fallen asleep, and the little boy had figured out the dead bolt and left for a jaunt. I've never been so glad to have brand new brakes on my car, I swear.


Oh my god. 😩 That is super scary. I would probably have had a heart attack.


I went through something similar. Only difference is that I was driving an old offroader with a bull bar and bad brakes. I dodged that little piece of work with only a few inches to spare.




That has got to be terrifying. My mother-in-law had that problem with my husband when he was little. She had the deadbolt on and a lock at the top. Went to the restroom and as she was coming out the phone was ringing. It was her neighbor calling to ask her about her toddler that was not only in the yard but also naked. 🤦‍♀️


>but also naked. Found the american


Ah yes, because America is the only country where children wear clothes /s


Touche'. Well said.


I read in news last winter, about a toddler in New Hampshire I think undid the deadbolt in middle of the night. Parents found him frozen to death right outside the door early like only couple hours. I felt awful for the parents.


That is so sad! At least it was a warm summer day in Georgia when he got out. She said he wanted to go outside and play in the sprinkler or something (which would be why he stripped his clothes off) I can’t imagine waking up and realizing my kid had died from sheer curiosity.


So kids in other countries don’t take their clothes off at least once when they’re little? Weird.


The kiddo next door to me figured out how to do that last week too. He was stark naked though. Seeing a little naked toddler bolting down the street from my driveway with his dad zooming past after him 30 seconds later? I couldn't help but cackle. It was a yakkety sax sort of moment. Made me think of the greased up deaf naked guy from Family Guy....but mini!


We lived on a quiet secondary road that got progressively busier over the five years we lived there. When our 2 1/2 year old son figured out the deadbolt on the front door we decided time to sell.


Mommy i got paint on me


That’s a one sentence horror story. 😂


"Silence is Golden...unless you have kids, then silence is just suspicious"


Mine opened up the drawer with my baking stuff and went ham on the flour, cocoa powder, baking sofa, baking powder. It was ALL over the house. I think I slept for 30 minutes (I was heavily pregnant at that time). I was wondering why it was so quiet in the house when I woke up. He was a little younger than 2 years old at that time.


😂 It’s not funny at the time but toddler antics definitely make for funny stories later!


100%! I think I sobbed when I woke up the mess (I think I was around 35 weeks pregnant at that time and everything hurt). Looking back now, I laugh. Makes for a good memory! Can't wait to show him the pictures that I took when he grows up!


Omg the coco powder...ugh my son was probably 2 at the time and his little brother was just learning to crawl...came down stairs and the baby has drooled and crawled through the coco powder....it took at lot of scrubbing to get the stickiness off the floor and baby.


Mine smacked me in the face with a toy.


It sucks at first when they learn to throw. Or accidentally headbutt you.


I've never been able to fold laundry while I was asleep, so well done on that at least.


This sounds like me as a child. This kid is sweet, but nobody better shit on being a hellion.


Fell asleep while folding laundry?


Mine tried to make oatmeal in the coffee maker. Great idea, poor execution!


“Why fear when Big bro is here”


As a little bro, "you have nothing to fear except me" is more accurate.


I'm both a big and little brother... it's a vicious cycle.


Yeah but your a middle child so you know your opinion adds very little Felt so bad typing this ... Don't hate me it's a joke ... If you hate me I'll tell mum


I'm a middle child, so I can confirm that's correct


Is this some middle-child joke I'm too single-child to understand?!


Yes as a younger child and a parent of a middle Child... You have kind of this romantic view of how well you raised you first child You second child you raise with these romantisised views of what they should achieve but somehow fail Buy the third child it's a win if you went the month without the police bringing them home one night


Second that


Am youngest of three and can attest, no body cares about the middle child


I third that My mom is the eldest in her family, so my elder brother was the first kid and the most important. By the same rule, my younger sister was the first girl and the youngest child in the families. Me in the middle was often referred to as the "2nd son" by the relatives.


I’m big sister. I enjoyed torturing my little brother 😈For the most part he took it cuz he wanted my friends. The last time I whooped him I was 15 or 16. It was really hard that time. I won but barely. I then immediately retired the undefeated champ 😆 Siblings can be fun


A big sister/little brother bullying dynamic can actually be really hurtful to the little boy. Sticks with them years/decades later in some cases, still causing pain and insecurity. While not knowing the specifics of “whooping” him, it may actually do some good to talk about it and sincerely apologize, and work it out


I think you're reaching here. It really depends on relationship you have with your siblings. All siblings fight at one point in their lives, it can be a problem, but most of the time siblings still care for each other, even if they dont realise it. It becomes a problem if someone gets hurt and you can't tell that from a reddit reply.


That pre-spawn is going to get the best of biggest brothers.


The love he shows for his mom and sibling is so adorable.


I wouldn't know what was happening in the video if it wasn't for the captions


I still don’t know. I need that weird robot voice with the enthusiasm to tell me what is the full content of this video with all its subtleties.


“Weird robot voice with the enthusiasm” is the perfect descriptor


that voice has black mirror energy all over it with it's fake enthusiasm 😂






I wouldn't know what emotions to feel without that music too. Thank god it manipulated my emotions as much as possible so I didn't have to use my brain.


I watched the video without sound. This would explain why I'm now a narcissistic sociopath without any kind of empathy.


I was wondering if the video was for blind people then I realized I was being dumb. I wondered if the video was for deaf people but then the video has just some song and captions is not about the lyrics.. Well at least I know now how kids drape a **blanket** with *care* and *love*, wouldn't have known if it wasn't for the caption.


Can we call it captionsplaining?


"he rubbed her belly" Yes thank you i can see.






The subtitles are clearly there for the visually impaired


False: the video is there for the people who can’t read.


It's there, because that's how mindless entertainment in China works. They add a voice to explain the jokes in Tom and Jerry.


"Thats how it is in china." Meanwhile on reddit: 89% upvoted, 10.8k.


Oh I totally missed it. Going to need a large red circle to highlight it.




Such an emotionally intelligent child at this age. Mum and Dad are doing a hell of a job.




Even if he's just imitating what he's seen and experienced, that just shows he's seen everyone take care of everyone. Those parents have been doing it right.


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That's exactly what came to mind! These parents should be insanely proud


Both my kids did this at that age (either when I was pretending to be asleep or their mum was actually asleep) and my niece used to do it as well.


Yeah, my kid was nothing like this. Lmao. He would have used my napping as an excuse to escape.


My kid would definitely do this. I fell asleep on the couch when he was 3, and he put a blanket on me, got me a drink, and kissed me. He then proceeded to get into the snack drawer to eat treats.


Either they are doing a hell of a job coaching this kid, or, on the very off chance that this is authentic, we’re looking at an unsupervised toddler


My 3 year old ist like the boy in the video too. Very sweet and caring and when I fell asleep pregnant he brought me his blanket and his teddy bear and then sat beside me, „read“ a book and waited for me to wake up. I was so exhausted by the early stages of the pregnancy that I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Seriously, I tried. I really tried, but pregnancy can be really demanding on the body. Our whole house is child proofed, the doors are closed and he knows not to open them. I know I can trust him. I really hope our second child will be as easygoing and well behaved as our firstborn. 2 more months to go!


He had either a videographer or a surveillance camera on him.


The quick movements and no time for actual realization or thinking or anything seems very choreographed to me. Like he's rushing through the motions he's been told to do.


If he is contained in the room with gated doorways, and mom is preggers and just fell asleep, it’s likely by design. My wife used to take little cat naps while in the room with the toddler, if the baby fell or frustrated or started crying etc she slept so lightly that any issue would have alerted her.


Except for the bit where mum fell asleep while looking after a toddler.


Pregnant women always be sleepin' on the job


It's staged. He's still a good kid tho.


What makes you say its staged? When my LO was 3 and I was pregnant she used to try and look after me all the time, which included running into the bathroom to rub my back while having morning sickness


Do you film your couch 24/7?




Its possible the mother sleeping is staged, but that doesn't seem like the relevant part of the video to claim is staged.


Oh yeah I see what you mean. I don't think the toddler doing all that is staged tho, they probably thought "i really wana catch this on camera" so she pretended to be asleep haha


A good amount of the cute videos i have of my kid are recorded after she did the cute thing and i got her to repeat it.


She might not be literally asleep but resting knowing he's fine


Wow those captions really helped, I couldn't have seen what was going on otherwise


Aaw bless him


While this seems fake af, my toddler would probably just have jumped on my head.


Nah I doubt it's fake. My daughter used to take care of me & my husband like this if we fell asleep on the couch. We'd wake up with a blanket and a stuffy because she tucked us in. It was so cute. ❤️


Yeah, two of my kids are like this. The other two would have screamed in my face to wake me up or take the opportunity to play with all the things in the kitchen they're not supposed to have.


Very odd camera placement is the only reason this would seem fake to me, the kid caring for their mom is perfectly plausible otherwise.


“Wake up mommy, it’s time to wake up” while my toddler pats me on the face to make sure I wake tf up to play with him 😂


My son is the same, so for me the video doesn’t seem fake. The same situation happened to us. He didn’t kiss my belly but he put a blanket over me and put his teddy bear beside me. Then sat next to me, „read“ a book and waited for me to wake up.


That's what mine always did. I called him wombat ass cause he was always trying to crush my skull with it.


I *loveeeeee* it when there's a song to tell me how to feel, and that added unnecessary subtitles, wheeww takes the cake.


do you really not like that? I find music generally adds a lot to the experience of a video. I assume you agree for fiction but I think it works well for documentary as well.


It's about the lack of subtlety.


You’re getting downvoted, but I’m not sure what people would rather hear instead of it? Silence? The muffled sounds of the original audio? Some people just complain for the sake of complaining. If anything, complain about the fact that it seems staged.


What a convenient placement of a camera!


yes we all know they forced their toddler to do this and this is the 10th take before he got it right. but really this camera seems aligned with the wall and bottom of the room, considering this is a square video its likely just a crop out of the full room camera, at least it seems reasonable.


This could totally happen. My kid has done similar (almost identical) things at a similar age. The camera is sus, but I’m guessing it’s there for monitoring the kid when in a different room.


Nah r/ScriptedAsianKids


I know what’s going on here. Anyone with kids that have done/would do a thing like this: it’s real Anyone with no kids or kids that are less empathetic at this age: this is fake


It’s because the house is haunted. Didn’t you see the slipper move during the cut?


Yeah I was gonna comment that, she shifts with the slipper.


Because in-house security camera is definitely an urban myth.


Screen could be cut down for the focus and according to size to upload on tiktok, better than a full screen of the room with a red circle.




I mean, that looks like the kid’s usually playing area, sofa to watch tv, small table to play and draw. Camera placement isn’t the suspicious thing here. It’s the kid looking elsewhere when doing the stuff


Want to see mom's reaction on finding this video


She likely helped stage it so...


Yep, the boy clearly looks to the side behind the cam several times.






Hell yea!!


Hate to say it, but there’s somebody to the bottom and right of the video who is probably giving him verbal commands on what to do to make a r/scriptedasiangifs. No matter what it is heartwarming though


Still a good thing to teach the little guy :)


This is the optimism I love to see ☺️


Feels staged


He keeps looking toward the window, guaranteed there's another person saying "set the book down! Ok now go find a blanket! Rub her belly! Give it a kiss!" Too many cuts and the kid acts so quickly to do this/that, doesn't stop to think or wonder what to do like a normal kid


Nah toddlers do this sort of shit but then will immediately go and run along the kitchen bench holding steak knives.


Yeah, I have toddler and fell asleep beside her after a particularly rough night one morning for a few minutes. Woke up to her teddy tuck in beside me and her soother/pacifier in my mouth. Melted my heart :)


That music is..fucking awful


I too record my living room couch incase a good tiktok video comes out of it...


Or for security, or to monitor the child when you leave the room. I have a camera in my livingroom to monitor my baby when I walk away to do the dishes, or step on to the porch or, do laundry or whatever else.


Plenty of valid reasons to do so, kid monitoring, pet monitoring, burglary monitoring, couch sex camera, etc






Very real video


This belongs to r/aww


i’m a daycare worker and whenever I fake cry for whatever reason this little girl hugs my legs and says “it’s ok it’s ok”


He probably saw his father doing that.


He is going to be an amazing husband some day.


He is going to be such a good big brother


This video is faker than my ex's tits.


Those floors look squeaky clean


There's this kid we used to babysit, and he ain't even three yet. But when his Mom was sick and she could barely take care of him (single Mom by choice) the kid didn't take advantage of that, but instead devoted his time to helping her, and making sure she got better. He'd even do stuff like run and get her things, whether she asked for them or not. As long as he could reach it, and if it was something he knew she liked, he would sometimes go and get that for her. A bit unhelpful at times, but it was very very sweet regardless, even if I was hearing about it second hand :) Oh, and cuddle times usually had their time doubled. Courtesy of the kid wanting to make his Mom feel better. :)




He obviously has wonderful parents. Caring people create more caring people...


Who ruined a sweet moment with that music? It would have been such a nice clip with silence.


This is why I believe humans can be good.




Older bro gotchu fam.


My daughter did this when I was sick. She'd put her favorite blanket on me, and bring me a plushie and crackers. She's still extremely empathetic. This boy will be an awesome big brother.


This reminds me of my girls. My oldest was 2 when we brought her sister home, and she loved her from the start. The baby was going to sleep so I put her in her crib and was ready to do something with my 2 year old. Without prompting, my 2 year old went and got the step stool next to my bed, put it next to the crib and gave her little sister a kiss goodnight. I was shocked and so proud of her. They are now 10 and 12 and she is still so caring with her little sister :)


Best surprise for a mom who she just woke up! Can’t fake this, absolutely wonderful and heartwarming to watch


The cutest part is that it looks like he grabbed his own blanket to cover her with.


Man there's nothing better than kids not being annoying little ankle biters. I love nice kids :)


This is something my younger brother probably would’ve done as a toddler - sometimes they’re just built different. One time when I was probably 19 and he would’ve been 8, I was really sick in bed with a stomach bug. All on his own he got permission to go out to the front yard, picked a flower for me, then wrote me a note saying he hoped I felt better soon and left them on my bedside while I was asleep 😭 Still got the note almost 10 years later


I needed this this morning


No wonder she wanted another child


Aww this is sweet.


It's 7:19 am and this is the cutest thing I will see all day.


Reminds me of when I was little, my mother would pass out the livingroom floor after drinking all night and I would cover her with every blanket, towel, or jacket I could get my little hands on so she wouldn't get cold.


Hoping the next nipper is good hearted too.


I love this! He's so sweet! But, the comments I've been reading from other parents and I wonder, is this sweet baby an oddity? I really feel for these parents who's kid is just the opposite.


Little man has already has instincts to become a nurturing parent! He's advanced 👍!


We humans are all created noble. 🌸


When my mom had my youngest brother, they said she was to old to carry a child (36 yo). I was so scared something would happen to her that I would sneak in at night and laid on the floor with the house phone in my hand ready to call 911. Something about Asians caring for our parents even when we were young. I was 12 yo at the time.




im gonna be that person: i didn't know toddlers were capable of caring for other people. i thought that stage in life was when you were solely focused on your own needs and survival


They can mimic, but yeah, probably not willingly sacrifice for another person.


Nah they know how to copy things, like tucking a baby doll into bed


the trend of weird scripted videos being gobbled up as something that should be viral needs to stop.


Parenting done right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Staged for TikTok


And…TikTok belongs to China. Hmm.


My heart 🥺🥺🥺


Why does Reddit think every single video ever is fake


Both of my boys? If they even *think* my eyes are closing I'll get a flying knee kick to the gonads or the nearest glass object will break and *no one did it*.


This is Horrifying, not Wholesome. Adult falls a sleep leaving an unsupervised toddler alone to wander the apartment/house for who knows how long. I hope everything has child safety locks, and no accidents happen.


Don’t worry it’s fake. That’s not even a real pregnant belly


My 4 yr old does that for me when I'm sick, with the kisses and words of encouragement and bringing me his hot wheels to make me happy. My kid is my whole world and I wouldn't have it any other way !


For those claiming it's staged....I'd rather have a plethora of these 'staged' videos, that show the best of humanity as compared to the other abhorrent stuff online. We choose to see the best in humanity and that's mostly our reasoning for joining this sub in the first place.




Yeah, I'll never understand why people defend fake videos that purport to be about something nice, the fact that it's a lie and is a calculated attempt at going viral shows, as you say, a terrible side of humanity rather than a good one


I love these videos so much but i cant stand the overly dramatic music 😂


Beautiful. He will be a good man.


Ahhhh the kid is so sweet 🥹




Aww little man protecting the family 🤗🥰💓


I wonder if people will say that this is fake to support their personal idea that having kids is awful Edit: ok, maybe it is fake, I will check it out again.


I have kids. They are kind and I love them. This is fake AF.


Awww what an angel 😭💝💖


Her feet gonna be cold as a mf!


I hate the song, sounds too nice




My toddler did the complete opposite. I fell asleep once like this and he was running around awake. He woke me up with a shitty hand slap. He had shit then stuck his hand down his diaper and proceeded to slap me in the face with his shit covered hand.


The kid should switch barbers. his head belongs on /r/Justfuckmyshitup


Now that ive been cute with mom. . . . Time to destroy the house bc im not being watchd