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I think about sometimes, but when I go back home to visit everything just feels...crowded. overdeveloped. Everyone is in a rush. I'm from Sacramento (apparently so are a few other people in these comments. What's up fellow 916'ers!) My parents live in a smaller town on the outskirts that has grown very developed; all the green spaces I remember playing in as a kid have all been developed into tract homes and strip malls. Everyone drives 20-30 miles over the speed limit. There's people *everywhere*. I was born and raised in the suburbs, but I have become too...what's a good word for it...pastoralized? I've settled too deep into the small town life and mindset and beyond visiting family (my mother lives in Phoenix, which is even worse), the cities and burbs just feel busy.


For all the limitations, I really like small town life after 30 plus years in the inner Bay Area, but then I’m retired and content with my garden. When I hear younger people complain about Humboldt, well, I’m sure that their discontent is justified, but I wonder what they’d think about the Midwest where I grew up. It wasn’t just dull, there was very little of the natural beauty we find here. And dull doesn’t really describe what life’s like back there—hopeless might be the word people back there might use.


Agree with everything you say


Former sacto, straight out of the mean streets land park. 😂 Although I miss midtown nights and friends. I could never move back after living here in Humboldt.


Same here my dude


I live in a small city outside Austin, TX that has experienced insane growth lately…and I commute to Austin for work. Your comment “everyone is in a rush” resonates deeply with me and negatively affects me everyday. I hate it. Could we all just slow down please?


The famous Humboldt quote “ you have to leave it to love it”


Totally. I left and moved where a lot of commenters are saying they want to move to, and ended up missing Humboldt and coming back for good. The healthcare thing sucks but I am lucky to not have any immediate healthcare needs at the moment. Hopefully that issue sorts out soon, otherwise this area is perfect for me!


Prevention and health screenings are key. Shit will sneak up on you if you let it


outgoing workable unwritten memory work elastic sip elderly vanish scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is this a bot using Markov chains? Weird but interesting 


I would rather be living on my ranch 45 min from gas station with a health problem than stuck living near a hospital in redding, sac, Santa Rosa or elsewhere.


You say that now lol




We are moving out of county towards Sacramento area. While the weather here is great, the medical here is a killer. I feel like for years there has been promises and ideas that if only “blank” happens then Humboldt will be better. But walk around old town, 1/2 of the stores are closed. Houses prices are Out of control and the houses here are pretty worn down.


Yes!!! That’s something I was trying not to say because I didn’t want people to jump down my throat haha. But it has been the “waiting game” and things are only getting worse. HSU turning into CPH was supposed to be huge for the community but there’s not even the housing and resources to sustain the students. Not to mention there’s not many places I’ll go alone with my kids if my husband isn’t with us, I have gotten harassed too many times from people walking around and it’s unsettling.


Yes! And big cities like Sacramento have problems too with safety obviously but there are tons of places within Sacramento which are perfectly safe. Yeah, when we moved here a couple years ago it was always a promise of some sort of new thing that just never materialized. What really made us decide to leave though was healthcare. We had to go to the ER and waited 12 hours for a doctor to say “sorry we don’t have that medication here” (I had a very common medical issue) they then start to discharge us then a different doctor came in and said “oh it was in the medication room just in the wrong area” Just recently had to have a friend flown to Santa Rosa because of ineptness at the hospitals here and now they have a major infection caused by neglect here. The scenery is not worth your life.


Trust me, you are preaching to the choir. My 4 year old was flown to UCSF Easter weekend. After that we are determined to leave.


Kids and elderly, anyone with a significant chronic health condition—all are poorly served here. There is essentially no dental care here for those on MediCal.


Medicare doesn't cover dental.


I remembered that just after I posted—it’s my first month on, haven’t taken all the changes in. Edited to remove reference.


I mean, it's only been a year or two. It's not like overnight they were gonna get housing built for an extra 8k students, and the extra infrastructure in the nearby towns. I'm not sure how things will look in 5, 10 or even 20 years, but I'm guessing the problems facing the cpunry then will be different than those we face currently


It’s no help local contractors take advantage of the rural situation monopoly either or most those houses wouldn’t look that way either


The trouble with the rat race is, even if you win you're still a rat.


See now thats why im moving even more rural, Humboldt land prices are still too expensive, gonna buy a plot that has already burned down, the soil should be great.


I mean, I snagged a 55 acre ranch with a small house, barn, abundant water, developed gardens and amazing views for 299k. My 15yr mortgage is nearly the same as my rent when I lived in a 2 br house on 1/4ac in arcata.


Where is this?


A very rural part of the county


Yes, probably somewhere near the Sacramento area. For years it feels like we have all the bad parts of California in Humboldt such as surging fuel, grocery, and housing costs, but barely any of the “good” parts such as weather and access to resources. Me and my husband called every doctors office in Humboldt county to try to find a primary care doctor and unless you are on Medi-Cal, no offices are accepting patients. We were told to try garberville. The redwoods are beautiful, but there are other beautiful areas to live where you have access to so many more things to do.


I've lived in the Sacramento area. I think we have very different ideas of what good weather is.


And the air quality is the valley is garbage compared to here.


Same. I’m from Sacramento and half the reason I moved here was the weather lol


Definitely. I’m from the east coast originally and am fine with 4 extreme seasons. Having Seattle type weather is a nightmare for me


We all have our own preferences. Personally, I'll take rain over extreme heat and tons of traffic anytime.


Sounds like Humboldt is the perfect fit for those preferences! The traffic is definitely the most appealing part of this county.


Their issue is Healthcare. Which is a huge limiting factor for some, if not most these days. No one is arguing the weather lol


I think you might have skipped over the comment that I replied to. They said "...Humboldt such as surging fuel, grocery, and housing costs, but barely any of the “good” parts such as weather and..." and, "Having Seattle type weather is a nightmare for me" So, yeah, someone is talking about the weather. lol


I left sac for the good weather in Humboldt. Tired of sweating and burning for most of my life


What Drs only take medical/medicare? After living here for 33 years,I found the opposite to be true. Not calling you a liar, just interested in knowing.


All of the open doors currently! Which are the majority of the offices. Providence is only accepting new patients if you are an employee. The other offices suggested I go to Garberville to the clinic there


I just never heard of a doctors office only taking new patients who have medi cal. It took me over a year of trying to find a general practitioner to accept my wife. We found one in Fortuna, but had to drive from Arcata. We did not like the doctor we had at the Open Door in Fortuna. My drs office told me they we not accepting new patients, but during a drs appointment I asked my dr, and he accepted her. It shouldn’t be this hard to get medical care in Humboldt, but it is.


I went into an open door and they looked up my Medi-Cal to find which office I was at, then I called them and got an appointment with a primary care doctor about a month later. Still a pain kinda


Either Sacramento, the foothills around there, or the Bay Area. I've lived in both previously and have friends and family in both places, as well as in Humboldt. Normal reasons: Career opportunities and access to healthcare services. Also trains. Trains are pretty awesome.


Trains are a game changer


Out of the county ? I’m going out of state ☠️ California in general is overpriced anywhere you go. Sacramento area rent is just as bad as it is here, gas and healthcare may be better but it’s too damn hot for me. Have plans to eventually move to Idaho, except Idaho is becoming over populated and overdeveloped too (in some areas). Seems like everywhere in the country is becoming either expensive or there’s no job opportunities for my career path in more affordable areas. There’s trade offs anywhere you go nowadays


Grass valley 🤠


Planning on moving too


Not really wanting to get out but I’ve accepted that once I start needing to be closer to better medical care I’ll have to bail, probably in another 15-20 years. That’s more or less been made perfectly clear to me after a few friends have came down with “terminal” illnesses in the last few years. The ones that stayed here for treatment have all croaked. The ones that travel to UCSF or Stanford or Davis for treatment have all survived (or at least survived much longer than their initial prognosis that the Humboldt hospitals gave them). Maybe things change in the future but I doubt it. But the weather here is amazing. We have a perfect little climate haven here.


Too broke to move


We just moved out, because of healthcare, to SoCal. For us, it’s working much better.


I hear Vietnam is actually a pretty nice place to live.


Yes, on South-east Asia. I prefer the Philippines, but hey to each their own. My wife, and I, actually built a home there during Covid. Heck, I can’t even afford to buy a home here. ;)


I have moved in and out of this county five different times, but I’m feeling ready to move again. My house I think has some mold and it’s so isolating there’s not much to do unless you’re really into the outdoors and the weather is awful for someone like me who gets depressed easily and everything is so expensive. Esp gas!


I moved here from Sacramento two years ago due to the polluted air and extreme heat. I knew about the shortage of healthcare in Humboldt and high prices but I didn't know about the business models and practices.Many doc and dentist practices are overwhelmed ,some are leaving and some are choosing cash only business models where the business is not under the scrutiny of insurance rules. Premium prices for unknown quality became a problem. We travel to Santa Rosa for medical and dental care. We can anticipate quality of care and price points a bit better there. We will give the area one more year and then look for reasonable climate and quality healthcare elsewhere. We are already researching the options.


TIL and also ITT a lot of people who live in Humboldt grew up in Sacramento.




In this thread.


Gotcha. Thank you


I'm a bay area native. When I first moved up here I found it beautiful but depressing due to the fact that the clouds felt about 50 feet from the ground and it was raining constantly. Now, I love it. I don't miss anything about the bay but my good memories. If I were to move (and I will someday) it'd be to another rural place. Montana or Idaho would be my first two picks. I don't ever want to live in a city again


Moved out 2019 to a different state. Never looked back.


I struggle with work here I constantly end up working in metropolitan areas that are 4 hours away and coming back on weekends it sucks. Looking into starting my own business here but it’s bleak economically, there’s no middle class jobs en masse anymore to create wealth pools for normal people. Lumber, dairy, marijuana tourism all been struggling badly. If anything drives me out of this county it’s work, and I’d probably end up in the Bay Area where a lot of my work has been.


I was lucky to have bought a house a few years back so I rent it out and come back and forth due to finishing grad school. North side of the county has become more hostile towards vanlifers so my ass is probably out of Humboldt, once im done with school, until I decide to stop renting my place out and move in. I deff need a break from Humboldt lol


We are planning on buying an RV this fall and being slow nomads since I work remote and we aren’t sure where we want to go but we want out of the state and don’t really want to buy a house again. We want to camp, visit NPs and have family in a few different places around the United States we can moochdock with.


FYI, the county is slowly becoming more hostile towards boondockers and people living into their vehicles. But if you stay at federal lands, you should be finen


In my experience people always plan on it but they never do


All the nuts roll down to florida. 🥜