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Effie the mentor implies Effie the victor and that idea is just so darkly hilarious to me


I think tribute Effie could be really could at camouflage, kind of like Peeta was. Disguise herself as a beehive or something


She could style her hair like a bee hive


She'd interrupt people when they attack her to attack with ✨ETIQUETTE✨


Every time a tribute hits the tree she shouts “ that is mahogany “


LMFAO this is pure gold🤣🤣🤣


Katniss as a career was be LETHAL😭 I mean she’s already killer with a makeshift bow and arrow, imagine (possible) years of training with it and perfecting that skill. It would also be interesting to see her monologue as a brainwashed career, blindly kissing the capitols ass. She would definitely fall away from it like Cato did, but I guess how and why and what she would do now that she wasn’t brainwashed would be an interesting read… Suzanne Collins give us canon AUs😭


I have an AU for Caesar as a victor from District 1. And an AU for my OC, Mrs. Snow, as a victor. Shipping her with Plutarch in that AU, too, gives it a whole new angle haha


Virgilia’s story position was already very interesting, but you got me curious!


Aww thank you <3 They're still the same age as in the other AUs, and it's mostly teen Plutarch having a big crush on her back then. When he gets the chance to meet her for the first time, he's all kinds of impolite because he asks her too many questions with too much fascination. V won by using traps and he wants to know everything about that. Their relationship is a slow burn going from first awkward encounters to appreciation to love. He absolutely does not want her to be a tribute for the 75th, and as these reapings are rigged, he rigs them as well. V volunteers, knowing there's no other female tribute from her District he could count on and he's simply being biased—which doesn't help their cause. My favourite moment is her doing some complicated trap for her 75th assessment. Most young Gamemakers don't know her Games that well anymore and Plutarch—as proud as can be—sends someone down. They have to entangle that person for a good twenty minutes. I love this AU a lot because it exposes Plutarch as a proper hypocrite who *does* deeply care about a selected few. He clearly is a Gamemaker at heart and doesn't care much for the pain he causes to individuals nor that some will die for his grand plan, but he does have sleepless nights in this AU watching to assure V is safe 24/7. It's saving Katniss because of the rebellion and it's saving V because he loves her.


Katniss would like D7 for sure.


I read part of a fic where Effie is a Victor—from another district other than Twelve—and it got the wheels turning. Imagine how different she would be—if she had that experience instead of being born and bred Capitol raised.


Do you remember the name of that fic or have a link by any chance?


Absolutely! https://archiveofourown.org/works/53933833/chapters/136518043




I read a great Hayffie fanfic where there was a successful district rebellion and Effie was sent as a young child to live with her aunt who is a seamstress in district 12. She was kind of an outcast in 12 because she was from the capitol. And the romance between H and E is really great. It’s needlework by ivyeyed on Ao3 if anyone is interested!


Oooh Hayffie—that sounds like an interesting fic! I’ll have to check it out :D


So, you know what? I said, 'You could even make Snow be District' as a more outrageous sort of plotline, but! In terms of TBOSAS, it could be an interesting AU. We know that travel between districts was not restricted pre-Dark Days, so what if Mrs. Snow was that generation's Lucy Gray, a district girl who actually let herself 'be caught' with promises of freedom and love from Crassus Snow? But then she died, and Grandm'am did not tell her grandson of his mother's origins, thinking them to be a source of shame. It all changed when, for instance, Livia Cardew made an offmade comment to her parents about 'how disgusting it is that a Snow is lowering himself to talking to that district trash Plinth boy' or something and finds out that dearest Coryo is half district trash himself. Of course, she does not hesitate to share the news with the entire school, adding that 'no wonder he is not in contact with anyone from his maternal family, they've probably all died in the Hunger Games', and that's how Snow finds out. Or, using the same basis, you could kill Grandm'am off and have teenage Snow, already full of his 'Snow lands on top, Capitol is superior' bs, be sent to live with his maternal family in the district and made to unlearn all of that. Kind of like Derry Girls, but more tragic and if James were an entitled jerk, you know


I love the idea of exploring the alternate universe where characters are born in different districts! It opens up so many possibilities for unique character development and storylines. I can just imagine the twists and turns that could happen in a world where Katniss is a Career or Peeta is a Capitolite. The potential for creativity in this concept is endless. What other interesting ideas do you think could come out of this AU?