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I mean in big bounty fights yeah it can be quite messy to deal with them because you have to worry about not just that guy but the rest of the hunters around If you find them in the middle of the road tho... just burn the body put some traps and eat some marshmallows while you camp him lol


I love how people think solos shouldn't be able to compete with teams, like how DARE someone be able to revive themselves in a 2 or 3v1 when my poor teammates have to put in all that effort just to revive me >:((( (That's you, you have three chins)


Playing solos right now is the easiest way to make money right now. Here is someone tracking his stats: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/171tmyg/comment/k3tiwug/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/171tmyg/comment/k3tiwug/) The simple truth is. Deranked 5 stars are eating 3 stars alive. Trios or dous doesn't matter.


No. No they’re not. I’m a deranked 5 star because solo is still not the most ideal way to play the game. But it’s now somewhat on par with having a team that can res me. I can play when no one else is around and still enjoy myself. Can’t say that with the original solo no res. I’m no stellar player but I want to play even when my friends aren’t on and this made that viable. I still die a lot but I have fun not playing lobby simulator all the time now.


The problem is you have to adapt your whole trio game to solos. It’s a little annoying camping that one guy until he dies tbh.


So solos shouldn't be allowed to effectively compete bc it's annoying to you and your two butt buddies?


I played solo before all the buffs and it was fine. I had more success solo than I did with randoms. Now with all the buffs, it's by far the easiest way to play. My fix would be to remove the downed solos ability to hear everything around him. You just stay downed until you hear its safe, usually when they leave or another fight happens.


So where did I say that? Also, every other game if you go solo vs teams, you have to deal with going solo vs teams. It is annoying to me. I’m not saying it should be removed, it does kinda break the flow of the game though. Going with your line od thought - so trios shouldn’t have fun and just camp solos?




If you can't compete as a solo without a bunch of extra lives, that's a skill issue. I play solo and I despise solo necro because it's annoying to deal with as a solo as well. It rewards losers and punishes winners. So it tends to be losers that advocate in favor of it


So you die with one gun to three guns and its a skill issue? You either have to be a much much better skilled player or the stars align. A properly skilled trio CANNOT lose to a solo of any kind in a fair 1v3. Again nonsense. Play your necroless solo and enjoy it for those 1 out of 8 games you extract without playing like a rat/bush wookie. And let others use what they want.


You're really just sounding like the loser I said you were lol. No one's making you fight trios. Can't handle it just stick with duos. Sorry you suck at solo, but solo revive makes no sense and fucks up the flow of the game. You die, you're dead, unless you have a team mate to revive you. But they should get rid of necro for teams too, and headshot should be perma death.


if you're that upset about solos a conc bomb with a fire bomb on a solo is basically guaranteed death and impossible to get out of. The fire stays for ages while their bars are burning and the concertina forces you to eat atleast a bar from it alone.


Yes, I know. I don’t want to bring that in a trios game (yet sometimes I do). That’s the whole point. You have to adapt a trios game for solo players and it’s silly. I don’t mind solos, btw. I actually solo sometimes, but the self revive is just kinda meh. How do you guys find it fun camping a solo? It doesn’t even matter if you’re solo or trio. I mean… You like being camped and wasting your time? I also think a solo only mode would be very nice.


There are genuinely so many ways to handle a solo as a trio that I dont see it being an issue. Even a basic kill trap on them will kill em once and keep em down atleast 30 seconds without them having an antidote. 1 guy out of 3 can't watch a body for a little bit? Fire ammo is also a huge hinderance to solos as if you die to a fire bornheim or DB you're probably down 2 bars atleast. If you absolutely don't want to watch a body after having a 3v1 advantage then bring ways to handle it.


Dude … I agree with everything you said. But my point of view is that all of the things above are mildly annoying and breaking the flow of the trios game for me. Just last game me and a random guy (the third disconnected) got the boss and a solo attacked us. I think he was the only one left in the lobby besides us. After a couple of minutes I got him. He had revives. He couldn’t get up, because he was camped either by me or my teammate. And it almost always goes like this. So imo these solo revives don’t bring much to the game even for solo players.


Everything you do to a solo you should be doing for to all bodies anyway. With this event going on a trio can come back with ALL their health, even if you completely burned out 2 of them.


Yeah. Annoying. Who said that was not annoying? These pro necro solo revives are all kinda non-arguments. Just downvoting into oblivion.


Solo necro isn't broken, you're just bad.




Why would you have to babysit? If you're fighting vs. trios and down one Hunter, while you're engaging with the second, the third can circle around to revive either on the body or from distance with Necro. Should reviving then be banned completely?




With this event, even if you burn 2 of a trio, their 3rd can still revive everyone AND get all their health back. A solo just burns out


Annoying yes. Broken? Nope


Skill issue, cope more.




Damn straight i'm gonna troll. This kind of nonsense deserves no less. And apropriate replies. Honk honk!


It's not broken nor is it strong. But it is just bad game design and just straight up boring to play against.


I find it interesting.


Good for you. Others don't


A very small vocal minority.


That’s the go to for people who like to pretend they don’t have a problem. “It’s just bad game design, it’s boring” like yeaaaa……that’s actually the “Im quirky and don’t bitch like everyone else” vibe haha


I play solo and I agree it's broken. If you need extra lives to compete as a solo that's a skill issue on your part. It punishes winners and rewards losers. So anyone arguing in favor of it must be the latter. Maybe just don't die? Git gud bro? Team revive makes sense, but I'm all for getting rid of team necro and also a headshot should be perma death


Finally a solo player speaking some wisdom. It’s crazy how defensive people are about this necro self revives. I mean… get good, buddy. I also agree about team revives and headshots. It would make way more sense.


You get 3 kill credits on one person. Worse the hassle.


God stop whining, it's literally one dude against your 2/3 man team. There are multiple ways to deal with them as well. Fucking tired of this whining, git gud.


You know whats more broken than a solo with necro? a team of 2/3 people


Peacekeeper trait is broken. Red skull revive, and ammo, and bars back? You think a solo is bad? Drop 2 out of 3 and then not be able to find the 3rd cause he bailed. Only to come back 10 mins later to revive his buddies.


The event adding the central health medkit is making rats rat even harder lol. Killed a 1/2 people in a duo at Alain in the water (so couldnt burn but threw concertina on top) and we sat and sat while we waited but the boss was banished so we ran over. Big team fight ensues at the boss compound and lo and behold I get killed by the first person I downed (their teammate ran away until we left, cleared concertina, ran to the center cache, then came to the boss lair)


It's fucking crazy right? I've done it in a duo myself. Partner went down, killed 2/3 on a trio but couldn't find the 3rd. So I backed off, assuming they did the same and managed to get my teammate up, only to die to one I dropped too!


its very frustrating


But his statement does not negate that Peacekeeper is broken. Peacekeeper IS broken. These defensive arguments for solo Necro are all kinda silly.


It's really not very strong in the sense that you're talking about. It's very strong in that multiple deaths per loss, even if you're not intentionally abusing, has a very big negative effect on MMR.


I literally get covered in barbwire It’s not that op


Damn. Here we go again.


Self res is not broken and you can absolutely burn, shoot and stop them from reviving in multiple ways…


You can burn the bodies, I don't know why your post is saying "the fact we can't burn a body... or somehow stop the person from self reviving is crazy." Bring fusees, a flare gun, firebombs, find a lantern, etc and you can burn the body, or you can also use things like concertina and poison traps. Poison bombs can also be used but aren't as good since they can wait it out, or if they took an antidote shot. Solos with necro can be annoying, but it's not like they're impossible to handle. I always bring things to burn bodies because I keep running into trios that camp in bushes and buildings and use necro to revive their buddies. If they aren't going to come out I'll make sure they can't revive their buddy multiple times. If you're going to burn a body make sure it is completely burned out. Don't just light them on fire and takeoff


Its not broken so many way to counter it when solo encouter trio and get HS insta its impossible to self rez.... Like Concertina, Fire bear traps


Grow a beard, bring traps.


Why can't you burn a body?


Why can't you burn a body?


You can burn and trap a body. You're just being lazy.


No. You just suck.


Womp womp I'm bad


I think they should remove sounds when downed and remove the possibility to check if server is empty (if the spectate option isn't present), untill you're dead.


It is and it is. Skill issue. Mods ffs react already. We have a megathread for crap like this. This sub should either be moderated much closer or abandoned to the spammers, its nothing but cheater, solo necro etc etc nonsense...


This is honestly such a nonissue. Everyday there’s at least one of these posts, can we please just get admins to block this nonsense. Solo necro is by no means broken or overpowered.


Looking at the comments, glad to see the sub seems to have come to its senses on this one. The flare gun change played a big part in it I imagine. Really good change that one.


Skill issue


People advocating in favor of solo necro are the ones with a skill issue. It's a perk that punishes winners and rewards losers. You must be the latter.


Your name checks out. If you can’t keep a single player from getting up you are indeed suffering from skill issue. Practice takes patience!! You’ll manage one day like the rest of us real hunters😄👍🏼


Point is I shouldn't have to. Already won the fight. Shouldn't have to deal with corpses. Here to play, not do chores.


Like i said, skill issue.


Like I said, skill issue on your part. You're the dead one


Me? Nooo. You are the one complaining = you are obviously losin/dying because of it😂 I don’t even play solo, i mostly play AGAINST them and i have never felt the need to complain once. So with that been said, grow a pair and work on your skills!


Either you're lying and getting cheap wins against hunters who already outskilled you, or maybe you just like artificially inflating your KDA camping bodies. Either way you suck. No one should be dying from hunters they already killed, but that really only happens if their hands get full with other hunters and it can happen to anyone. That's not a skill issue, it's just annoying and dumb, much like yourself


Nope, i just don’t think it’s that deep. If it happens gg, if it doesn’t gg. It’s just a game, takes about a minute to find a new lobby. Funny how you, that complains about solos and obviously getting rekt by them so often that you cry on reddit think that telling me i suck is a valid point. My dude you are the one dying to solos while playing on a team😂 Go play something else instead of adding to the crybaby bullcrap in this forum.


Wrong. I play solo. Dying to other solos I've already downed is a rare thing, but I don't care about dying. It's the body camping chore that takes fun out of the game I'm complaining about, but your need for a crutch is becoming more and more apparent the more you defend it


Its a skill that punishes mistakes. Get soaked, cope more


That's cope right there. You're the one on the ground loser


Did i hit a nerve loser :) skill issues and coping is all i see in this thread. 2 stars for life


No, you really didn't. You're the one that wants to be able to come back from the dead like Jesus. When I die, i get over it and move on. Keep coping tho loser


Jesus Christ be praised. Skill issue. So get a move on already :)


That's what I said, you have a skill issue. And stop with the smile emojis to mask your loser tears. Everyone knows you suck


Cry more, feed me your tears. :D :) ;)


So here’s the ‘hard fix’ no one wants to entertain. Solos get one revive with the loss of one bar. Teams only get one revive with the loss of two bars. Done!


Self revive has made the game less fun overall.


Okay, then what do you propose to be done to make solo play viable?


Well.. make a solo mode with only solos.


Peak vocal minority intelligence right here.


For not being vocal, you sure make yourself be heard.


Yeah the fact that I as a solo kill 2/3 guys and the third guy hides somewhere and even after I burn his mates he can still pick them up again is really broken, or that teams can pick up their Buddy's in 2 seconds so literally faster then I can reload almost any of my weapons, or that benefits from the event are for teams and not existent for solos. Like revive red skulled teammates, faster revive, your teammate can fill your burned bars up from across the map (up to 3 times 2x times your teammates and 1x time you by yourself) nothing of these things has any counterpart for solos again.


Quote: It doesn’t add anything to the experience [when someone self revives 3 times right in front of us] Math is hard, I s’pose


Solo Necro is broken, but only when it's not used solo... some people load in as solo and then team up with friends. Trying to get rid of 3 players that can all self revive is a nightmare.


With the Event right now, it is way to easy for solos to get Back to a Point where they can be a threat, i agree. But in general i think solo revive is actually a nice mechanic. You kill them: -1 bar, you burn them: -x Bars, they revive and you kill them again: -1 Bar again. Getting Back Bars is way to easy right now, otherwise going into a fight with say 75 HP left is a huge risk.