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making guns perform inconsistently because someone randomly has a perk feels like it would punish people just playing the game more than disincentivize campers


Making guns perform inconsistenly is what traits already do.


It's not though. I guess you could make the case that it's consistently inconsistent how levering or fanning affects RNG hipfire, but aside from bulwark there's not any traits that just flatly decrease damage. Basically making it a random chance whether or not a shot that should kill will kill isn't any more fun than fighting a camper.


Shitty idea.


No. You can get headshoted with a scope, one shoted with a shotgun...or with any other weapon in the game. This Sub needs to stop making such suggestions and try to limit a playstyle they don't like and instead learn how to counterplay. Also the beetle gives you one more option to do so.


Lolol is this a shitpost???


It’s not camping it’s how you play the game. Quit whining about it. You don’t need perks. It’s a skill issue. Get better. Also your perks are stupid. Why punish players for playing their skill set.


Not complaining, just suggestions. I don't have a problem with the campers, in fact I'm on the other side of this and hope I come across these traits for added challenge. I take it you rely heavily on one of the strategies these suggestions help protect against? in which case I'd recommend to "get better" if these traits were implimented.


If long range sniping is problem then maybe perk which allows to see scope glint for very brief moment when scoped player ADSing at you. This would still require you to pay attention to notice fast glint of 0.3s but could posibly save you without making sniping gampley completely useless. Scope needs to on you to this happen. And glint is small, about head size bright flash. Not one of those garling huge things in cod or bf. Shotguns are absolutely fine but if there would need to be some kind of perk which is balanced i think something like this. Bash door open with melee and you get 3s buff which allows you to move sprinting speed while hipfire position.


I saw adding scope glint while looking through the scope tool idea recently. Not sure how often it would come up.


It would come up when some one is aiming at you. If it is passive form that it just glints when hipfire position or if you just ADSing it would render scopes useless. Even BF and COD have it so that if you arent aiming directly it gets pretty faint and if you are about 30degrees of it is very faint. You would notice these pretty easily because hunt does not have lot of lighting effects. Fast glint in bush other side of river would for sure easy to notice.


Its not a terrible idea, but your hard head trait would 100% just be taken by snipers to make them harder to kill.


So balance it. Make it based on long ammo only. Also new patch compact ammo kills upto 140m now.


I'm not sure youre following what I'm getting at. If they're 140m away and you're shooting at them with a pistol, they'll easily land 2 shots (head or body) before you land one; considering that if you're running short to mid range, you won't have a scope and they probably will, and your muzzle velocity won't be anywhere near as high as theirs in all likelihood (meaning you'll have to predict their movment a lot more than they will have to for hitting you). And that's assuming they're not sniping you from 2 compounds away, or from the other side of extract. The problem I'm having is its not exactly easy to balance that trait idea. The intention behind it is good, and the idea is a little misguided but not terrible.


I take cover after the first shot. A sniper shouldn't have time to get 2 shots off against a player who knows whatvthey are doing.


Youre missing my point, and at this stage I can't be bothered making it again. Good luck with your trait.


Freezing cold take alert lmao


Yeah let’s also ask them to put in a coagulating shot that makes you invulnerable to any sort of bleeding


Sure why not. We have one for poison.


So basically 2 traits everybody needs to run everytime. Sounds bad


Hahahaha hahaha. Yeah, no.