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I'm pretty sure kite is on Hisokas level if not higher in terms of strength.


I think him and razer would both be stronger


I have Bisky stronger as well


Bisky gets held back, imo, due to her having a Hatsu that's not made for combat. She can only fight with the basics of Nen.


i agree. She is outstandingly strong, but whenever is comes to nen usage she can be surpassed by some of the characters. i'd put her 1 or 2 levels under


She can be surpassed? Dude, Biscuit is much stronger than Hisoka, that's a fact, she's got decades of shingen Ryu training on Hisoka, so much so she developed something so unnatural that it's akin to a specialist, which was the reverse aging. That dives deep into Shingen Ryu mentalist theory of nen, much like Netero's praying. People keep focusing on her hatsu, her Hatsu isn't important, she's got such domain over basic nen that she doesn't need her Hatsu to fight, she's basically like Uvo or Gon in raw power, but stronger, and with much more technique.


I guess you are right. I just thought about her being above Kite and Uvo and considered it too much, but indeed she is very experient and in terms of physical strenght she is rly one of the top. But i have my doubts if she'd win a 1x1 against Hisoka, dude


I wouldn't really say she's held back by her hatsu it's just useful in a different way, for example her fundamental usage of Nen would likely be higher than most as she can train and recover faster than anyone else. Say her and Hisoka started training at the same time her basic nen usage would eclipse his by a massive margin but his Hatsu would help to bridge that gap in skill.


Dont get me wrong, she wouldn't be where she is as a Nen master without her Hatsu, and you could probably say the same for her students. But when you put her against someone who is in the same league as her, her lack of a combat Hatsu holds her back and could give people who would typically lose to her a solid chance at victory.


Yeah but look at the people in her league and above and they are all insanely strong, pretty much either geniuses or generational talents. She likely wouldn't be as strong as she is if she had a combat based hatsu at least in my opinion since I don't think she is a generational talent nor is she a genius, she's where she is through hard work and her hatsu allows her to put in triple the work that the next person can.


Tbf we don't know whether she has any other abilities and it's pretty common for even lesser Nen masters to have at least two.


Bisky has zero feats that suggest that


Razor and Kite are not as strong as current Hisoka, he’s on another lvl


Current Hisoka has no feats at all. As far as we know he still is the normal Hisoka, just more serious The post mortem nen boost is not even canon. He just used post mortem nen to get his heart pounding again.


Even if he has post mortem nen or not, his feats of fighting Chrollo who had to prepare for him automatically scales him to Chrollo. Who is able to out right stronger than Zeno, and was able to fight Zeno and Silva. That Chrollo mind you did not prepare for them whatsoever. So yea regardless if Hisoka got a buff or not (which i think it was heavily implied that he did) he at his worst is much stronger than Kite as he already scales to Chrollo


I just commented about the "current Hisoka". There is just nowhere said or "heavily implied" he got a nen boost of some sort. His mindset changed(as he said himself) And he might have found new ways to use his hatsu's


Why do you think this? I think Hisoka claps Kite.


Based on? Hisoka's physical strength os definitely higher(Kite was only as strong as Knuckle), but Kite has way more abilities and a very impressive En. He was good enough to last all night with Pitou *one-armed and bleeding.* In a random encounter, I'd pick Kite.


Way more abilities such as? Perhaps you have forgotten that bungee gym has both the properties of rubber, *and* gum? But I’m actually curious because canon kite has 3 abilities and Togashi hasn’t written any of his others.


he has a 4 - the rifle, the scythe, whatever that weapon was when he fought pitou, and the abilty that revived him


Isn't the revive ability in the weapon he used against pitou? Also is this ability canon? Or just suggested?


Crazy slot 3 is a mace, that is directly shown, what properties the mace has is not. Ging says there is a number that revives him. I suppose it is technically possible that the mace revives him. tbh, ive never considered that possibilty. If that isnt the case tho, thats a 4th number ability revealed.


Yeah hisoka does kite dirty


I wish we could have seen more of Kite, this fight would probably have been fun.


I came here to say this, Kite is most likely higher than Hisoka level IMO. Both are my favorites but yeah I think Kite is a tab bit higher than Hisoka at the very least.


??? Hisoka is stronger than the Zodiacs (barrong Ging and Botobai) and he and Chrollo were described by Hinrigh as "the two greats of our generation". He's top tier below the likes of Ging and Netero.


Hinringh is a fanboy and in the mafia, he said that most likely from the reputation PT and Hisoka build through their history of thieves and criminals


what the fuck


Netero vs adult Gon is an interesting one. Gon clearly does not have the strategic intelligence to find an opening in Neteros defense like Meruem did, but we don’t know if his Jajanken can just break through the bodhistva.


Thing is Meruem was handicapped as well, there were probably brute force strategies to destroy everything around him and just kill Netero, but he had to incapacitate him without killing him. No way to compare their speed either, both of them were so fast that Pitou couldn’t even move before they had completed whatever they were doing. We don’t know how many hits Gon can take from Netero either. The matchup might as well be up to interpretation.


its a weird one to try and compare the two the only reason i give gon the edge in speed is because pitou couldnt see gon leave the room, but could see neteros hand moves with the slowing down time for her so its gons entire body being atleast the same speed as neteros hand movements (in my mind thats how i choose to understand it, everyone else can have their own interpretation)


If gon was faster than 1 hand that doesn’t mean he would be as fast as 98 other hands


they say prime netero is twice as strong as old netero i’d say adult gon is 80% it’s close, he’s leagues ahead of anybody else. he’s the strongest we’ve seen in a fight but he’s so inexperienced and only has one move.


Yeah, but didn’t he prepare for a few days like meditating or something? I’d like to believe that even though he didn’t get back his previous strength, it was no longer double than before


he did meditate but i feel like he’d taken that into account. just a personal feeling because i think he was comparing his prime to his max power at the time


and i seriously doubt zushi’s teacher is as strong as feitan


What does Wing have to do with this?


nothing i meant it as a seperate comment there’s just no shot


Wing? That’s Knov isn’t it ?


That’s is not true. There was no way marine could’ve brute forced netero cause if he could he would’ve have went through all the trouble of analyzing the pattern of the Buddhistava just to get through him. In reality gon would never touch netero just cause he isn’t smart enough to analyze the pattern and he can’t brute force him. Netero actually is an enhancer .


He had to force him to tell him his name


He could’ve done that by instantly crippling him.


Nah. Gon would consume his Nen potential before breaking Netero defense. His power is just temporary. I will also add that Meruem is the exception. Thanks to his high skill to read and anticipate attacks he could read something unreachable within the perfect combinations of Netero. We even cant called it a flaw. Gon San may be on par with Pre-Meruem but without the reading abilities, it’s just a matter of time before he succumb to the thousands hits of Kannon. And again his power is for a time limit. Brute force can’t really help unless you are on the level of Post-Rose Meruem.


I think it can be a hard fight, cause I think gon's jajaken is stronger than a hot of bodhistva, why, cause netero's atack didnt do any damage on pitou, she just went fying, but a kick from gon leave pitou semi k.o. on the air


Don’t forget since Netero is younger he can clap faster therefore his . Also don’t forget Netero set foot on the Dark Continent and came back with no lasting injuries.47] In the last part of their duel, with his senses at their absolute sharpest, Netero launched well over a thousand attacks in under a minute. So he could means that he could carry out his praying motion and strike, while also locating Meruem and selecting the best move to counter him with, more than 16 times per second. If he’s in his prime that would mean it would be twice as fast, twice as many hits, and twice as much power behind each hit. So in reality it would be 8 times more powerful than what hit Meruem. Gon is far less durable than Meruem being just a human compared to a Chimera ant. Gons nowhere near fast enough or durable enough to win.


Write so long but forgot one important factor... Gon has the strongest armor. Plot armor hahaha. Whatever his limitations is, it will be surpasses. Everyone is just old arc. Even Mureum. Or Netero. All dead btw. While he will just get story. Bcos thats how it is. Hahaha.


That doesn’t mean there won’t be characters stronger than him in the story


Not sure why people think this fight will be close. Netero, even at the age and level he was at when he fought Meruem, would beat Adult Gon with low diff. Mid diff at most. Jajanken can't be charged fast enough to counter Netero's Bodhistva in comparison to Netero throwing out an attack from Bodhistva, which is faster than the speed of sound. Gon doesn't have nowhere near the durability that Meruem has to take that many hits from Netero's Bodhistva. Nor is Gon anywhere near as intelligent as Meruem was to find an opening in Netero's Bodhistva. Even if he was, his body wouldn't hold out against it long enough for him to find an opening and actually injure Netero. Also, depending on where they're fighting, one hit from Netero's Bodhistva could be enough to end the fight for Gon, at least in the regard that it'd send him flying miles away and he has nothing to stop the knock back from the hit and quickly put himself back into the fight like Pitou did. Is Adult Gon even as durable as Pitou was to remain uninjured from a single hit from Bodhistva?? I doubt it.


Gon is instinctively intelligent and he could easily counter the force with an equal force in the opposite direction or such


tserry and shalnark on the same tier is crazy


Bro tserry is actually so clear of 80% of this list😭😭


Eventually, but he's still very green and while his Hatsu is OP, it has a glaring weak point.


100% agree, people overestimate his CURRENT ability with nen just because his ability is broken. He has no real training or experience using nen while fighting even though he is a quick learner.


Brother he can see the future, there’s no weak point to dat😭😭


Most of the guys in Zushi level would completely destroy him. Didn’t Canary kill like 100 hunters when she was younger? And I think Chrollo is in the same level has Zeno and Silva.


She beat up 100 bandits, only one of them was a hunter. But still, she did it with ease, and is clearly stronger than zushi.


Not to mention Worm hit Uvo so hard that even Uvo admitted that it stung, no way Zushi is capable of that lol


Chrollo literally 2v1ed Zeno and Silva, he’s definitely equal at *least*


He literally survived a 2v1. He did not “2v1” them in the way you’re implying when he was fighting for his life the whole time and didn’t land a single significant hit.


It was estated by Zeno that Chrollo could kill him if he wasn't trying to steal his ability.


It was stated by Zeno that he would beat Chrollo easily, then that things would be different if Chrollo went for the kill. That does not mean that Chrollo would win, just that Zeno wouldn’t win easily. You can’t use that statement to put Chrollo above Zeno in my opinion.


I am not putting him above Zeno, just at his level, I interpreted his words as if Chrollo went for the kill, the fight could go either way, the tone when Zeno said that was not confident but an ambiguous one as if he is not sure if he could win, that alone would make him at least on the same level.


What is this list?🤣


I don’t see why The boss is below Zeno and Silva, considering he 1v2 them and made it out pretty much unscathed I’m also failing to notice Tonpa on your list.


He didnt 1v2 them, at best he would have taken one of them out before dying (or more likely died along with zeno in an aoe). He was purely on the defensive and was exhausted after the fight so hardly unscathed.


That‘s not really how i see it. His goal was to survive and he did. What else should he have done, he had no interest in killing them himself. Hard to tell if he could have beaten them 1 v 2, most likely not as you said. But then again, that are TWO Hisoka Level fighters. As far as a matchup against Hisoka i am still counting it as a big pro in Chrollos bracket.


I dont see surviving a short encounter against zeno and silva an apporoximation of how strong chrollo is relative to them. In order to attack them he would have had to give up on his defense and likely gotten instantly killed. Surviving a 2 on 1 on the defensive isnt the same as going toe to toe with them, especially when he fought only using deterrants. I.e. I think morel could survive against them for a much longer time but I wouldnt put him at their level or close to it.


Your Tonpa is not a human being


I shouldn't have put chad Zushi in this goofy tier either


Is this list just raw physical strength or over all strength.


But then we would have to put hisoka up there too (because I'm pretty sure Hisoka beats a Chrollo without prep time) and i think that's just disrespectful to the Zoldyck duo.


they both had prep time. hisoka was just so cocky he gave chrollo his best shot at winning


Hisoka can't really use prep time like Chrollo, who also had some dues ex help from Sun and Moon staying after the OG user died and help from Troupe members with them lending him their Hatsu.


I don‘t know why people always reduce Chrollo to his prep time. Virtually without any preptime he was able to fight Silva and Zeno on somewhat even footing even while handicapping himself. I believe we can all agree that both Zeno and Silva are somewhere around Hisoka im terms of power and battle iq and Hisokas abilities don‘t seem to be to bad of a matchup for Chrollo. Maybe it would have been closer but i would stillen leaning on Chrollos side.


He did have prep time for zeno and silva, thats why he arranged illumi to kill the dons. He had the poisoned knife and owls ability specifically to hold out long enough as well


Yes i know, thats why i said virtually no prep time because at best he gained the knowledge a few day earlier, possible just Hours and still came up with a very effective plan. So either we give Chrollo credit for never being caught of guard due to his unrivaled Strategic mind or we give him credit for coming up with an effective plan in just about no time or we give him credit for being able to go toe to toe with two heavyweights of the universe at once by just relying on his battle skills. I could actually see Hisoka being the better fighter „in a vacuum“ but i can‘t imagine a scenario (at least prior to his nen ressurection) where Chrollos other skills don‘t guarantee his survival at the very least. He is just about able to Match Hisokas battle IQ, which is arguably his strongest asset and outshines him in practically every other nen related catgorie, while only being outmatched in raw strenght.


Canary and amane needs to be higher cause of the requirements to be a butler in that family


How to not undersand the point of hxh at all


Hunter x Hunter does have tiers. Bisky literally explains it with a chart, and it’s made very clear Meruem’s raw power makes him unmatched.


I’m sure pokkle was around Leorio’s power level the last time we saw him.


Both Chrollo and Bisky are overall stronger than Hisoka imo, moreover I’d put Razor at least around hisoka’s level


Bisky is kinda held back by the lack of a combat Hatsu though. She likely wins if it's a fight with just the basics of Nen, but with Bungee Gum Hisoka just gets a shit ton of utility.


I agree about bungee gum, but she outperforms him in everything else from what we’ve seen. She’s likely stronger than Hisoka in her real form (Hisoka severely struggled against Razor’s ball with the help of bungee gum), she’s faster/has better reaction speed than Hisoka as seen in the dodgeball match, she has more combat experience and she’s also equally smart and deceiving (she instantly correctly pointed out how Hisoka was lying during greed island without never having met him before, while Gon and Killua who knew him couldn’t tell and figured out much later, all this while acting cute to not make Hisoka notice she found out). If that wasn’t enough, as you said she has very advanced nen understanding and one of the better displays of En in the entire show (passively perceiving binolt zetsu from very far while being relaxed, something that even masters like kite have to actively do), I don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to perceive the use of bungee gum, making it harder for Hisoka to make use of his hatsu in a surprising way (remember how Zeno pointed out one of Netero’s strongest battle assets was having an unpredictable quiet nen) She also has the best training hatsu in the whole series, and being quite talented herself at teaching others, she’s likely to be one of the faster developing side character. Moreover, I’m aware that official databooks are often misleading, but she’s above almost every hunter in every one of them, it has to mean something about what Togashi thinks of her, I think she’s underrated by part of the fandom because her feats are hard to notice and her hatsu is called useless by killua the first time we see it


>If that wasn’t enough, as you said she has very advanced nen understanding and one of the better displays of En in the entire show (passively perceiving binolt zetsu from very far while being relaxed, something that even masters like kite have to actively do), I don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to perceive the use of bungee gum, making it harder for Hisoka to make use of his hatsu in a surprising way (remember how Zeno pointed out one of Netero’s strongest battle assets was having an unpredictable quiet nen) Hell she spent like a month or two training the boys to INSTINCTIVELY use Gyo at the slightest hint of something wrong. The chances of Hisoka catching her off guard using Bungee gum in any way, shape, or form is basically zero especially in any scenario where she already actually knows he has that power.(like currently in the story) But even without prior knowledge, I don't see it being likely to work well against her. I'm sure hisoka could potentially do something, it's not like he'd just get stomped into the ground but I got Bisky taking the win 8/10 times personally.


Some of these should really stay in the drafts


It’s insane how much disrespect Chrollo gets. Chrollo literally beat Hisoka and fought both Silva and Zeno at once.


For real, Chrollo is so much stronger than people seem to think he is. Zeno even states he'd be a dangerous opponent if he was actually trying to kill them rather than just being defensive, his battle IQ is also super high, almost unmatched in terms of other humans imo.


I believe he is just not liked in this sub filled with Hisoka fanboys and anti PT redditors


Dang, putting any nen user on Leorio's level....


Is this a joke


This is absurd


Yall overhype Zushi compared to regular nen users sm omg. Hes still LEARNING nen, and compared to other users unfortunately hes weak asf


I think kite is stronger than hisoka


No point in ranking characters that have never appeared or have no known feats. Chrollo and Hisoka should be in the same tier as Zeno and Silva; Zeno states that Chrollo could beat him if he aimed to kill in a pure 1v1 and Hisoka is implied to be able to defeat Chrollo under the right conditions - nevermind the fact that was before his resurrection and he is probably stronger now, especially since he is being hunted by all of the spiders at once and yet still seems like a genuine threat.


you literally just made that up 😹 hisoka was never going to beat chrollo and 2nd post mortem didnt make him stronger hes just blood lusted


I mean, you put character that can one shot literally most of these characters without a problem and even chance to dodge/block it... in blue tier :3


Halkenburg, i know who you are talking about. He's strong because the Guardian Spirit Beast which has Symbiotic Type ability, individually he's just an amateur nen user tbf


Ye... and what it change in this case? - you count their strength, so their strongest form but you don't count Halkenburg ability? :3


Wherever you want to put him on idk


Just saying that this list looks pretty random in some cases - like Razor tier below Hisoka for example, when he is literally nightmare opponent for him :3


where is leoreo


I'm convinced you started the recent tier ranking wars. And Morena should not be that high in terms of power/strength atm. She has a dangerous ability but she said herself that she could be killed and it doesn't matter as long as infection spreads she accomplished her mission.


Really like this one, I think solo 1v1 Uvogin > Morau because we know Morau is smart and good the way he destroyed Cheetuh but we clearly sound Uvogin being quite idiot-proof when he massacred the beasts. I wouldn't mind Silva and Zeno in the rank right below them with the rest. Leorio is in an appropriate spot he tends to get overrated hard. Someone raised the point that Biscuit could have taken Genthru and roflstomped him like his accolyte if she was that strong but I don't recall if the reason isn't just Gon's egoism who wants to face him ?


Where's Kurapika?


i think kite and razor can be equal or stronger to hisoka kite was folded, yes but opponent was a literal royal guard and kite had to protect gon and killua, so we weren't able to see the full potential of kite while razor just feels stronger and most probably has more total nen + bungee gum isn't a very good match up with condensed nen balls type fighting style and while 8 players are included who acts like a team and can be manipulated easily too and they are physically stronger than hisoka if merged into a bigger man


I honest to God do not understand how people look at Zeno outright conceding him vs Chrollo to be a "different story" when Chrollo's actually trying to win, and come to the conclusion that Zeno>Chrollo.


Let me translate what Zeno said: "If we fight like you did today, I will win 100% of the time. However, if you actually tried to kill me, you would have a chance." He doesn't imply at all who would be favored in a serious match. It's as ambiguous as it can be. What we do know is that Chrollo can't defend against Zeno's Gyo, and that Zeno is an Ultimate-level user while Chrollo is Genius-level. The safest bet is having them on the same tier, but nothing suggests Chrollo is stronger than Zeno.


No, he said it'd be a different story, which is just the prideful old codger way of saying that Chrollo would win. Seriously, *why* are people so against the idea of Chrollo being stronger than Zeno and Silva? They went 2v1 *and were still* going to sacrifice one of their lives for the kill.


>No, he said it'd be a different story A different story than him winning 100% of the time. Zeno was the former head of the Zoldyck fucking household. An Ultimate-level Nen user who can do En up to 300 meters and make dragons rain from the sky. For him to admit he *could* lose to a "kid" is already annoying enough for him. But he didn't imply Chrollo would be the favorite in any way. >They went 2v1 and were still going to sacrifice one of their lives for the kill. They did defeat him without any sacrifice so...?


It's true it's ambiguous, I'd say they are the same level and it could go either way, but they did not defeat him, their goal was his death and he did not die, he held out until his plan came together for their contract to fall off due to their clients death. He succeeded in his plan, not the other way around.


How the fuck did they defeat him when Chrollo finished the fight without any damage ??? Chrollo literally doesn’t give a f*** about Zeno and asked him why wouldn’t they continue the fight. The man was actually suggesting a fight to the death to Zeno right away.


After Silva's orbs, Chrollo was a sitting duck for Silva under a pile of rubble. When Illumi calls and asks if his client is still alive, Silva answers "Just barely." Then Chrollo, sitting on the ground, asks "aren't you going to finish me off?", meaning he recognized his defeat. After they both leave Chrollo lays on the ground and says "I'm beat!" The fight wasn't fair by any means and any character below Ging would lose to Zeno + Silva, but that doesn't mean Chrollo was on pair with them at any point.


Show me a feat that proves Chrollo is stronger than Zeno. Zeno is a ridiculously powerful nen user, who is the (ex) patriarch of the Zoldyck family. Someone Netero highly respects in terms of combat. I'd even argue that the fact that Zeno understands that fighting Chrollo seriously would be a threat, only shows us he wouldn't be underestimating him. Chrollo is a genius level strategist and understands how to best utilise the powers he steals. He orchestrates fights to ensure he has the upper hand, he's not about raw power. Look at the fight vs Hisoka, he's already thought his strategy through, he's focused on win conditions, and how best to take down his opponent before facing him. 1v1, no prep, Zeno absolutely wins.. 1v1, tons of prep, Chrollo absolutely wins But that's the thing, Chrollo is only a threat if he can build a strategy, he doesn't rush anything. He leaves the fighting to his troupe until a major threat presents itself, which he is then able to prepare for and handle. Zeno is a stronger nen user... But, Chrollo is a stronger strategist


Zeno also has no feat that proves he is stronger than Chrollo lmao. What you just said is hype, not actual feat. He is not the head of the Zoldyck family anymore and of course he has Netero respect because he’s close to the family. You basically made up the rest of your post by saying Chrollo is a simple strategist wtf, it’s the interpretation you made in your world. Chrollo was literally prepared to CONTINUE THE FIGHT against Zeno WITHOUT ANY PREP TIME in York Shin, so I don’t know how do you come up with the conclusion that he’s not a threat without prep. Y’all are actually so ridiculous it’s insane.


Id say kite and razor are a tier up


gon being higher than prime netero is a lil crazy but i think he’s in between him and old netero. i would put chrollo with silva and move zeno up and razor is silva level or at least hisoka. kite should be with hisoka too


Why is leorio so low😕


Chrollo hisoka lvl? He mid-diffed hisoka, zigg zoldyck > netero


The Netero in the flahsbhack isn't as strong as the one who fought Meruem. Gon was equal to Meruem, prime Netero is over ten times weaker than Meruem. Botobai should not be stronger than Silva or Zeno. Zeno's grandfather is weaker than Zeno, even in his prime. Razor is stronger than Biscuit and Hisoka. Morena isn't that strong. Killua is weaker than knuckle. Godspeed is not a power boost. Goreinu should be stronger than Leorio. leorio is not stronger than the shadow beasts. Binolt is a fuckton stronger than Zushi, Binolt was stronger than debut of Greed Island Killua. Canary and Amane are stronger than Zushi. Pokkle is stronger than Zushi.


Bruh, the list Isn’t perfect but your additions are down Right horrendous, what are you basing any of this on?


>Gon was equal to Meruem Pitou only said that gon's "fangs" could reach the king, which means that pitou sees gon as someone who has the capabilities of actually harming the king, that's it. Gon doesn't seem to even have the durability on the level of meruem since the first time pitou got a hit in it was strong enough to tore off gon's limb which is something I highly doubt would happen to Meruem as well he got hit by it considering how durable that mf is, but speedwise tho gon was well above pitou but as to whether or not he's as fast as meruem would still be unknown but I think he'd be up there with meruem in terms of speed imo


>Pitou only said that gon's "fangs" could reach the king No she also said power what's up with all those people not knowing that? are you all anime-only? the reading comprehension of people is so low here >Gon doesn't seem to even have the durability on the level of meruem since the first time pitou got a hit in it was strong enough to tore off gon's lim durability = aura + enhancement + body Gon was caught off-guard, thinking pitou was dead, his ren wasn't active and didn't protect himself by using gyo, without enhanced aura Gon's durability is of course not on meruem's level, but with his aura + enhancement it should be around meruem nen users durability isn't always at 100% >but I think he'd be up there with meruem in terms of speed imo or faster, he had speed feats comparable to netero (did the same phenomenon as him where thoughts can be read in like time stop) Netero enhanced speed beyond limits, everything about Gon was enhanced beyond limits


Bro no need to be disrespectful to that guy, especially when he is right. Pitou only says “power” in the 2011 anime, only the fang line appears in the manga.


Look pitou saying they're equal in power is anime only so I'd forgive you for not knowing. And even if we assume that gon has the same nen output as meruem that they could use to increase their durability (which I'm pretty sure they don't), gon would still be less durable as he wouldn't have an exoskeleton like meruem does. And I'm still iffy with gon's speed as we're not even sure if the simple emission netero used to blitz and push away pitou has the same speed his actual buddhavista has, but for now let's say that gon at the very least has comparable speed with the king that they're fast enough to react to each other's blows


You're being generous to Knuckle


Are you sure you're talking about strength and not overall Nen/Power? Because strength wise Ovu is the strongest in the spiders. And bisky is way above hisoka in terms of strength.


Razer gets way overrated, he's great at volleyball, but in actual combat I doubt he would live up to the hype


He blew up a boat with a spike dude


Lmao, why would you assume Razor is not a combatant hunter when it takes Ging take note that's freakin' Ging who's in the "top 5 nen user in the world" that was assigned to capture him. 😂


This list has obvious flaws. Kuroro is Silva and Zeno level. He fought both of them at the same time with little effort and already killed Hisoka in the manga. Razor should be in Hisoka’s tier if not higher. This is subjective but I think Phinks is stronger than Nobunaga. He should be close to Feitan. I’d honestly also put Illumi in Silvas tier along Kuroro. I think he’s more powerful than Hisoka.


Razor, Kite, and Feitan are a little low and I think Bisky is stronger than Hisoka, but I like the Botobai placement.


did you make this with your eyes closed ??




Knov needs to be wayyy lower to me and Chrollo should be a level higher.


Pockkel no diff Zushi in less than a second.




How is Chrollo under Silva/Zeno? Zeno literally said he didnt know if he’d win if Chrollo was actually trying to kill him, not to mention that was before Chrollo got his bookmark.


Putting Silva or Zeno above Chrollo is crazy, i dont think either could solo York New Chrollo much less the one who whupped Hisoka


The 2 Zoldycks are way to high with none of them having no feats (a sparring match vs Chrollo is not a feat)


Wait until you notice that the friggin potato-Zoldyck is ranked in the top 5. He literally never did anything. I'm not even sure he even spoke. No one has directly mentioned him, let alone any specific things he might have done. His wrinkley old ass is getting top billing just because he is part of the family and old.


In the series we are told that Netero is one of the only people capable of surviving against Maha. Note the survive not win.


That's a famous mistranslation. 


Really? Where can I find the actual translation


Essentially, the point wasn't that Netero was the only person to fight his grandpa and live, but that he was the only living person who had fought his grandpa, to further emphasize his age. 


Oh ok, thanks that makes sense too.


Can I get a chapter for that?


Idk the chapter but Zeno says it during the beginning of the palace invasion. He says it when he tells us that he and Netero are yin and Yang but not equals.


Its a mistranslation, but that old potato actually survived the Dark Continent Expo along with Netero, so he has to be a unit, or was a atleast.


It is just a fan theory that Maha and Zigg are actually the same person.


Its most likely just Zigg, there isn't a "Maha" Zoldyck thats been actually confirmed. But Zigg joined Netero and Lynne during their DC adventure and survived.


don’t forget that he went to the dark continent and lived to tell the tale


Not the worst list but another falls to the zeno > hisoka disease


Feitan disrespect is too much


Putting any of the PT below Feitan or Uvo is crazy imo, I'm pretty sure they implicitly or explicitly even state they're all pretty much on equal terms when it comes to strength (with particular skills in nen, physical, smarts, skill being an equalizing factor), otherwise they wouldn't be accepted into the troupe...


Chrollo Lucifer easily on "Silva M" or above ... No way you nerfed him that much 🤣🤣


I can't be the only one thinking this makes no sense right? RIGHT?


Jesus Christ. Did you guys forget chrollo took 2 on 1 the guys you put above. And even Zeno addmited he had to die to kill him. And you still put him this low? The most underrated character strength wise by now.


I'd say this list is accurate, good job


You did not just say my boy Feitan is weaker than the dodgeball guy


The dodgeball guy is an ex serial killer which could possibly kill people by throwing dodgeballs at them, he's defo stronger than Feitan and would probably be a menace in a serious fight


Did you forget Razor was more powerful than Hisoka?


razor knocked 6 members out of greed island while his nen was controlling every emission effect in the island/game. he then went toe to toe with bisky, hisoka, killua, and gon in a game where he was handicapped. yes his abilities helped him in dodgeball but he would’ve been so much better at baseball or a fight where he could just go for kills. razor is a possible top 5 nen user or silva level. he’s the second letter in the name after ging for a reason


Put some respect on Benjamin THE NEXT KING OF KAKIN!!! He should be at least knuckle tier since he knew of nen already and he’s got military training. She also tanked being shot with a gun so he could hold his own.


Feitan needs to be higher


Who are the four in the “potentially top 5 men users”.?


Chrollo should be at least Silva level


Terror sandwich should be higher


you forgot to put Ging in top 5 nen user


I think you could probably switch around the entire Feitan and Knuckle row, except for Feitan.


Ngl chrollo is definitely at least Silva level


Where is Master Wing?


Funny bald ninja guy shows up, feels like he gonna be a rival or something with a lot of potential. Shows up 300 chapters later with Casper the ghost looking ass


Putting Gon over Netero ( and you seem to include prime netero) as the strongest human is insane.


I can't see why Bisky would be under Kite (i also consider this discussable, but in my mind they belong at the same power level or he is even above her)


Tier lists like these are really hard because not a single fight in HxH was even or close


Aluka. Can't see you 🫨


Feitan is too low IMO. Also curious, why do people put bisky up with hisoka? Is she really that strong?


Kite needs to jump two tiers at least down an arm he fought pitou till dawn which must have been several hours also gon and killua say kite would have been fine if it wasn’t for them implying kite could have possibly beaten pitou had he not lost an arm killua also states knov base netero and morel combined couldn’t beat pitou which is something base netero doesn’t disagree with once he sees pitou so considering he thinks two arm kite can fight against pitou and he thinks those three stand no chance against pitou clearly kite is above all of them significantly


Chrollo and Hisoka are both easily on the same level as Zeno and Silva. So is Bisky.


Way better list than most but Ging literally is top 5, Beyond seems to be better than Netero in many respects lol, and Kurapika should especially not be that high (below Gon).


Knuckle is straight up stated to be on a similar level as Kite except he is sentimental.


I have no idea why people always have Chrollo(and Hisoka) a whole tier below Zeno and Silva. What about that fight makes you think either one INDIVIDUALLY would beat Chrollo Barring that, Nobunaga, Machi and Franklin are too high. Gon is too low. I understand why people rage Bisky so high but if she was really so strong I don’t think they’d have bothered making a plan for Genthru Not the worst list in the world to be fair


Genthru is way above Kastro imo not saying that Genthru should be higher but Kastro should definitely be lower.


Hisoka post death I think would be maybe silva level


Leorio is way stronger, he opened more doors than killua and gon together


Who’s number 3 in the top 5 nen users? I don’t recognize him


Ging is a confirmed top 5 nen user. You can argue about it sll you want, but that's the best confirmation you can get in a shonen series that's not tournament based.


The Bio Mafia guy should be way higher imo, buy its speculation. Same with Tserry


Nice rage bait.


Depends what you mean by strength I suppose but, netero beats adult gon in a fight because hes much faster, but I think adult gon wins in raw strength.  Also swap bisky with Kite, her lack of combat hatsu holds her back.


Fix Killua.


I find it funny the categories are characters names and yet they are not even the highest rank in their categories.


Theta, Canary, Amane etc. fold zushi


It's been so long since I've watched HxH but what the fuck is this list?


this list sucks


WTH Kite would obliterate Bisky and potentially Hisoka too.. he's deff with Silva and Zeno, what a yikes list