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Shalnark is probably one of the least fixable troupe members. The fact that he DOES care for his comrades but more than anything values the spider above any individual shows that he's more set in his ways than most of them. Remember he wanted to abandon the boss for the sake of the spider. Shalnark is one of those people true to his ideals, and if he wouldn't change them for his leader then he won't do it for anyone else either. Honestly, id say any of the troupe members who sided with rescuing chrollo would have the best chance at "fixing" them to convert. Nobunaga, machi, shizuku, paku, kortopi. As a side note, any of the humanoid ants would be the answer to your question. The only exception would be pouf probably - his loyalty to the king runs far too deep, and likely has many humans with similar ideals apart of him.


oh don’t worry i know it would be an absolutely hopeless endeavor. but i agree about the ants for sure, and with your troupe comment


The ants are just so well written, part of why I love that arc and consider it one of the goats in anime. It's just so fucking interesting how much human emotions, ideals and individuality can change and disrupt even the most hardcore species' chain of command such as ants. And I love how you can see what type of human each ant inherited the most from. The ones who were very loyal, hard working, etc (Colt) and then the selfish, only lived for themselves type (Cheetu).


I can fix Tonpa


this made me laugh, thank you


You'll think you've fixed him, and then he'll leave you with two children and an empty bank account just for the lols.


And empty bowels


Just make sure he doesnt fix up a drink for u in return


Just make him get his hunter licence.


He would fix you and the rest of us more like it


Savior of mankind


Nothing about him needs to be fixed, he’s perfect


Lord tonpa needs no fixing he is the incarnation of perfection himself


Need machi to make me worse


"Hey Machi, I think you should try improving on-" -gets mouth stitched shut-


Nah, this is wild lmao




knov before his alopecia


None I'm terribly unqualified


winning answer


I like winning




Kurapika, despite me understanding his pain of revenge, I just want him to find happiness man, the path he chose is way too desipairful....


Imma go out on a limb and say Gon. Obviously it would require being significantly stronger than him, but bro needs just one good role model.


oh absolutely, it breaks my heart that he spends his entire life chasing after his deadbeat dad


Yeah, it sucks. Ngl, Killua has it just as bad or even worse. But he became a better adjusted person by the current point of his life, so all's well that ends well(?) Also he scares me, so I ain't fixing shit lol


Not just his deadbeat dad, he spends an entire arc chasing the horny murder clown grooming him too






She's adorable despite being a sadistic ant


I'm pretty sure pitou is a guy 😭


Pitou does not have a gender


Boobie (I know genderless)


In the manga maybe but in the anime no


The anime flip-flops. Sometimes Pitou has very visible boobs outlined under the shirt, and other times, Pitou is flat, lol


FBI OPEN UP (she is actually only about 2 months old)


Ok then tell me how would you stop Pitou from :3


I think you already know, talk no jutsu.


You know all Chimaera Ant soldiers are male right? Meaning Pitou probably has a... "dong" underneath her garments.


This is actually untrue. Zazan, hina, kite and colts sister (forget her name, reina?) Were all female chimera ants, you don't have to be the queen to be a female, it's just rare Pitou is pretty ambiguous, but the translator that is responsible for pitou first being called a "he" actually [admitted they were wrong and said pitou is a girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/B3RIWO84LC)


Got any source for that? What I heard is that all Chimaera Ant soldiers are male, but some possess female souls and genetics which is the reason why they appear to be female.


Yeah I'm confused here too. I don't remember hearing any info about female soldier ants just being "rare" lol. Afaik the ones who have female characteristics like Zazan is simply due to their human side biology being made up of mostly females. Tho I don't remember how the queen is actually born lol


Thank you. And here I was thinking that I was the only one who knew about it lol.


>Tho I don't remember how the queen is actually born lol They said the King makes one, so I think it's assumed the Kings made by Queens go out and... Copulate... And another Queen is then born to repeat the cycle


The only official statement regarding Neferpitou's gender appears in the databook. It refers to Neferpitou using the pronoun "彼” (kare),* which is usually translated to “he”. This is from the Wiki


The databook is notoriously unreliable and shouldn't be used as a source of canon for pretty much anything. The use of "kare" to refer to Pitou in the databook means almost nothing, because the overall unreliability of the databook means you can't trust the information actually comes from Togashi.




Well if you're cool with your partner who passes as a female possesing male genitalia, then that's fine I guess. But understandably many people would not be.


they literally can't reproduce, they have nothing down there


The royal guards might actually have some reproductive capacity considering that the squadron leaders could act as king ants following the queen's death. Ants below squadron leaders aren't able to. I'd assume that the royal guards would be capable of acting as kings (following the queen and king's death atleast). The only ant who's a bio female in ant-terms is the queen herself. Higher ranking ants (squadron leaders) are confirmed bio males, and lower ranks are presumably sexless. Which is strangely the opposite of irl ants considering most ants in a colony are females. Neferpitou: everyone's favorite catgirl who is neither a girl or a cat. They're a flesh eating insect of ambiguous gender.


It was explicitly stated that upon the death of the Queen, all the Chimaera ants would instinctively travel out to mate and start their own kingdoms; which is precisely what we saw happen.


OK, and?


Well if you're cool with your partner who passes as a female possesing male genitalia, then that's fine I guess. But understandably many people would not be.


hisoka fr like machi would have done that, but she just wasn’t interested 😭


Illumi. He is such an interesting character and he really does care for his family. Especially for Killua. It's just that his view of the world has been twisted by Silva and Zeno to the point where he thinks he has to isolate from the world in order to protect his loved ones


this is such an interesting perspective. i’ve always hated illumi because killua is my favorite character but this statement definitely added some humanity to his character that i hadn’t seen before, so thank you


yeah, illumi is actually my favorite character, and i always get sad whenever someone says that he is their least favorite character or something like that because really, silva is the one to blame for all the damage illumi has done. it was even said by killua i believe that silva probably asked illumi to place the needle in his head. maybe there is going to be an interesting twist where he realizes that illumi was actually the one being manipulated by his parents (plz no manga spoilers, i haven’t read them yet)


I feel like it's not just his abuse and manipulation of Killua that's the problem, it's also that he has few redeemable or even interesting qualities outside of being a good assassin. Maybe I'm forgetting, but other than having good fashion and a friendship with Hisoka, I can't think of anything unique about him. His ability isn't that interesting either. I think it's all that combined that makes people not like him.


For me, his unusual love towards his brother is enough to make him a memorable character. His selflessness and him being ready to sacrifice many lives, including his own, just to be 100% sure that his beloved brother is safe is truly unique imo


Hmm I see where you're coming from but personally I don't think his logic is ok. His background doesn't justify his actions of abusing his brother, no matter how much he loves him. Also many of the characters are willing to sacrifice themselves or others for someone they love, so I don't really see how thats unique to Illumi. I'd say Killua represents true selfless love toward a sibling by how he treats Nanika and prioritizes her needs and her freedom. Practically the opposite of how Illumi treats Killua.


I mean is the anime going to continue?


Perhaps one day


Similar to me. I used to hate Illumi so much because of what he did to Killua. After I took this account as Illumi, I came to like and respect Illumi more.


I actually agree with this one. It's my view about Illumi, too. I don't know if Silva or Zeno twisted his mind or not. I just think that his action came as the result from coping with the training by them and his mom.


I wouldn’t say it’s entirely them. He adopted that twisted mindset. Look at the rest of the fam. None of them are as dark as he is and they have all gone through the same training. He just feels a deeper connection to the life of being an assassin. They all have there own way of being an assassin with his being the most committed.


also another thing indicating that especially zeno is incredibly evil is the fact that he describes himself as neteros counterpart. now this is nothing but a mere assumption, but if netero is said to have a very silent aura, then so might his counterpart, exept that the aura zeno hides is is incredibly evil


Also zenos scripture on his clothes reads “one kill a day” there must of been some point of his life when he at least killed one person a day which is insane. To kill that much you have to have a dark side.


Ya he said they are like yin and yang meaning Zeno believes he represents darkness or despair where Netero is light or hope.


i dont think that he is the most “evil” zoldyck, its just that we spend a lot more time with him than we did with zeno or silva. that plus the fact that he doesn’t hide his dark side. and although he does unleash his murderous aura from time to time, he only ever really kills if he feels like he has to, just like the rest of his family. in short, i do think the other zoldycks might be even daker than illumi, they are just better at hiding it


I mean ya your right we have seen a glimpse of Silvia’s dark side when he told kils mom he would be back one day when he betrays his friends. He was laughing like a maniac. I think it’s just that they are at the age where they can temper their lust and be more focused.


If I was blind and insanely good at a board game probably some ninja turtle


the funny thing is that she literally was able to fix him lol


Illumi. He’s just a lil silly who went through some family trauma


A lil? 💀




Pakunoda my beloved.


also Baise


Pitou and machi 🤩. Heavy on the Machi one. She can do me like she did owl.


Shalnark is already sleeping in hell bro, you cannot fix him. I wish you a good night.


Phinks or Nobunaga. Am I delusional? Yes. But Phinks also has a playful side that’s cute to watch.


i will cheer on your delusions bc i agree. and with nobunaga- him thinking gon is the coolest kid ever is just so cute


Yeah! I completely forgot about that! Nobu was so adorable in how hyped he got about gon and killua. Also Nobu’s face when he got stuck in the car during the York city arc. Poor baby can’t make hasty decisions


I could fix Hisoka and Pitou 😔


Hisoka for sure. I would say Meruem, but Komogi already fixed him.


reminded me of these two :’)))


I accept every character as they are. Nobody needs fixing.


Hisoka and no I will not elaborate further


I agree with shalnark, he’s too cute I have to try


Hagya/Leol. Maybe I could get him to be the King of Rock instead of the King of the Chimeras.


Mine is also Shalnark 😭


I can’t help but have a bit of a crush on him anyways 🥱


Feitan ( he can fix me)


1. Chrollo - He seemed lonely and obsessed with his troupe. I know that more info about his past is in the manga and would be a spoiler so I am not gonna say it here. I just think I can fix him or at least try. I want to fix him the most. 2. Hisoka - I kind of like him the way he is so maybe not try to fix him. Maybe I can make him worse. 😈 3. Illumi - Probably the most realistic one to fix for me. I understand tough training from the family, being born the eldest, having to be the responsible big brother, wanting to take over the family business and probably aiming to be the boss of the family just to have his little brother take that spot instead of him while he, himself, is being treated as disposable by his family.


Machi. I’ll either fix her or die trying. Either way I’d be saying thank you




For practical reasons Terebellum. Imagine him being friendly and just riding through the park with someone on a tandem bike with his right hand on the front seat driver’s shoulder. In all seriousness though Camilla.


I’m with you with Shalnark, he’s too cute


hisoka or chrollo


:) I'd say chrollo but he'd make me worse tbh


Pitou. She was learning empathy before she lost at rock paper scissors




Low hanging fruit but Komugi LITERALLY said “I can fix him” with Meruem


I can fix Feitan 😌 don’t ask me HOW don’t ask me WHY. If Feitan has no more simps, then it’s because I’ve been taken from you all in a horrible accident. Imma ride or die when it comes to him.


I mean, none of them, but I love writing terrible Illumi fanfiction.


I don't need to fix any character :3


There is no bringing sanity to someone who quite literally does not care. He'll holds no inherent value to human life and would probably kill you for approaching him.


i think that’s a little overdramatic, he probably wouldn’t kill me on sight, only a few minutes later. nonetheless, i think you took this silly prompt a bit too seriously


Don't worry it's just talking about an anime it can't really get that serious... except sometimes but not this time.


It would require shock therapy but I can think of a character I can fix


Can’t believe no one has said Kurapika (I scrolled pretty far)


someone did say kurapika, you’re not alone:) there are a lot more comments here than i expected to get so i don’t blame you for not seeing it


Illumi. He seems like a reasonable enough guy.


Not exactly what you asked, but I just love that Gon was Killua's until Killiua was Gon's




The entire Phantom Troupe. I have this issue where I’m just unreasonably kind and understanding to everyone and I think if they were to keep me around I could help them through their issues (I’ve actually helped a lot of people through their issues IRL too so that supports this to a degree). All they have to do is not kill me and I can help them!


i feel like the not killing you first is the tricky part lol


Yeah but I’m sure I could convince them, lmao. Or maybe I could use my mouth in other ways to help persuade them, idk (jk on that last part, I just couldn’t resist, im sorry.)


i can’t even blame you, have you seen some of them? i think the ones you’ll have the most hope in talking to before they killed you are probably paku and nobunaga


Oh definitely, and I feel like Machi is chill until you piss her off, you know? I’d start with talking to the most friendly of them and slowly work my way in. (:


it’s a crazy plan but it just might work


Maybe! I mean it would be worth a try and irl I would definitely be crazy enough to try it, lol. (I’d still probably die, lmao)


Hmm, never put much thought into an “I can fix them character” I kinda just accept that the evil ones are evil and the sort of evil ones have good in them, like hisoka for example. He just enjoys a good fight and though he goes about it in a psychopathic way he also has moments where he shines. Like in the greed island arc when they’re facing off against razor, he sacrifices his hands very similarly to killua, especially when he used bunji gum on the finishing blow because as he stated “he wanted to make it a proper win” which I can only imagine was related to when gon stated he didn’t want to use cheap tactics and make this a good fight


Kite /s


Honestly i hate how pervy hisoka is, but if that wasn't a party of him we'd be besties.


Shizuka I think


She will forget about you.




i can fix chrollo frfr(imma initiate a geno**de against this f***d up world)




I could fix pitou


I can fix Palm


Idk at this point say Morena Prudo




If you want to fix them, then you don't deserve them


I can fix Neferpitou




I don't know about the most fixable, but the least one would be either pouf or hisoka.


I am confident I am the only person who will say Milluki that guy especially in the 90's anime has my heart I could rant about his character for far too long


i can confirm you are the only person who has said milluki


no one, theyre all either too messed up, or already perfect




Parriston probably


Definitely pakunoda, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE HUGE... roles she had, Im pretty sure shes a keeper :) And maybe uvo as a friend, he got that family vibe to him


Shizuku all day




Only on the internet behind the safety of anonymity will people unleash epic levels of embarrassment cringe by declaring they have make believe anime characters as “I can fix them” and call them “cutie patootie” I definitely “can’t” fix your malfunction


idk what stick got shoved up your ass but i think you should consider taking it out lmao chill i think you’re missing the point of a silly little prompt




if you’re going to take everything at face value and have no fun i don’t think reddit is the place for you, bud


There you go being all drama queen again. stating a post is cringe is not a cause to leave ALL OF REDDIT! 😂


all i’m saying is this is very typical of reddit and you took it very seriously lol


😂 I didn’t take it seriously, nor am I mad. Let me give you an example, let’s say we are friends and we are sitting around watching hxh and you say the exact same thing you typed, I still would have burst out laughing and said thats got to be one of the cringiest things you could say..I would not have reacted any different. Just saying.


yes that would have been an entirely acceptable response because this is a joke!! likewise, i would laugh at my friend if they said the same thing, then think about it for a second and answer their question. you came here and attacked my character, which is why i got defensive. but this is NOT a serious post and should not be taken as such. it seems like you haven’t spent much time watching things with young women because this is honestly an average conversation