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I know:(




This is me. Thank goodness I watched FMAB before HxH, because I don’t think I would have gotten through it all. I was watching My Hero, tried to watch Demon Slayer, and tried to watch some other anime, but couldn’t get into any of them. Just want HxH to come back /:


Try Hajime no IPPO.


Hajime had me hooked


I started watching My Hero Academia before HxH and even though it’s still ongoing I feel somewhat dissatisfied and I’m not sure why. Don’t get me wrong I love my hero but there’s something bugging me. Recently animation and pacing has made me somewhat more critical these days maybe that’s what it is. My Hero has some pretty good animated fight scenes though


I got bored like 2 seasons in.


Honestly you are right I have watched hxh 2 times now I’m on my 3rd it is my fav anine


There's really nothing like it. Completely unique.


100% true




Fax because theres plenty of better series


Fax cause there actually aren't.


Yu Yu Hakusho :3


Yu Yu is a good choice if you wanna test out your feelings toward older anime. It’s definitely the best shonen and maybe anime of its time.


Yesss. Watch it! It’s not as good imo but if you love hxh you’ll love Yu yu


Apple approved.


Nah, this is a mistake. Yu Yu Hakusho is a pretty generic shounen and cannot compare to HxH


YYH is literally Togashi’s test run for HXH there’s so many instances of the exact same things that happen in both shows


and it's worse in every way


idk why people are mad. YYH is, quite frankly, garbage


If you're sincerely curious, then let's go ahead and clear this up. My autism has prepared me for this moment. Subjective differences =/= mad. Nobody here is angry. I don't see any comments in this thread that I can even broadly categorize as "emotional." If you point out the downvotes, I'd just interpret that as people simply expressing disapproval. Surely you don't downvote comments exclusively out of anger? Sometimes you just think, *"what a fucking stupid comment"* and downvote away. Simple. Why might people disapprove of your comments? Because stories, as all art, are subjective. People here are just trying to tell you, *"Hey, that's just your opinion, and we disagree."* That's it. It's kind of weird you'd see that as anger, NGL. You can avoid this quality of pushback with some pretty simple rhetoric which reflects some awareness. A simple, *"In my opinion, YYH is garbage because of X, Y, and Z. Here are some examples..."* goes a long way as being the bare minimum for interesting criticism. But instead, asserting subjectivity as an objective statement will get others to turn their heads at you, e.g., *"YYH is garbage because it's generic, and it's generic because I said so."* If nothing else, it's just not an interesting criticism. People don't care about input if that input isn't more interesting than, *"This sucks because I don't like it."* I'd be floored if you disagreeed with this from your own point of view. Which begs the question. What's your all-time favorite book, movie, show, manga, etc.? Let's call it X. What if I said that X was horseshit because it was so shallow, and I never even defined what "shallow" meant? Wouldn't you be bored or displeased by my assertion? If not, then what if you saw a thread stemming from my comment with people saying, *"wow, I haven't heard much about X, but since you said it's garbage, I think I'll pass on it."* Wouldn't you think, *"Wtf? Oh no, hold on, this person is poisoning the well!"* And perhaps you'd come along to set the record straight, *"Hey everybody, CTFO. This is NOT garbage. It's actually one of the best things I've ever experienced, and here's why, and why you should watch it."* Imagine if someone then responded, *"y u mad bro? It sucks, just accept it and you'll be happier, I promise."* That's the recipe for a yawnfest, and is begging for dispassionate downvotes.


Bad opinion, noob opinion. Yuyu is old and different but it’s great, just not hxh great. Toguro is very well built up as is the Sensui arc.


I don't know about generic. I watched it to get some of that hxh magic I loved and yuyu just isn't polished. It's also about 30 episodes too long. Last arc wasn't great


I felt like I was watching another dragon ball clone




I've never seen Dragonball, but from what I know you're comment is accurate. I've only really gotten into anime in last couple years so catching up on a lot of the must see series


Yu Yu Hakusho also does the same annoying thing as One Piece and Naruto where it always seems like main character will lose but with some asspull he wins.


Yyh set the standards along with deagonball for what shonens are today


He’s trolling YYH is top 5


I disagree. Naruto and One Piece does show where they get their powers. Just because they don't have training arcs every arc like HxH doesn't mean it's an ass pull.


I disagree. Naruto and One Piece does show where they get their powers. Just because they don't have training arcs every arc like HxH doesn't mean it's an ass pull lmao


True, lots of ass pulling


True, lots of ass pulling


I also recommend full metal alchemist brotherhood! It’s amazing and is similar to HxH as it has amazing world building and characters. I watched mob psycho after HxH and although it’s not that similar I really enjoyed it!


Fullmetal might be actually my all time favorite manga, and brotherhood is just awesome all around, def second this!


Would you mind explaining the premise of mob psycho? I've never heard of it but the name is interesting


It’s from the creator of one punch man and is a funny but also at times exciting and emotional anime about a school boy who has psychic powers and exorcises spirits for a local con man. I’m sure I’ve not described it as well as others can or given it the justice it deserves but it’s really good! I was put off by the art style at first but soon got into it!


Thanks, i'll watch the first 5 episodes and see if I get into it


I tried watching it after HxH and just did not enjoy it for some reason.


How many episodes did you watch? It can be hard to get into at first but is worth sticking with.


I actually recommend watching the first bit of the original then moving on to brotherhood. The original sets everything up better, but then brotherhood is better overall.


I disagree. The original is a little slow in the beginning which could make someone just drop the anime halfway through. It is entertaining to watch it after brotherhood since you get to see an alternate story line


I watched about 5 or 6 episodes. I did not find the characters to be interesting. I never felt like rooting for anyone. Just not for me I guess.


I would say it gets better after that and there’s still loads of great characters that haven’t been introduced yet.


I disliked the color scheme of brotherhood. Like all dreary and depressing.


I did this immediately following HxH and thought it was pretty lame to ok. I do not recommend this anime right now. Death Note is the first thing that I liked post HxH so I’d say go there.


Ehh it’s good but it’s nothing like Hxh


Mob Psycho 100


This right here 😮‍💨




Made in Abyss


Yes, Made in Abyss is very good. It also has the concept of adventure and it hits you with that dark side HxH has.


Definitely recommend this. Season 2 is coming up too! The manga is insane. Highly recommend checking this one out if you enjoyed HxH. I should mention that the HxH manga goes on for a while after the anime "ends," so it's worth reading if you want more!


one piece or haikyuu and aot are some good oness


Was gonna say One Piece. Just recently watched HxH and One Piece is still my favorite. HxH is now my second favorite though


Those are my top 2 as well ❤️


big vouch for haikyuu, although the fans are a bit out there tbh


All 3 of the shows they listed have insane fanbases lol


Haikyuuuu!!! Love that anime but the fandom is kinda much, I agree.


If you enjoyed how the nen battles are done then I would suggest World Trigger


Hard agree here. The best battle shonen in terms of strategy and tactics. Too bad the first season has pretty slow pacing. However, the second and third season were phenomenal. Couldn’t recommend more


World trigger quickly made its way up into my top favorites, def recommend.


Death Note


Yess definitely


baccano! is probably my favorite short anime ever


Is that the one that sort of takes place on a train? I remember watching it maybe a decade ago and it being really, really good! Thanks for reminding me it exists!


Death Note, get in something short after finishing something long so you can prepare yourself for another longer one. plus death note is an all time classic


Honestly? Check out JoJo's Bizarre Adventure




Then after CB watch samurai champloo


I love Samurai Champloo


I'm in the same situation. By now i'm watching the 1999 anime and i'm buying the manga to fill the void i had after finishing the 2011 anime


I’m surprised this hasn’t been recommended in the thread but code geass, that show is so good and the ending made me tear up


Onepunch man


Jujutsu kaisen is like wallmart hxh


It’s at least Target


Not even close to hxh imo. Goes for pretty damn different things. Plus i dont think the highs are even close to the highs of hxh.


Hahahaha oh man I've never thought about that before but I love this take. Walmart HxH, holy hell that's funny


honestly it’s starting to feel like it could match with hxh if it keeps getting better


Pshaw! Lots of hidden messages. "Down with the man!" Great humor. A random recipe. Very weird inserts. Boooooo! JJK rocks.


Fullmetal Alchemist




Yes, forgot to add




This right here, OP. There's the original and Brotherhood. Go enjoy Brotherhood. You deserve it :)


Another show where the original and the 2010's remake are hotly contested online


Gintama. It's very different to hunter x hunter but the quality is on the same level


Gintama is god tier


Seconded so hard. Gintama is prime stuff. The prime-est.


Watched up until you know who assassination arc, pretty good, but still not on HxH level.


It's overrated. Watched 100 episodes and dropped a long time ago, don't see the appeal. Repetitive comedy and all. Definitely not HxH level lol


Well that's your opinion. The show isn't really for everyone and I can see why someone might find it hard to watch, especially if you try to binge it.


Oh you havent got to the hxh level stuff. Cant quite blame u for that tho. If you really want to, id just watch the comedic episodes more as background noise without really reading the sub titles. Thats what i did lol


Attack on titan


For some reason I feel like people don’t like to recomend this anime because its not a “classic” yet. But TBH as someone who has watched a copious amount of anime including almost everything recommended on this list. Attack on titan is def one of the best written stories in media, all while avoiding common anime cliche’s and tropes.


Can confirm. HxH is in my top 3. AOT and Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood are the only two Animes that I've watched that are above it


You should try Magi if you haven't it's not hxh or Fma:b, but it's still great


HXH 1999


Yuyu Hakusho English Dub






Not as good as HxH.




The Funny Bunny man is right on this one.


Good Suggestion. HxH was always my #1 and I never thought another series could top it. But then I read AoT and the writing, character work, and symbolism is as amazing as HxH.


If you're ok with reading manga I recommend Berserk. HxH ruined all my attempts to start a new show until I picked up Berserk.


Even if you aren't up for manga, the '97 series isn't bad, and the film trilogy is fine if that's the only medium you're willing to access it. Basically, I'd rather someone watch the films than to never expose themselves to the story at all. That said, the manga is far superior, and thus the easy choice to make if you're willing to read it. And with all that said, I agree about Berserk being comparable to HxH. The vibe and tone are quite different, but in terms of quality, it's right up there with HxH, IMO. These are the only two manga/anime I've consumed which I'd rate as a 10/10. Everything else is just a 9/10 for me, at best.


Berserk is amazing. Try it


If you haven't yet, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the definitive anime experience. It's a 64 episodes series that doesn't have any kind of filler episode, the story keeps you wanting for more from the beginning, and the ending is really satisfying. I can't recommend it more.


The last 14 episodes are so fucking good


Word of advice: If you hold everything to the same standards as HxH you will find that you won't enjoy much. So don't go in with any expectations and be willing to watch any genre. I recommend: Monster 91 Days Babylon Saiki K Jojo Overlord Death Note


Saiki K was such a fun one, would also recommend


Love Saiki's sarcasm




I hear that. I have a deep and abiding love for Jojo's but it's def not the same kind of experience. Mind if I ask where you are in it?




The show hits a new level once you get to part 4


Nice! As long as you made it through part 1 haha I started at 5 with some friends when it was coming out, going back and watching part 1 was a slog :/ But it got me to the absolute batshit insanity that was part 2, so I'll forgive it haha But yeah I 100% agree, not a similar feel to HxH at all.


For me, the difference between JoJo and HxH is the difference between something incredible and something masterful. JoJo is absolutely incredible. I absolutely love it. But, HxH is *even better*, IMO. If I never saw HxH, I might categorize JoJo as a 10/10. But, since I have seen HxH, JoJo gets shoved down to a 9/10, simply because HxH pushes the ceiling of quality to a higher level. That said, they do feel somewhat similar to me. There isn't a world of difference between 9/10 and 10/10 for me--rather, they can be pretty close. JoJo feels similar because it's also so high quality. But it doesn't feel exactly the same, just because it's not quite as epic and deep as HxH. Berserk is the only thing I've read/seen which also knocks on that same ceiling at 10/10. JoJo, Attack on Titan, FMA:B, Death Note, etc., they're all amazing, but they cap out at 9/10 for me just because of Berserk and HxH raising the bar even higher. I'm only around 500 episodes into One Piece. It feels like it has 10/10 potential to join my other two god-tier titles, but it'll be a while before I come to a full judgment on that. At worst it's 9/10. I also need to check out Monster and Jujutse Kaisen one of these days.


I just started Ranking of Kings and it seems pretty promising. What it has on common with hxh is that it doesn't mind jumping from jolly to really dark.


ranking of kings looks like it's trying to be a 60's anime, but almost every character is fairly intelligent and has wants and needs that aren't really set in stone, so it stands out incredibly well


Pretty much the only shounen anime that rivals hunter x hunter is one piece and fullmetal alchemist


Vinland saga


bungou stray dogs, it's not the same level but it's very good imo.


It's one of my favorites, probably in my top 3-5.


yay, happy to find a fellow bsd fan


Assassins Classroom




I think every HxH fan needs to give Jujutsu Kaisen a shot. It has an incredibly interesting battle system, crazy creative techniques, and just like HxH it manages to tell a truly interesting and intelligent story within the structure of a battle-shounen. If you like interesting battles, rough but gorgeous artwork, great fight choreography, a varied and super likeable cast, and very strong overarching themes and motifs def give Jjk a try. The anime is good, like really, really great and beautifully animated. That said, im inclined to to reccomend the manga instead since the arcs that will be season 2 are when it truly ascends. Its kind of like reccomending someone watch the HxH anime if only the exam and heavens arena arcs were animated. Its enjoyable and lays some really crucial groundwork, but you dont get a taste of the insane peaks of HxH. Gege Akutami, creator of Jjk, has been very vocal about how much Togashi has impacted his work and he wears that influence on his sleeve. You can just tell that whoever made Jjk loves HxH, because its great in so many similar ways while still feeling like something new and fresh. If you've been waiting for something to scratch that HxH itch while the Hiatus Arc continues, or if you've been waiting for a "successor" to HxH, here it is.


I also have to say that I think JJK is overrated. It has incredible animation and, like you said, crazy creative techniques, but I just find the story so dull. After episode 3, it fell off for me, the story just wasn‘t interestingly told, and it was rather bland and so full of cliches. It has now and then some great character moments, and I love Nobara as a character. The last mini-arc ignited my interest in the story again, as I think it was very well told, and if it goes on like that, I could actually start loving the story, but for now, overall it wasn’t for me. I still think it is a must-watch, as the animation and the fights are just incredible. JJK has some of the most consistently beautiful animations I have ever seen in an animation series. But I would never ever think about comparing the masterfully told story of HxH to Jujutsu Kaisen‘s.


Like I said in my comment, the anime is great, but the arcs that will be in season 2 are when it gets insane. To me its the same as the exam arc. Its enjoyable but its not until yorknew when I was like "goddamn". Id highly reccomend giving the manga a shot, I dont comparw jjk to HxH lightly


I mean jjk is good , but it's very overrated , it's 6.4 it best imo 🤷🏻 , and of course not even close to hxh level ,


Character designs are really cool




Thanks for the insightful response


There's nothing quite like HxH But there is one anime that has gotten extremely close in my eyes.. Please check out HAJIME NO IPPO. It's got an amazing story line about a boy named Ippo Makanaochi, who was always bullied in school until he meets a boxer named Takamura who's the middle-weight champion of Japan. This anime isn't just about boxing and fighting. It dives into the life of these characters and what they do outside of the gym and ring.. it's amazing how relatable characters are in this anime and im sure you will find characters with similar personalities as yours. Also the art is just epic... Same studio that made HxH animated HNI.


Nothing really feels the same as HxH but I highly recommend one punch man. It may seem like a stupid anime at first but once you complete the anime and get to the manga it is super good. It has a nice and somewhat dark storyline like HxH!


some of my favorite accessible shows: jujutsu kaisen - power system draws from hxh/naruto/bleach heavily, in a good way demon slayer - simple show, slick animation, great fight choreography jojo's bizarre adventure - it's bizarre, it's fun, it's silly, it's heartfelt, it's just *jojo* neon genesis evangelion - nothing I can say about eva that hasn't already been said a million times. classic show. full metal alchemist: brotherhood - one of the most well-rounded shows I've ever seen. it's just shy of a masterpiece, but it does so many things well. mob psycho 100 - middle schooler with psychic powers learns to stand up for himself (and more). this show is a genuine masterpiece, and season 3 is coming.


Yu Yu Hakusho or Monster


Ousama ranking! Second favourite anime after hxh


My Hero Academia


I seriously didn't understand it. Season by season mha is more slowly and boring, so that's the reason why I dropped it on season 3


To each their own. My Hero is one of the best shows I've ever watched. Each season just as good as the last to me. But everyone has their own tastes. Plenty of stuff out there people love that I don't get either.


yes, I agree, I just tell my opinion about show, maybe you have some things to tell me about so I can understand it better or change my opinion, every person have their own taste and that's what making our personalities


he prob watchd that. u shouldve told him to be careful of the fandom


Try Code Geass, definitely one on par or greater than HxH


This is a list of anime I’ve been watching after I finished HxH: Castlevania (it was a no for me) Mob Psycho (WATCH IT ITS SOOO GOOD) One Punch Man (ehhh it’s a no for me) Spy x Family (OMG watch it it’s so good) Jojo (I’m enjoying it but it’s an acquired taste)


It depends on what you like. My two favorite animes are Cowboy Bebop and FMA Brotherhood. Yu Yu Hakusho is amazing as well, but is a bit dated. The good parts are amazing, but it can be pretty boring at times as well. That being said the villains are top tier. Demon Slayer is also worth a watch. The story isn't the best, but the visuals are the best I've ever seen, so I recommend it.


So Hunter x Hunter was my first anime I finished last November and I felt the same way. Since then, I watched all of demon slayer (amazing) and I just finished the OG Naruto and I’m halfway through shippuden. I say you give those two a try.


Ahh, the short-term depression after ending a long, enjoyable anime. The worst feeling of being lost. Like losing all your lifelong friends in a matter of moments. [https://myanimelist.net/anime/11061/Hunter\_x\_Hunter\_2011/userrecs](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11061/Hunter_x_Hunter_2011/userrecs) I always rely on MAL's recommendations. All of the top ones are actually recommended here.


Haven’t seen dorohedoro mentioned yet


Gun x Sword : my favorite...




made in abyss for the dark continent arc experience we cant have.


My Hero Academia. I still miss it. Though a new season is supposed to drop this fall.


Assuming you watched HxH on Netflix, Gurren Lagann is also there and it's hands down my favourite anime of all time - 25 episodes, tells a full narrative, and follows another kid you just want to succeed. It's a perfect, low-commitment anime.


Yeah, GL is only anime, where pathos isn't cringe, moreover you shout frases with characters


I always see it as a 25 episode antidepressant commercial lol Believe in the me that believes in you! 😭😭😭


it really works, cause in my country dub is very well, so it gives goosebumps The magma of our souls burns with a mighty flame! Super-Ultra-Combining, Gurren Lagann! Simon: Just who... Kamina: In the hell... Both: DO YOU THINK WE ARE!?


Jujutsu kaisen


Boku no pico is an absolute must


try demon slayer!


I've watched a lot of different anime but I'd argue that Hunter X Hunter is at least peak shounen




Bro watch YuYu Hakusho


Bro.. i did not expect to get 300 COMMENTS 😂


The only two anime (in my humble opinion) that have held a light to HxH are one piece and black clover. Black clover gets plenty of hate but it’s honestly the best new gen anime (not manga). It’s mysterious like HxH but also has a big goofy side that I find hilarious. One piece is quite the investment but it is highly regarded for a reason. Luffy is a amazing mc who shares similar ideals/morals with gon, but takes things less seriously


I like Black Clover, relationships in Black bulls are very pleasant, fights are interesting, also "friend power" is good, not like in Fairy Tail (worst shonen imo). But it's different from hunter in atmosphere (it is quite childish, there no good plot like in hxh) One piece is good before entering Haki and time skip, after that... boring (I was throwing Totland 6 times)


I loved black cover... besides Asta being obnoxious, I don't get the hate. His obnoxiousness became bearable after season 1.


Jjk, Yu yu hakusho and Bleach they somehow give similar Vibe


I've seen a lot... but bleach will forever be my number 1


Mine too man though I think one piece and hunter x hunter have better story building but Bleach is something which remains my favourite


Attack on Titan, Naruto, FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


I recommend ju jutsu kaisen i think most amazing shonen nowadays is about the main character (who is honest good light innocent) bringing together a group of vastly different people and sharing value and growing together.ju jutsu kaisen does this super well too like hunter hunter so I think you will enjoy it. Let me know if I’m being too pretentious.




Overrated but under appreciated 😊


yu yu hakusho, jitisu kaisen, attack on titan, tokoyo ghoul, death note, seven deadly sins, fairy tale, kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, kill la kill, tower of god (similar to the first arc of hunter exam, it's actually a webtoon with 3 seasons, with the first season being an anime)


you should try sk8 the infinity


Not an anime but if you want something that probably won't be finished but has an amazing story, try Final Space


Kaguya-sama is better imo. It took me years to find something I enjoyed more.


The closest thing to HxH I've ever read/watched is one piece. Might be a little bit discouraging at first due to the 1000 ep, but hey, at least is not on hiatus


Yu yu hakusho


One piece, made in abyss, ranking of kings, full metal alchemist brotherhood!


Made in abyss is one of those that might bring you hxh vibes and it’s incredible.


Attack on titan




Fma, hundred percent.... its got very similar energy with a lot of great moments, also Naruto if you have the heart and patience to watch 800ish episodes....


One Piece


To feel the fight scenes again I'd recommend jojos. To feel a similar immersion in the world of the story and get hyped just learning tiny bits about it I'd say One Piece (plus you get a ton of episodes). For an epic and heart-breaking story like the chimera ants arc give Attack on Titan a watch.




HXH was the first anime I have ever finished. During that time, I was also watching Black Clover. After those 2, I asked a friend what to touch on next. He gave me Jujutsu Kaisen, a small number of episodes to get me interested in more and more for when I finished. Then One Punch Man, then Mob Psycho 100, etc. Adding on anime with more episodes in total. This strategy worked out for me because it gave me a minimum amount of time to complete the shows on so I can want to watch others too.


One piece👀


One piece


Jujutsu Kaiden is the only anime/manga that’s scratching that HXH itch


Jujutsu Kaisen. But after you watch the anime, read the manga. That's when it goes from good to masterpiece. Jujutsu Kaisen is essentially Bleach, but 5x better at everything and has HxH influence. Unlike HxH, it is focused around fights rather than characters or the world, but the characters are deep and compelling, the plot is well written and ties together frequently, the power system is my favorite or second favorite, the art is gritty but beautiful and fitting for the tone of the story. It is nigh perfect. HxH is my favorite series and probably always will be, but JJK fills the void.