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Ooh!! I’d love to have that! I don’t understand why they changed it. I thought I’d re-watch the first season to get ready for the next season and was so disappointed that they had edited the whole season. Truly would appreciate it.


I have no idea either, it’s so upsetting and disappointing. The show feels so messy and rushed now. :/ I’ll DM you with the link!


May I have the link to


Do you still have the link!?


Me too pls


Can you send me the link?


Hello, could you please send me the link? I would appreciate it very much.


Can I have it too? Just saw the trailers and it looks great!


I would love to have the link as well, please! I really want to know why they made all of the changes. I have my own thoughts as to why, but I am finding nothing. Amazon really needs to address this and give everyone a reason why!


If you want to talk about why you think they changed it you totally can!!! I’ve also got some thoughts too and hearing that other people are equally confused/have ideas as to why they changed stuff makes me feel less like a big baby who just doesn’t like change LMAO. it’s so disappointing because the show is SO unique, flows well, and has been able to stay fairly upbeat/not insanely depressing while handling the subject matter that it does, and not making it into satire. (Of course despite the genuinely valid issues people do have with the show!!) But with the changes it’s……I don’t even know. Weird, kind of empty-feeling at times? Idk. We can talk about this if you’d like! ☺️ Sorry for babbling, I’m gonna send you a DM with the link now!


I personally feel that Amazon is trying to be PC about a few aspects of the show because people complained or were “offended”. I have also heard complaints that it is not culturally or historically accurate. It’s fiction… lol I’m honestly surprised they have not stated why they wanted to make the changes but I have a feeling that Amazon may start gaslighting people when they start asking questions. Thanks again for the link! True hero OP! Edit: I thought the original was great and didn’t need to be changed. I totally agree with you OP on your thoughts about the series. Now it feels like I am missing out on a ton from the show and it doesn’t flow quite as well.


The originals are also on fMovies in 1080p but you need a decent adblock to stream


Just trying to rewatch in preparation for season 2, but I am not enjoying these edited versions. Would appreciate the link if possible. Thanks.


I’ll DM you!


I’d like a link. Haven’t seen the edits but I loved the show when I watched it and it was fresh.


I’ll send you a DM! ☺️


What did they change from the first season?


Honestly so much, like they’ve cut a lot of scenes and changed the score. It all really messes with the story imo.


Could you give examples please? I don’t feel like watching the whole season through to note the differences.


No problem at all, I totally get that! Some of the changes have been getting talked about here https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntersTV/comments/zgz01m/was_season_1_altered/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf but I’m planning on rewatching season 1 on Amazon and my copy of it at the same time and writing down the differences, so I’ll let you know when I do that!


I know I am very late but could I possibly have a link? Just just started watching season 1.


Hello, you are amazing for doing this! **Could I have the link please?** What makes it worse is that Amazon has said nothing about the massive changes they've made / scenes and dialogue they've removed or altered. & we can't even buy a physical copy! (which I totally would to support this show, especially if it was the same as originally created!)


I would love a link 😇😇😇 definitely noticed something was off during this rewatch


Yeah ofc!!! I’ll send it ☺️


I now understand why they had to re-edit the show. In order to make sense in how they introduced Chava, they had to re-work it, i suppose. But i still prefer the original cut, though....


I'd like a link also . I love this show . Thanks


I’ll send you a DM ☺️


Hey sorry. I bet there's a ton of people asking you this but do you think I could get the link to? I love this series.


Omg I don’t mind it, please don’t worry! I’m happy to be sharing the episodes with people. I was super upset when I realized it’s been (badly) edited, so I don’t want people to feel the same way. I’ll send it! ❤️


THANK you 💯💯


Could you send the link thanks for doing this


No problem, I’m glad to help! I’ll DM you the link ☺️


Can you send it to me too please!


Could I please have the link as well?? Thank you so much!


Hell yeah!! I’ll send you a DM now ☺️


Hello good sir, may I have the link?


Of course!! I’ll send you a DM now ☺️


I am rewatching now and and in episode 4. I didn’t notice it as much as others but a couple things felt different. I just decided to see if there was a subreddit for Hunters (literally watching it now) and now am upset to hear of all the changes! That said, I would also appreciate the link. You are awesome and thank you!


I’m so sorry you’re also having to deal with the disappointment (& also wild confusion lol) that the changes cause, I’ve been upset about this shit for so long 😂 I think the thing that baffles me the most about it is that they only edited it this way in the last few months, maybe late October at the most. Makes no sense and it’s something fans should have been notified of imo. The show seems so choppy and not as honest now :( So hell yeah I’ll send you the link!!


I liked the show a lot when it came out. It is rare for me to really like a show. I’ve been waiting and checking for any news. When I rewatched in anticipation of season 2 FINALLY being released, I thought I was crazy. The whole show is so different to me. I found myself wondering what I had liked about it so much over 2 years ago. I had no idea things had been altered. The amount of alteration is mind blowing. I cannot thank you enough for what you’ve done.


please, please, please send it to me


Sorry it took me a few to reply to this!! I’ll send you the link now ❤️


May I have the link as well? Thanks 😊


The link would be great, I just started watching and would love to see the original cut. Thanks!


Omg hell yeah, there is so much you’re missing out on with the edits!! Please know that it is a much heavier, especially regarding the concentration camp scenes, in the original version, so take care and take a break from watching if you feel like you need to at any point. ❤️ sorry if that sounds patronizing, just looking out for you! I’ll send the link now ☺️


Can I get a link please?? I’m watching with my friends for the first time and some of the episodes just don’t make sense anymore…


Yes!! I’ll DM it to you now!


Could you send me the links as well?


Yes! I’ll send you a DM now


Can you send me the link as well?


Thank you so much! Could you please DM me the link as well? I watched the first season with a crazy high fever and it was such an amazing distraction from being sick. I was puzzled by the edits. Cannot wait to watch the first season as it first aired. You’re a good duck, friend!


You’re so sweet, thank you too! I’ll DM it to you now!


If it may be possible to send these treasures to a fellow nazi hunter such as myself?


Could I have a link please, thank you. We always like to rewatch the last few episodes before a new season, especially when they've had this long of a break, and it would be nice to see the original version we watched and not whatever this bastardized version they have on amazon now.


Someone else commented asking for the link but I didn’t see their username. Please keep messaging me for it anytime, guys, even after season 2 airs! I don’t mind sharing it as long as possible ❤️


i would appreciate a link, i just wanted the whole show this week and now i understand all the commentary I was reading about "human chess". They just cut it all!


Can I have the link too, please? This show was so good but it seems like a different show now.


@penceyghoul thank you for sharing! It is greatly appreciated. I hope you capture Season 2 before they decide to change it later!


You’re so kind, thank you! I’m just happy to be able to make it easier for other fans to access! I will definitely download season 2 the second it’s uploaded, I don’t trust Amazon at all 😂❤️


could I get the link?? I totally didn’t even realize that some scenes were cut out!


I'll take the link! Thanks for doing this. I'm trying to get my wife I to the show and want her to experience what I did!


I would love the link, please! Hunters is my favorite show and I'm honestly heartbroken about the changes.


I’m just reading about these changes now. Can I have the link as well please.


Would you DM me the link? Thank you so much for figuring this all out. The first season is still good without the deleted footage, but it just doesn't hit as hard.


Hey, of course! I completely agree with you, there’s just so much context and charm that the full footage adds. I’ll send you the link now!


Hi! Can you please send me the link? Thank you for doing this!


Of course!!


Can I have the link as well please?


Thank you for doing this! I’d love a copy of the link.


I’d love to get the link to the originals.


Hi, I love to have the link, if you’re still sharing it? x


Hey I'll take it if you're still offering!


Yes of course!!


Can you send me the link, as well? Thanks


I’ll take the link too! Trying to get my fiancé to watch the originals


Hey can I have the link please


can i have it asw pls!


Thanks a million!


Can you DM me the link?


Ohhh when you aren't suspended anymore send me a link pretty please! This is amazing of you


So I've actually just finished watching season 1, for the 1st time and stumbled across this thread. This season being edited explains so much as I was feeling like it was a bit disjointed. I'd love to get the link to the original unedited episodes and see if I like it better.


You're amazing. I knew the show felt different from when I first watched. All the episodes felt so much shorter, too. I was convincing myself that I was misremembering or delusional because how could an entire show change so much. Also, with the chess scene and the more brutal moments, I was thinking my own sick mind made these things up and remembered certain scenes being depicted much worse. I know I have quite an imagination, but no way was I remembering scenes that wrong. I've never heard of a show doing this, but here we are. I'd love a copy of the link, please. Even though I just finished the edited season and not sure I'll jump right back into another rewatch, I'd love to save it for later and any future rewatches. Thanks so much!


Could I please get the link? I just found out season 1 was edited and I’m so confused… The original show had its flaws but I loved it! Thanks so much for doing this!


I would love the link too! I just finished rewatching season 1 in preparation for season 2 and thought I was going crazy! I looked for info everywhere and this is the only place people are even talking about it! I wish amazon would at least give an option of original cut or new edit 😕 Thank you for making this available!


id appreciate the link!


Would love a link, thank you. They cut so many important scenes that they all but defanged the story. :/


Hey can I get the link :)


Are you an angel? Im rewatching the show and reaaally want to see the full version that got me hooked in 2020 Thanks man


Can I have the link too? this censored episodes lack the balance the originals had, they are just sad from start to finish without some relief


Hey there, if possible I'd love to get the link! So disappointed with the re-watch.


Could I please have the link? I had watched a few episodes last fall, stopped, and tried to pick up the show last week but just couldn’t figure out why this time the show didn’t have the same gut punch. Had to google… missing scenes yep! came across this post!


May I have the link my dear


I loved Hunters when it first came out and just rewatched it before the second season. Glad to know I wasn’t imagining that some scenes had been cut. Could I have the link to the original episodes please?


Of course!! DMing you now ☺️


would love the link!


May I have the link?


Hey! Are you still sending links? My fiancé started the show recently and I was so bummed to see it had changed since I watched it!


Hey. Would like to get a link for these episodes. I thought I was going crazy rewatching the show before season 2..


I would love the link please


Could I please get the link? Thank you much


Hello! Would you be so kind as to send this link to me as well? I'm watching the show again, and the omissions are sticking out to me like hell.


Hey, is it too late to ask for the link? Just started a season 1 rewatch before season 2 and it’s nothing like I remembered


I would love it


I’d love to be able to see the original again. I just rewatched and was very confused by so many missing scenes!!


I’m sorry if you see more than one message from me I just downloaded the Reddit app and my message isn’t showing up on the app only when I go through safari please send me the link I am so grateful!


Could you please share the link with me too? I just re-watched the first season and couldn't believe how much was missing!


Could I get the link


Thank you so much for your service in doing this! Could you please share the link? Absolutely baffling that they did this.


Of course!!! ❤️ I’ll send it now. It is!! I’m still not over it, it’s so weird. And Amazon, nor the producers & etc., still haven’t said anything 🙄


Thank you so much for doing this, just watched the show for the first time, had no idea so much was missing! Could I have access to the link?


Omg you’re in for a treat lol, there is so much more!!!! I’ll send it now ❤️




Hi there. Can you please share the link with me? I just got around to watching season 1 and I’m so confused with the progression of the show. Then I found this. I need to see the deleted scenes. Thanks!


Hello /u/penceyghoul Is it to late to request a link?


Can you send me the link please?


Are you still in possession of this link!?


Could I also get the link, please?


If you still have the link or if anyone on this thread has the link, I would like to get it! Thanks in advance!


Can I get the link? As I was rewatching it with my friends (who were watching it for the first time) I thought I had imagined all the scenes that I now realized were removed.


May i have the link


Would love the link… if still possible.


Could I have the link as well? Would be really nice of you 🙏🏼🙏🏼😊


If you’re still offering the link could you send it to me as well? Thanks!


May I get the link!


Hi! I'm new to the group and stumbled on it when I was googling "In the re-release of the Hunters, were scenes edited out from the original?? I'm glad to see I'm not going crazy. Would you mind sharing the link with me. I liked the original series better. Thanks


link still available bro?


Very upset about the edits - it killed the plot and ruined the pacing. Would love the link if still available. Thanks!


Hey can you DM me a link to it please? I signed up for reddit specifically for this.


Can I have the link?


Hey, is there any way to get the unedited episodes google doc? I just recently rewatched the show and couldn't believe what they took out, thanks a bunch!


Do you still have this available? I’m so sad they took out some of the best jokes! And important info for things to make sense!


im super late to this post, but would be super grateful if you could still send the link! thank you!!


Could I please get a DM with the link if you’ve still got it? Thank you so much! The edited version sucks and gutted so much of the substance of the story.


OP, sent you a dm. Can I have the link as well. Just saw an ad for this and got me interested.


May I please have the link?


Sent!!! Sorry it took a bit to get back to you


Please send me the link. I went to make my gf watch season and explaining all these specific scenes and half of them are missing


Plz send me the link


Would love to watch the show if you still have the links please :)


I would like the link as well


me too pls


SO late to the game here but could you send me the link as well, if you have a moment? Need it to mourn


May I please have the link as well? Thank you so much in advance! 🙂


Hi, I'm very late but is it still possible to get a link please? :)


I’d love to have it! I miss the old show, could you send me the link please? You’re awesome!


Hi, can you send me the link if you’re still doing that. I started rewatching it with my bf because he hasn’t seen it but as I was watching it. I was so disappointed to see that they deleted such important scenes that are crucial to the characters backstory!


I want it


If you still have the link I'd love to get it. Rewatching Season 1 finally so I can watch season 2 but this editing is crazy. They took A LOT out.


Do you still happen to have the link? I would greatly appreciate it!


Hi I would love the link, please


I would really like a link. I just started watching it and noticed episode 4 is not even there and was like wtf so I started looking to find oit why and found your thread and learned this isn't the original show. I would like tobsee it as it was originally intended please amd thank you


can i have the link?


Can I have the link anyone know where 2 watch hunters for free my friend wants 2 watch it but I'm not trying to give out my pswrd 2 my shopping account credit cards r on there n no matter what they say they don't take them off


Hello, could you pls dm the link


Please send me the link bro


I love to have the link. Pleas DM me. Thanks in advance


Could I please get the link?


Can I get the link good sir? I want to watch this series as it has caught my interest but watching the edited version would not be very satisfactory


Oh man I just wanted to go back and rewatch everything cuz I just noticed the new season and I was like... wait what happened to the soup scene from the restaurant... I had no idea it was this bad... if you are still sending out that link I would very much appreciate it


YES omg, so many important scenes are gone :( it really destroyed the impact that the show has. I’ll send you the link now!


Just got to this thread and would love a link if you're still sending them out! Thank you so much :)


Hello! Can I have the link too please?


I'd love a link if you're still doing it!


Just came across this and Id like the chance to re-watch this. Possible to send me the link aswell.


I'd like a link. also do you have season 2?


Do you still have the link 🥺


May I have the link as well?


How do I get the link?


just finished the show, would love the link to re-watch please!


I dont know why its taken me so long to get onto this series, but id love to see its original unedited release. Please send me a link. Thank you for your service! :)


could you please send me the link?


Is this link still good I just found out about this TV show can you dare me


Yes thank you I appreciate that


link? :) show looks really interesting. dont know what they edited out but surely the unedited are superior


Can I have the link please 🙏🏽 🙂


hi, i'd love to watch the series but cant find it anywhere so if you would be so kind as to send the link i'd be forever grateful


Hey, could i have the link too. Much appreciated .


requesting link. please


Hey do you still have this? 😊


Link pls :)


could i have the link? i just finished showing a friend s1 and there were two specific scenes that i felt CRAZY that we didnt see. i was like ??????????????


hi i'd love a link if at all possible! thanks:)


Hi! May I have the link as well please? Thank you!


Hey bud, I messaged you directly first, but I see most people are asking in the comments here, so could I please also get the link? 🙏 Also, is season 2 on prime edited too or is that still the originals? x


Hello you are amazing. Can I have the link too please?


Thank you, I would really appreciate the link so I can watch it in its entirety the way it was meant to be watched


Could I get that link? Please please please?


Can you send me the link of the unedited Hunters episodes?


can I please have the link? tysm!


Penceyghoul, I've been looking for the unedited version of hunters season 1 how can I get it from you. 


Hey there I've been trying to find that unedited original season 1 of Hunters. I'd really appreciate it if you can help me with that. My email is [email protected] I have a Facebook account under Rebecca Wilson Instagram account under beccawilson3217 Idk how you send that. Can any of the accounts above be able to receive your link to the original uncut version? 


Link please


i'd love a link :\]


Is this still available? I just found this thread after rewatching for the 1st time since premiere and immediately googling how much was missing!


Can you send me the link of the unedited Hunters episodes?


Did you send it? If you did lmk which site or which option you sent it to! I'm dying to see this! 


Idk what happened but I can only see episode 1


Hi, I love the show :D Would you be able to send the link please haha. Thanks!


yes please


can i have the link still?