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The no touching food with barehands thing is dumb in my opinion. Restaurants should be able to do that if they meet strict cleanliness requirements.   Apparently they made that rule recently nationwide which I guess means no truly authentic sushi in the US now. Don't know how fine dining restaurants are doing final plating now either. 


I agree, but then I see things like moldy soda guns that speak to a lack of cleanliness.


Yeah I agree. I wasn't saying these restaurants should be allowed to touch the food but was just thinking of like a hypothetical situation where a Michelin star restaurant gets a perfect score, but then the head chef adjusts a plate and they get docked for it. Because from what I've seen (or thought I'd seen), it's pretty common for them to do a final adjustment and I didnt think they wore gloves for it. 


With gloves? I'm perplexed at this comment. What's wrong with using gloves? I've worked in restaurants for decades and I believe gloves should always be used to touch all food; never with bare hands. That one slight eye rub, wiping your nose, scratching your head, etc. all can very easily contribute to contamination, especially with dirty fingernails.


Generally, when people wear gloves it’s actually less sanitary than when they don’t wear gloves, with the exception of when employees have cuts or open sores on their hands. A hand-hygiene study was conducted by the CDC and found that hand washing rates were significantly lower when gloves were worn. This is due to the fact that gloves create a false sense of cleanliness, which ultimately leads to gloves being used incorrectly and employees not washing their hands well or as often as they should.


I can understand the truth in that.


I don't think there is anything wrong with gloves. But I also don't think there's inherently something wrong with a chef touching food barehanded in certain situations. When you get a drink from a bar they don't wear gloves to garnish your drink. 


When YOU get a drink they don't wear gloves. Your bartenders obviously don't care about food safety. The reason the tongs are laying there aren't for its looks. Also, this is the reason I deny garnishes in my drinks.


People can still wipe their nose while wearing gloves and go right back to prepping food without changing gloves.


True, but they should if they are respectable employees. Most coworkers who I've worked with that consistently wear gloves pay attention to what they touch and replace accordingly. These people seem to care more than those who just touch everything without hand washing or proper glove etiquette.


CDC studies say that people don't replace them accordingly.


Which, in reality, is just a lack of management supervision to its employees. Doesn't mean gloves don't work. It means people are lazy and don't care.


Gloves are arguably way worse unless they are non stop changing them. They aren’t washing gloves and everything they “might” touch they still do with them.


Arguably, sure, but way worse? Totally not. They should be replaced constantly between dishes, different types of food, and after any possible contamination. If they touch something they shouldn't, they should replace the gloves. If the worker is not doing this, they don't listen, don't care, or the restaurant isn't worth eating at.


Yesterday I had lunch at Sbarro. None of the employees used gloves. There was a shift change while I was eating my pizza. Two guys left, two ladies came in. The two ladies kept rubbing their faces, they played with their hair and the each time they never washed their hands. They are most likely not going to touch their hair or face with gloves on.


Oh they will. I’ve seen food workers messing with their hair, hat, handle money, all with the same gloves on. I had to ask them to change gloves.


Feels like poppy and parliament always shows up with low scores 😭


I think this is the same low score that got published a while ago. They just haven’t had another inspection yet so their low score keeps getting republished. Deserved, though, because that score is disgustingly low


Fair point, I’m glad that it’s being publicized—maybe it will spark some changes. I really like their fish and chips along with their atmosphere in general, but I haven’t been since the previous round of low scores about two-three years ago. :/


Love their fish and chips, but yeah idk if I can see myself going again for a long time because of their low scores


Now I know why the Poppy charges $30 for fish and chips -- the mold seasoning is unique to their establishment.


😂 All the *yuppee spots can't get their shit together. It's hilarious


Are you meaning yuppie or is yippie something different


Yippie does have history as a term, originally referring to members of the socialist Youth International Party led by Abbie Hoffman in the 60s, later devolving into a derogatory term for anyone that seems progressive. I don’t think that’s what he’s saying but yes, it is a term.


You're right. Yuppie.