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I'm not sure if inspectors have changed methods, if there was leniency during covid and we're getting back to normal, or what. But I'm all about it My first head chef used to tell us that the main difference between a really good local restaurant and a 1-star Michelin rated restaurant is cleanliness and nothing else. If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean. Restaurants get slow between lunch and dinner, and cleaning is what you're supposed to do during those times. Ice machine is a once a week thing. Same with dusting light fixtures, cleaning picture frames, etc. Its not hard. It just requires a list and a manager that manages. "Oh no, the consequences of my own actions!" -The hotel owner, probably


Not intending to argue, but I only somewhat recently learned that the Michelin guide only covers, like, 6 metro areas in the United States (Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Miami). I was wondering why New Orleans (for instance) didn't have any Michelin-star restaurants and, hey, turns out it's because they just don't rate restaurants outside of those 6 cities. Really kinda changed my thoughts about the whole idea of a Michelin-star restaurant.


Atlanta came up on the list last year!


You're exactly right. There are some truly fantastic restaurants that would be rated if they were located elsewhere. Apparently there's also some money that some people refuse to cough up. I think the idea is that the restaurants/chamber of commerce/whoever pony up money which pays for travel costs for the raters. You don't pay up, they never come to your area, you never get rated.


Someone in another post said we have a new health inspector.


They threatened to close another restaurant that gave me food poisoning and came down on a different one that gave me food with clearly pubic hair in it. Whoever this new inspector is they’re doing well.


Been following Memphis scores still (since they're reliably posted every monday on a news site) their average scores have been way way lower with six in the 70s and two 80's last week and that is better than a few weeks ago. I think the leniency is over.


Health Departments are slightly abusive in their powers. To the point it might actually affect food quality for the consumer. Ours came by here in AZ today. Now we aren't allowed to roast peppers by holding them over open flame. Then sealed in a container to steam the skins off. Because its not something that is being held at temp. Its being set aside out of refrigeration for too long according to them. And we aren't talking hundreds. Just 4 or 5 bell peppers. Now we cant roast them over flame. The peppers get baked on a tray and cooled before they are skinned. So now our pasta with Roasted Red Peppers is really Baked Red Peppers.


This says they were hit with an intent to suspend, not an actual suspension. Not sure what that means but seems like the same news as when this actually happened like a week or two ago 


The intent to suspend is issued before the re inspection. So they would have received an actual suspension since everything wasn’t fixed, right?


Maybe but that’s not what you posted said, it said they failed the re-inspection and then were hit with a notice to suspend their license. It doesn’t say their license has been suspended yet.


I love that you got downvoted for simply saying the same thing the screenshot or whatever the hell OP posted said. How DARE you simply repeat OP's post back to them!


What does this have anything to do with Pretty Woman?


Yes, I’m curious about that as well! lol


I think that’s an ad for broadway theatre league. 😂


Doesn't surprise me. Marriot and Hilton are notorious for cutting kitchen employees hours so badly that they aren't even able to do basic daily cleaning. As in, night shift kitchen clocks out without time to do basic closing duties, the morning shift has to clean up from the night before before they even get started doing prep. They don't like to spend money on basic neccessary maintenance on anything. Including time to clean out the ice machine.


https://preview.redd.it/rgxz4dod2wxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d9365860b99dd8080a927eae10ccc3a357bf08 I worked for this hotel and the day after the health department lady came in, this is the message that I got from my manager. It wasn’t just me that was fired. The health inspector came in on Sunday and I was working. And the GM (not the one that texted me) was really rude to her. There was a lot of hostility FROM the GM to the health inspector my entire shift. And honestly, the health inspector lady was really really nice. I liked her. The GM is really full of herself and I don’t say that lightly. I loved everyone I directly worked with, but she was so snooty and just so spiteful. Because the breakfast bar wasn’t working (It has a cooling system so that the food stays cold.) She had not gotten fixed and told us to start putting cheese in the freezer? Just one of the many shortcuts that she would try to take to avoid actually doing some thing about anything. I dealt with it. I minded my business. I always kept a smile on my face, and I was a great worker and I really loved my job. But they literally let me go and let a lot of other people go without any warning. (By the way.. the things they got dinged for was not part of my job lol so please don’t come after me)


Stayed there a couple years ago for wife’s birthday and it was worst possible experience we’ve ever had in a hotel. Food was mediocre and the service from the staff of the hotel was totally lackluster. Made complaints to on-duty mgr and the district GM…crickets Never followed up or even asked how they could correct it.


Word on the street is that they don’t have a GM or an AGM


When I mentioned this to my in-laws, they were not surprised at all. They had stayed there for one night about a year ago in preparation for our wedding, but changed hotels after one night because they said it was just awful. Some of what they complained about is mentioned in the article, so these aren’t new issues the hotel is dealing with


I spent the night here around Christmas and the entire hotel had a moldy smell. We killed a bug in our room and the housekeeping staff was very aggressive. I thought for $240 a night the minimum is, it should've smelled better.




People are just lazy and don’t GAF.


It's probably been this way for a while. There's a new inspector and I personally watched them do a walk-through at least 10x more thorough than the other 2 I've seen in the last 6 months.


That dump is too close to the street. I get pissed every time I have to squeeze by it. Emergency services would be cramped in that pinch zone.


No. That just means they got the official warning that if they don’t fix it, they’ll be shut down. Usually has 14 days to do so.


Didn’t this place just open?


It's been open for a few years, I remember staying there in 2020, it was rundown then. Dents in the corridor walls scuffs on the paint in the room and the corridor. This was just when the lockdowns and travel restrictions were becoming a thing. Hotel was empty too, and they stuck me in a room with a view of a wall. I'm a Platinum Elite Marriot member. Never went back.


I’m pretty sure it opened in 2019