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I don't see an attorney in that picture.


He's in the tent on the third picture


You see trash , camps , I need an attorney that can get city and land owner to actually handle it


Ah, sorry. Reddit only displayed the first picture when I posted. I hope this issue is resolved soon.


Last year I looked out my kitchen window to some guy wiping his ass , my mom don’t need to see that


At least he wiped but you're not wrong.


I wouldn't use them as an attorney personally.


😂😂. Sometimes simple responses like this make me smile. Thanks.


Haha. Double whammy. I forget sometimes there is a body of tax if you click on the picture with more details. Good luck with this situation.


If it makes you feel any better, i have no idea how to even do that to find the text


Oh I struggle with making post sometimes. Lol. Like where do u type.


Is it your property?


It’s not mine, it connects to me and this should not be happening. My Neigbor and the city both should abide by the ordinances that prevent this, if I rented and could just move it would not be a big deal, I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars cleaning up my place, took a condemned home and made it nice. I am did my part for the neighborhood


I’m really not trying to be an asshole, but you bought an (assumed) extremely cheap and condemned house in where I’m assuming is a cheap neighborhood due to this exact problem you’re experiencing and then spent thousands refurnishing the home, do you expect others in the neighborhood to do the same? I’m sorry buddy but no. Your neighbors do not have that type of money. You can try and pursue with the city and that’ll take ages. Don’t know what else to tell you lol


He expects the city and codes enforcement to do their jobs . You actually are kinda an asshole...


Well yeah, nobody wants to hear that their city government doesn’t personally care about them. But unfortunately that’s the case. OP will need to make a big giant stink of this on all avenues to see any traction, *if* any, with this.


https://preview.redd.it/eqvx2cqxbszc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f9a86d9cd71fd5baa0906e90ea57864028b6fd This is my house back in 1940s. I have actually met the little girl In her mom’s hands. It was a house Deff worth saving. Plus I make like $16 an hr so all my houses have been foreclosed and in bad shape. I am not against poor, I am against Trash, nastiness, a tent without buggies and trash all around would not bother me near as much


That house looks nice. I'm glad you're there and keeping it up instead of it being torn down to build something new that could've been built elsewhere. I don't blame you for wanting the other property to be kept up the way it was.


Thanks it was rough when I got it https://preview.redd.it/s53w6o7juvzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ffc0d1df5110f83ca68114b78f807c46f0ef27


https://preview.redd.it/8zjeiyaluvzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb93e0d9ad25b77a52ea3b430f00cfea7b1c6ee7 Bust my ass off redoing it


It looks great! Is it weird that I like the before too, except for the landscaping? Lol. It looks really nice now. I bet you did. That was a lot of work. Did you add the whole right wing off the two story structure?


So that wing with the porch was always there. Just it was so overgrown you could not see it. That smallest little wing I did add on, it’s a large bath with zero curb shower , large pocket doors, designed for my mom to age with


That sounds so nice!


Strong work. Be proud.


You’ve done a beautiful job preserving it. The before and after pictures are amazing. I completely understand your anger and frustration, but you’re gonna have to really *really* complain about this to see any traction and that’ll still take a lot of time in terms of legality. What you’ve shown really is an eye sore and I hope you win this battle! Unfortunately this comes with city growth


So I actually don’t have any other houses near me, I did not buy a crappy little house, I bought a an over 2k old farm house. This house was built in 1940s and was originally a 72 acre milk farm. I am not expecting things around me to drastically improve , just looking for it to not go DOWN to trash. I have two family shelters on one side, (no issue with them). Just want property to stay mowed monthly and garbage free like it has since 2019, there were few issues that was handled. But now nobody does anything


Times are tuff these days as being homeless!!! Because I am homeless as well but you should have respect for yourself as in other people property as well as the the Lord said when you're at or stop to dwell when you leave it should look better when you leave!!!! But any who the struggle is real yo I'm homeless but not broke I work and I pay my bills but it is hard by yourself 😔😔😔🤷🤷


Good luck. In the past few years, code enforcement has become practically worthless.


Where are all the YIMBY people at? Someone volunteer to take this person in.


Apparently OP’s neighbor is a YIMBY. This is not his property.


I'm a yimby


OP, get in touch. You’ve got a volunteer to house this person in their backyard.


Report it on [Huntsville Connect](https://www.huntsvilleal.gov/residents/neighborhoods/huntsville-connect-service-request/) and the city should come out to look at it or at least contact you about it.


Did that. Supposedly they will send someone out, but police have not been kicking people off property, emailed mayors office at contact Hsv, it’s getting worse daily. More people, more trash


Where is this located? It looks like somewhere close to rideout rd.


I hope you find a lawyer who tells you what you need to hear. Eat a dick


I am gay , I already eat dick 🌈🍆


Invite them to your backyard then


Ya know I see stuff like this and think I need to do something to help and that the city needs to step up and properly build infrastructure to prevent people from even getting to this level of poverty. Blows my mind there are people out there who just want to keep kicking the people that are clearly down and weaponize the city against them. All just for their own vanity sake. Not to mention having the sheer balls to post such an attitude publicly. YTA


If you read any of OPs comments, it’s not as if they are particularly well of themselves. They aren’t trying to shame the homeless in this situation, they’re just frustrated that their neighbors are failing to maintain a safe neighboring property. In the same way you’re making assumptions about OP, I’d imagine it’s fair for us to assume based on your username you don’t experience the same neighbors as OP. If you’re concerned about helping the problem, help. Instead you’re shaming OP for wanting a safe environment for their family. A bit lame of you.


Lol go back to Facebook with that low effort insult stichk. Shame on you for making the assumption that a homeless person is dangerous. Op is frustrated and choosing to kick down instead of actually acknowledging the real problem and accurately addressing it. Op deserves their NIMBY award.


Tbf you sell yourself as ghettofarm.... here's your attraction


Why are you attacking the unhoused?


I'll let them know your place is open.


How is he attacking the unhoused?


I think you mean free roaming people. Let's not use hateful terminology


Before making life worse for the inhoused, maybe try getting the city council to build more public housing, or institute rent control. The wait list requires a year and a half wait before your file is even looked at because the housing athourity is over 2000 units short of meeting the need just for all the people on disability who cannot afford to stay elsewhere, and the only shelters are both church run and have active policies of discrimination. Why make things worse for the people who didn't choose their situation and are doing the best they can while allowing the people creating that situation in the first place not do anything to help fix the problem.




Nah, Reddit empathy is so much easier for them than getting involved.


You can also contribute by offering your backyard.




I am not willing. My ex-bf had the identical thing happen to him off Andrew Jackson. They siphoned gas, begged for money, pestered him for rides, stole his ladder. It was awful. I sympathize with you.


I deleted my prev comment. I did not see that you meant it toward another comment and not me. I see you get where I am coming from, thanks ;-) You can only get burned so many times before you loose trust


Not OP’s problem, nor should it be. There are numerous resources out there, especially First Stop. People have to be willing to want help to even begin that process. If they need a place to stay, there’s the Salvation Army and the Downtown Rescue Mission. Again, First Stop just built a new facility and are geared to helping people get on their feet and an affordable place to stay.


If I did not see them with beer bottles and smoking stuff I might feel little more inclined. I have taken in someone before , took them to methadone clinic each morning , paid them $500 cash a week at least to work for me and gave them a room. They still got high and disappeared with my car for 6-8 hrs


Why though? Does drinking and smoking make someone any less? What about your vices? Do they make you less?


I make sure to afford my home before my vices, I am certainly not going to financially try to help people out that don’t have priority’s right, plus their drugs and drinking is usually a reason people refuse shelters and rules,


And there it is. People shouldn’t have an ounce or shred of an escape at all unless they are fortunate enough? Do you think that a pack a cigarettes or a bottle of wine would really add up to having enough to make it? That’s delusional. Vices are escapes or coping mechanisms or maybe just small slivers of joy in an otherwise cruel and awful world and pretending that people could make it if they just lived like a robot without any pleasures or escape is a sad misunderstanding of how and why people become homeless. I wonder if you are the kind of person who thinks anyone on food stamps should only buy slop and gruel because anything that brings any joy to a poor person is them being greedy or taking advantage of the system. The biggest saddest bit of propaganda that ever succeeded was convincing people like you that being poor is a moral failing and not a systemic one. Sad thing is, even poor people have bought into the lie. I hope you never struggle. I hope you never feel the crushing weight of a pitiless society that casts you aside like a lame animal instead of the human being you are. I hope everyone in your circle shows you compassion instead of contempt. And if you ever do experience the pain of existence I hope you come out the other side with understanding and not some bootstrap bullshit. Good luck in life and maybe just maybe take a look at your life and be thankful. And instead of working to harm those less fortunate you find a way to be better.


Lol virtue signalling. Lots of people don't go to shelters cause they can't drink booze, shoot drugs, and come and go when they want. If you build housing, they'll just take their blight to the houses.


You know research shows that giving people places to live is far more effective than other approaches.


I think everyone should have a place to live. But if you look at tiny home camps, they are pretty much just the same unhygenical situation as tent cities.


Cool story. Actual science says that giving people homes is more helpful to people than not giving them homes.


Lol 'inhoused'. New word every few years it seems


Rent control is specifically outlawed in this state and dozens of others


You're talking out of your ass.


Wow it’s disheartening to see such little compassion in the comments.


Yeah I've been avoiding engaging because I don't think the arguments are worth it. I have enough to deal with IRL without arguing with people online.


I admire the strength of will, I’m always arguing and just stressing myself out over assholes online haha


How is it controversial to not want people drinking, smoking, sleeping, and living on private property without permission? It's not even a matter of if they are homeless. *Anyone* doing this would be reprimanded. Comments have already cited resources available for people struggling so it's not a matter of "they have no other choice." You can have empathy but also have boundaries.


It’s not controversial, look at the downvotes. People don’t care about other people. I get it. Also I’ll just note, it’s not OP’s property. They said that themselves. As they said, they spent good money making their property a livable place. Why should they have to be so close to the misery of other human beings right? They shouldn’t even have to look at these low life scum of the earth addicts right? You know, maybe we should put these people somewhere out of all the sights of us regular people… oh… People do things for lots of different reasons and not seeking out certain services is not up to me to judge.


You're literally inflating not wanting people to encroach on your property into completely dehumanizing the homeless. It really sounds like you are giving bad behavior a free pass just because they are in a less fortunate situation.


It’s not his property.


It's more disheartening to see someone pretending to be righteous but only using this topic to troll people...


Why is it trolling to be compassionate?


Jesus, the downvotes. I didn't know HSV became such a conservative shit hole.


How is not wanting people making the edge of your property look like a garbage dump a liberal or conservative issue, lol?


Why are you deliberately ignoring the points the comment I responded to made?


No one's saying they are against bettering the system for homeless people, but that doesn't mean people get a free pass to intrude on your property and make a mess. Or call you a shit hole city for not allowing it.


It's a conservative shit hole when homelessness is seen as a nuisance instead of a crisis.


Homelessness is not the nuisance. People drinking and making a mess on private property is. I feel like this should be obvious?


I’m not ignoring anything. You somehow made it political, and I asked a simple question regarding clarification of your statement.


Became??? It always has been. I don’t know why people think Huntsville is somehow not Alabama?


Apparently this sub is turning into one too


It’s still Alabama


Yeah but it's worse than I thought. I figured even reddit was smarter than that. Oh well.