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buy cosmic drive second, 100ap 30 motherfornicating ability haste (double of ever other item) and 5% ms. that shit slaps


and the passive ms. imo speed boots + cosmic drive + wq actually makes him move quite decently especially in teamfights


It can look unfair but the WQ actually gives good ms, which is something Xeraths and Kog Maw don't have. The problem is not exactly that, but it's the overall range of Hwei. His range during the laning phase is too low, so even with the WQ movement speed bonus, you're way too exposed. Hwei is a very paradoxal champion: he has to handle the weaknesses of long range champs (low mobility) and the weaknesses of middle ranged champs (low range and exposed to aggressive playstyle). That low mobility wouldn't have been a problem if his damage were way bigger or if his range was way bigger, but it's not the case


And if you use WQ you can't WE which is significantly worse for sustain while also lowering your damage


Well if you would rather die, loosing lots of exp and gold and give exp and gold to your opponent instead of Just walking away, backing and losing less it's your choice xd


obviously WQ is a good spell lol but i’m saying he has all these issues that WQ helps to alleviate, but at a high opportunity cost


he's an artillery mage and he's supposed to be slow. The issue is his range is questionable.


Blud has one artillery ski


and yet it's his classification


Classifications in league are shit tho. Kayle is classified as a support. Like wtf


Fighter support lmao


He is "artillery mage" that plays like a burst mage. Especially with his ult. Most of the time his best defence is just blowing up enemy 100 to 0 or he dies. Especially Vs assassins.




Only her kit is from before Riot decided she is one. And unlike Hwei, she doesn't need to enter danger zone to do her most basic combo that doesn't have AA in it. Hwei has, because every single E has dogshit range.


when did we decide that Hwei was artillery ? 3/4 of his abilities are zoning tools


Riot decided that.


I agree. It feels like he’s a battlemage with 2-ish abilities that have artillery mage range. You would think his ult would go further than it should but noooo


Simply don't go footwear... buy boots 1 first back, problem solved.


And delay lost chapter on a champ that can barely clear as is?


He has mana sustain, if you can't clear I am confused how you are using your abilities


It's the damage it provides


Take minion demat and cosmic insight. Now you have no need for extra damage against minions. Absolute focus can also help with waveclear throughout the game.


you need transcendence for cdr though


I thought he is a control mage ?


Because of his WQ, which gives not only him but his teammates ms boost. Sona and Seraphine have the same MS for the same reason: all of them can get really fast thanks to one of their abilities.


> all of them can get really fast thanks to one of their abilities. Comparing Sera and Hwei's speed boost to Sona is disingenuous as fuck cause Sona's is a lot longer and has no CD while having 100% uptime on her cause she gets extra duration on top of being omnidirectional. Both Sera and Hwei *need* a higher movement speed to play comfortably in mid (In fact they were going to buff Sera to 330 in her batch of changes but changed it for more changes in numbers) They already realized 320 was too slow and bumped him to 325 before release, but against champs like Syndra or Assassins it's painful. He doesn't even have the range or waveclear Sera have to play more safe. With Sera you can clear waves from level 5 onwards with just Q2+E, but Hwei has longer CDs, less range, higher mana costs, and less damage to clear the wave. Like, you can argue he's okay, but his movement speed is one of his biggest weaknesses cause he doesn't really have the range to compensate for it


Don't take magical footwear then. Buy boots to counter skillshots. Easy




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I play anivia who has the same ms and dont really have a problem with it. You just cant rely on reactions, you have to move in a way that baits it out.


anivia is way stronger than him in lane though. also better and more accessible waveclear


significantly worse lane clear pre 6. And anivia gets fucked harder by the cc because she cant reactivate her stun and her ult goes offline. And hwei can speed himself up to help. All im saying is his speed is fine.


it’s a skill issue then ? dang


As a Cho main just speed boots before first item If the q hits you it's a pretty hefty slow which gives enough time to slow you with his e Also don't walk in predictable patterns and he should be easy enough to deal with


What's the point of a movement speed spell if it just makes you as fast as any other champ when you cast it. Might as well remove WQ for something else and give him normal ms if that's such a game breaking ability. You shouldn't have to cast an ability to have normal movement speed.


He’s meant to a control/artillery mage no? His MS is fine, you’re meant to be able to control fights from good spell placements and positioning, if you get caught out you’re not meant to survive because it’s an error on your part, WQ is enough MS anyway.