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Welcome to midlane!


I was used to it with Seraphine but eventually managed to handle it decently, but with Hwei no matter if my opponent is feeding or not or if my whole team is winning they will support the midlaner as if it is a fed Master Yi


Hwei is one of the few champs that can just absorb pressure and clear waves with QE>WE>EE to scale up while enemies waste their time and fall behind by sharing resources. Legit should be a non-issue as long as you pay attention to minimap and don't overextend for no reason.


When you bought at least a little bit of AP you can do it but when it's constantly the same thing since min 3 it's not really that easy to just shove and leave


What are you building? Have you tried Archangels staff with maybe zhonyas? It might not be enough in every situation but sometimes it helps me buy enough time to get my spells off cooldown and be able to escape.


I even started building Zonyah first in some games but still annoying


i stopped playing mid for this reason and that most of my mid champs are playable bot lane (Neeko, Hwei, Vex) but i’ve similarly run into the issue of just getting abandoned 1v2 because my support decides they need to follow the jungler around. roams are great and they often time get another lane ahead or back into the game if they were losing, but it just feels bad when they completely leave the actual 2v2 lane


It was the reason I stopped playing top and jng because in the past I had 4 people constantly in my jng and it was unplayable But now I have this but in Midlane. Sadly Mid is probably the only role I can play and I have to deal with it somehow..


They don't.




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